It's just the tiny victories.... (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-02-16 07:04:43 by UntamedAnomaly

There is a group on Facebook for people on the asexual spectrum as well as being a trans person. I'm in it. There was a poll asking what people were attracted to. So I answered, truthfully, because I was feeling adventurous I guess. I didn't even realize it was a mod who made the question and anyone can figure out who added an answer to the poll of there is only 1 vote, but I did it.

The mod responds in the comments with "Really? Someone added bestiality? (I put zooromantic actually)" Shortly I get a PM from said mod asking for clarification, and they stated that "we do NOT support bestiality". So being the asexual community, they of all people usually understand clearly the different between romantic and sexual attraction, so I went that route. Because most anti-zoos anyways assume just because someone is attracted to animals, that they want to just fuck animals right?

So after explaining how zooromantacism works, I was fully expecting to get the banhammer from the group. This is a group of over 12,000 people BTW. But instead, the mod replied with "interesting." and deleted their anti-zoo comment from the thread. I mean, it's clear that this person is repulsed by the idea of sex with animals, but I think baby steps such as this count towards progress. We are only human after all, we can't expect everyone to change overnight.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 3 points on 2017-02-16 07:52:25

Yeah, people always instantly assume we're lonely people who just want animals for sex...
I've seen my friend like a Facebook (joke)post where you saw hetero and gay people holding hands, except for the dudes with the child and animal, of course they were having sex instead.

And this is just a tiny step, really.
Well now they aren't against zoo romance, but are still against zoo sex.
I guess it's better than what I've done, because I got neutral people turned into antis. sigh

Baaxten Canines, equines, cetaceans 3 points on 2017-02-16 09:43:31

Don't worry, temperance is a hard virtue to master, and I'm sure we've all been a little too outspoken about something in our lives.

Progress is slow - we stumble and falter here and there, and recent political events have proven just that - but it does, inevitably, happen. Just thirty, forty years ago in the United States, it was frowned upon by many to give black people the right to vote , and it wasn't until 2012 that a president voiced his support for same-sex marriage. These views are now thought of as part of the ever-growing list of quintessential rights in a free, secular society. Do you really think the modern world will regress on them?

The debate over zoosexuality will come. I do not think it will come in our lifetimes, but it will come, and we know where we stand.

Aaaaand now I've turned into that guy who does poor attempts at inspirational speeches for a living.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-02-16 11:30:47

Progress is slower than slow. It's slowly going backwards, yes.
See all these new laws? The amount of zoophiles?
Nobody gives a shit about us and nobody ever will.
If we'd all drop dead this second the world would celebrate it.
And the fact that our 'freedom and respect' will come after we die is even worse.
Why should I give a shit about the zoos in the future? I'm dead!

Baaxten Canines, equines, cetaceans 3 points on 2017-02-16 15:30:25

By that logic, why should I care about how much carbon we pump into the atmosphere?

Why should I give a shit about the Earth I leave behind for the next generation?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-02-16 15:35:15

Why should I give a shit about the Earth I leave behind for the next generation?

I have the same question, except for people.
Why should I care what happens to zoos of the future?
We're such a small group of people.
It's not fair, I want to live like them and have as much as freedom as them.
Like, good for the people in the future who can finally fuck animals.
Now what do I do? Celebrate even though it hasn't happened yet?

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-02-17 00:14:40

I'd say that the time period we're living in right now just happens to be a really bad time for zoos to be living in, because of the discrimination, oppression, hate and anti-zoo laws popping up everywhere.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 1 point on 2017-02-17 07:18:51

A bad time? Like you and I said, progress is going backwards.
This isn't just a time, this is eternity.
What makes every zoo think that humanity will improve?
They are refusing straight up evidence, believe in magical sky daddies, sheep mentality.

This sub is just like r/HalfLife.
Every single bit of 'evidence' = OMGGG MAYBE ITS HL3!!!
They believe their own lies and so do we.

Humanity will not accept us.
We must do something ourselves.
But hey, what do you do if you're just a minority and are just someone on the internet?
Oh and not to mention that we're seen as rapists who roam free.

[deleted] 0 points on 2017-02-17 07:18:56


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-02-17 07:21:27


Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-02-17 14:07:04

In the USA, rape means we didn't pay for the sex up front so we'd be taken to court to pay plus interest. Interest being +500% so we spend time in prison to make up for the cost that we can't afford.

Rape isn't actually "rape" in the USA and that's why people with the money can get away with it, while the most innocent actions are demonized and a death sentence for those without.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-02-17 16:54:07

No kidding. They're mucking up my lifestyle because they don't like immigrants and black people. The propaganda freaks thought it would be cool to use "this racial group" and "these people" have sex with animals, as their strong point.

Like hey red state Re-Re (tards) and Dem-dick suckers... the word fence hopper (illegal immigrant) is clashing with fence hopper (animal sex trespasser) The BS is clashing with my personal safety. I do not hop fences, I was born in the country that I reside and I'm not a rapist just because they think sex is icky and immoral. These scumfuck brain-dead lazy penny-pinching gold-digging white-black-brown worm-creatures are really blowing on the wrong dirty pecker.

I seriously want to clobber all these celery eating, holy rolling, suit wearing, tight puss fruitcakes in the face with a frozen beef burrito and shove a falafel so far up their ass they won't know if it's PETA or pigshit sandwich when that also spews from their idiot mouth.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-02-17 00:11:57

As WarCanine said, progress for zoos is going in reverse. There are so many new anti-zoo laws which did not exist a few years ago. New Hampshire, Ohio, New Jersey, Alabama, Brazil, Denmark, Sweden -- all of these places just recently made anti-zoo laws. And now there's anti-zoo bills in Kentucky and Texas. So things are getting worse.

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2017-02-17 20:04:02


Really? I haven't read anything about that and google doesn't help me either.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-02-17 23:06:48

When searching for news of a given country, one should type Google phrases in that country's language (usually, but not always). So Brazil's main language is Portuguese. Below is a link to a Portuguese language news article about Brazil banning sex with animals in 2015:

The name of the article is "Comissão aprova pena de detenção para quem pratica zoofilia".

As usual, the law is a brand-new one.

Likewise, any new anti-zoo laws in Mexico will be in Spanish-language news. The recent ban in Oaxaca state was in Spanish, and apparently no English-language news outlet made any articles about it. (Hence it was only in Spanish).

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2017-02-18 00:27:41

I looked and it actually is on wikipedia:

Usually there is at least a bit of international (english) coverage.

Skgrsgpf 2 points on 2017-02-17 00:17:54

The thing you said about Facebook shows just how much hostility there is towards zoos in general: a hostility, and a prejudice. Also a lack of open-mindedness (at least when it comes to physical sex with a non-human). Why are people fine with interspecies sex between two non-humans, but when a human gets involved all of a sudden it's "wrong"?

By the way, there is a zoosexuality Facebook page with almost 2000 likes:

Several other Facebook pages like this one have mysteriously disappeared over time.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-02-17 03:10:30

"The thing you said about Facebook shows just how much hostility there is towards zoos in general"......yeah, sure....attention, attention, Earth to Skgrsgpf: * Social media platforms are NOT the right platforms to campaign for more zoophilia tolerance on. *

How hard is it to realise how counterproductive it is to try and rub it into the public´s faces , with all of these "educational" , "zoosexual" pages taken down constantly? This is NOT the right way to "teach" the public about zoophilia and there´s a very imminent danger of overdoing it to the point when even neutral people won´t listen to your arguments anymore because they´re fed up hearing the same old crap over and over again.

Prejudice? Do you still call it prejudice when the community of "zoosexuals" affirms every "prejudice" , often even with live footage of it being published freely on the internet? For every "prejudice", you´ll be able to find examples confirming the "prejudice" quicker than you can say "zoophilia".

By the way: there´s no such thing as "zoosexuality". This is an artificial term made up by Miletski and basically includes every single person deriving sexual pleasure from animals, from the most genuine zoophile to the most sick animal rapist/ripper. "Zoosexuality" is NOT a synonym for zoophilia.Stop campaigning for animal rapists.

"Several other Facebook pages like this one have mysteriously disappeared over time." Mysteriously? Are you seriuos, dude? Facebook doesn´t want animal sex related stuff on their pages, so FB deletes it, according to their TOC. Nothing "mysterious" about that, really. Stop living in your Platonic, idealised world and start living in the dirty, corrupted real life, where people are people, not novel characters.

Sheppsoldier 2 points on 2017-02-17 14:29:55

Sex + men = homosexuality Sex + animals = zoosexuality

Yes, they're both made up terms to describe the common sense and if you're not using the terms then you are lacking the vocabulary to show that you have it. Vocabulary is very important you know?

Zoophilia is the sexual attraction to animals without the actual sex. Some dumb British psychologist thought he would make different levels of zoophilia, but it makes more sense to call the "active" members by a different name because they are different. This way dumb people can more easily differentiate between the childish fantasy chasers of curious zoophilia and the genuine adults of zoosexuality. Following this idea, maybe people would learn that rape is not a term to be thrown around about everything.

Hanging onto the universal term of "bestiality" and "rape" which applies to other unrelated actions is a LAZY copout for people who don't have the mental capacity to know or have the will to know otherwise. It's the same as if somebody saw a Dolphin and a Shark and called both a Fish, or saw a Fox and a Wolf and called both a Puppy Dog.

They call this a "rape culture" for a reason, because they would probably call me a rapist for giving them this information that they didn't consent to know or get paid to know. Pretty damned stupid if you look at the situation with a functional brain. Next we will have kids dropping out of school and not showing up because they didn't consent to learn what they have to. OMG! Ironic right? Now here we are with confused and frightened people twisting animal sex into the Devil's face.

Hello? If making people smart is rape then being stupid must be the new trend. Money buys new organs, new truths, new cars, but money can never buy anybody a working brain or genuine intelligence. You have to work for it.

Fookin learn something.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-02-17 09:02:54


Susitar Canidae 1 point on 2017-02-17 12:42:48

Why ask if you aren't ready for honest answers? Hm.

UntamedAnomaly 1 point on 2017-02-18 00:24:58

What is this in reference to?

Susitar Canidae 2 points on 2017-02-19 15:40:26

The people on that asexuality group. If the question is "what are you attracted to", it's hypocrisy if you don't accept that some people are attracted to strange or even illegal things.

UntamedAnomaly 1 point on 2017-02-20 12:58:22

I'd say most, if not all anti-zoos are hypocrites in some way regarding ethics/morality and their arguments surrounding it, especially when it comes to anything about zoo stuff.

Sheppsoldier 2 points on 2017-02-20 21:29:32

Yes the anti-zoos are hypocrites. They are lying about the severity and immorality of human-animal relationships. Most of these people, but not all, are comitting acts of fraud by imposing zoophilia and sex with animals as a "deviant behavior." Anti-zoos are essentially attempting to steal or wasting taxpayers money by diversion of public opinion, whereby law enforcement and other community resources are wasted on these moral panics.

Zoophile's can also be guilty of these frauds. One example is the "fence hopper" scare. Zoophile's who are afraid of or sensitive to the possibility of fence hoppers play into the "moral panics" of fence hopping and are more vulnerable to supporting anti-zoos laws.