Florida arrest (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-02-04 22:00:23 by Skgrsgpf

A person has been charged with "sexual assault" of an animal (dog) in Florida after being ratted out by someone he was living with:


The person who snitched on him was allegedly spying on him through a hole in the wall of where they were living.

What do others think? The perspective (one's account) in any given case seems to always be given the benefit of the doubt if it is an anti-zoo one.

30-30 amator equae 4 points on 2017-02-04 22:20:09

" whimpering"..." a hole in the bedroom door as a result of a violent outbreak"...sorry, but this case has more red flags than the Red Square of Moscow in 1980. Sure, you could say it´s all because the media lies and tries to give the worst possible picture whenever sex with animals is involved, but let´s be honest, if you make your dog whimper and obviously suffer from anger management problems ("hole in bedroom door") , you shouldn´t be around animals.

silverwolf-tippysmat 2 points on 2017-02-05 15:03:02

Can't say I disagree with you, 'cause I don't. I get a bit ruffled with the assumption that every moron caught engaging in bestiality is a zoophile being persecuted to start with. Though I have to admit a bitch in ecstasy will occasionally whimper, if it's so loud and constant that it attracts the attention of yer roommate it's not whimpering but yelping, and there's a problem IMO. Definitely an article full of "red flags"...

silverwolf-tippysmat 1 point on 2017-02-05 15:05:55

and before anyone jumps on my use of "moron"; if you get caught it's through your own failure to protect yourself and your partner adequately, yet engaging in an act spurred on by lust anyway, and that is IMO, moronic...

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-02-05 20:02:13

Honestly, it depends on the situation.
Getting caught is not just moronic.
Sure, if you're doing it in public then you're quite a moron.
But it really depends on the situation.
I have no locks, you expect me to not do anything at all?
The fact that we need a vault door in a soundproof metal room with no holes is ridiculous on it's own.

Besides, if we ever get caught having sex with animals and get unfairly thrown in jail and have our partners stolen, the real morons are the idiots behind all of it.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-02-05 21:24:20

Of concern is that ALL people who have sex with animals, whether they behaved in a good or bad manner, are ALL viewed as "the same" by the media, which is troubling.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 6 points on 2017-02-04 22:21:28

''The dog wimpered and cried'' <-- Where's the evidence for that?
''genitals showed signs consistent with abuse.'' Mmmm... I really wonder what's seen as abuse here.
Usually antis call any sexual contact with animals as abuse.
You see, they really need to be more specific with those sort of things and not force ''evry animel humen fuk iz aboos'' BS.
Because y'know, I'd rather know what actually happened.
However, the way the article was written it made it look like it was actual rape.
But since it's the media, I'd rather not believe anything happened at all.

Y'know what sucks? Even if it was actual rape or not this will always give us a bad name.

30-30 amator equae 4 points on 2017-02-05 00:36:39

Well, although I share your scepticism towards neutral media coverage of such cases, this automated "the media lies!" response is fucking close to the "alt right" narrative. I doubt that leaving out such unpleasant details and assumptions (whimpering dog, hole in bedroom door) would result in a huge wave of sympathy from society. There´s NO NEED to influence the already completely negative perception of zoophilia in public, so making up stuff would be rather useless as public perception of zoophilia already is at rock bottom.

In the age of online journalism, most articles about cases involving such incidents like the one above totally stick to the official police reports. Sometimes, even word for word. What do you expect the journaists to do? Travelling to the suspect, interviewing him? Well, most online jounalists are free agents and don´t have large funds to cover costs for investigations. Quite logical that most articles about animal abuse are mere copies of the official police report, right? Journalists have to work with what´s there, especially online journalists without funds to do research on their own.

Sorry, mate, but your scepticism is a little bit over the top. We all have to realise that there are lots of negative examples out there and journalists aren´t the ones to blame for that or for covering the story with an article that´s not exactly favorable for us zoophiles.

By the way: I followed the coverage of a lot of bestiality cases, read any article and even managed to talk to the suspect himself in a few cases. All I can say is that in most cases, the horrible details you assume have been made up by journalists actually proved to be right after a few months of investigation. Like in the Espenau case, it´s the zoophiles who are assuming things without anything to back up the assumptions. The automatic exonerating reflex (" This is all made up and the "zoophile" is the true victim!") is detrimental for our cause because it generates a picture that exactly resembles all the negative prejudices towards zoophiles. Be it the "secret animal fucker cult" that will protect any animal abuser or the clandestine sadism that zoophilia truly is, this senseless defense of anyone emerging in the media is cancer. Just use Occam´s razor...how plausible is it that journalists get away with lying their asses off everytime a "zoo" is busted and makes it to the news? How plausible that an actual bad person was caught?

Just a quick example: Doug Spink, the one allegedly running an animal brothel, the coke smuggler, was portrayed as an animal abusing monster in the media. And like you, many zoos jumped in for his defense against a "biased" and "unjust" media campaign. Soon after his arrest, more and more details trickled down the pipe, showing that many of the allegations aren´t made out of thin air. The more details emerged, the more quiet the defenders got....until they finally realised that Spink actually is a bad person and the articles weren´t full blown lies, but pretty accurate. I´d wish for our entire community to end this stupid defense automatism whenever someone makes headlines by fucking an animal. Chances are incredibly high you´re defending a person that turns out to be rather undefendable after some time....but the support for this guy prior to unveiling more details about him will resonate in the "normal " society. "Hey, Herb, see? I was right about those animal fuckers, they´ll jump in to defend even the worst animal abuser." Just read what Oliver Burdinski wrote about the Espenau case and you´ll quickly learn that lies and pointless assumptions aren´t the privilege of the "lying media".

TheRedditRottie is black &amp; tan 2 points on 2017-02-05 06:23:51

What do you expect the journaists to do? Travelling to the suspect, interviewing him? Well, most online jounalists are free agents and don´t have large funds to cover costs for investigations. Quite logical that most articles about animal abuse are mere copies of the official police report, right? Journalists have to work with what´s there, especially online journalists without funds to do research on their own.

I do hope this was tongue in cheek. I believe it is a bit disingenuous to suggest that a journalist's job is just to cut and paste police reports, the article posted here was written almost a month after the original article it cites so it's not like they were going to miss a deadline waiting for a reply from the accused's attorney is it? Yeah, I naïvely expect a "journalist" to pick up a phone or write an email (Oh! The expense!) and do the most basic of research before publishing a story. I know it's not what is going to happen but I can live in hope.

Indeed, it's funny that you should mention Doug Spink, iirc one of his gripes was that despite giving out all of his contact details (prison email address, snail mail address, attorney's name & phone number etc) only one of the many, many journalists that wrote about him bothered to contact him during or in the immediate aftermath of the shitstorm that enveloped him in 2010. Says a lot doesn't it, he contacted the journalists, "here I am please talk to me I want to give my side of the story" .They didn't even have to lift a finger to find out how to contact him yet only one of them did, everyone else did exactly what you've just said is perfectly acceptable - print whatever the prosecution tells them...Like him or loathe him there's some extremely important lessons there for all of us regarding the quality of modern journalism and how we are portrayed in the "media" at large.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-02-05 12:51:59

I´m absolutely positive that you back up your criticism of journalism with lots of subscriptions of newspapers...are you? If you want quality journalism, you´ll have to pay for it, dude. If you consume news for free, you shouldn´t be surprised by "copy and paste" procedures. You know what the real problem is here? It´s not journalists, it´s the fuckin´ "for free" mentality of the internet generation. "I want all, but I don´t want to pay for it"...ripping music, movies, games, basically everything. That´s the real problem. Another problem is that almost everyone can declare himself a "journalist" nowadays, you don´t have to study journalism, you just have to install a random blog and woosh, you´re a "journalist". Do you really think most of the sites featuring "zoo stories" are more than a hobby or an attempt to make money? It´s not the journalists we should hate, it´s the system that´s hiding behind.

I´ll tell you a little story of a German radio station (You FM) interviewing a ZETA member (Komet). Being an official and publicly funded radio station, the guy doing the interview excelled with some questions that gave you the undeniable impression of him being actually well informed, he did his homework. Even when the antis started campaigning against YOU FM and their "inappropriate advertising of bestiality", because the interview wasn´t outright hateful and hostile, the radio station kept up its page regarding the interview. You want strong and unbiased journalism? Then fund it. The radio station never had to worry about losing ratings or losing some ads when touching a controversial topic because YOU FM is publicly funded. If you want independent journalism, then just make journalists independent enough by funding them. It´s really as simple as that.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-02-07 03:27:19

If you consume news for free, you shouldn´t be surprised by "copy and paste" procedures. You know what the real problem is here? It´s not journalists, it´s the fuckin´ "for free" mentality of the internet generation.

Just because something is free to the consumer doesn't mean it MUST BE bad. The problem is that polarizing drama sells, so that is what unscrupulous journalists provide. And it is the people who pick up and share viral news stories (as is happening here), not the few people who sit down and question it, that we will need to confront.

So really, the problem IS about journalistic integrity and what gets published and picked up, rather than about one's own personal source of quality news.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 3 points on 2017-02-05 12:57:00

I think you misunderstood me.
But I don't blame you for that because my post made it seem that way.

It's just that I never trust the media.
How am I supposed to know what actually happened?
I'm not entirely on the dogfucker's side either.
I'm just more in the "I have no fucking idea" spot.

If I read the article and take it 100% seriously, then yes I would believe it was rape.
But still...
Hole in the wall? By who? The dogfucker himself?
Crying and wimpering? A bitches' orgasm could clearly be mistaken for that.
Signs of abuse in genitals? Well like I said, what is seen as abuse here?

I still don't trust the media because it has spread lies and rumors before.
Sure, there have been enough cases were it was all right and correct but who could know for sure?
Look, I'm not trusting them because it's zoo related, but because it's the media.
I know very well that zoophilia has it's flaws and some serious bad shit happens because of it and have accepted that long ago.

I have no fucking idea.
You might wanna see this too.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-02-05 13:25:19

If you hold a basic distrust towards the media, what are the alternatives, man? You have to realise that behind every text, a fallible human stands. A journalist is human, has beliefs of his own and it´s natural that these peronal beliefs will influence the written text. I don´t see the problem in the linked article, though. This article is rather neutral , doesn´t judge the guy arrested and sticks to the facts given by the police report regarding this case. What else do you want, man?

I too would like to see another source of information beyond mainstream media. But all I can find are the usual stupid pro zoo sites with their fragmented defense ad libs. I really wonder why no one came up with the idea to make some "zoo daily" newspaper...when I was young, I participated in making death metal fanzines. Today, creating something like the "zoo Al Jazeera" wouldn´t be too complicated or more expensive than copying 32 pages on a shitty school xerox 200 times...why aren´t we doing this?

If you´re really that dissatisfied with media coverage of such cases, why don´t you create an alternative? If you want something, you´ll have to do it yourself, the world doesn´t owe you, us zoophiles or anybody else. If you want an alternative, start building your own blog, criticise the police, the media coverage of such cases, write whatever caomes into your mind. But don´t expect others to build your paradise for you... "We gotta fight for zoo rights!" - "Yeah, and what do you contribute?" - "Uhm, I´ll just sit here and wait until some hero comes and changes my world for me...."

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-02-05 19:24:25

Well, I can't think of an alternative. I can't just trust the media because it's the only thing we have.
You're right, the article was neutral somewhat.
But who knows what might be hiding behind those nice guy words?
You know very well that I'm not really the guy to trust anything at all.
Like I said, I don't know of any alternatives.
I lack the knowledge for that, so I won't.
But still, we have the same problem here.
Who knows that I'm not lying, just to make zoophilia look nice and dandy?
It's just that I always fear that there's lies in the media.

But don´t expect others to build your paradise for you... "We gotta fight for zoo rights!" - "Yeah, and what do you contribute?" - "Uhm, I´ll just sit here and wait until some hero comes and changes my world for me...."

Mmmm? I don't really understand what you're saying here.
But hey, that's exactly what we're doing right now, no?
Discussing the most random zoo things on Reddit won't ever have a big effect.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-03-24 16:10:30

Yeah I don't like this at all, seems fishy but also seems like abuse as well.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-24 16:13:44

Just to let you know, this is about a month old.

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-03-24 16:30:39

I saw the time stamp thingy

peacheslala97 19/F/Loves dogs and horses 1 point on 2017-02-05 02:34:31

I have to agree with /u/30-30 again. While this man could be innocent and genuinely was in love with his dog he could also be a sick man. Simply calling every story about human/animal sex contact a case of "The zoo is the victim damn the media!" isn't going to do is any favors. Because then when the evidence comes out showing that our martyr is indeed what the media calls him, a rapist, then we're once again the sick fucks who rape animals.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-02-07 03:37:57


OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 4 points on 2017-02-05 00:02:22

I'm not quite sure what to believe. On one hand, if the dog was whimpering, that's bad. On the other hand, can we really believe someone who admits to spying on his roommate through a peephole?

Also, the writing style of this article is hardly one of a neutral journalist. "Vile" is a word no journalist of the 21st century should ever use, unless you write for one of those Nigerian papers.

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2017-02-05 04:42:04

I've seen dogs whimper who were clearly loving what they were doing. Sometimes they just get that excited.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-02-05 06:29:08

Not a dog guy (or at least not in the sexual sense), so was just "best guessing" it. Thanks for the correction.

Skgrsgpf 2 points on 2017-02-05 21:43:03

Though not all people who have sex with animals are the same — some behave in a good manner while others do not — the media does not make that distinction and, as you said, use words like "vile" to describe all sex with animals (which is a bias). No matter how good or bad the situation being described is, it seems the media will always take the anti-zoo approach.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 2 points on 2017-02-06 02:07:14

Good journalism courses back in the day taught me to leave words like "vile" at the door because they are injecting opinion into your article, which journalism is supposed to avoid. So many miss this though.

CantThinkOfAName2017 Prefers humans, but likes female dogs and mares 1 point on 2017-02-05 20:14:46

Considering this was Florida, you'd think this would be story about a guy fucking a dolphin or fish. lol

(It's just a joke guys)

fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2017-02-06 12:09:46

Hubbard allegedly covered up the noises by saying the dog was just hot, a believable excuse in Florida.

What? All other articles I've seen about this said that he said "she was in heat".

Not that it's a high quality newspaper, but at least it's somewhat common source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/pit-bull-sexual-assault-charge_us_58795c93e4b09281d0eafe5c

She told police Hubbard brushed off questions by saying the victimized animal was in heat, according to 11 Alive.com.

I'm pretty sure this guy here has just no idea what he's writing about.

This is just another ambiguous story. Honestly it just is too weird to comprehend either side.

The accuser told police she estimated she had seen Hubbard take the dog to his bedroom for sexual abuse at least 100 times. She claimed she witnessed Hubbard assault the dog when she looked through a hole in his door that had been caused by a violent outburst.

The witness also said she heard the dog cry out in pain during episodes that she said escalated during 2016. She told police Hubbard brushed off questions by saying the victimized animal was in heat, according to 11 Alive.com.

Hubbard’s roommate told officers she didn’t report it earlier because she “did not want to get Hubbard in trouble,” according to WEAR-TV.

What the hell is going on with someone who sees their roommate abuse their dog such that the dog "cries out in pain" again and again, but "doesn't want to get said roommate in trouble"? Why not?

This smells like someone who knew that their roommate is a zoophile and was okay with it until they changed their mind and are now accusing him of stuff to get him in trouble. After all

Overall, they claim that he may have assaulted the innocent pit bull mix upwards of 100 times or more, with the first few times being outwardly and aurally contested by the dog, before it seemed to relent to its fate.


is just a part of their claim and presumably no evidence exists for that.

The only real clue is

Following her call, Baby Girl was taken to a local veterinarian, where a specialized rape kit was used to confirm whether or not she been sexually abused. After the test came back with positive signs of damage to her genitalia, as well as remnants of human sperm, the move was made to arrest and charge Hubbard with the dog’s rape. The vet also added that Baby Girl seemed to have incurred some kind of emotional or psychological damage, with the pit bull showing signs of heavy aggression and only being able to be “kind” to one person at a time.

but without any specifics of what the vet supposedly described as "damage to her genitalia" there is nothing really to go on. I don't think it would be the first time something like this turned out to be nothing. And the description of her behavior... is weird?

On the other hand everything might be true and he just likes abusing animals. From the articles available I can't decide, I just know that it's all weird.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-02-06 20:27:47

It could also be that our "zoo hero" is an aggressive bastard and no one dared to turn him in in fear of being beaten up until looking the other way ceased to be an option anymore.

I absolutely love how you usually accuse the media of lying , but totally trust any random article if it paints a more favorable picture. So, you´re only distrusting the media when things are reported you don´t agree with, right? That´s not scepticism, Axyz, that´s selective perception and being blind for facts that don´t fit your reality tunnel.

You also demand that the reporter has to be an expert in dogs´sexual behaviour...but tell me, why are you, a guy with no own practical experience, feeling more of an expert? Because you read lots of pro "zoo" articles and how-tos?

What also is funny: when an article explicitly describes the animal´s injury, you also go full frontal against those articles. Can´t you just realise that you´re biased and want to see the "persecuted minority" being treated "unjustly" in every fuckin´ single article about an animal sex bust? You´re not neutral yourself , but demand that from anyone else writing about another case of a caught bloke. I guess that´s called bigotry, right?

At least, you summed it up with your last paragraph...yeah, we don´t know anything about this case except what the news agencies publish. Why not trying to contact the "poor zoo victim unjustly jailed" instead of spilling conspiracy theories and complaining about the biased media? That´s what I did before Enumclaw and Mr Spink happened, trying to contact the perpetrators, family and friends whenever it was possible. Why not getting in touch, gathering first hand knowledge rather than cowering down in the cosy "we´re all persecuted" hole you dug yourself? Just my two cents...

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2017-02-07 00:02:51

but tell me, why are you, a guy with no own practical experience, feeling more of an expert?

Because I know what the term "in heat" means.

Can´t you just realise that you´re biased and want to see the "persecuted minority" being treated "unjustly" in every fuckin´ single article about an animal sex bust?

The other side is already in the article, there is no use repeating it. I'm only saying that these articles mostly just report the story the accusers tell. "positive signs of damage to her genitalia" could be legit or it could not be. I'm not saying he didn't injure her, I'm saying the trust in the media is misplaced either way.

Remember this article that was posted here? http://www.recordnet.com/news/20161128/three-dogs-rescued-from-potential-sexual-abuse

Zuniga arranged for her vet, Dr. Steven Ayres, to examine Emma, Ava and Lobo, and what he discovered was extremely disturbing, she said.

The two females - Emma, a terrier mix, and Ava, a pregnant pit bull - have obvious vaginal trauma, she said, and that both have serious vaginal infections and are being treated with antibiotics.

And not much later we got to read http://www.recordnet.com/news/20161202/police-no-sign-of-dog-abuse

On Monday, Terry Eastham, a manager of Venetian Pet Hospital who spoke on behalf of veterinarian Dr. Stephen Ayres, said that in the doctor's more than 40 years in practice he had never seen such injuries caused by abuse, which included sexual molestation.

Animal Services Manager Phillip Zimmerman said the agency is still waiting for the full forensic report, but also mentioned that there were no signs of sexual abuse on any of the dogs.

A short google search doesn't give any updates so the case probably is not a case anymore. Even though "her vet, Dr. Steven Ayres" confirmed it publicly in the press. Or maybe it still is and I just don't know it from the news?

I didn't want to say anyone should defend a convicted animal abuser. I wanted to say that maybe we should wait for a conviction and what the court actually sees as credible evidence.

The reasons to doubt this story are not given directly in the article, you have to infer them. Do you not think it is odd the owner watched

The witness reportedly said she heard the dog whimper and cry out in pain during each incident.

She also told police how the dog would initially cry out and whimper during its attacks, but over time it had stopped making noises as it was victimized.

go on for over 100 times and only then decided to report him? Does she not care about that dog at all?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-02-07 00:26:34

What if this guy was indeed an asshole and a bully that showed the same kind of aggression towards the witness (family member) and speaking out against him would inevitably result in being beaten up by Mr Dickhead , too? Haven´t you read about domestic abuse and how long it usually takes the victim, family members, relatives and friends to intervene? Same mechanism of looking the other way until you cannot continue this anymore.Absolutely plausible.

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2017-02-07 14:48:13
