How do you feel about romance media? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-02-05 06:25:16 by Swibblestein

So. I'm curious if this is just something about me, or if it's a common experience.

I'm zoo-exclusive, and more often than not, I find myself disliking most "romantic" media - love songs, love stories, movies with a focus on romance and whatnot...

It's not like I have any inherent problem with that sort of media, exactly, because in the extremely rare cases where there's a story that is explicitly about an interspecies romance (or can be interpreted that way easily), those stories can be some of my very favorites.

But media with a focus on human-human romantic relationships... They bum me out a bit,, honestly. I'm curious if any other zoo-exclusives feel the same way, or if those things are still plenty enjoyable. Tell me your thoughts!

Sheppsoldier -1 points on 2017-02-05 07:05:07

Human-human love in movies or otherwise can be very disturbing sometimes. Especially when daily I'm reminded by those people who appear to be playing out reenactments of children's cartoons and their stereotypical happy or human-human ending... the people who expect my zoo lifestyle and attraction to change, or convert to the "true calling" of finding love with a lonely princess. It has an ill effect on everybody, but the effects are worse for people like me who won't adhere to that overplayed fantasy. We become surrounded by those brainwashed love-change nazis, love-change zombies. Childish reenactments and figments of imagination. It's suffocating.

I've experienced anger when listening to love songs. Too much love, after a while it starts to pile up, rot and fester. Not enough balance when love rules, when people think love is all we need. Full on love and lacking everything else, I start to feel malnourished and scurvy, as if maintaining a constant but plentiful diet of shoe leather while skimping on the fruit, vegetables and real meats. The hunger for decent nutritional-real life value results in anger and rage.

Romance media has negative effects and does no good for me. Not sure how interspecies romance would affect me, but as I said love does become overbearing if there's too much outweighing little else.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-02-05 09:41:59

"I experienced anger when listening to love songs"...and you don´t realise that exactly this may be an explanation for your entire narrative? You´re angry at people who CAN have true love because you can´t... "Too much love"...well, if you´re not interested in love , if you never had feelings of that type for an animal, what are you doing here? You don´t want "too much love" you don´t want to make sacrifices, you don´t want to adapt, you don´t want to dedicate yourself....say, could it be that you´re just a very egocentric and selfish person? One with a lack of loving capability? Someone who always feels as if the world owes him something?

Just one final question before I will ignore you and leave you in your hateful hellhole you call life: what exactly would change for us if we all would back you up and support your belligerent talk? What exactly would change? I´ll tell you....nothing, not a bit. The only thing that would change is the already negative perception of zoophiles...with that hateful approach of yours, I´m pretty sure society will tolerate and accept zoophilia immediately . /s

Fact is:

  • you obviously won´t change a thing with your BS trench fights
  • you obviously are unable to feel love. How can anyone who has experienced it be annoyed by love songs?
  • your only focus point are "zoophiles", but you constantly forget the animals in this equation. All you talk about is "zoophiles" that should support each other (more like support me, right?).
  • the world doesn´t own you shit. If you want something, you´ll have to EARN it yourself...
  • from all you´ve written in here, you´re not a zoophile. You´re a bestialist..and obviously one without any experience. The only reason why you´re here, spilling your nonsense, is to destroy. "If I can´t have it, nobody else should have it"...come on, man, usually you´re pulling out your kitchentable psychoanalysis whenever someone says something you don´t like. Why don´t you use your "magic" on yourself for once ? Maybe you can actually learn what the fuck is wrong with you and why you cannot connect to anybody in here...

I should be angry at you for your incredibly stupid posts....but I´m actually not. What I can see behind all your text is someone I´d rather be sorry for...all the paranoia, all this destructive must be a very lonely person. Even your "zoophile lifestyle" cannot fill the holes in your soul and that´s why you are here, annoying everyone with your google psychoanalysis skills. The "drug" you chose doesn´t get the job done...sexual frustration, a constant feeling of being setback or left out, left´re truly a very interesting person...for any psychiatrist.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-02-05 11:17:49

Go away freak.. I'm not interested in connecting with fake people that are obviously here to defraud the zoo community with "success stories" and cult-like manners. This is supposed to be zoophilia, not a ponzi scheme or any other method to benefit your self image..

There's no such thing as a "bestialist." Zoophilia is the attraction to animals, bestiality is the act of sex with animals. If you only have one side then youre not a complete zoophile. All you have are half truths, you're nothing but a fantasy living in a fantasy.

You're only claiming zoophilia to use it as a tool, like makeup or a wig. Zoophilia must be the new metro-sexuality where you come from.. It's like abusing the appearance of being gay but you wont actually have sex with a man. Sending mixed signals much?

Oh yes, and I'm gayer than you..

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-02-05 12:39:41

I should create a new thread for you.

"Zoophilia from the perspective of a castrated male"

But there will also be a special section for the post-menopausal.

All you need is love-love-love and chocolates and a nice pair of shoes.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-02-05 12:55:04

Wow, going full retard in one second...amazing ability, mate!

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-02-05 13:04:20

Seriously dude?
I think we should just admit to being fakers and all...
Y'know why? With all the evidence that he has given us I don't think we stand a chance anymore.
And as you can see, the zoo community really seems to agree with him.
Look at how much people are agreeing with his flawless arguments!
I think we should just put off our "zoo clothing" and leave our belongings behind.

Sorry /u/Sheppsoldier for being the bad ghosts in your nightmare that you've been stuck in for a while.
You were good son. Real good. Maybe even the best.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-02-05 13:51:12

He´s quite entertaining, though...on a very twisted level , of course, but still entertaining. Calling me a castrated male although I had more intercourse in the last 5 years than he will have in his entire life is quite funny.

But you´re right, we´re all fakers in here. We basically created this sub to help society to get rid of those nasty animal fuckers. Totally legit assumption. Oh, wait, I forgot to put my tin foil hat it´s a totally legit assumption.

Being the most advanced faker of us all, I even managed to photoshop myself into kissing a nasty filthy beast french least, he can´t complain about my lack of dedication to "bring all the zoos down". The downvoting of his posts most certainly is the result of our anti zoo conspiracy and thus , he won´t ever accept the fact that his claims, accusations and neurotic rants are declined by most zoophiles, even the ones who are more "tolerant" than I am. As I´ve written before, we should not overdo the joking, this guy very probably suffers from his inability to love. Have you noticed how angry he gets when love is mentioned? He comes across as one of those emotionally defunct womenhaters or a constantly rejected teenager claiming that love is an illusion and not real because he never experienced love himself. "If I can´t have it, nobody should". Sure, making fun of this obvious looney is entertaining, but behind his rants, a very lonely soul emerges. Alone in his crowd, alone with himself, alone. Hating everything that reminds him of his own disabilities...yeah, I´m somehow angry at his posts, but on the other hand, I think he´s a very poor guy with all he openly displayed here.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-02-05 19:15:36

I really don't want to set up this 'edgy' personality like I always do, but I'm not going to sympathize with him.
Especially when we are suffering because of it.
Just like Aluzky, he's a bad apple who's not looking to improve.
Stuck in his own world, never giving themselves a chance to leave.
I'm afraid that if any non-zoo sees people like him we will have a worse image.
People always see us as degenerates, spastic, mentally ill fucks.
Honestly, because of people like him I'm almost starting to believe it myself.
It's starting to pile up and I'm almost under the impression that we're all indeed crazy.
If it affects me, then what effect will it have on the outsiders?

I know joking about him won't help, but it certainly doesn't stop him from getting a functional brain either.
Even if I'm breaking the rules, I'll make sure these fucks will have a bad time here.
I don't really help the weak anymore, it has never worked.

Unless you were still being sarcastic at the end of your post, it still won't change my opinion.
I've still told what I had to tell.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-02-05 23:34:20

FYI: many of what I wrote was indeed sarcastic.

There´s one thing you should never forget: Zoophilia is a weirdo magnet. It´s surely sad it is so, but we can´t do anything else than trying to minimise the damage those weirdos do. As long as the entire community suffers from misunderstood "tolerance" and people like A and S aren´t immediately kicked out for good, this basic truth won´t change. If I were you, I wouldn´t think about the negative picture those weirdos paint. There´s a very efficiently working antidote for individuals like A and S, it´s called sanity/self control/responsibility. You remember how the discussion with two members of CringeAnarchy went? What the result was? Even with Aluzky participating, bridges towards the outsiders can be built. When even CringeAnarchy members can differentiate, feel sorry for insulting zoos and even apologise, things aren´t as dim as they might look. Yes, we recently experience an era of hostility and laws directed at us zoophiles, but you have to understand that this isn´t solid like a monument and rather comparable with a pendulum. What goes forth will go back eventually. I doubt that I, in my mid 40s, will benefit , but you as the youngster you are surely will experience a time when the dust of the newly installed laws will have settled and things suddenly start to move into the opposite direction. You have more than 40 years lying ahead, much time in which a fundamental change can happen. "Panta rhei" , as the Greek proverb says...everything is in fluxus.

I´ll give you a powerful mantra to fight your trust issues with mankind, recite it everytime you experience negativity towards humans. It goes: WERE LIVNG ON THE PLANET OF THE APES: DONT EXPECT REASON,FAIRNESS OR DECENCY: WE`RE LIVING ON THE PLANET OF THE APES.

Keeping myself constantly aware of that fact helped me immensely to deal with every human "quality". They´re furless monkeys and as that, they naturally behave like furless monkeys, too. Are you angry because your dog publicly poops? No? Are you angry that a species is acting according to its biological programming? No? Then why are you so upset about monkeys acting like monkeys? Monkeys fling their feces at opponents and to mark their territory...furless monkeys will fight and mark their territory with excrements falling out of their mouths or scribble them down on a sheet of paper. Study humans and their behaviour, learn to see the monkey behind the facade...then you´ll quickly understand why being angry at them is nothing more than a waste of time and energy. Are you angry at your dog because it can´t fly? Then, why are you angry at humans acting like the furless monkeys they are? Expecting them to be completely rational, decent and open for new stuff is massively negating the biological truth.

Make your peace with humans, mate. Just accept them, with all their flaws and inconsistencies and soon you´ll start to wonder why you´ve been so angry at them. You´ll see that you wasted time thinking about them you could have better invested in something really meaningful, like the relationship with your animal.Don´t martyr and torture yourself so much about the common negative perception of us zoos, live your life instead. Take it from me who´s been going through this phase of life some 27 years´s a waste of your precious time. Every second you lose because you´re digging yourself in this too much is a second less with your love. I can only emphasize how important it is to learn this fundamental truth. Don´t be a victim of the "tar baby" effect, meaning that you´ll become more entangled with what you hate and despise the harder you try to fight it off. Remember the medieval witch hunts? The more you try to fight, the faster you´ll become what you´re fighting against...the inquisitors being even more diabolic than the ones they accuse of selling their souls to the devil. Don´t make the same mistake, meditate, think, try to understand.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-02-11 00:19:02

Even if I'm breaking the rules, I'll make sure these fucks will have a bad time here.

Please don't break the rules. If it really gets to you, I suggest looking into mindfulness meditation.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-02-11 18:02:37

No worries, I'll be a good boy.
From the looks of it, I may already have trained him a little.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-02-06 00:37:11

Disability? You're enabling me more than a drug dealer could. I have no shortage of love, from you or others and that's why I can keep on trucking!

It's not that you want to "get rid of" the nasty animal fuckers as much as you're aiming to exploit them. Maybe you should open your own mega church and sock zoos with a fee for membership? Of course they would have to live by your standards, you know, to increase the profit going into your pocket?

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-02-06 00:54:05

Ah so that's you're problem... Too busy having fake sex, aka jerking off. Makes you soft.

While you were spending 5 years playing with yourself, self gratifying, I was busy learning something. You really did get caught with your pants down this time!

Hell, if you knew anything you'd know that the tinfoil hat is to keep the ideas from escaping and hurting you're feelings. Coincidentally I forgot to wear it today.

Im sorry... You might have to attempt gratifying yourself a little harder tonight to repair the damage. Maybe if you beg hard enough I'll put that tin foil hat back on just for your protection, princess.

Really though, how much more time would you waste trying to gratify yourself if it hasn't shown results after (I know you're lying about the timeframe) probably 10 whole years? That's an entire decade of just dicking around.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-02-05 18:06:23

I could always be better, but I doubt I could ever be as good as the person that talked you fairies into being so soft an sensitive.

I always have that choice to improve you know? I didnt fall for the love-baiting and neuter myself like you weirdos did.

I heard the UK has very good cybernetics, maybe you could opt in for Bluetooth enabled prosthetic gonads. You know, so they can call for help when you isolate them in the basement again?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2017-02-05 18:56:02

There's indeed room for improvement, but it's obvious that you are a special one who is not going to take that path.
I don't know what this love-baiting is and that I was neutered.
Last time I checked, my whole dick is in one piece.
I've heard antis make better insults, lmao.


Oh... ^my...

''I've heard antis make better insults, lmao.''


Calm down there bucko, we'll get your meds soon and you'll be slippin' into your dream world again.
Dear Shepp, I hope that someday somebody might agree with you.
-The person who is obviously not a zoophile at all, WarCanine

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-02-05 19:57:44

Yes... Coincidentally you and the antis have something in common. You both live by strict scripture and blueprint, like robots. I suppose you have more interest in "Dominating" people with you're beliefs than an interest in animals.

Here I've been providing "different" ideas since the moment I joined, and you've all be jumping on top of me from the moment I joined. Well hell, I didn't consent to you're rigid belief system did I?

There's a rather nasty term for people like you.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-02-05 20:13:24

Scripture and blueprint? Sure mate.
Where'd you get that idea from? The real fairies in your dream land?

Well anyways, since we're comparing eachother to complete idiots...
Aluzky also seems to support bestialists, how disgusting. Oh, and both your visions are extremely limited.
Can't really see farther than your erect dick, sadly...
Both of you feel 'attacked' and just think that if no one agrees with them they're just baddie baddie liars. Another reason I'm seen as a spy by the dumbtastic duo.
Not only that, no zoo agrees with you or Aluzky.
I really hope the fucker returns someday, I'd almost pay to see you guys argue.
Say, why don't you tell him how you think zoo haters like children?
He would kindly disagree with the fact that it's wrong. Give it a try, if you're a true soldier!
And lastly, both of you had to deal with me.

You know we should be the ones complaining about you joining?
Trust me, you're not the victim here.

Different ideas?
Sadly they all horribly don't make sense.
If people ever blame zoos for that bias bullshit, they're definitely talking about you.

'Mental Hospital'
There's a rather good place for humans like you.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-02-07 22:30:22

I shouldn't have to tell you why this is a violation of rule 7, but it is.

Since this is your first(and hopefully last) rule seven warning, I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you about the expanded information on rule 7, and review the definition we use when evaluating disrespect offenses.

Disrespect is defined as anything, intentional or unintentional, that appears to be meant to offend, shame, harass, or otherwise derogate another individual or group, within /r/zoophilia or without.

This does not include observations or fair criticisms whose verbiage is not inherently inflammatory and can be reasonably inferred or verified in some capacity. Potentially inflammatory opinions that are clarified as being opinions and are in posts clearly not intended to be inflammatory are not infractions.

Go away freak.. I'm not interested in connecting with fake people that are obviously here to defraud the zoo community with "success stories" and cult-like manners. This is supposed to be zoophilia, not a ponzi scheme or any other method to benefit your self image..

The first sentence is a clear show of overt derogation. While the proceeding arguments in this paragraph wouldn't net you an infraction on their own, it should be noted that their verbiage is millimeters from crossing the line.

You're only claiming zoophilia to use it as a tool, like makeup or a wig. Zoophilia must be the new metro-sexuality where you come from.. It's like abusing the appearance of being gay but you wont actually have sex with a man. Sending mixed signals much?

It's one thing to suspect others of being 'metrosexual', and another entirely to make accusations and assumptions about them.

While this rule is currently in a trial phase, the blatant disregard for rule 7 in this comment and those following it force me to upgrade your infraction tier to T1. I hope you use this opportunity to take a hard look at what led up to this.

szunltap crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-02-05 10:32:29

Yep. I can't see anything interesting in romance songs, movies, stories etc. Well, I also don't like music at all. When it's about interspecies love, it... makes me thinking. P.S. I'm also exclusive.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2017-02-05 11:07:10

I´m not at all annoyed by romance media. I seldom read love stories, but am a very frequent listener of music. Although I am really leaning to "hard" music like Industrial, Death Metal, Grindcore, Drum ´n Bass and Old School Punk/Hardcore, I can absolutely appreciate a good, non greasy pop song about love. Sometimes, the lyrics are so open to interpretation, you easily can reinterpret the song according to your own situation. Björk´s hymn to a friend of her named "Joga" still makes me cry.

all the accidents that happen follow the dot coincidence makes sense only with you you don´t have to speak I feel emotional landscapes they puzzle me

...then the riddle gets solved and you push me up to this

Refrain: state of emergency how beautiful to be state of emergency is where I want to be

all that no one sees you see what´s inside of me every nerve that hurts you heal deep inside of me you don´t have to speak I feel

emotional landscapes they puzzle me confuse

...then the riddle gets solved and you push me up to this


It wasn´t too hard for me to reinterpret Björk´s song as a love song for my mare. As long as the lyrics differ from the usual platitudes of "I love you and you love me, let´s fuck and make a family", I usually can relate to a good, substantial love song. When the song has depth and meaning, I see no conflict of interest, even when the song is about "normal" human on human love.

BTW, the master of truly deep, yet romantic love songs is Nine Inch Nails mastermind Trent Reznor. His song "We´re in this together" is the strongest song about love I´ve ever heard and also relates to my life more than Reznor intended. "You and me, we´re in this together now, None of them can stop us now. We will make it through somehow..." If you´re a zoo and can´t relate to this, you´re probably emotionally dead...;)

Of course, the average love pop song with a kiddie song melody and infantile , braindead lyrics annoys me ...but in comparison, even shallow pop songs about love are better than listening to Gangsta HipHop "Love" songs about "bitches going down on me". The common "Guns, gold chains and hookers" scenario that massively disrespects women....

You shouldn´t feel bummed out by human-human relationships. Although I know how you feel ´cause I´m equally annoyed by ads trying to sell random shit with tits and asses, I don´t feel annoyed by "normal" relationships. For me, it´s only a logic consequence that "normal" relationships get so much media coverage...."normals" are still the majority, the core focus group for the media.

I´ve made my peace with that fact long ago. The vast majority is "normal" and I don´t blame the media for focusing on "normality" rather than putting "unnormals" into the limelight constantly. I also want to mention the immense lack of quality "non normal" stories. The best we zoos seem to be able to come up with are retarded and unrealistic fantasy stories and George Willard´s "The Horseman" in which he fucks his pony through the entire book and only claims "love" for his pony when his wife was filing for divorce and his psychiatrist basically forced him to pull out the "love card" as a last resort, so he doesn´t have to realise he is/was a beasty keeping his pony for the sole purpose of getting laid when his wife "wasn´t in the mood". I cannot remember reading a "zoo story" with an approach more mature, more sophisticated than George Willard´s dim excuse for a justification of his twisted life. Simply put, there aren´t enough stories worth publishing from our side here. Maybe my group can change this in the near future, we all have a "zoo diary", we all pledged to write our memoirs and publish them when we´re getting close to the end of our lives. A good idea for any zoo, btw...write down what you experience and turn it into a book that can be published when you´re too old to worry about having something to lose by going public.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-02-05 12:41:53

You're not alone on this one.
I completely avoid this stuff at all costs.
Human romance kind of bothers me, it's just so uninteresting and can get disgusting.
If it's about zoo romance, I definitely am more interested.
In fact, it can turn me on quite well.
But it's a bit sad that I can just feel the negativity surrounding it.
Anyways, I'm exclusive.
...If that wasn't already obvious enough.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 3 points on 2017-02-05 14:44:49

trying to throw some signal into the noise...

i've always been uncomfortable during "romance" (sex) scenes in movies. i'm sure outsiders look at things like that and think "you need help, then you could be normal!" but uh ... no, thanks. it doesn't depress me, just squicks me out.

a good love song is still a god love song, though, to me (then again, i like music). there is definitely a lot of stuff that's just too saccharine or cliche or trite, though.

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2017-02-05 17:59:58

I'm a fan of musical theater, so this might be a little weird, but I get a lot of value out of "love songs." More than that, though, I like songs about unrequited or disappointing love as far as zoo stuff goes. My favorites include:

  • "On My Own", from Les Miserables, as a song about fantasy love that can't become real.

  • "Being Alive", from Company, about resisting romantic love in cynicism and ultimately desiring it anyway.

  • "I've Never Been In Love Before," from Guys and Dolls, about having an ideal partner and then finding someone who completely overturns that ideal.

FuzzyFundamentFondle zetacola 1 point on 2017-02-07 00:07:34

Colour My World wrecks my shit.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-02-09 16:35:27
