Where to go? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-01-28 02:30:07 by Skgrsgpf

The number of places that have criminalized zoosex in the past 10 to 15 years has been huge. Many places where it was legal 10 years ago, it is now illegal.

The countries that have recently banned it include: France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Thailand, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Bolivia, and Brazil.

Other places that have banned it include many U.S. states (including Florida, Alaska, Alabama, New Jersey, New Hampshire, and Ohio), and Mexican states (such as Veracruz and Nayarit).

So then, where is a zoo person supposed to live when so many places are banning it? Do they stay where they are or do they move? If a person decides they want to move to a place where it is legal, that place might have banned it by the time they finally move there. So someone who moved to Ohio 1 year ago because it was legal there would have to move all over again, because Ohio just banned it.

Only 8 U.S. states remain that don't have an anti-zoo law, and now there are currently bills in Kentucky and Texas which would make it a felony in those states. (Kentucky and Texas are among the 8 states).

[deleted] 6 points on 2017-01-28 02:44:55

I doubt it will be legal anywhere for long.

Honestly, the answer is to keep your nose clean, and stand your ground. Prove that these bills don't drive us away, and maybe eventually they'll see the futility of them.

Your odds of getting caught provided you keep it "behind closed doors" are relatively low anyways.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 5 points on 2017-01-28 03:43:42

It doesn't seem like many are concerned with legality where they live. Like Rannoch said, zoos tend to keep private, have sex with their partners in their own home and generally be careful. Don't record yourself or take photos, keep all sexual things private, and you should be fine.

Swibblestein 8 points on 2017-01-28 07:50:16

I was out to my sexuality teacher as a zoo because she's a really good person overall, and I actually brought this up with her, feeling rather depressed about it, and she had something to say that has stuck with me a bit.

She said... Probably going to mangle it, but something along the lines of... Soon before the civil rights movement for homosexuality occurred, you saw a lot of areas criminalizing homosexuality. And the reason for that is simple - when the sentiment on an issue starts changing, society is reactive. People were quietly becoming more tolerant of homosexuality, so the effort to suppress it became more visible.

These laws are largely symbolic - everyone recognizes that what happens "behind closed doors" isn't going to be prosecuted. But there's no point in making a symbolic gesture if everyone agrees with you. This sort of legalization was in response to a growing undercurrent of tolerance with respect to past issues, and it might be the same here as well. Only time will tell, but looking at how things went in the past, there are reasons to hope, at least.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-01-29 08:22:05

Wow. That was actually very insightful of your teacher. That's a very good point.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2017-01-29 08:55:50

I appreciate the community and friendship I have with other zoos, but there's something special about the support of someone who has no personal stake in the matter, particularly when it goes "above and beyond the call of duty". She helped me out and supported in a whole bunch of ways, and I appreciate it so much.

Same applies to some extent to you as well, on that note. The fact that you're spending your time to moderate here, in my eyes, puts you in the same "above and beyond" category.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-01-28 15:37:16

I know we all want to live in a place where you feel like idiots aren't running the place, but this isn't just worth it.
First, you also got to like the country itself and get used to it.
And well, many more reasons.
Zoophilia isn't the biggest part of our lives so you got to think about the other stuff going on in your life.
Even if you end up in a place where it's legal, people still won't be happy with our acts.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-01-28 18:07:24

It´s heartwarming to see all the replies and that reason´s not dead yet. But I doubt that pointing out the obvious will satisfy our self proclaimed activist.

I consider it only fair to point out the OP´s contributions to BF under the name of Zqwm7 and the "zoowiki" he created, which is full of copypasted platitudes and unrealistic depictions of "zoophilia". The constant nagging about zoos not standing up for their rights while he himself never mentioned if and how deep he is into actual zoophilia makes me wonder whom we´re dealing with here.

I don´t know how others feel about it, but I , based on his entire portfolio, suggest to stay on guard. Agents provocateurs are real and it wouldn´t be the first time someone tries to lure us into stepping out into the public "because someone has to do something about the "anti zoo hate" ".

Zqwm7, as long as you present yourself as an empty shell that refuses to give any info about yourself and only stick to your polemic, uninformed agenda, I don´t trust you at all and hope others remain equally sceptical. When I first read one of your posts in BF, with all of that onesided narrative that seems to be the only thing you have to offer, my guts started tingling...and this feeling hasn´t dissolved. There´s something fishy about you and I hope others see/smell it, too.

We know nothing about you and unless you change that, my red lights are constantly on...

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-01-29 01:34:26

Spread out all over the place to every state, OR go directly in masses and mob the states with the worst laws.

Don't go there to get in trouble. Go there to get them in trouble. Bait and switch them. Recruit friendly non-zoo to act as fake zoos. Lure antis into ambushes and lawsuits. Make them paranoid. Use their laws and witch hunts to your advantage.

Lie. Be fake to them. Drain their resources. Locate, track, and share information about the witch hunting detectives and other vigilantes. Expose everything about them to everybody, anybody who will slow them down and make their lives difficult or unsafe.

Cover more territory to overwhelm them. Make the laws a burden to the people who supported them.

The-Forested-Garden 1 point on 2017-01-29 17:35:45

It's too expensive and difficult for someone like me to move out of country, but I plan on moving out to the middle of nowhere in Nevada, I figure if anyplace is going to make laws, Nevada would be the last state as even full on sex work is legal there. The law isn't really that hard up in Nevada, and there is even a statement on the laws surrounding sex with animals from the state sheriff I believe? on some anti-zoo site I saw a few weeks ago, saying something along the lines that they don't plan on making such a law.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 1 point on 2017-01-29 19:31:09

Do what black market drug and weapon salesmen do. Ignore the law and live your life without fear. Chances are that any reader here is breaking many laws which carry huge penalties without knowing it, yet nobody is freaking out because of that.

Just be smart about how you do things. Balance the cost and benefit of moving against the cost and benefit of staying. Staying is very likely to be the best option.