disturbing PMs... (X-Post from our extended staff subreddit) (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-01-26 16:15:17 by AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile.

This was not written by me, but /u/Rannoch2002. Rannoch is not a morning person and ended up posting it in the wrong place like a doof because the two subs look almost identical.

So, /u/wolftheworld is up to his old tricks again.

He tried to dox me, and threatened me with outing via PMs. He failed to account for the fact I don't care, and that he doesn't even have the right guy. So far, he's come up with some poor programmer or something on Github who happens to share his initials with another online acronym I used to use, R-T-B. This programmer (who I will not name to respect his privacy) is not me, so I am not really worried. But I thought I'd shout out a warning anyways.

RTB in my case was not a set of initials, but an old acronym for "Reason to believe," a reference to my desire back then to believe in an afterlife so I could be with Willow.

Just a warning. Keep your heads down and watch your info-leak, people.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 5 points on 2017-01-26 16:59:44

I can remember receiving a message like ''zah.zip''
BOO! I'm a ghost!

I don't find it disturbing, I just think it's a little sad that somebody has that much time on their hands.
Apparently these ''h4x0rz'' not only don't know shit about animals, but not anything about ''bleep bloop computers'' either.

Anyways, it's fun to use fake information too.
And while you're at it, you should use the same name so he thinks he's got the victory in the bag.

Even if somebody were to use real information, it's not always gonna do shit.
We've got a man with OPBeast on his tail, has videos uploaded of him, has his real name leaked, etc.
...And he is still on the loose, pumping dogs big time.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-01-26 20:10:59

He did do a pretty convincing attempt at a dox, he just made some false assumptions.

Anyhow, it's only disturbing because he didn't just out the information, he came to me with it, expecting I assume to blackmail me. I'm worried if he were successful with another member, whatever he wants could be granted.

Thus, stay safe. We don't all live in Costa Rica or wherever where it's legal and no one really gives a shit, heh.

Skgrsgpf 2 points on 2017-01-28 02:03:27

Costa Rica banned sex with animals in 2016, less than a year ago:


I get your point though (there are a few countries left where zoosex is legal, but every year the number of places like that gets smaller, because more and more places are making anti-zoo laws).

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-01-28 02:05:17

Ah yes, I forgot about that. Thanks for the correction.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-01-26 20:11:13

Thanks for reposting my goof. I was braindead this morning.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-01-26 21:40:41

Anything for free internet points! :D


Swibblestein 7 points on 2017-01-26 20:21:47

I had someone PM me that they knew my real name - Zach, and they knew other information too and were going to dox me.

Unfortunately, that was a fake name. You'd think that they might have figured that out, considering the initials of the full fake name were Z-O-O.

Just, the confidence that they had me trapped, despite having a completely obviously fake name was... honestly a beautiful sight to behold.

doghumper 2 points on 2017-01-26 21:33:50

I recommend blocking people like that with no reply, don't give them the satisfaction of a response.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-01-27 00:47:48

What is an "extended staff reddit"?

Edit: Your post suggests to me that people who are not moderators can read and post there?

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-01-27 02:08:57

It's a cool kids club...

No seriously it's sort of a planning zone for vetted members. I'm actually somewhat surprised you are not invited. I would put forth a formal recommendation for you if you'd like.

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2017-01-27 02:35:58

After all the discussion about openness, fairness, and whatnot, I find it very disheartening to hear confirmation that there is some special cabbal of people who are apparently allowed special "staff" access and influence.

I feel my rigid use of tor for accesing this sub is fully justfied as I have no idea what information is shared in this "extended staff" sub or who's in it.

Sadly, I don't think I would believe any explanation for it at this point. I do not wish to be part of it, of that you can be 100% certain.

I am sad to say that I have lost a lot of respect for this sub's moderators. I am unsure if I wish to continue being part of this community.

[deleted] 3 points on 2017-01-27 03:51:53

It's not a cabbal. I was joking. It's mainly for planning of public sensitive issues, such as prototyping wiki articles before approval.

Actaully, the wiki and one mispost from me is literally all that is going on now.

My post was kinda quasi-mockery of the ZF "cool kids club" method. That's really not what's going on here and I find your reaction dispraportionate. We are effectively "wiki staff"

You know me better than to be a liar on things like this, I would hope.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 1 point on 2017-01-27 03:56:52

Yeah, it's literally just the wiki. And there's only like two posts about it.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-01-27 04:43:06

And those couldn't have been posted here?

When a moderator cross posts something from a sub that, prior to the post didn't publicly exist, and refers to it as "extended staff", you seem surprised that people would find this disheartening?

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-01-27 04:58:16

They aren't posted here because the wiki requires much more coordination and a much more refined process than the usual goings on here, same goes for the other planned divisions for the sub. Most contributions need to be in the order of several dozen paragraphs and most people won't have the want or means to make those kinds of contributions. To keep the clutter down to a minimum, we segregate the postings. If there was something to be concerned about in there, then rannoch or battlecrops would have very quickly spoken up.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-01-27 05:24:38

Most contributions need to be in the order of several dozen paragraphs and most people won't have the want or means to make those kinds of contributions.

Gee, I can see an awful lot of posts in this sub which happen to be quite long and detailed. Thanks for confirming exactly why I think this is bullshit, because you've decided that the community doesn't get a say!

To keep the clutter down to a minimum, we segregate the postings.

Because the number of postings worth reading on any particular day are so high, we'd never see them, no?

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-01-27 05:30:14

Gee, I can see an awful lot of posts in this sub which happen to be quite long and detailed. Thanks for confirming exactly why I think this is bullshit, because you've decided that the community doesn't get a say!

It's because we have much more stringent quality standards there. If you have a concern about something on the wiki or with the discussions, we do read modmail.

Because the number of postings worth reading on any particular day are so high, we'd never see them, no?

There's also streamlining. We have an entirely new flair system and everything in there, and having all of the relevant information consolidated in one place and easy to find is much better for workflow.

MrWoofles Zoophilia Writer 1 point on 2017-01-28 02:55:14

I'm going to have to side with egoldstein on this one, we are a community that kinda has a reason to be suspicious of things going on behind the scenes. I don't think anyone would mind more activity and a bit of insight on what staff does. It does create suspicion to have a walled off area, elites vs mundanes and lack of information clarity wouldn't help the feeling of community or trust IMO.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-01-28 03:55:53

Knowing what's going on in there, I can say there is nothing to be suspicious of.

But of course I would say that, right?

I think, given the distrust this is creating, regardless of it's intentions it is best we tear this down now before it gets out of hand, AmoreBestia. It may be harmless in intention, but just the distrust it creates from others "not knowing" is not.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-01-28 04:52:10

Yeah, they totally tracked us down. All those working in our "scheming and plotting against zoophiles" department will be unemployed again, as the huge staff in our secretive, "members only" exquisite animal brothel , where any perversion you can think of is made real for free. The screenshot from GTA that was subject of a thread some time ago actually wasn´t a screenshot, but a blueprint for our exclusive club. /s

Seriously, folks...your trust issues might be explicable somehow, but can´t you just let us do our work? Like in any other forum, there´s a level of coordination in here now. Nobody plots to destroy you or leave you out, but sometimes it´s detrimental to have input from 30+ people, especially when it´s simply about technicalities or other, boring stuff. Separating one tiny section from the public sub increases readability for you, the "not so cool" kids as I´m sure nobody wants to read about the graphic layout of our future wiki pages as it increases effectiveness for us, the ones trying to make this happen. Do we really need to have public votes for everything, including the colour and the fonts used on the wiki page? Do we really need total, complete transparency that only leads to petrification and things won´t even get done?

As far as I am concerned, I´d suggest keeping it like it is now. Nobody should feel left out, though. We, the staff, will gladly invite anybody who is willing to contribute to the wiki, we will contact anyone who has something of value to throw into the process. But we need a space to coordinate things that isn´t steadily interrupted by people walking in and out at will, metaphorically. When I have to ask 30+ people whether they´re down with blue and purple as background colours of the wiki page and also have to wait for every single last person to cast his/her vote before I can continue to make concepts, I will immediately resign and one of you poor "uncool" kids can have the job.

I wonder why I wonder about this...actually, I don´t as it´s the same mechanics that led to the devaluation of the z-word. You will survive not being one of the "cool" insiders for once, trust me. And if you had an idea about all the work that is lying ahead of us "cool" insiders, you´d actually be grateful you´re not invited to the "party"...gosh, guys!

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-01-28 04:29:55

It's pretty much more mundane than anything else in this sub. We let anyone view it now, here, and anyone can be approved to post on request.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-01-27 04:26:20

The point you seem to miss is that in a community such as this, which is very small, where security is such an issue, that a group of "vetted members" (who's vetting who?) for discussion of items which should be openly discussed has been created at all is the problem. It clearly labels as a lie the claim that this community will have a part in creating these items, discussing what goes in them, or how things should work here as another community has been created to do so.

We are effectively "wiki staff"

And who decided that? I would have thought such topics would have been discussed by the community, instead of being hand picked behind the scenes. What's the point in voting on ideas and all the rest of the community involvement when these things are decided in a separate group? It makes the facade an insult.

I find your reaction dispraportionate.

To be very clear, I am choosing my words carefully. If you think this is disproportionate, you certainly do not want my unfiltered opinion of this.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-01-27 05:06:48

And who decided that? I would have thought such topics would have been discussed by the community, instead of being hand picked behind the scenes. What's the point in voting on ideas and all the rest of the community involvement when these things are decided in a separate group? It makes the facade an insult.

Because we're constantly finding new people to invite. We'd end up having an election for people we want on board every other day.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2017-01-28 02:24:38

why can't it be discussed by everyone here? "steamlined" or not, should we not all have a say? is that not how community works?

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-01-28 04:27:47

It's because there are different expectations within the planning HQ. Pretty much anyone can be added and contribute if they request access, but they need to understand the rules and that there's a process wherein not all the material submitted will make the cut. We want the wiki to remain as impartial as possible, rather than 'pro zoo' so that it can stand as an authoritative resource that can't be easily discredited.

Pigeondance HolyFlyingFuck 1 point on 2017-01-29 21:33:14

I find this troubling as well. I didn't check in much or pay attention for a couple weeks due to life stuff and when I come back here to find these has been an "election" and a disciplinary system for rudeness being put in place, some three strike bullshit? And a seperate staff sub? this sub is changing a lot and not for the better which is really sad to see. I too am unsure weather I will stick around after two years in this comunity. I have enjoyed your input in this sub, and would be sad to see you go. Wishing you well.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-01-30 00:40:58

I come back here to find these has been an "election"

Yeah, there was an idea election to get a feel for what people wanted(it was more to prevent ideas that the public at large didn't want). I wish more people brought their own ideas to the table, at any rate, but there was a good amount of feedback on what was there.

a disciplinary system for rudeness being put in place, some three strike bullshit?

Not exactly three strikes. You get two warnings, then a removal, and then escalating bans starting at one day and doubling each time; it's a very forgiving system, all in all, and you can see the full documentation through the link in the sidebar. I'm working on refining it so that your average poster will never really need to worry about it. The rule has a number of stipulations to prevent abuse on either side, and is currently in the process of being balanced per the two week trial period. It's much more guidance based and moderators have to provide detailed explanations of offenses when they pop up. Disrespect has never been condoned in this community, but we never had any teeth to deal with it til' now.

And a seperate staff sub?

The extended staff subreddit, /r/ZSanctum is meant to streamline the workflow for wiki staff, work on weekly discussions, etc. It's basically a place to see discussion about in-development stuff that won't be useful to your average community member, and so that we can more easily enforce an expectation of professionalism within that area since it's more like an office than the frontend. Anyone can drop me a line for approved submitter status to offer their own input there when I finish the setup.

this sub is changing a lot and not for the better which is really sad to see.

User input is an important element in the development of the subreddit, and many of the changes here now have been adjusted accordingly. If you have feedback about something specific, we do listen.