Happy International Zoophile Rights Day :) (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-02-01 07:33:22 by TheShotmeister ζ
Cephaliarch Fox of Firstdark 3 points on 2017-02-01 08:05:57


I thought about coming out to my mother today, but I decided against it.

'cause I already decided to do so months ago and it was fucking awesome. She's still of the opinion that sex with animals is awful and horrible, but is willing to overlook it when it comes to me as long as I don't touch any of hers (no intention or attraction there at all!). Plus, I get to tease her by making outright zoosexual comments in front of her instead of being tongue-in-cheek, and I don't have to feign ignorance of animal biology anymore.

10/10, would do it again. I've been hinting at that shit for years.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 3 points on 2017-02-01 11:07:27

I can't wait to hear from 30-30 how he feels about this little holidays origins...

Happy ZR, nonetheless. :)

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2017-02-01 16:01:05

How I feel about it doesn´t matter... Watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYTChGDrzo0 footage from the ZRD 2014 and tell me how you feel about it. Feel well represented?

This ZRD is an invention of ZETA. Do I need say more?

Edog91 3 points on 2017-02-01 17:00:06

Um that's embarrassing and really furthers the idea thet activism can become a cancer to the thing its trying to help.

TheShotmeister ζ 3 points on 2017-02-01 19:34:12

Watched 5.5min of it and else just jumped around the clip. It was kinda weird/awkward to be honest... Maybe instead of a demonstration like that, they should have made a information campaign, so they could get in a dialogue with others in a nice and calm way. :)

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 4 points on 2017-02-01 16:05:39

It's just another thing day that nobody care.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 3 points on 2017-02-01 16:05:52

I've seen something like this before and had a site for it.
I can't seem to find anything but anti-zoo nonsense.
Can somebody explain when it was created and what it actually is?
I'd rather not go trough the trouble of seeing thousands of idiots cry about how we all need to be shot and how it's disgusting.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2017-02-01 16:23:34

The "Zoophile Rights Day" was created in 2013 by ZETA as a response to the German governments´ plans to make sex with animals illegal....what happened in July 2013 nonetheless.

In the years 2013, 2014 and 2015, there was some sort of demonstration accompanying the ZRD, the video I linked shows AFAIK the 2014 ZRD "demo".

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2017-02-01 16:40:06

Why celebrate when zoos tried to keep their rights and miserably failed?
It's more of a horrible memory than anything, then.
What a horrifying video. No wonder we are compared to furries.
Seriously, what even the fuck were they doing?

TheShotmeister ζ 2 points on 2017-02-01 20:20:50

I agree that the video wasn't that good :/

Why celebrate? The day the court took away their rights, they made it a "international " fight for zoophiles rights, so I guess I can understand why the date was chosen. Else they explained it in the link: https://blog.zeta-verein.de/en/2016/02/zrd-2016/

And since sex with animals isn't illegal in Germany, I still think it's a good idea to have such a date, for "celebrating". Hope it makes sense :)

tencendur_ Neeeigh 3 points on 2017-02-01 22:07:27

For many, it is customary to declare the day of a disaster or defeat a national holiday, because the celebration is used as some sort of vindication.

I find it stupid too.

Dogsoulmate Forever My Dane's Man 3 points on 2017-02-02 04:16:21

Thank you for the well wishes! Nice to know, regardless of the politics surrounding its creation, and was happy to share with my zoo supportive friends and family ❤️🐾