BF into zoophilia..? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-01-30 20:29:47 by zoothrowaway23

So my boyfriend of 3 years just told me about wanting another dog. After talking he told me he is into zoophilia and wants to be fucked by a dog. I was a little bit shocked but I'm just glad he told me. He bottoms normally but me to fuck him after the dog.

So I'm at a loss at what to do.. I'm not anti-zoo, but nothing about it really turns me on. I want him to be happy but... I feel like it'd be weird to have a dog in the house that regularly fucks him .-.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 8 points on 2017-01-30 20:53:51

I think it would be more accurate to say that he's into bestiality, but the terms are used interchangeably outside of zoo communities. Anyway, if you wouldn't be comfortable with it, it's probably best to either outright say no, or ask him just how much he wants to do that. This is something that he'd get a few minutes of (potential) enjoyment out of once every few days, but it could be something that ends up haunting you depending on how you take it and whether you can get used to it. It's important to be honest about your concerns.

Lefthandedsock 4 points on 2017-01-30 23:56:02

This is something that he'd get a few minutes of (potential) enjoyment out of once every few days.

Sounds like you and I haven't been with the same kind of dogs... lol.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-01-31 00:03:18

Because I'm not a zoophile and play it by what I've observed in the community. :P

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2017-01-31 00:14:35

It's a bit ironic that a non-zoophile is the mod of r/zoophilia.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-01-31 00:33:11

Indeed, in that sense. It's fortunate that this is the only irony of my employment.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-01-31 07:30:25

Less ironic I think and more fitting. We have a lot of tunnel-vision in here.

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2017-01-31 11:23:41

You could say that about any interest or lifestyle based subreddit. It doesn't hurt to actually have first hand knowledge and experience on the subject you're in charge of moderating.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 3 points on 2017-01-31 11:50:03

We have that too. I'm a firm believer that diversity of views here and in general will help us, not hurt us...

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-01-31 18:02:24

I think my being a non-zoo helps keep the hate down by virtue of my presence, if only a little. That, and I'm constantly questioning my views on the matter (I habitually interpret my own views as being comparatively inferior due to my lack of membership) and tend to take on a more... homogenized approach that consults with multiple perspectives from within the community.

Swibblestein 11 points on 2017-01-30 22:01:46

Having a dog is a major life choice. You (collective - as a couple) really ought to decide if you want a dog, completely separately from if there's going to be sexual activity with the dog. If you're just considering the dog because of sexual reasons, don't get it. If you both agree you would want the dog either way, then now ask yourself if you'd be comfortable with him having sex with the dog - if not, he ought to respect that. Maybe get a female dog (assuming he's not attracted to females?). Ultimately though you still have to ask yourself - are you comfortable with this, or not? You have to answer that.

Honestly the way you describe it makes it sound like he wants the dog mostly as a sex toy / fetish thing, so I'd tend to say don't get the dog. When he's already making plans for the sex acts he'd like to participate in... It's entirely possible the dog wouldn't want to be sexual, you know!

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2017-01-30 22:08:28

It's between the two of you, really. How turned off are you by this? How important is this to him? I don't think there are health issues involved, so really the only consideration is social, and with your feelings on the subject.

I can't say how it affects you because I don't know you. But I can understand why it'd be a turn-off to fuck someone after they've been fucked by a partner you aren't at all attracted to. As for the 'jealousy' thing, though it might be a little misguided in my opinion (that dog will never cook him dinner or give him good advice), it's a pretty strong instinct and I'm sure most people would have trouble dealing with it.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 2 points on 2017-01-30 22:33:57

I think it is, as /u/Swibblestein noted, to also take in consideration the feelings of the dog, because, like humans not all dogs are willing to be in a sexual relation. It is very important to be able to understand what his say in things is, and unlike humans, dogs don't speak human, so you have to learn their language.

I think most have already covered pretty much everything, though it doesn't harm to hear from others.

Have a number of conversations about it. Don't just say yes or no. If you make the decision too quick, you could regret it. Ask him about it and be honest about your feelings as well.

He took a huge risk with you, so I'd say keeper material, he trusts you, so show him you can be trusted as well. Honestly, you being able to tell him your concerns should be part of this trust. Quite fairly, you (and him) alike should be concerned of the well being of each member of the relation. Just have a good conversation, get to know him and his feelings, and have him get to know you on this matter, and both -understanding- the others feeling.

Most people say "yes I know" without understanding the feeling. It isn't always easy to -understand- (compared to "know") feelings. Also be open to explore other ideas that might substitute as "dog". An example would be pupplay, there are sextoys made like a dogs penis, and it is another fun way to bond you both as a couple.

Both of you should totally be open for any ideas, and feelings alike. Think of alternatives, ect. Honesty is where it's at.

zoo_away 1 point on 2017-01-30 22:44:06

End of the day both of you need to be happy as can be. You are not partners to be in misery, right? You are weirded out by it? Matters as much as him wanting it. Compromise. Or do one or the other but agree to it together, arrange it to be less of a burden for the yielding part somehow. In any case talk it out together to see where both of you are and where it can go perhaps. Be as open and honest as he was in order to accomplish something there. - I'd actually give you that you should have slightly more to say as normal expectation for human couples seems to be monogamy and he wants something more. Is he giving you enough in return in any way shape or form or are you willing to take that to make him happy?

Also depends what this is exactly. If your BF 'truely' (if i may say so) falls in love with the dog, then that's like a love triangle. If that was another man, would you be open for a partnership like that and share him? Would you be jealous? The other end how that could be was if the dog is just a fucktoy - which I can personally not advocate nor support to do. Please don't get a dog like that.

In all these cases you still have to figure that you guys are responsible for a dog then (all that special stuff aside), so that comes on top. Are you home enough to take care of him? Do you have enough income, space, etc? Do you know dogs and can handle them properly? That's another important gate to pass in judgement separately. If anything here points to 'no' then please don't get a dog.

Do both of you know and are ok with keeping the lid on the issue? Because if your BF becomes known as the local dog fucker, then you are in for the social judgement rollercoaster ride, too. Actually it's more like the falling tower ride.

As you don't ask specific questions on illnesses or stuff like that and say you are not anti-zoo -- besides the lackluster 'keep talking it out' advice maybe "trial" the thing? Like you two go to the dog park, he gets to play frisbee with a big male dog and you imagine hard that dog is also screwing him regularly while the two are having a chest-rub and hand-lick. To see how it feels for you...?

Could dog-cock shaped dildoes or a penis-sheath in that shape for you be a kind of compromise so he 'feels like a bitch'? Just as a very tangent thought? There's more toys to play puppy like masks and tail plugs.

After giving you loads of reasons to not want it, and leaving you with you must decide for yourself - let me tell you also there are definitely some very very happy couples of human(s)+dog (or horse). It's not all horrible, a guarantee to explode, and all that from above. Consider that, too. Just as a reassurance of the other possibilities, the 'positive' side, if I may call it that. Some zoos are the nicest people on Earth, and some of their dogs and horses are so ridiculously well looked after, you want to be them.

Good luck to the two/three of you. May you manage to increase your total happiness while minimizing infringement on each other in the course of doing so.

And please ask us again if you start to worry about bacteria, the law, dog psychology or anything else. We'll be happy to give you information and help that's not screaming bloody murder at you foremost.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 3 points on 2017-01-30 23:10:31

I just took a quick look over the replies, so what I'm gonna say next may be similar to their answers.
But I have my own words, so...

Anyways, from the looks of it he's more into the whole sexual part, which means he's into bestiality, not zoophilia.
And just from that I'd say no, don't get a dog just to have sex.
Dogs are also living creatures and shouldn't just be used as sex toys.
Will he be caring for his dog like a responsible owner?
And there's the chance that the dog might not even want to have sex. Y'know, I have one who's very specific with sexual acts.
What's your boyfriend going to do when he realizes that his dog won't have sex with him?
And I totally understand that you're feeling uncomfortable, which is another good reason you shouldn't get a dog.
I'd say talk to him about it, but don't decide too quickly.
A dog is another person in the house too, you know.

horse_account 1 point on 2017-01-31 03:08:09

Tell him you aren't comfortable with it then, it's not like he's gonna be shocked by that. That's probably what he's expecting you to say.

LunaGwave 7 points on 2017-01-31 08:35:12

That should not be the main reason for getting a dog, its pretty much him saying its a sex toy.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-02-01 10:56:01
