Ummm Sorry? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-01-26 11:13:42 by AlphaOmegaSith

I'll try to keep this short but I'm sorry for making fun of the Zoophiles here who have self control, you know who you are. You are why I stopped posting this thread on CringeAnarchy for lulz. I'm sorry you have fucked up people here in the community. However don't mistake this for 100% agreement because I'm not sold on Zoophilia being ok or a legitimate thing but after the latest drama I've decided to give you the benefit of the doubt.

Thank you reasonable Zoophiles.

[deleted] 7 points on 2017-01-26 11:28:47

Benefit of the doubt is more than most people give us.


AlphaOmegaSith 2 points on 2017-01-28 09:54:23

Just being honest

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 5 points on 2017-01-26 12:50:52

If my word has any impact, I'm a geneticist by trade, and while we don't have evidence specific to my field for it, the mechanisms for attraction as I've come to understand them before finding this community make more than ample room for zoophilia or zoosexuality(For mammals and avians, at least).

Hopefully your reaching out here will prompt the people you took issue with to take a good, hard look at their behavior.

Sauce for context, for those that aren't aware of what happened.

AlphaOmegaSith 4 points on 2017-01-28 10:21:07

Well I'm still I guess on the fence about all this really. I mean I'm no ally but I'm just not as put off by some of the people here anymore.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 0 points on 2017-01-26 14:45:38

You are why I stopped posting this thread on CringeAnarchy for lulz.

Doesn't hurt to make a little fun of something, right?
Ah no mate, it doesn't matter if you destroy our image!
It's already down to 0%! Pfff, who cares?
Especially in that sub, which is pretty cringy itself.
Buncha teens with a bit too much time on their hands.

However don't mistake this for 100% agreement because I'm not sold on Zoophilia being ok or a legitimate thing

Thank you reasonable Zoophiles.

If you don't agree on zoophilia being right then how are there any ''reasonable zoophiles''?
First, you don't agree with us. Second, most zoos did have sex with an animal.

But hey, you're different from the usual anti.
Well, you do love pointing out the bad sides of our people and say that zoophilia isn't a 'legit' thing (...What?).
But you're not calling us straight up rapists and scream like a child, but that's probably just because you can't really do that here since you know it's gonna get you banned.
Still, that's what makes you so unique, no?

But sympathy doesn't do anything for me.
Maybe if it involved some actions, rather than stopping one, I would be happy with it.
But hey, can't please everyone, right?

[deleted] 5 points on 2017-01-26 14:58:37

Comments like this really don't help, especially if someone really is on the fence and trying to give us the "benefit of the doubt" for the time being.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-26 15:01:45

His threads don't help much either.
Ahem this thread ahem that Aluzky thread ahem.

I'm genuinely curious, you know?
I want him to answer these questions.
Especially how he's against us, yet somehow accepts us.

And as I said, sympathy doesn't do anything for me.
And I thought I wasn't supposed to care what people think of us?

[deleted] 3 points on 2017-01-26 15:03:16

He didn't say he's against us, he said he's "not entirely convinced." There is a MAJOR difference there.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2017-01-26 15:10:05

It's a bit hard to be not against zoophilia if you aren't convinced that it's not wrong.
If people do wrong things, it's normal for you to hate them, unless you don't give a shit for some reason.
Also, he doesn't even see it as a legit thing. Yeah what's it then? A fairytale?
But you see, that's why I'm so curious.

[deleted] 5 points on 2017-01-26 15:11:50

It's a bit hard to be not against zoophilia if you aren't convinced that it's not wrong.

Opinions aren't necessarily so binary as you make them out to be.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-26 15:15:38

If he doesn't hate us even though he doesn't ''entirely'' agree that zoophilia is right, then he's either sick or doesn't give a shit about animals.

And my other points still stand.
I was told that I shouldn't give a fuck what others care about us, so I do.
I'm also still quite curious how his mind works.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-01-26 15:17:11

I'm also still quite curious how his mind works.

Fair enough.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-01-26 15:32:07

If he doesn't hate us even though he doesn't ''entirely'' agree that zoophilia is right, then he's either sick or doesn't give a shit about animals.

I think that in all current settings, pedophilia is bad. I don't hate pedophiles though. Not even when they do it, am I angry. Doesn't change my opinion of it, but just because something is 'wrong' doesn't mean you have to get mad or even upset about it.

I was told that I shouldn't give a fuck what others care about us, so I do.

You were told more that you shouldn't get upset over it, if I recall. Image is still important if you want change, though.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-26 15:39:24

I think that in all current settings, pedophilia is bad. I don't hate pedophiles though. Not even when they do it, am I angry. Doesn't change my opinion of it, but just because something is 'wrong' doesn't mean you have to get mad or even upset about it.

So you're not angry when someone does bad stuff?
Ah yes, we'll pamper everyone and everything!
These poor people don't know what they're doing.

Hey rapist, let's have a cup of tea together!
I'm totally not mad at you for raping everything in sight!
But hey hey hey, we can't let you do that stuff.
It's totally normal to not be angry at others for literally harming others on purpose or accident!

I don't know how you can 'just let it slide'...

You were told more that you shouldn't get upset over it, if I recall. Image is still important if you want change, though.

And that is...?
But hey, I'm not getting upset over haters and I'm not getting happy because of the 'supporters.'
No point in wasting energy on emotions if I can just do my own thing.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-01-26 15:55:50

So you're not angry when someone does bad stuff? Ah yes, we'll pamper everyone and everything! These poor people don't know what they're doing. Hey rapist, let's have a cup of tea together! I'm totally not mad at you for raping everything in sight! But hey hey hey, we can't let you do that stuff. It's totally normal to not be angry at others for literally harming others on purpose or accident!

I don't get mad about it, but when did I say that nothing should be done about it? Getting mad would just drive me to do something irrational and potentially equally harmful. It would lead me to draw conclusions with limited information. It would lead me to pursue punishment over finding a mutually beneficial solution.

... It would make me forget that I'm looking at a person, not a monster. Pedophiles can keep their attractions in check when they have an outlet, and a pedophile would rather do that than scar a child.

And that is...? But hey, I'm not getting upset over haters and I'm not getting happy because of the 'supporters.' No point in wasting energy on emotions if I can just do my own thing.

Change is where we reap mutual benefit. Those 'supporters' are still votes and voices, and I bet my lunch that you're letting your emotions run the show right now.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-26 16:40:10

I don't get mad about it, but when did I say that nothing should be done about it? Getting mad would just drive me to do something irrational and potentially equally harmful.

Getting mad does not always drive someone to do something harmful.
If that counts for you, then you might have some real aggression problems.
How ironic coming from me, no?
But of course, if people do bad things then you fight back.
This world isn't all rainbows and innocence.
What do we do with the people who keep doing bad shit?
We're gonna let them fuck everything up or what?
You see, I don't take people doing bad things very kindly.

Would you not get mad at someone killing your loved ones...?

It would lead me to draw conclusions with limited information. It would lead me to pursue punishment over finding a mutually beneficial solution.

Overthinking can be a bad thing.
You can miss some important information doing that.
Getting mad over harmful actions seems pretty more-than-normal to me.
And it doesn't always involve beating the shit out of others either.
I haven't found a single person who doesn't get angry over harmful actions and such.

It would make me forget that I'm looking at a person, not a monster. Pedophiles can keep their attractions in check when they have an outlet, and a pedophile would rather do that than scar a child.

A monster can be a person...
Am I misunderstanding you here?
You're saying pedos need an outlet, like children?
If so, what even the fuck?
It's infuriating.

Those 'supporters' are still votes and voices, and I bet my lunch that you're letting your emotions run the show right now.

Votes 'n voices huh?
Sadly they don't do shit.
When has that EVER helped us?

My emotions aren't running the show, but they're here participating.
Can't tell you that they've never did, honestly.
But I don't know why it matters in this case?
I'm still usin' my brain and OPs thread is nothing but about emotions.
''Sorry sorry sorry!''

I see no point in OPs thread and have a feeling I never will.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-01-26 18:24:34

Getting mad does not always drive someone to do something harmful. If that counts for you, then you might have some real aggression problems.

Note that I said potentially. I practice mindfulness anyway, so my emotions are more than under control for the most part.

What do we do with the people who keep doing bad shit? We're gonna let them fuck everything up or what? You see, I don't take people doing bad things very kindly.

What do we do with the people who keep doing bad shit?

We're gonna let them fuck everything up or what?

You see, I don't take people doing bad things very kindly.

Would you not get mad at someone killing your loved ones...?

I spent my entire sixth grade getting bullied and walked all over by four upperclassmen. One of those four people, I invited to my going away party, after he made my life a living hell and made me afraid to go outside through it all. That was despite the persistent discouragement of peers and teachers alike. He came to the party, all the same, crying and apologizing profusely; literally moved to tears by the gesture. I'd never gotten such a sincere apology in my life, and I wager I never will again. I beat him in these skirmishes a number of times, too. Pursuing him with my brother, coming to his home to confront him there. Getting him in trouble with teachers when I told them what happened. But he never really regretted bullying me ; just the consequences. Not until that party.

The death of loved ones is nothing to compare to petty online arguments. People aren't killing puppies because they read about bestiality in /r/cringeanarchy. Sure, what he did was shitty for zoos, but a more accurate analogy would be something like "Would you not get mad if someone started gossiping about how you were just like the bad egg in your class?" but that would go against the narrative of not caring about public perception.

A monster can be a person...

Or people can be monsters, for the more useful phrasing in this circumstance. I was speaking metaphorically rather than literally.

Am I misunderstanding you here?

You're saying pedos need an outlet, like children?

If so, what even the fuck?

It's infuriating.

You... literally just proved my point about drawing conclusions. An outlet is something you use to channel or manage something IE an outlet for aggression is video games. An outlet for a pedophile would be some sort of erotica with no real children involved.

Votes 'n voices huh?

Sadly they don't do shit.

When has that EVER helped us?

That's like saying all wooden planks are useless for making a barquentine when you only have enough to make a dinghy. Of course you'd think that... you don't have enough of em.

But I don't know why it matters in this case?

I'm still usin' my brain and OPs thread is nothing but about emotions.

Humans are (unsurprisingly) emotional by nature, and their emotions can have lasting effects. Although it may mean little to you, it is much more significant to the OP and this community's reception to it may be the chief factor in how he ends up perceiving zoos.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-26 19:02:18

I spent my entire sixth grade getting bullied and walked all over by four upperclassmen. One of those four people, I invited to my going away party, after he made my life a living hell and made me afraid to go outside through it all. That was despite the persistent discouragement of peers and teachers alike. He came to the party, all the same, crying and apologizing profusely; literally moved to tears by the gesture. I'd never gotten such a sincere apology in my life, and I wager I never will again. I beat him in these skirmishes a number of times, too. Pursuing him with my brother, coming to his home to confront him there. Getting him in trouble with teachers when I told them what happened. But he never really regretted bullying me ; just the consequences. Not until that party.

And you know what I used to do when I was treated like shit?
I may not have invited them to parties, but I did stuff for them.
There never really was a thank you.
There was nothing but manipulation and abusing the fact that I forgive people so much back then.
I grew quite different and quickly into another person in a small timespan.
Thank my bitch, videogames and experiences with humans for boosting my confidence and strength!
I beat one of the fuckers after accusing me of something I didn't do. (Getting accused like always. Great huh?)
Funny how he's bothered me a lot less.
These people don't really give a shit when you're a cowardly losery pushover, they will abuse it to the max because they know they can just do it all over again for their own good.
That's how humans are.

The death of loved ones is nothing to compare to petty online arguments. People aren't killing puppies because they read about bestiality in /r/cringeanarchy. Sure, what he did was shitty for zoos, but a more accurate analogy would be something like "Would you not get mad if someone started gossiping about how you were just like the bad egg in your class?" but that would go against the narrative of not caring about public perception.

But you're saying that bad actions do not make you angry.
And so I made this comparison.
But I understand what you mean.
Sure, killing and arguing online is a bit different.
But you talked about pedos and the stuff they do and that it doesn't make you mad.
Now tell me, what if a pedo rapes a child?
Now tell me, what if a pedo rapes your child?

You... literally just proved my point about drawing conclusions.

I was making an example because I did not know what you mean.
That's why I asked if I'm misunderstanding you.
Might as well assume something instead of standing there dry: ''Wut?''

An outlet is something you use to channel or manage something IE an outlet for aggression is video games. An outlet for a pedophile would be some sort of erotica with no real children involved.

Encouraging sick thoughts, are we now?
Pedophiles aren't dumb, they're sick.
Surely all pedos will ''fall'' for such a thing.
If zoos happened to be sick and I'd get something like that, it wouldn't please me in any way.
It's like a placebo, fake shit doesn't work.

That's like saying all wooden planks are useless for making a barquentine when you only have enough to make a dinghy. Of course you'd think that... you don't have enough of em.

But I'm not going to care for that one plank, especially if it's a defect one.
Like OP.
I still haven't seen proof that voices will help zoophilia in any way.
Humans won't listen.

Humans are (unsurprisingly) emotional by nature, and their emotions can have lasting effects. Although it may mean little to you, it is much more significant to the OP and this community's reception to it may be the chief factor in how he ends up perceiving zoos.

Okay? It still doesn't change anything for me.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-01-27 07:08:50

And you know what I used to do when I was treated like shit? I may not have invited them to parties, but I did stuff for them. There never really was a thank you. There was nothing but manipulation and abusing the fact that I forgive people so much back then. I grew quite different and quickly into another person in a small timespan. Thank my bitch, videogames and experiences with humans for boosting my confidence and strength! I beat one of the fuckers after accusing me of something I didn't do. (Like always. Great huh?) Funny how he's bothered me a lot less. These people don't really give a shit when you're a cowardly losery pushover, they will abuse it to the max because they know they can just do it all over again for their own good. That's how humans are.

This is a perfect place for the rest of my story, actually. See, that bully? His mother was a chain smoker. Smoked in the house, more often than not. There was a veritable cloud of cigarette smoke that billowed out of their front door when his mother answered the door as we went there to confront him once, and you'd notice the smell at school too. This was in spring, mind you. A thick, choking miasma that he slept, ate, and bathed in. My first thought was that she was his grandmother; knobby appendages, sagging liver spot mottled skin... She looked to be in her nineties at the age of forty-two. She had this... not scratchy or hoarse, but raking voice that of itself was terrifying, not in any capacity of risk, but rather, the implications of what earned her that voice. And she brought with her a wheezing respiration that would rise up into a screech of sorts, or a hacking cough. She'd have been at home in a coffin the way she looked, really. eyes sunken in, physique little more than a skeletal frame. Two years after I'd left, his mother died in a house fire, the cause was unknown, but it's easy to guess what happened. His situation was special, perhaps, but for him, that party was one of the only positive experiences of his life. He was a textbook case; poor home life, nicotine addiction through secondhand smoke, poor nutrition... so of course I had an effect on him. It's important to know your audience in those cases.

Now tell me, what if a pedo rapes a child? Now tell me, what if a pedo rapes your child?

I don't intend on having any children, nor a relationship, for that matter, but I'll humor this. I'm not going to approach it with anger. "A pedo" is still not some maligned creature, more often than not. Approaching them with a blind fury won't solve the underlying issues, and I'd much rather they live a fulfilling life understanding the importance of having a harmless outlet, than having them spending their days in prison. That is the most beneficial outcome, and the one that they would likely have never have been afforded otherwise.

Encouraging sick thoughts, are we now? Pedophiles aren't dumb, they're sick. Surely all pedos will ''fall'' for such a thing. If zoos happened to be sick and I'd get something like that, it wouldn't please me in any way. It's like a placebo, fake shit doesn't work.

Rape and violent crime statistics go down when the population has internet porn. It's fair to say that this is universal. It's the same as me telling you to repress your attraction to dogs, to never touch or look at one sexually, ever again from here on out. Willpower is finite when you have nothing to supplement it, and fantasies are fine so long as you ensure they remain just that.

But I'm not going to care for that one plank, especially if it's a defect one. Like OP. I still haven't seen proof that voices will help zoophilia in any way. Humans won't listen.

Funny you say that. OP listened, and he's got newfound respect for zoos if nothing else. I listened. All my friends listened, too. There are many, many people willing to heed those voices, but they need to be collectively loud enough to be heard. The situation is dire right now, for certain, but now is not the time for hopelessness. When even 30-30 is more hopeful than you are, you know he's probably right.

Okay? It still doesn't change anything for me.

It changes the reality of the situation whether you think it does or not.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-27 17:51:23

I don't intend on having any children, nor a relationship, for that matter

That's not what I meant.
I mean, you won't be mad at someone if he hurts you loved ones?
I really must stab a knife in my arm if you're going to tell me you don't have any loved ones.
You know what I mean.

I'm not going to approach it with anger. "A pedo" is still not some maligned creature, more often than not. Approaching them with a blind fury won't solve the underlying issues

And letting it all just happen doesn't do shit either.

I'd much rather they live a fulfilling life understanding the importance of having a harmless outlet, than having them spending their days in prison. That is the most beneficial outcome, and the one that they would likely have never have been afforded otherwise.

That's still encouraging sick thoughts.
Sick thoughts results in actual actions.
Prison is better for these people as they can't harm anyone there.

Rape and violent crime statistics go down when the population has internet porn. It's fair to say that this is universal.

I'd like some stats on that.
And universal? What about people who don't have internet or don't even use it?
Again, this encourages the acts of such things.

Why should we give them these ''fake outlets''?
It's to protect children, right?
First, if they would harm children in the first place then they deserve nothing but jail and punishment.
If these pedos wouldn't harm children like that then they don't need an outlet at all.
Second, they won't be satisfied with the ''fake outlet'' and will start doing harmful actions.

fantasies are fine so long as you ensure they remain just that.

That's exactly what I mean!

Funny you say that. OP listened, and he's got newfound respect for zoos if nothing else. I listened. All my friends listened, too. There are many, many people willing to heed those voices, but they need to be collectively loud enough to be heard. The situation is dire right now, for certain, but now is not the time for hopelessness.

Yes, some zoos listened and you listened.
And what do you all have in common?
You have nothing against zoophilia.
With humans I actually meant the antis who won't listen to these voices no matter what.

When even 30-30 is more hopeful than you are, you know he's probably right.

And what's that supposed to mean?
Anyways, that's not how logic works.

It changes the reality of the situation whether you think it does or not.

I want to believe that he apologizing to us will change anything.
Please, I'm waiting.
I'm waiting for it to have an effect.

Can't imagine how someone who recently gave us a bad name, then apologizes will change anything.
But hey, I'm willing to be mind blown at any time.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2017-01-28 09:49:08

Sith might not exactly be waving around a Zoo Pride Flag but he's willing to not be an asshole. On the one hand his exposure to Zoophiles is the same as mine; Aluzky, stories of dogs being raped, fence jumpers and the guy who raped and killed his neighbors dog and hung her. The he sees guys like you who aren't the stereotypical "Fuck anything that barks and wags it's tail at me" Zoos or a fence jumper like Aluzky or sadists. So while he's still thinking "I dunno if banging animals is legitimately a true attraction but at least this select group of people aren't fucking creepy or giving off the rapey vibe."

I mean I'm not exactly getting any Pro-Zoophile tattoos at any point because I honestly don't get it. I can see if someone had the hots for a Minotaur or wanted to date a Warg or wanting to totally bang Rachnera from Everyday Life With Monster Girls or how getting hit on by Anubis gives them a raging hard-on or a soaking wet clam. I just can't grasp why someone would look at a Rottweiler or Chihuahua and think "Damn he's so hot!" or look at a mare or a whale or a leopard and think "She's just so sexy and classy and so stunning. I'm in love with her already."

I mean far as I know AlphaOmegaSith is straight. I'm bisexual but I'm more into men than women. You're Zoo Exclusive and have said you don't particularly like humans in general so you likely don't really understand why a straight guy would look at a woman and think she's hot or why a bisexual person looks at men and women and think they're attractive. Same reason we can't really understand WHY someone looks at an animal and desire them.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-28 10:18:14

Sith might not exactly be waving around a Zoo Pride Flag but he's willing to not be an asshole.

Yeah, because the damage was already done.

I just can't grasp why someone would look at a Rottweiler or Chihuahua and think "Damn he's so hot!" or look at a mare or a whale or a leopard and think "She's just so sexy and classy and so stunning. I'm in love with her already."

How does that make people think it's not a 'real' attraction?
It can't be anything else. The fuck is it then, a fairytale? Just a joke? What?

I mean far as I know AlphaOmegaSith is straight. I'm bisexual but I'm more into men than women. You're Zoo Exclusive and have said you don't particularly like humans in general so you likely don't really understand why a straight guy would look at a woman and think she's hot or why a bisexual person looks at men and women and think they're attractive. Same reason we can't really understand WHY someone looks at an animal and desire them.

Except I actually understand why though.
That's what attraction just is. There isn't some super rocket science involved.
What I really don't understand is that people cannot accept others attractions.
I understand anyone's attractions (yes, even if it's a tree), I just don't have them.
Now, why can't it be the other way?

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2017-01-28 14:42:31

Yeah, because the damage was already done.

Well you know who to thank for that.

How does that make people think it's not a 'real' attraction?

Considering? Most people don't know stuff like this exists and when they see that it exists they're surprised that it's an attraction of sorts. When it's mostly just seen as the highest form of desperation or an addiction to sex that has gotten out of control or a sadistic that likes weaker targets hat won't garner too much prison time.

It can't be anything else.

It's still considered wrong or weird to people hence why people don't think it's an attraction. People are always going to think that and not much can be done to stop it. There's people that don't get why I would be willing to let a guy tie me upside and eat me out or slap me with a riding crop. Some might get it eventually while others will never really grasp why I'd be into that or enjoy it(note: never been tied upside down before but it seems fun).

The fuck is it then, a fairytale? Just a joke? What?

I mean it seems like an attraction to me but given the particular form of attraction it still just seems.....strange.

Except I actually understand why though.

Ok then.

That's what attraction just is. There isn't some super rocket science involved.

Yeah I know but for someone who isn't not sexually or romantically interested in animals it's still a foreign concept.

What I really don't understand is that people cannot accept others attractions.

Can't please everyone.

I understand anyone's attractions (yes, even if it's a tree), I just don't have them.

Some people simply cannot understand other attractions.

Now, why can't it be the other way?

Honestly I have no idea.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-01-29 18:29:17

Yeah, because the damage was already done.

Just gonna interject here: Aluzky caused the controversy in the first place. Had he not given people textbytes to use, that post wouldn't have existed.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-01-29 19:35:55

That's not what I meant. I mean, you won't be mad at someone if he hurts you loved ones?

No, I won't. I have fine control of my emotions, and anger won't help me. If anything, I'd be contending with fear. You're dealing with someone unhinged enough to attack and potentially severely injure or kill individuals close to you. Acting defensively is my best course of action in that case... Not offensively as anger would demand.

And letting it all just happen doesn't do shit either.

You can move to solve an issue without needing emotional motivation.

That's still encouraging sick thoughts. Sick thoughts results in actual actions. Prison is better for these people as they can't rape any animals there.

I did some ad-libbing. Change a verb and it's anti-zoo. Look, just as zoos can keep from copulating with nonhuman animals, pedophiles can practice restraint all the same. This is the equivalent of punishing people for thoughtcrime. Unless you can prove that one is conspiring to commit rape, there are no grounds for prosecution.

I'd like some stats on that. And universal? What about people who don't have internet or don't even use it?

  1. You're not a member of 'the population that has internet porn' then, and on average areas with internet access have 80%-90% usership.

  2. It's based off of statistical analysis by Todd Kendall, who used FBI crime statistics and population density data to draw his conclusions. Even taking into account all major possible confounding variables, internet pornography had the largest effect on rape, and said effect was extremely substantial. Source (PDF)

Again, this encourages the acts of such things.

See above. And gun violence in video games while you're at it.

Why should we give them these ''fake outlets''? It's to protect children, right?

Because every sexually normal person has an outlet, and Kendall's study substantiates just how significant an effect that outlet has.

First, if they would harm children in the first place then they deserve nothing but jail and punishment. If these pedos wouldn't harm children like that then they don't need an outlet at all.

Pedophiles need the outlet to avoid causing harm. Recall that willpower is a significant element in this, and exhausted willpower eliminates any factor of choice. Pornography allows them to placate their fantasies or desires without carrying out the act. I recommend zoophiles that don't want nonhuman partners find an outlet for the same reason.

Second, they won't be satisfied with the ''fake outlet'' and will start doing harmful actions.

Again, the Kendall study. There's a point where most don't feel the need to escalate it further as long as they have something to use as an outlet.

That's exactly what I mean!

... And people need help keeping them that way sometimes. Erotica works in this case.

Yes, some zoos listened and you listened. And what do you all have in common? You have nothing against zoophilia. With humans I actually meant the antis who won't listen to these voices no matter what.

I also don't watch or read mainstream news sources, nor have I ever really witnessed any significant zoophilia/bestiality controversy. I can acknowledge that if things had gone differently in that regard that I might have taken a different path, or distanced myself at least. The media is a multi billion dollar industry for a very good reason: it can change consumers on a fundamental level, and is authoritative enough for people to believe them over anyone here.

And what's that supposed to mean? Anyways, that's not how logic works.

Probably more right, I should have said. He's quite down to earth and cautious as it relates to public relations, though. A defective plank as you put it, is still a plank to build the ship that we don't have enough wood to build as it is. Voices do matter, and voices in the right places (like the media) can have a profound effect. Had my peers constantly denigrated zoophilia, for instance, I probably wouldn't be here as an acting moderator, same as if the media had me in its grip. But even one dissenting voice among peers that are against it can be enough to prevent a negative shift or even introduce a more positive perspective. Friends are more open to change with friends.

I want to believe that he apologizing to us will change anything. Please, I'm waiting. I'm waiting for it to have an effect. Can't imagine how someone who recently gave us a bad name, then apologizes will change anything. But hey, I'm willing to be mind blown at any time.

Well, it'll take time, and it may not create a voice of dissent, but a voice that is no longer motivated to speak against zoophiles is still a victory. It's ostensibly more productive than what we normally do around these parts, at any rate.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-01-26 15:21:08

He's going against his own morals in some capacity by conceding that 1. zoos can be rational even in saying that zoophilia isn't bad 2. even though he's not entirely convinced, there's a chance that zoos aren't bad, and 3. that he apologized at all. He could have said nothing and kept to his own predilections and went on his merry way, but he didn't. He started a controversy against you and ended it as a neutral party. That's worth something.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-26 15:32:17

even though he's not entirely convinced, there's a chance that zoos aren't bad

So there's a ^small ^^itty ^^^bitty ^^^^chance that we're not disgusting animal rapists?
Thanks OP, really 'ppreciate it.
Should've been more clear.

that he apologized at all.

I don't like repeating things, but whatever: Sympathy doesn't do anything for me.
Maybe if it involved some actions, rather than stopping one, I would be happy with it.

He could have said nothing and kept to his own predilections and went on his merry way, but he didn't. He started a controversy against you and ended it as a neutral party. That's worth something.

It's not worth anything to me, just like 'hate' shouldn't be worth anything to me.
And yes, some people really should be quiet.
Besides, the damage was already done.
Can't really thank him for that.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-01-26 15:44:48

So there's a small itty bitty chance that we're not disgusting animal rapists? Thanks OP, really 'ppreciate it. Should've been more clear.

Considering where he started... it's a step in the right direction.

I don't like repeating things, but whatever: Sympathy doesn't do anything for me. Maybe if it involved some actions, rather than stopping one, I would be happy with it.

The apology is an action. And for OP, there was alot of pride being swallowed there, I wager. It's important to look at things from both sides. It may not do anything for you, but it really meant something for OP... even if it wasn't the best apology..

It's not worth anything to me, just like 'hate' shouldn't be worth anything to me. And yes, some people really should be quiet. Besides, the damage was already done. Can't really thank him for that.

You can thank OP for being penitent and realizing their error. Most people wouldn't, let alone admit to it. If I hated every person that I had a moral falling-out with, then I'd have dropped no less than three of my best friends. People change, but they won't change for you unless you give them a reason to. I guess this all depends on what you want the outcome of this to be, but I know what I want it to be.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-26 16:26:49

Considering where he started... it's a step in the right direction.

Yet in the past he took a lot of steps backward.
And not only that, a part of these stairs are broken down and aren't ''fixable'' ever again.
Y'know what I'm saying?

The apology is an action.

Words do a lot, yeah?

And for OP, there was alot of pride being swallowed there, I wager. It's important to look at things from both sides. It may not do anything for you, but it really meant something for OP...

Just like how I don't care for sympathy, I don't have sympathy for humans either.
Unless they've proven themselves worthy of it.
And believe me, that's can be rare in my book.

You can thank OP for being penitent and realizing their error.

No thanks.

Most people wouldn't, let alone admit to it.

Good job OP, you're less toxic than the others!

If I hated every person that I had a moral falling-out with, then I'd have dropped no less than three of my best friends. People change, but they won't change for you unless you give them a reason to. I guess this all depends on what you want the outcome of this to be, but I know what I want it to be.

But hey, that makes sense since I don't have much friends myself.
I'm not going to like someone if it does bad shit.
Well, depends on the bad shit it does.
Raping would be an instant no.

I'm not going to fall for things like this anymore.

30-30 amator equae 7 points on 2017-01-26 18:08:12

WarCanine, this is exactly the destructive "all or nothing" approach that I try to fight. You´re actually destroying any built trust with replies of this manner and additionally reenforcing the general doubts about a zoophile´s ability to control himself. Let me frankly ask you: What do you expect? What is it? Do you want applause for doing it with your animal? Do you want them to pat your back while you´re "at it"?

Small victories are victories, too. And I really advise you to think about the fact that someone who used to go down on us with full force has admitted he might have been this just a small victory? As far as I am concerned, I want tolerance. Not that mistaken form of "tolerance", but true tolerance in the true meaning of the word. "Tolerare" means "to endure something you´re not okay with". You tolerate pain, for example, when you get tattooed. You endure it, you don´t like it.

You really need to work on your self control, War Canine...and all the negativity brought towards us zoophiles is only an explanation of such a negative attitude towards the outside world, but NEVER an excuse for that. Reaching out, offering a hand even when you got stomped into the ground is what makes things change. You really need to make your peace with the outside world, WarCanine, or this attitude of yours will inevitably affect your ability to love. Hate poisons everything. Maybe it´s my age...when I was young, we used to settle differences with a fist fight. But whenever someone got to the ground, the fight immediately stopped and the one with the upper hand asked if things are settled now. If not, the opponent got up and the fight continued. If yes, then the prevailing one offered a hand, helped his opponent to get back up and both went to drink a beer together.

I really suggest you start to train traditional martial arts...not MMA stuff, but traditional Japanese martial arts like karate, judo , aikido, jiu jitsu would help you to vent your obviously present aggressions and also teaches you to always honour your opponent. There´s a lot to be learned for life from that, WarCanine.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-26 18:43:06

this is exactly the destructive "all or nothing" approach that I try to fight.

Nah mate, this ain't some ''all or nothing'' stuff.

You´re actually destroying any built trust with replies of this manner and additionally reenforcing the general doubts about a zoophile´s ability to control himself.

Well, who cares what others think? Riiiiiiight?
And why would I want a pat on the back for that?
I wish I wasn't a zoo. No thank you.
I just didn't want to be judged for it, that's all.
Now look, now I'm allllll careless about what people think.
Great improvement, right?

Small victories are victories, too. And I really advise you to think about the fact that someone who used to go down on us with full force has admitted he might have been this just a small victory?

Ah yes, we've got one person who is almost convinced that we're not sick animal rapists!
I can hear the crowd clapping and cheering!
And you know what I've seen?
Neutrals / Pros getting converted into antis!
Here's a hint: That's more than one person.

As far as I am concerned, I want tolerance. Not that mistaken form of "tolerance", but true tolerance in the true meaning of the word. "Tolerare" means "to endure something you´re not okay with". You tolerate pain, for example, when you get tattooed. You endure it, you don´t like it.

Antis are ''enduring'' it too, no?
They've got no choice but to endure it as they can't do shit.
Well there ya go, that's world peace for you!

Reaching out, offering a hand even when you got stomped into the ground is what makes things change. You really need to make your peace with the outside world, WarCanine, or this attitude of yours will inevitably affect your ability to love.

Can't promise you.
It's a bit hard to ''make peace with the outside world'' if you've tried many different ways.
And I take it that you mean ''outside world'' as ''herd of antis''?
I remember that I used to be a pushover and even more of a coward than I was now.
Since people fight with negativity, I might as well throw it back at them if it's so effective on me.
Nohohoho, acting like a nice guy won't get you anywhere.
I have learned.

And indeed, my love is gone.
Sometimes it's back, just not as long as it used to be.
Oh wait, who gives a shit about that?
Why would you even care about that?

Hate poisons everything.

And why'd you tell me? Don't you think that I would know that?
You can easily guess why.

Maybe it´s my age...when I was young, we used to settle differences with a fist fight. But whenever someone got to the ground, the fight immediately stopped and the one with the upper hand asked if things are settled now. If not, the opponent got up and the fight continued. If yes, then the prevailing one offered a hand, helped his opponent to get back up and both went to drink a beer together.

Ah yes, the art of beating the shit out of someone and then have a party together on how you hurt each other!

I really suggest you start to train traditional martial arts...not MMA stuff, but traditional Japanese martial arts like karate, judo , aikido, jiu jitsu would help you to vent your obviously present aggressions and also teaches you to always honour your opponent. There´s a lot to be learned for life from that, WarCanine.

No thanks.
What I have is my confidence and strength that I've gained after years of being ''poisoned.''
Why should I honor my opponent if it's low enough to be my opponent?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-01-26 21:55:03

I you´ve already made the decision to keep rotting in the hole you dug yourself. Any more words are useless then...I honestly hope you find a way outta there one day...

And "Fuck Oscar Schindler" because he hasn´t done a fucking thing, right? Those he helped survive the Soah would not agree...

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-27 17:26:41

I honestly hope you find a way outta there one day...

It's funny because there's no reason for you to care about me at all.

And "Fuck Oscar Schindler" because he hasn´t done a fucking thing, right? Those he helped survive the Soah would not agree...

Hope I didn't somehow press the wrong button because I don't see that as on-topic.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-01-28 02:14:15

As a fellow zoo, why shouldn´t I care? But I can only offer a hand, you´ll have to grab it yourself...

If I wouldn´t care about you to a certain extend, do you think I´d waste my time hacking text into my keyboard? Your pessimism is fogging your senses, mate. Don´t sit in a self built cage for years, only to realise that it never was locked years later. There´s a way out of this and the only thing blocking it is your own inactivity, procrastination and your pesimism. You don´t like humans? You don´t want to be one anymore? Read Wilson, read Castaneda and contact me personally when you feel you understood what they´re trying to teach....

Shastadog90 25/F/Bisexual Dog Lover 1 point on 2017-01-29 07:07:09

Can you really blame antis for their first impressions about us? A lot of people aren't going to like us, big deal that's life it fucking sucks. There's always gonna to be people who hate us. This guy so far said that while he doesn't think this is an orientation so much that he no longer has s low opinion of us. I get it you want us all to be accepted and treated with respect and no longer living in fear. Sadly this will never be 100% and that's a fact. A sad ugly fact but oh well.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-01-26 18:41:21

Yet in the past he took a lot of steps backward.

And not only that, a part of these stairs are broken down and aren't ''fixable'' ever again.

Y'know what I'm saying?

Still better than him continuing to descend.

Words do a lot, yeah?

Indeed. People have been drawn and quartered over words, wars started over words... and ended with verbal exchanges. People have been immortalized for their use of words while crafting what we acknowledge as literature.Words are both your greatest enemy and greatest ally. In such a... verbose society, words are powerful catalysts, and a consensus? Even more so.

Just like how I don't care for sympathy, I don't have sympathy for humans either.

Unless they've proven themselves worthy of it.

And believe me, that's can be rare in my book.

Apologies don't mean much to me either, but I also understand what's behind a sincere apology, and it's more than enough encouragement for me to show appreciation despite personal indifference. I don't do what I want so much as I do what I must to get my desired outcome.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-26 19:08:23

Still better than him continuing to descend.

Good job OP, now what?
We've got one person who is almost on our side!
Let's waste more energy on what will result in nothing!

Indeed. People have been drawn and quartered over words, wars started over words... and ended with verbal exchanges. People have been immortalized for their use of words while crafting what we acknowledge as literature.Words are both your greatest enemy and greatest ally. In such a... verbose society, words are powerful catalysts, and a consensus? Even more so.

Oh? I was told opinions didn't matter.
Well, looks like I'm being thrown on the right side and then the left side again.
Sadly, I haven't seen his words change anything.
The only thing he got our attention.
But will it truly ever change anything?

Apologies don't mean much to me either, but I also understand what's behind a sincere apology, and it's more than enough encouragement for me to show appreciation despite personal indifference.

He's apologized with words.
What did his apology result in?
Appreciation of a few people.
He's made fun of zoophilia with words.
What did his ''lulz'' result in?
People being more ''ewwwww'' towards zoophilia.
There's more damage done than fixed.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-01-26 19:23:01

Oh? I was told opinions didn't matter. Well, looks like I'm being thrown on the right side and then the left side again.

I said this "you know yourself better than the people who are loathe to what you are will ever care to know. They don't know just how authentic your relationships are in particular, and they're never speaking to what you are as a person when they make those attacks; they're attacking the boogeyman they made in their head based on preconceived notions or examples with only tangential connections to you. Even though they're seemingly directing it towards you... the people they really want to aim it at are completely different from what you are."

Sadly, I haven't seen his words change anything. The only thing he got our attention. But will it truly ever change anything?

The egg hasn't hatched yet, therefore it will not hatch. There's 300,000,000 other people that will vote, my vote is useless and won't change anything. These two phrases are very relevant and also very false. There's an issue of scale here, as well as the issue of will, is, was. The thing with issues of scale is... it's by nature incremental.

He's apologized with words. What did his apology result in? Appreciation of a few people. He's made fun of zoophilia with words. What did his ''lulz'' result in? People being more ''ewwwww'' towards zoophilia. There's more damage done than fixed.

And if the apology is sincere, that assures that it won't happen again. Damage control.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-26 22:37:28

I said this ^^thing

Most people told me that I shouldn't give a shit.
Do you not agree with what most people said, then?

These two phrases are very relevant and also very false.

I agree with the first one.
But if an egg never hatched before (zoophilia was never accepted anywhere) I won't believe it will ever hatch unless I actually see evidence for it.
For the second one, your vote indeed won't change anything.
Especially with that number.
Sure, if everyone followed that rule it would be true, but in this case it doesn't.
He's not even a supporter and would probably not be on our side.

And if the apology is sincere, that assures that it won't happen again. Damage control.

It's an improvement.
I guess you guys might appreciate it more than I do.
But I definitely don't.
I'm not a bigot, but I don't think I'm going to change my mind.
Damage control = Improvement. Damage that has been done = not fixable with an apology.
He could've shut up and it would not change anything for me.
For other guys like you? Maybe.
Which is... a positive result, but not a very positive one imo.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2017-01-28 15:05:58

To be fair here he was only talking about people that are pretty much universally hated by Zoophiles. However, given that you're a very cynical person who doesn't particularly care when someone goes from staunch anti to supporter you're going to hold this against the guy forever.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-01-27 07:46:17

In light of a couple of reports and moderator review, this post has been deemed violations of rule 7, found here. As this rule is still in a trial period, you have not received any demerits. However, pending frequent infractions and moderator discretion, you may receive demerits before the expiry of the trial period. If you see any posts violating rule 7 yourself, please remember to report the post.

The offending portions include:

Doesn't hurt to make a little fun of something, right? Ah no mate, it doesn't matter if you destroy our image! It's already down to 0%! Pfff, who cares? Especially in that sub, which is pretty cringy itself. Buncha teens with a bit too much time on their hands.

Witty sarcasm in good humor is acceptable and welcome under rule 7, but sarcasm that is meant to antagonize is still not acceptable. Although not required, we ask that you revise the offending section accordingly; you need not remove the content, but adjusting the content's phrasing to be less inflammatory in nature may help you avoid future infractions.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2017-01-28 10:13:54

If you don't agree on zoophilia being right then how are there any ''reasonable zoophiles''?

You're not delusional or desperate and justify fence jumping for the most part.

First, you don't agree with us. Second, most zoos did have sex with an animal.

Yeah and I'm talking about the ones who only fuck their own animals instead of going around fucking any dog or horse or goat or whatever they can find. Or catch.

But hey, you're different from the usual anti.

I guess. I mean I can leave Kleng around you and maybe /u/Kynophile and a few others. No way in Hell am I leaving him with Aluzky for a second. Especially after he half admitted on his YouTube channel that he might fuck a dead dog. He replied with that gem to someone named Cadence Wallace.

Well, you do love pointing out the bad sides of our people and say that zoophilia isn't a 'legit' thing (...What?).

The majority of the Zoo(or seemingly Zoo related topics) related stuff I see is negative. Horrific even. I'm still not entirely sure this is a legit thing. I don't really get it and I probably never will get it. I have no idea why you like dogs or why 30-30 likes horses or why that one guy liked cats. I just don't get how either of those are sexy to anyone. How can someone exactly look at a dog and think they're hot or that they'd love to date or marry the dog. It's like "What the fuck?"

But you're not calling us straight up rapists and scream like a child,

Well you lot seem to care about your animal partners and talk about how you care about their health and safety. So while weird given that you're in love with your animals it's not rapey in the traditional rapey sense.

but that's probably just because you can't really do that here since you know it's gonna get you banned.

How is me screaming going to solve anything exactly?

Still, that's what makes you so unique, no?

I don't suffer from Special Snowflake Syndrome so I don't think I'm unique here.

But sympathy doesn't do anything for me.


Maybe if it involved some actions, rather than stopping one, I would be happy with it.

Involved in what exactly and how am I stopping anything?

But hey, can't please everyone, right?

No you can't actually.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2017-01-28 10:48:10

Yeah and I'm talking about the ones who only fuck their own animals instead of going around fucking any dog or horse or goat or whatever they can find. Or catch.

But aren't you against this sort of thing, or at least partly?
Sure, I'd say if our actions were bad it would be better if we kept it to one animal than multiple others, but I hope you aren't saying that.

I guess. I mean I can leave Kleng around you and maybe /u/Kynophile and a few others. No way in Hell am I leaving him with Aluzky for a second. Especially after he half admitted on his YouTube channel that he might fuck a dead dog. He replied with that gem to someone named Cadence Wallace.

You seem to have way too much trust towards zoophiles.
Aluzky claims to be a zoophile too, so you should really trust no zoo ever with any animal.

The majority of the Zoo(or seemingly Zoo related topics) related stuff I see is negative. Horrific even. I'm still not entirely sure this is a legit thing. I don't really get it and I probably never will get it. I have no idea why you like dogs or why 30-30 likes horses or why that one guy liked cats. I just don't get how either of those are sexy to anyone. How can someone exactly look at a dog and think they're hot or that they'd love to date or marry the dog. It's like "What the fuck?"

Well, like in my recent comment, that's just what attraction is.
That's all there is to understand about it.
But if it's not a legit thing, then what is it?
Many people are attracted to diff things, it's just simple as that.
You prolly like boobs, well, I like doggie boobs.
Tbh, I don't feel how you feel towards anyone with different attractions.

Well you lot seem to care about your animal partners and talk about how you care about their health and safety. So while weird given that you're in love with your animals it's not rapey in the traditional rapey sense.

I don't wanna be that guy, but that doesn't prove we're not rapists.
You know, some people could just straight up lie about this.

How is me screaming going to solve anything exactly?

I don't know, but a lot of people definitely do it in order to get their point across.

Involved in what exactly and how am I stopping anything?

You're stopping the lulz about zoophilia.

Well anyways, take a look.
I didn't result in a arguing marathon like the others! ^^^yet

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2017-01-29 17:28:40

But aren't you against this sort of thing, or at least partly?

Neutral at this point unless someone's being an asshole then I'm an asshole right back to them.

Sure, I'd say if our actions were bad it would be better if we kept it to one animal than multiple others, but I hope you aren't saying that.

No I'm saying that the folks here don't have seem like they have massive issues and figure an animal won't dump them for being weird or psychotic. Except for you know who of course.

You seem to have way too much trust towards zoophiles.

Well maybe not 100% trust but a sense that my dog has a better chance of being left alone if one of the more rational people hear was left alone with him for five minutes.

Aluzky claims to be a zoophile too, so you should really trust no zoo ever with any animal.

It's been more than crystal clear I don't trust him, let alone like or respect his sorry lying ass so part of that statement was moot but I get your point.

Well, like in my recent comment, that's just what attraction is.

Yes I get that but it's not easy for me to grasp the how and why as to why people think animals are hot.

That's all there is to understand about it.

Still doesn't change the fact that it's weird to me. I get it but it's still just weird, hence why I can't grasp the why.

But if it's not a legit thing, then what is it?

Well perhaps legit is too harsh a word. But I'm still in a state of "Umm what?" and in my opinion is in the same real as people who have strange attractions and interests with some of those people being a thread but then seeing that most of the people here seemingly aren't dangerous with said attractions.

Many people are attracted to diff things, it's just simple as that.

I know that. /u/LadySaberCat mentioned that she likes BDSM and wants to be tied up, spanked and fucked and told what a filthy cock hungry little whore she is. To many people that seems weird and dangerous, to some it seems dangerous because of her race(I think she said she's African-American or at least half) and see it as a self-hating racist practice, some may see it as sexist and others my think she's mentally ill and belongs in the nut house just because she engages in a harmless(if done right) practice that happens to get her wet and off.

You prolly like boobs,

I like boobs but I'm more of an ass man. But yeah I do like boobs.

well, I like doggie boobs.

I've never heard them described that way before.

Tbh, I don't feel how you feel towards anyone with different attractions.

On the outside looking in this is beyond weird to the quote "normal person." Blame years and years of puritanical propaganda and the like if you feel that I'm still somehow a bigot.

I don't wanna be that guy, but that doesn't prove we're not rapists. You know, some people could just straight up lie about this.

Yeah not really helping but I see the point you're trying to make.

I don't know, but a lot of people definitely do it in order to get their point across.

Rarely helps.

You're stopping the lulz about zoophilia.

I stopped months ago.

Well anyways, take a look. I didn't result in a arguing marathon like the others! yet

Well it's made you paranoid and you've kinda lapsed into the whole "If you don't support us 100% you're a bigot" realm. So while this hasn't turned into a Bitchfest it's definitely put you on edge.

LadySaberCat 2 points on 2017-01-29 17:50:09

Well............that was.........descriptive.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2017-01-31 04:21:28

Well that's what you said, kind of

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2017-01-31 04:28:09

I know but you went all out

AlphaOmegaSith 2 points on 2017-01-31 11:15:35


WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2017-01-29 17:53:43

I guess I can't do anything about the fact that you don't really get weird attractions. Not that it has to be, but I guess that's that.

Well it's made you paranoid and you've kinda lapsed into the whole "If you don't support us 100% you're a bigot" realm. So while this hasn't turned into a Bitchfest it's definitely put you on edge.

Well, I don't mean it that way.
If you you're under the impression that zoophilia isn't really the right thing to do, then it's normal that you're against it.
You don't have to support us, but you know what I mean right?

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2017-01-31 04:22:53

You don't have to support us, but you know what I mean right?

I see what you mean

Kynophile Dog lover 2 points on 2017-01-28 18:05:05

Thanks for the... compliment, I guess? I'm glad I've come across as relatively sane, at least.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2017-01-29 13:41:54

Well like I said you don't come across as some fence jumping freak so giving credit where credit is due. I mean the reason I'm not truly a supporter here is because I'm not sure what I'm necessarily supporting. I get that you guys are attracted to animals you've said so. I just don't get it. It's an utterly foreign concept to me for someone to be attracted to an animal in a romantic or sexual sense. Hence why I'm not running around telling rude jokes about this place or broad brushing everyone. But I'm not exactly subscribed here or considered an ally or staunch supporter.