January in Summary (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-02-05 21:41:49 by AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile.

January was a time of change for this subreddit, if one thing had to be said about it. It’s alot to process even for active members, and I want to try to cover everything in one shot; compartmentalized and cogent. I meant to publish this 2-3 days ago, but between frequent burnout and the ever-present need to articulate this as accurately as possible, it’s taken quite a bit longer. This way anyone who missed anything can just jump to a section.

###”Extended Staff”

Bottom line: The extended staff are users with no special permissions on this subreddit(with rare exceptions like wiki editing rights), are treated without impunity, and while input they give within their field is generally trusted they don’t have any special influence on decision making.

Extended staff was a term chosen in lieu of writing staff because I honestly don’t know how far the community will want to take things in the future, and being prepared for it now will help to avoid confusion later. Heck, even now, I have some ideas for where the extended staff can expand, but I just don’t know how it would pan out. It’s a way to expedite processes like wiki development and to give those willing to make high quality contributions some autonomy(Like with wiki development).

Recruitment for extended staff is something that we can be very flexible about due to the fact that there’s supposed to be no net gain of power. I’ve added people that PMed me, sent invitations, and wouldn’t be averse to inviting people the community at large vouches for. Pretty much anything goes, so long as applicants can keep their content quality up to the standards we need; especially with the wiki, which needs to be an authoritative resource. People that don’t want to be part of the extended staff can still apply for approved submitter status within the sanctum, but consistently disruptive, non-contributory posts, or vandalism will result in us striking without mercy all the same.

If members of the extended staff are operating too slowly or if their work is consistently poor or difficult to use, or they appear to be inactive, then we’ll remove them accordingly. The extended staff isn’t a caste, after all; it’s a responsibility. That, and having inactive users with wiki permissions brings with it an elevated risk of that account being compromised and causing a minor setback.

Generally speaking, the extended staff are delegated to units(wiki staff, engagement staff, and whatever else is decided on in the future), but there is room for interplay and we don’t really care to restrict interaction. Right now, there are only wiki staff, who receive wiki editing privileges within the sanctum. Extended staff are meant to be slightly more official contributors that have certain responsibilities, and are held to much more stringent quality standards within the sanctum.

###The “Inner Sanctum”

Found at /r/ZSanctum. It’s where our extended staff can collaborate and where a fair amount of planning for major projects, weekly discussions, etc will take place.

The name is more of a relic from my D&D days than anything (Pocket protector intensifies), in that it gave me a penchant for archaic and extravagant nomenclature. It’s less fitting now that it’s not private, but there is some exclusivity when accounting for the need for quality or useful content. This was originally private, but while we don’t want people working in a glass house, transparency is and should stay one of the top priorities.

The inner sanctum has a trifecta of purposes; it’s a great test environment where we can give users permissions outside of /r/zoophilia(like the wiki staff), it streamlines development processes by providing infrastructure specific to development of the subreddit, and it increases the signal to noise ratio by allowing us to avoid disruptive contributors and condense our work materials in one place. In many regards, it’s like an office or a workplace for extended staff. As outlined in the extended staff section, users not interested in a position on the extended staff can still apply for approved submitter status, with the assumption that they read and understand the rules of it.

###CSS Changes

The most obvious change is probably the new flairs. In order, a reptile, hominid, pig/boar, avian, feline, and aquatic symbol, respectively, have been added to the colored flairs available. If you have ideas or a better 14x14 sprite for one of them, PM me and I’ll take a look.

Linkflairs have been activated and the “News”, “Discussion”, and “Art” flairs are now available to users. While we don’t want flairs to get too bloated, suggestions are welcome.

The “created by” text that basically said “created by [Deleted]” has been removed. The snoo quotes in the sidebar saying things like “...for great justice. ...for your WoW guild.” have also been removed. Additionally, the “Create your own Subreddit” button was removed. So, lots of downsizing to trim the fat in the sidebar.

###Automoderator Changes

Yay, automoderator is running! Right now though, it’s not really ‘moderating’ so much as being a tool for some neat features. For moderators, it’s been installed with a custom linkflair command, a violation command to expedite documented thread removal, and a shadowban script for when we suspect a user of evading bans and actively working to endanger users, and under those circumstances only. Shadowbanned users will not be included in our transparency reports, but can be disclosed to active members via PM.

Automoderator was also outfitted with some new features for everyone; an automated “no salt” and “strict SFW” reply that moderators will honor. You can trigger this by placing NS or ☮ in brackets for no salt mode, and SSFW or ∀ in brackets for strict safe for work mode.


The rules in the sidebar have been condensed and expanded versions added to the rules page, found here. They are also linked in the “Rules” title in the sidebar, for easy access. This change means you can report users for rule violations specific to this subreddit without having to type it out.

The existing rules haven’t changed, but a disrespect rule was added and a rule against hate speech was added, I think. The latter was enforced against already, so it made sense to officiate it. If it comes that we need to make room for other rules, we may condense the hate speech rule into the disrespect rule. Given how differently we treat the offenses, it makes sense to keep them separate for now.

The disrespect rule is a forgiving, guidance based system that the community controls, somewhat. Its effectiveness relies on reporting, as disrespect won’t be enforced against otherwise(Because, presumably, nobody found it disrespectful then). For any disrespect offense we act on, the user will receive either a confirmation that their post is not disrespectful, or a breakdown of “what went wrong” to cause the infraction. The rule uses a tier system of sorts to keep track of how we should enforce. To avoid censorship, the first three posts or “tiers” that a user gets enforced against will receive only a warning. The fourth offense is a removal, and consequent offenses are short bans that quickly escalate. There are no permanent bans, and offenses can be appealed. Fortunately, we shouldn’t need to worry much about bans, as warnings are usually enough to prevent any misdeeds.

Lefthandedsock 0 points on 2017-02-05 22:28:47

Active member here; Haven't noticed any changes. Seems like the same old, same old.

It's good that you're taking this seriously, but it's becoming borderline comical.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-02-05 23:53:26

Reminds me of a quote from Futurama.

Ah... Here it is. I miss that show.

MDCCCLXIIII 2 points on 2017-02-06 21:14:22

This one's even better: Click

duskwuff 1 point on 2017-02-07 00:17:45

Making fun of your members' valid concerns seems rather inappropriate for a moderator.

Besides, the problem is quite the opposite of what you seem to be suggesting here. You are making plenty of visible changes, but without addressing any of the real concerns you were elected to handle.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-02-07 00:43:14

The quote isn't meant to be a mockery. Futurama is really deep and insightful on occasion, and that was one of those occasions. The idea is, if a change isn't bad, it's less likely to be noticed; kind of like how a word with a typo is more noteworthy than a grammatically correct sentence. It's a neat evolutionary quirk that's kind of like the negative memory bias.

Anyway, if I recall, I was elected by virtue of my discretion in moderation. There was no overt expectation at the time that I'd be doing more than what the other moderators were already doing. On the note of real concerns, this thread was made in the interest of addressing the concerns of certain members of the community, and I think the concerns they had were very real and probably very disturbing to them.

If you have any specific real concerns that you feel the moderation team hasn't addressed, you're welcome to voice them here. "Be a better X" has never helped anyone get better.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-02-05 22:51:41

Can I just point out that we have an error in the sidebar?
4 No cruelty toward, or abuse of animals.

  1. Do not request or solicit sex with nonhumans.
    In rule 4, they are referred to as animals.
    While in rule 5, they are referred to as nonhumans.

I don't know if 'nonhumans' is the correct term for non-human animal.
Last time I checked, nonhuman means anything that is nonhuman, obviously.
I'm pretty sure that chairs, plants and computers are also seen as nonhumans.
And I tell ya, I've never popped one for any of those things.
To be honest, I'd rather have 'animal' as the word for non-human animal.
Most people use it here and we all know what we mean by using the word.
Though, I'm fine with the word non-human animal but it's a mouthful so I'd rather not use it myself.

The most obvious change is probably the new flairs. In order, a reptile, hominid, pig/boar, avian, feline, and aquatic symbol, respectively, have been added to the colored flairs available. If you have ideas or a better 14x14 sprite for one.

The green one, right?
I thought those were antlers...

Anyways, I don't know how these flairs work but I might be able to make some new ones for fun.
Do you mind if we have duplicates (different symbols for same species?)

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-02-05 23:29:13


The green one, right?

I thought those were antlers...

Anyways, I don't know how these flairs work but I might be able to make some new ones for fun.

Do you mind if we have duplicates (different symbols for same species?)

Yeah... It's supposed to represent the forked tongue of (many) reptiles. It's all I could come up with at the time. I... suppose we could have multiple icons for the same species, but we don't want flairss to be too disproportionate or bloated, either.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-02-06 00:12:41


WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-02-06 00:12:41

Well, I thought it'd be nice to have an alternative to the paw and hoof.
Just like the felid symbol, I thought it was fun if we could make one for canids and equids. Or more than that.
There's like 4 unused flair spots we could use and possibly more.
I'll prolly make some tomorrow if you don't mind.
If you don't want them, just say so.
I love doing it anyways.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-02-06 00:24:34

We might be able to use more than four. But yeah, if you make it I'll try to put it in, at least(so long as they're good quality and 14x14, of course).

MDCCCLXIIII 3 points on 2017-02-06 21:05:33

Despite being a new member of r/zoophilia, I’d like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to u/AmoreBestia for his ongoing commitment to implementing improvements to this forum. You must have been investing a considerable amount of time and resources to conceptualize and eventually put into practice the projects you outline in your post. While I am still unclear about your actual motives to do so, I am glad that you as a neutral, impartial outsider have put yourself in charge of managing this process of change, your key quality being an unbiased perspective on zoophilia and the zoo community.

Another benefit of your work especially for me as a non-native speaker of English is your elaborate language and style of writing, which might derive from your academic background. Even this post contains some words and phrases worth having a closer look on: For instance, I might use "in lieu of" as a fancy alternative to a plain "instead of" whenever I want to make an impression, or talk about "my penchant for something" if "I like" seems inappropriate. "To expedite" might also be of some value in discussions, while "to compartmentalize" should be a viable alternative to the overly simple "to divide" in specific fields of application. Please believe me that I’m not trying to mock you by any means – given my interest in foreign languages, I really appreciate learning nice and useful words and phrases to perfect my command of English and undoubtedly, your posts and comments have some distinctive quality which makes reading them a delightful experience.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-02-19 19:44:20

I was reviewing some stuff and figured a late reply wouldn't hurt.

Thank you for the kind words. If you'd believe it, my more academic command of English makes for difficult conversation sometimes. It's a delicate balance, at any rate. There's a fine line between a refined tongue and pretentious verbosity, and... often, people conflate the two, and take offense. It's nice that the opposite is true on occcasion.

Regarding my motives, I suspect that your demographic would be able and willing to assist in one way or another with some of my more ambitious R&D goals. Outside of that, though, I want to see how much this community can grow. There's even talk here and there of expanding this into something more like an organization. I'm a 'change the world or bust' kind of person, so that's a very palatable prospect as well.

BTW, you seem pretty qualified, yourself. Would you be up to helping out with the wiki?