How do I accept myself? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-01-27 23:14:19 by Throwaway273714

I realized I had the fetish at around age 12. Ever since I have been upset and slightly depressed at that fact, probably because I am very social and care about other's views of me. How do I accept myself?

P.S., I'm not fully zoo, I am only a zoo fetishist.

Swibblestein 1 point on 2017-01-27 23:32:54

Could you elaborate on what you mean by you are a "zoo fetishist"? I think I know what you mean, but I would not want to make a false assumption.

Throwaway273714 3 points on 2017-01-27 23:41:39

I'm only sexually attracted, not emotionally.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-01-28 01:05:04


CantThinkOfAName2017 Prefers humans, but likes female dogs and mares 1 point on 2017-01-30 23:18:59

Despite what some people want to say, there's really nothing wrong with that.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-01-28 01:26:01

There is no simple solution, no formula you simply follow and miraculously are able to accept yourself. Several approaches exist, though...

But before advice can be given, you need to share more info: is this a fantasy or have you acted on it? How often thoughts about bestiality occur? When do they occur? What circumstances promote such thoughts? Have you been or are you currently in a "normal" relationship with a human? How is your emotional and sex life, satisfied or starving? How much do guilt, repulsion and disgust contribute to your attraction? What is it you find fascinating about animal sex? Have you tried to use the help of a professional therapist to get rid of your attraction / learn to deal with it ? Why are you so upset about your bestiality and how it will be received by others when not telling anybody is a valid option to avoid any trouble? By the way: you´d be surprised by how many folks are rather permissive when you don´t act out your urges. Fantasising about animals isn´t as problematic as you might think. It only gets serious when you act upon your urges.

Before I old are you? How long do you live with this now? How did you discover your attraction and are there exterior impulses like animal pornography you use or have used? What animals are you interested in and is there an initial incident (like watching two animals copulate) you can remember? How do you perceive animals, what do you think of them? Dumb beasts or equals? What nature are your fantasies, do you fantasize yourself having sex with an animal or are you into seeing others having sex with animals?

You see, there are lots of open questions, all of them need to be answered honestly in order to provide the most accurate advice regarding your case.

Throwaway273714 1 point on 2017-01-28 20:25:20

Well, I have acted on it once (I tried to get my dog to lick my penis), and the guilt I felt was just crippling, I don't have thoughts about it unless I feel guilty or unless I'm masturbating/watching porn, if I even see the genitals of an animal I am reminded of my fetish. I don't have a girlfriend, however I am friends with a girl that I had a crush on during Kindergarten, I have many friends as well. I don't have a sex life, however I would say I am satisfied with me masturbating about 4/5 times a week. I have a lot of guilt about this fetish, and people being disgusted and repulsed at all of this makes me feel very guilty.

Animal sex is more accessible in some cases and there is variety. Every different animal has different body types, genital shapes/sizes, sexual traits, etc.

I am in therapy in the moment just to help with the separation with my parents, and I have already hinted at the fact that I have something pretty weird about me, but I didn't tell her that I have the fetish because I am scared of judgement and she might tell everyone and ruin my life. When I look at the internet, A lot of people say that zoopheliacs are horrible and gross. I am a social person and knowing that people hate what I am gives me guilt. Also, this isn't just a social issue, it's a moral issue. It's against my morals to do something that is widely considered horrible or be something that is considered bad.

I am 13. I have lived with this fact for 3 years and I have only now realized that lots of people hate this trait. I don't know how I discovered this attraction. However, when I was young I always got a weird and nice feeling whenever I thought about sex with non-human creatures. Not pleasure, just... weird. Yes, I occasionally view animal porn, which brings me grief. I am attracted to dogs and mostly horses. I have no memory of anything that could have given me this fetish. Maybe something from when I was a baby.

I think animals are equal, maybe even more important, than humans. They are cute, smart, and nice. For example, if I kill a dog or an owner of a dog in a video game I am hit with a wave of grief. I love animals, I could spend an entire day inside an animal shelter helping rescues. I fantasize me having sex with a dog or a horse.

Sorry for the wall of text, this is just a large issue in my life.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2017-01-28 23:25:22

I have lived with this fact for 3 years and I have only now realized that lots of people hate this trait.

Can relate.
Quite a shock and quite expecting, right?
The hate is something really hard to live with, but you've got to accept it somehow.

I think animals are equal, maybe even more important, than humans. They are cute, smart, and nice. For example, if I kill a dog or an owner of a dog in a video game I am hit with a wave of grief. I love animals, I could spend an entire day inside an animal shelter helping rescues. I fantasize me having sex with a dog or a horse.

Haha, I always soft reset the game in these cases and try to get it out of my head.

Anyways, you only have a sexual attraction, right?
The fact that you care about them so much, don't see them as 'sex objects' and since you are so young, I think you have to give yourself some time.
Maybe you'll develop romantic attractions, or you just didn't realize you had them.

I'm sorry to say, but I don't think I can really help you ''accept yourself'' since I never felt guilt for this.
Unless you don't want to be a zoo, in which case you'll only end up going insane like me. I might not listen to my own advice but there's no choice but to accept the fact that you're a zoo.
Because zoophilia is a sexual orientation, believe it or not.
A fetish would be unusual attractions to objects or parts.
One thing that you have to realize though, is that this might be a phase. Very unlikely though. (Unless you've been having different and other unusual attractions.)
Though, with these sort of things we have to look at what triggers such feelings.
Why do you feel guilty? What do you think when you feel guilty? (Other than other people's opinions)

It's all a part of being young and only time will tell.

joseph-curwin 1 point on 2017-01-29 22:47:19

I am 13. I have lived with this fact for 3 years and I have only now realized that lots of people hate this trait.

You must be very precocious.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-01-28 02:13:12

It's just sex. That's all it is. It's not a fetish. There's no reason to feel bad, alarmed, or ashamed. There's nothing wrong with sex.

With love or without, there's nothing wrong with either situation. You don't need love for sex, you don't need sex for love, and there's nothing wrong with a mix of both. Anybody who stigmatizes against a person for having sex with animals is severely deluded and has some rather deep personal issues.

There's nothing wrong with you for being sexually attracted to or having sex with animals.

Sex with animals is not a fantasy, it is a very real reality of life. People who live in fantasy land should not force you to live in fantasy land with them away from reality. They should not let their own imaginations or "ideal visions" interfere with people who live in reality. They should not let their sex-avoidant behavior interfere with other peoples reality.

In my opinion, coming all the way from this place called reality... Congratulations, you are a normal human being.

Sex is sex.... anything that is not sex (torture, toe sucking, mastrubation, role-playing, leather) is a fetish. Fetishes are objects, circumstances and typically non-sexual actions.

Sex with animals is not a fetish because it is just sex.

CantThinkOfAName2017 Prefers humans, but likes female dogs and mares 1 point on 2017-01-30 23:21:05

You don't need love for sex, you don't need sex for love, and there's nothing wrong with a mix of both. Anybody who stigmatizes against a person for having sex with animals is severely deluded and has some rather deep personal issues.

+1, I agree with that.

Skgrsgpf 2 points on 2017-01-28 02:20:55

It is not morally wrong to be sexually attracted to non-human beings, or to have sex with them (in and of itself).

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-01-29 07:45:14


AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-01-29 23:45:22

Hm. I can't say if this will help or not, but I based my morality on ethics; basically a "does this cause harm?" kind of system. Morals, I found, are too mutable and not empirical(evidence based) enough for morals on their own to hold any real weight... especially as they relate to sexuality(A la christianity vs homosexuality). Fundamentally, sexual attraction and contact with an (intact) nonhuman animal in your care is not harmful physically or psychologically to either party, and there is even some evidence suggesting the opposite to be true, considering the more universal effects of sex.

Given how young you are, though, you may still find your attractions to be shifting, and may lose interest entirely... or gain interest to the point of exclusivity. At any rate, attraction is an enigmatic facet of our experience as animals; there's not much you can do to control it, and believe it or not, there's a statistically significant number of people that ended up exploring their bodies and sexuality with pets when they were around your age. So you're not alone, and in many ways this is out of your hands.