AMARILLO, Texas: Public hearings set for bestiality ordinance (
submitted 2017-03-05 23:31:30 by fuzzyfurry
fuzzyfurry 4 points on 2017-03-05 23:32:47

The first public hearing is scheduled for March 6 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Amarillo Public Library North branch.

The second is set for March 7 from noon until 1 p.m. and the Amarillo Public Library Downtown branch.

There probably won't be any surprises there.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-03-06 07:23:00

Do you expect a different outcome at any point in the process? Well, at least you don´t use this completely misguiding "anti zoo laws" bullshit and called it what it is , a law against bestiality acts. It´s sad I have to mention that...looking at Skgwhatever, honestly dude, get yourself a proper name, not a random letter conglomerate

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 5 points on 2017-03-05 23:44:50

Personally, I think it's horrible because it's just not natural and I think we should keep to human sexual relations

Nenenene it's unnatural!! Thaaat's baaad! :(((. It's not like we spay/neuter them, keep them as pets or let them live in an unnatural environment. Totaaaally not.
Nenenene we should keep it to humans 'cuz human belongs on human ohhh my brain hurts give me a break pls :(((.


MurciDelLago 1 point on 2017-03-06 11:04:57

Always hope people will realize "it's not natural" is a ridiculously weak argument. It's not natural I'm talking with people on the other side of the globe eleven hours after local news from another corner of it was shared after all. Always disappointed. At least go with "the Bible says so". I respect that. Disagree with it having weight, but respect it. (Outside of religious arguments, at least.)

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 3 points on 2017-03-06 12:16:59

Mmm, why though?
Just like laws, a religious holy book shouldn't tell you what's wrong and right.
Of course, I CAN understand that if you're religious you wouldn't do it, but it should not interfere with others. (Example: Bestiality IS bad because it says so in the Bible and you guys are bad people!)
But I do think it's wrong when you torture yourself. (I'm a christian zoophile and I'm sick because of that! God help me!)
The Bible isn't a book of facts.

Sheppsoldier 2 points on 2017-03-05 23:51:43

Not to sound sexist or anything, but why do women usually speak out against sex with animals? Why are they usually the ones calling it unnatural and saying people should stick to their own kind?

I'm under the impression that women are jealous of men who prefer the animals service instead of their own. I've heard of instances where human females "use their vagina" to control men to do things for them. Perhaps these laws are created and supported by women and the men they control, in order to force those men to have no other choice than to be their sex servants? A "labor of love" turns into a case of narcissistic abuse.

If it isn't the women, then it's the men who are under their control. These men would do "anything" for their mistresses. They are the "flying monkeys" who do her bidding. No wonder they would claim sex with animals to be "unnatural" because natural to them means..."Wife give husband blowjob, husband do wife's bidding."

After all, sexual gratification of men is a woman's job and women don't want to lose their jobs or benefits to animals. Unusually enough, women also support genital mutilations of animals like a bad habit as if they want to prevent men from having a choice.

I'm sure the reverse is also possible. How would a straight man get his rocks off if all the pretty ladies are having sex with animals? They don't want ladies to be independent from them because then those men won't get the human vagina.

However, from my observations men usually commit violence in the name of women. Husband's do the dirty work for their wives in return for sexual favors. "She's got you under her control cowboy. You're just a sexual zombie slave" The term proxy abuse comes to mind. Other people are like..."Aww they're stealing people and animals freedom in the name of love...How cute!"

Awful misguided when love actual means Force, Control, Slavery, and murder if otherwise.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 4 points on 2017-03-06 00:01:23

I'm under the impression that women are jealous of men who prefer the animals service instead of their own.

^Breathe ^in... ^Breathe ^out...

I've heard of instances where human females "use their vagina" to control men to do things for them. Perhaps these laws are created and supported by women and the men they control, in order to force those men to have no other choice than to be their sex servants?


If it isn't the women, then it's the men who are under their control. They would do "anything" for their mistresses.


Why do zoo communities always have the fucktards?
I get it, it attracts weirdos and strangos.
But why do we deserve this?

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-03-06 00:11:06

Hmm...denial of well known, tested occurances in human nature and culture. Are you a deceptive woman, or are you just a stupid brutalizing penis?

Doesn't know or pretends not to know what "proxy abuse" means... "Acting on behalf of a psychopath" It's only a matter of time before your flying monkey 30-30 gets here.

Your husband or mother isn't going to beat you up if you don't reply to this comment I hope?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-06 00:16:30

Did you just assume my gender? Oh, pfff how dare you!
Kcch, you mean man! Have respect for my dickgina and vegis please!

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-03-06 00:32:49

Your gender doesn't really matter if you're a psychopath or a flying monkey. Are you gonna get me and my little dog if I don't hand over the Ruby slippers?

Little guy/woman, if you have nothing to hide you wouldn't be denying it so hard. No sense in hiding behind curtains, smoke and mirrors.

If you can't respect my contributions then I'm going to make an asshole out of you. You will enjoy it I'm sure.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-06 06:54:20

I honestly don't laugh much, but when I do, it's when a human fails miserably.
I must not laugh at your absurdity because that would be rude, just like you.
"I hope that some day some where somebody will agree with you."-WarCanine's reply to Aluzky, right after Aluzky went to bullshit more and more.
"Boy, if you don't know when to behave yourself we're gonna need more 'n better strict punishments! Watch out, Uncle Frank's comin! Yeeehaaaw!"-Uncle Frank, right before slapping Shepp to shit.
"My IQ is over 130."-Aluzky trying to impress others for the first time in his life.
"Your gender doesn't really matter if you're a psychopath or a flying monkey."-Shepp taking his imaginary friends into the real world.


Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-03-06 14:33:16

WarCanine: "Aluzky Aluzky Aluzky! Gosh I miss Aluzky! He was so easy! I ain't no good enough for nobody but Aluzky. Please come back Aluzky! I've bitten off more than I can chews! Effort doesn't works for me! I have to pretend I'm speakings to Aluzky or I'll cry myself to sleeps..."

Look dude. Even my imaginary friends know what their talking about, and they don't even exist. Where does that put you? Somewhere less than nothing and falling further.

Nevertheless, failing makes a master. For your sake I better not be failing. Thank you for the practice anyways, dummy.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-06 14:50:01

This is WarCanine. Tuning in.
Does everyone hear me? Yeah yeah, it's all set then!
Today, we have a not-so-special guest.
I'll be reviewing his efforts this evening!
Let's see...

WarCanine: "Aluzky Aluzky Aluzky! Gosh I miss Aluzky! He was so easy! I ain't no good enough for nobody but Aluzky. Please come back Aluzky! I've bitten off more than I can chews! Effort doesn't works for me! I have to pretend I'm speakings to Aluzky or I'll cry myself to sleeps..."

Ooh, that's a tough one!
Y'know, Aluzky acted JUST like that once!
I award you 6 out of 10 points!
Well, let's get to the next one quickly!

Look dude. Even my imaginary friends know what their talking about, and they don't even exist. Where does that put you? Somewhere less than nothing and falling further.

Damn, that must have taken no efforts to type, yet everyone needs a lot of effort to understand this.
Oh wait, that's for everything you say.
I award you only 2 out of 10 points.
That's a weak attempt!
Oh oh oh! -0-0-0- BONUS ROUND!! -0-0-0-
Before we get to the last one, let's check one of his earlier attempts!

If you can't respect my contributions then I'm going to make an asshole out of you. You will enjoy it I'm sure.

Since this is a bonus round, I'll let the audience decide!
Audience, speak!
Thousands of people choking of laughter
Ayyy, maybe next time Shepp!
Attention, we're reaching his last attempt!
Zoos and non-zoos, get ready to lose some brain cells!

Nevertheless, failing makes a master. For your sake I better not be failing. Thank you for the practice anyways, dummy.

Clear signs of aggression...
I see..... I RATE THIS... SALT/10!

We're not done yet!

So, what's it, Frank?

You see, no rating is needed for such a kid like him. I don't even know if he's a kid. What is he? 15? 24? 65? 86? I'll be giving the belt/10!

Ayyy, no luck, Shepp!
Well, you won the Darwin award so that's something!
See ya next time... ON SPOT... THE... RETARD!
outro tune

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-06 15:22:44

Since this is a bonus round, I'll let the audience decide! Audience, speak!

Shepp can't make an ass of anyone here because he's been, pardon my French, a little shit thru this entire thread.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-03-06 15:26:15

Our "IQ of 130" hero is falling for the bait quite quick,isn´t he? If you needed proof , here it is...someone completely unrelated to the loudmouth beasty wouldn´t make such a fuzz about it.

I really wonder how this bloke is dealing with it when he´s rejected by an animal...according to the way he deals with rejection in here, I honestly fear for any animal around him. And apparently, our "been thrown out of Beastforum 15+ times" warrior has made enough duplicate accounts in here too to upvote his rubbish...or do you think there´s more than one (himself) who´s buying his distorted,twisted views?

Anything hints at a real socio- and psychopath. Zoophilia, the number one weirdo magnet...but I won´t waste my time with him anymore, there are lots of more important issues to discuss than a sore troll who cannot deal with the fact he´s a beasty and not a noble zoo. One of the more dangerous ilk...

And he even doesn´t realise it´s him who really drives us zoos us to partially sympathise with Op Beast , the anti bestiality laws and authorities...

My final question: if he´s so misunderstood in here, why does he keep on nagging? Not being able to accept rejection is one symptom of a severe personality disorder. Add all the other symptoms and behold the picture that unfolds...

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-03-06 15:34:15

Maybe you should call Aluzky to take care of that hard-on before you stroke out?

You people aren't zoophiles. You're just using it as a pedestal stepping stool for the status, because you're looking awful short compared to those "awful awful beasties..."

Ever try competing for a real trophy? I heard the special Olympics is growing in popularity, and they have pedestals for every participant.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-06 15:42:21

I enjoy how you think you're the one decide if we're zoophiles or not.
You're right! We're fakers!
I don't go tongue on tongue with her, I was just feeding her trough our mouths.
Oh, and when I enjoy her taste, I was mistaking her for an icecream cone!

I wonder, though.
Why would anyone want to fake being a zoophile...?
Mmmm mnnn mnnn. It's nothing to be proud of and you don't even choose it, not to mention all the danger by pretending to be one...
Yes yes yes! Eureka!
I know the answer!

Hint: It starts with: "You're" and ends with: "retarded."

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-03-06 16:00:03

You've decided on it yourself by the way you act, I'm only pointing it out.

"Points" fake!

Here I'm giving you information, but you're flipping over it and using it to heighten your short stature... instead of gladly accepting and expanding on it. I guess you can't legitimately expand until you grow up a bit first, but may I remind you that using zoophilia as a stool is only temporary.

That's the problem, you don't know the answers because you've already claimed the inability to understand. You can't be both. You have to keep moving your midget stool in order to stand up anywhere else.

So...You know or you don't know, and I know when you're a blow-hard for show. You do realize your not actually supposed to blow for a blow-job, right?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-06 16:10:39

You do realize your not actually supposed to blow for a blow-job, right?

I must list this.
I want a fireplace and have this melted on a golden plate so I can hang above the fire and enjoy the idiocy of humanity.
There truly is no limit...

"The most irrelevant quote ever."-Me

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-03-06 16:10:11

You've decided on it yourself by the way you act, I'm only pointing it out.

"Points" fake!

Here I'm giving you information, but you're flipping over it and using it to heighten your short stature... instead of gladly accepting and expanding on it. I guess you can't legitimately expand until you grow up a bit first, but may I remind you that using zoophilia as a stool is only temporary.

That's the problem, you don't know the answers because you've already claimed the inability to understand. You can't be both. You have to keep moving your midget stool in order to stand up anywhere else.

So...You know or you don't know, and I know when you're a blow-hard for show. You do realize you're not actually supposed to blow for a blow-job, right? Are you going to deny that fact too?

Maybe you should deny it from your place on top of the plywood pedestal that you call zoophilia. Lol...yeah right. Couldn't even paint it properly, it looks like garbage.

Call me a beasty all you want but if you're truly sexually attracted to animals you go and prove it. You can't expect to hang out on first base holding hands and kissing like a first grade holdback. You don't earn points for that.

Rejected? Dude don't be so stupid. I've hit home way more than once, and if you're going to call people a "beasty" and "rapist" for playing the game right then you should be kicked off the team. You don't belong here. Go stand on first and second base for another team like a rookie reject.

fuzzyfurry 2 points on 2017-03-06 00:24:42


Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-03-06 00:42:47

Explain. Why not?

BurnedRowan big ol' pupper 3 points on 2017-03-06 04:30:57

excuse my french but what the fuck

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-03-06 04:59:17

Master Zooda says: "The insanity strong in him is"...;)

Come on, wouldn´t you let this charming fellow alone with your animal? ;)

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-03-06 14:12:41

What kind of insanity? Please explain. Otherwise you're just copping-out on obscurities like those psychopath Anti-Zoos would. Everybody doesn't know that, but I'm not the only one who does.

Please bring knowledge or put the fake back where it came from.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-03-06 15:29:25

Oh, come on, Aluzky, stop the charade. We know it´s you. We don´t like you, get over it and find yourself another group you can annoy.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-03-06 15:45:02

You're so obsessed with Aluzky you're starting to see him everywhere huh? That's like, guilty psychopathy. Ghosts haunting you much? What did you do to Aluzky that it's causing so much internal grievances?

Since he's causing you so much distress, can I offer you a lobotomy to remove his memory completely?


Reply to comment below..

I've already been to the mental hospital and they told me I was fine. In fact, they arrested those people who took me there for committing fraud.

You do understand what fraud is don't you? My mistake, you commit fraud by claiming to be a zoophile so it's obvious you would do it again. Fraud...

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-06 16:41:51

You're so obsessed with Aluzky you're starting to see him everywhere huh?

😂😂😂😂👌 LMAOOO

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-03-06 17:00:33

Home base is that way. Start running.

I feel like you fake zoophile's created this subreddit just so you could reel in, ambush and gang up on real zoophiles. Who died and made animal fuckers your scapegoat? Fraud.

You might as well be dangerous serial killers, like those freaks in the Middle East, India, and other dangerously psycho 3rd world countries that cut the heads, stone, and brutalize anyone caught having sex with animals.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-06 17:37:07

The mental hospital is that way. Get going! Post-haste!

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-03-06 03:17:34

Hey Shepp, if you´re not just an internet wanker, you can prove your point by participating in this public hearing. Go there and see how convincing your neurotic babble really is...wouldn´t that be more rewarding than making a complete fool out of you in here? Come on, show Amarillo what an advanced "zoophile" you really are...

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-03-06 14:48:29

I can't convince a retard, let alone those violent retards who live by the gun. Trust me, I've already tried giving you information before you flipped shit and went wicked witch of the west green. I'm still trying to swat all the dumb smelly flying monkeys away.

It's like trying to convince a drug addict that they can have happiness without the drugs. Like trying to convince an app developer that anything can be done without technology. Their too advanced and too smart to be "genuinely smart" and so they've degenerated to being "naturally stupid." They don't know natural because they all grew up with wires popping from their brains.

Can't convince stupid people because they're too busy romancing with the microwave. Try putting good old fashioned tinfoil in them and you'll see what I mean. They can't even handle something as simple as water without it melting their brains. Convince a robot that sex with animals is natural? You can't even convince them that oil "isn't" a beverage. Ever heard of iced tea?? That's outdated technology.

No, I probably couldn't convince robot-people who are known to eat flesh and fornicate with furniture, that having real sex with animals is A'OK. I can only be so advanced before I start speaking in beeps and boops and boffing John Deere bulldozers. Stupid nerds...

MurciDelLago 2 points on 2017-03-06 10:54:48

Somehow doubt they'd be interested in reading out anonymous letters from any of us who live there. Anyone known for playing devil's advocate and very good at turning away the resulting attention? Kind of difficult to have public hearings when everyone speaking for one side would be shunned at best and subject to the same inevitable penalties at not-even-worst. Then again, kind of feel that might be the point.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-03-06 18:13:04

To preface, I'm so sorry /u/fuzzyfurry... that you had to play host to the bickering yelling screaming juvenile and embarrassing indiscretions that the discussion fell into here.

Everyone here has a responsibility as a member of this community to nip disrespect at the bud -- that means reporting, which has been happening somewhat consistently now, but also avoiding it yourself. It's hard, I know, some of the people here have a way of wearing you down, but falling into a feedback loop of cathartic rebukes hurts everyone. When people complain about the community being divisive, this is... no... no, this is so extreme that nobody has ever decided to leave over anything nearly as bad as what has happened here. It's an absolute disgrace, an atrocity, a catastrophe, not just to the people that got involved, but the entire community.

What do people walk away thinking about this community when they see people screaming at eachother like they're on a playground? Honestly, what kind of message do you think that sends to antis and even zoo neutrals? They'll think you're fucking crazy, pardon my French, and they'd have damn solid, firsthand evidence to back it up. This is even enough to cause a zoophile to have doubts, let alone myself.

I NEVER thought I'd have to lock a thread again after R7 was introduced. I imagine that this is what a parent feels like, the disappointment I'm feeling right now. This is not /r/zoophilia. This isn't what this place is about, what the people reading this come here to do. Nobody comes here to fight. Nobody comes here to see fights. Nobody wants to come here to see fights. So why are we doing it now? The whole of Reddit is predicated on civil discussion and debate, not this. If this is what the community is geared to devolve into, then we may as well find another place to go lest we besmirch Reddit's good name alongside ours.

Just this once, I'm not going to issue any warnings to anyone that posted here, despite the fact that I should really be tempbanning the people involved in this, with a message telling you to use that time to think real hard about what you did, but no. I'll trust those of you that joined in on the mudslinging to do that, just this once. Don't betray that trust.