I'm Ekafemanresu from /Rapekink and we've been talking about doggy sex and rape. You guys probly know lots about it. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-02-22 09:08:17 by ekafemanresu


electricfoxx 6 points on 2017-02-22 09:13:50

Rule 4. No cruelty toward, or abuse of animals.

I consider actual rape (fictional or roleplay is different) abuse so, I'm going to say, "No."

ekafemanresu 2 points on 2017-02-22 09:18:27

Noooooo! not raping the doggies. gross! Having the doggies rape US!

szunltap crocodiles are beautiful 3 points on 2017-02-22 13:16:28

... I don't understand. How can you want to be raped? It is not rape if you want it.

ekafemanresu 3 points on 2017-02-23 07:50:20

i was writing to someone from here who pmd me and i said this, so hope it helps...

Ummm well if you read some of my history, i think youd get it really fast. I do rapebaiting which is basicly going out and doing everything i can to get a guy to rape me without him knowing thats what im doing. i want it to feel as real as possible. So i guess you can say it IS real rape for him but secretly i know i want it but its still rape cause he treats me just like any girl being raped would be.

does that make any sense?

szunltap crocodiles are beautiful 5 points on 2017-02-23 15:33:35

Hmm... You are right, everything is relative.

Swibblestein 6 points on 2017-02-22 09:58:40

Most zoophiles here place a huge amount of emphasis on the idea of consent. Both consent from the animal and consent from the human. Both are vital - indeed, necessary.

I have no problem with roleplay, but someone actually being, as you put it, "forced to" have sex with dogs is nothing but abhorrent, and is most definitely not in any way "hot".

Furthermore, it is probably worth mentioning that there are a lot of people who get off on the idea of women being "degraded" by having sex with an animal (forced or otherwise). You will likewise find very few people who would support that attitude here, but it seems like that is a large part of who you are trying to cater to with this message.

Long story short, I think you'll find very little overlap between our two subs. However, as long as you are talking about fictional roleplay, that doesn't mean I condemn you or your interests, but the point stands, there's probably not going to be much overlap here all the same.

Obviously if you're talking about actual real sex without consent, I find that abhorrent. But that should go without saying.

For the record, I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, as best I can, but my most charitable interpretation is that you absolutely bungled your post here, a very sensitive issue we commonly face from the perfectly wrong angle.

ekafemanresu 4 points on 2017-02-22 15:35:06

I'm very sorry! I honestly didn't mean to offend anyone. Just to kind of cross our interests. Please accept my apology!

Swibblestein 2 points on 2017-02-22 20:35:25

Apology accepted. As I said, I think you just goofed a bit - accidentally stumbled into a very sensitive subject without realizing it.

If you happen to have any questions about zoophilia, feel free to ask though. It could be a little bit of communication here might clear up some misunderstandings, and grant some clarity.

ekafemanresu 1 point on 2017-02-23 03:03:41

Def! Can you tell me what this sub IS about? Is it people who actually love their pets? I'm getting that sex might not have much to do with it but maybe that's wrong too.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2017-02-23 03:25:46

Sex is a part of it, but it's not the only part. Zoophiles generally care a lot about animal partners, and those who only care about sex are not particularly welcome here.

Instead, it might be good to think of this place in a similar way to the r/lgbt subreddit, in that we like to share news, our personal experiences, ask for advice, discuss issues, and so on, while things like pornography and sex-seeking are forbidden.

However, it's worth noting that many people here might not be sexually active, might not have partners, and might not even want to be sexually active. I, for my part, don't have any pets at the moment, and I've never been sexually active to any significant degree. But I'm still a zoophile - I am attracted to animals, regardless of what opportunities life has presented me. So that's why I'm here, anyway.

Does that give you sort of an idea what you're looking at here? We're much more a sub about sexual orientation than we are about sex itself.

ekafemanresu 1 point on 2017-02-23 07:42:48

That helps a lot! Thx.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2017-02-22 10:45:49

Usually being accused of rape, we zoophiles are surely not exactly open to the concept of faked or real forced sex. We also are very concerned about all the folks who misinterpret our sexual orientation as a kink or fetish, we are very sceptical towards so called "wanna try outs", too. I didn´t shy the effort to go through your submissions; I couldn´t avoid to notice your " I´ve heard about it in here , now I´m horny and wanna try out" statement , what is , frankly said, a huge red flag for me. It also fortifies my belief that there is an advertising effect of easily accessible "animal erotica", stories and films alike.

To be honest, with your obvious fixation on rape elements, I doubt you´ll find many friends in here. And before you give in to your newly discovered desire, here are some downsides involved in zoophilia/bestiality: On the personal level, many "first timers", especially when they see bestiality as something exiting and new without any further considerations, will experience a rush of guilt. Before you do it, think about that possibility. Do you want to feel guilty for 5 - 10 minutes of rather disappointing , inexperienced sex with an animal?

On a social level, you also step into new territory. Lots of other kinks and fetishes aren´t illegal and even when there´s no law directly outlawing sex with animals in your country or state, the social backlash for publicly known "zoophiles" is enormous. For some incriminating pictures that got into the wrong hands and/or in front of the wrong pair of eyes, people have lost their jobs, friends, families etc...are you aware of that, are you willing to live with the dire consequences for the choice you´re about to make?

When your country has outlawed sex with animals, you could end up in jail, your animal could be euthanised. And before you say that you only wanna try it once, please notice that a "beginner" couple managed to upload their first, very clumsy attempts caught on tape to Beastforum (a widely known platform solely for distribution of animal porn) and got "visited" by the authorities pretty soon afterwards. Since you come across as a person very much leaning to masochism (rape being the ultimate form of submission, second only to cases like that of Armin Meiwes, the "Cannibal of Rotenburg"), I´d say that you better keep it a fantasy. S/M doesn´t mix well with animals.

ekafemanresu 1 point on 2017-02-22 15:37:59


WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2017-02-22 12:11:44

So I understand that you like the thought of getting raped by an animal...?
That seems so unlikely as animals aren't really sex monsters and won't always have sex with you.
And not to mention that animals shouldn't be trained to do something like that...
It's not right because you're degrading the animal more than you are.
And this subreddit is about zoophilia, which is not just sex.

And I'm curious...
How exactly does this kink work?
It's not rape if you like it and choose to do so...

ekafemanresu 2 points on 2017-02-22 15:42:11

Idm talking about what I do but I really really dont want to hurt anyones feelings here (or animals!) and a couple people here said we really wouldnt mix very well. If you want to know more what i do you can just pm me. Hope we can talk more!

Kynophile Dog lover 2 points on 2017-02-22 12:31:13

Fantasize however you like. I don't find rape sexy regardless of the victim or the perpetrator. And while rape by animals has historically been used as a form of humiliation and punishment (for instance, in the Roman Colisseum (sp?) and by the Nazis), but there's as little connection between us and those acts as there is between heterosexuals and Ariel Castro or Joseph Fritzel.

ekafemanresu 1 point on 2017-02-23 07:51:07

ok. tbh, i didnt get a lot of the refernces but thx for explaining that.

BurnedRowan big ol' pupper 2 points on 2017-02-22 13:23:10


Sheppsoldier 2 points on 2017-02-22 16:47:14

Rape as a kink sounds somehow illegitimate unless you're actually raping somebody. I don't think anybody can actually enjoy being raped unless they deliberately make themselves vulnerable to it and pretend to dislike like it but they are just pretending so it's not actually rape.

Statuatory rape is different story. It's always considered rape but is it really rape? No, not really. "Rape" is that shock and awe word that people apply universally to make some actions of sexual deviancy seem worse than they really are. Applying that to your original statement it would end up being something more like a "statutory rape kink" similar to "ageplay."

But yeah...People can train dogs to rape people just like police and military train attack dogs to hurt and kill people. However, that could be considered "assault with a deadly weapon" since the animals are being used as a weapon in those cases. Rape itself is considered a weapon and probably listed as a war crime.

Do we know a lot about rape? Yes, but not because we enjoy it. We have to know what rape is to avoid comitting it in the eyes of a society who views EVERYTHING as rape. They are somewhat obsessed with finding reasons to remove peoples and animals genitals, so it's probably not a good idea bringing up rape as a topic in the first place.

renirambus 2 points on 2017-02-23 07:32:26

but they are just pretending so it's not actually rape.

That’s only half the picture. The perpetrator does not and cannot positively know that the victim is only pretending, and the victim never does give consent. So the victim does not suffer rape, but the perpetrator does commit it. (Which is what the victim is after.)

zoo_away 2 points on 2017-02-22 17:24:17

no, but thanks and I can understand the misunderstanding.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-02-22 17:51:33

"You probably know lots about rape" isn't exactly a flattering title. This subreddit isn't predicated on sex, btw. In fact, a fair number of our users actively avoid it. You might find a warmer reception on /r/bestiality, though I don't know how well their community handles ethics and such(and I suspect that a fair few of our members won't like me plugging that sub but I'm here to help people, above all else).

I'll be removing this post for obvious reasons, but feel free to drop by if you have any questions.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender 2 points on 2017-02-22 18:17:06

That sub is actually fine with rape.
I remember talking about how it's wrong to have sex with a puppy because someone suggested it.
It's probably my most downvoted comment next to the one that OPBeast had downvoted.
They told me: "Dogs cannot consent anyways. And what's the difference between a puppy licking a vagina and licking food?" Or something along the lines of that.
I was even seen as a troll there...
And finally someone admitted to having sex with a dog while drunk but she said she was fucked up and also doesn't think animals can't give consent.
As you can see, most of them are horny fucked up people who share the same sheep mentality as anti zoos.

I don't think we should keep redirecting people to /r/bestiality as it increases the chances of animals getting sexually abused.

ekafemanresu 1 point on 2017-02-23 03:02:01

No problem. Sorry I bothered you guys. It was very bad wording for me. I didn't mean you guys know about rape but about sex with dogs. Tbh, I am obvs very ignorant about what you do. It was linked in a post I was running on sex with dogs and someone thougt you guys would be cool with it. Sorry!

PervOtaku 1 point on 2017-02-24 12:43:10

/r/bestiality seems to be mostly videos and not much discussion.

The whole rape thing we know is a sensitive topic. Over at r rapekink We kind of fell into to dog subject when one of our rape fantasy girls got set up for an unwanted gang rape (which we do not endorse) that included her being used by a dog. Being what she is, she reported the entire experience (including the dog) as frightening but arousing at the same time. After that a couple of people got curious about doing a dog thing on a consensual basis. We talk about consensual rape roleplay between people too, and it's probably pretty easy to pretend a consenting dog experience is a nonconsenting one. Frankly I doubt the dog can tell the difference between a consenting girl and one that is nonconsenting but too afraid to fight back because of what the audience of men might do to her. (We don't endorse that either.)

Anyway, yeah I wouldn't really have expected a lot of overlap between here and rape kink. Just about any taboo sexual topic can be done in rape form but most aficionados of that taboo greatly prefer the consensual variety.