Being caught stories[ns] (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-03-07 14:30:52 by Dtex6

Idk if this is allowed her or if it's better suited for sexwithdogs but has anyone ever been caught or close to being caught? What turn of events lead to it and what happened as result?

AutoModerator 1 point on 2017-03-07 14:30:52

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btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 11 points on 2017-03-07 15:44:01

I've been close to being caught a couple times. Both of these are from back when I was living with my parents still, in my younger years.

The first time, my dog and I had our fun the night before and the following morning, I was simply going downstairs to get some breakfast. The mistake I made was carelessly neglecting to put on a shirt. As soon as I walked downstairs and towards the kitchen, my father happened to pop out of his bedroom, also going for some breakfast. He'd immediately noticed the scratches along my back(from my ruff night) and inquired where I got them from. My heart skipped a beat from nervousness, but I simply said that I probably got them from wrestling with my dog. He was fine with this answer and we just continued about getting food.

The other time, I was giving my dog oral in my bedroom on my bed in the late afternoon, with him laying belly up cuz that's how he likes it lol. I'd just barely heard someone walk up to my door and start turning the knob so I sat up immediately and turned my dog against the wall, hiding his boner and giving him a belly rub. It was my dad again, asking what I wanted for dinner.

My brother also has a history of claiming (jokingly, but I also think he's half serious) me to have sexual relations with my dog but I just brush it off or retort in a way that makes him sound dumb, etc. I now live alone and have no more worries of being caught, which is nice. It's important to be careful because despite the stories being fun or exciting, there can be some very real and potentially negative consequences to being caught, depending who you are caught by.

Dtex6 1 point on 2017-03-07 19:24:26

Wow close call!

[deleted] 0 points on 2017-03-09 10:48:38


yelikedags 2 points on 2017-03-09 22:24:41

lol, the ol "water off a labs back" response to half-joking "I kiiinda actually think you might have sex with your dog.." jokes hahaha; I feel ya

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 5 points on 2017-03-07 16:38:45

Once my mom noticed how my bitch was trying to climb on top of me and how close she always was to me. (Not in a love way, she literally was very close.)
She also knew I sleep naked with my bitch.
And also, she was concerned that I always cleaned specific parts of my bitch.
And to top it off, I always knew when my bitch was in heat and not so that was another red flag.
I mean, she knows I'm a zoophile (but I said I have zero sexual attractions) so yeah...

She keeps reminding me how I shouldn't have sex with my bitch.
Not that she knows, but she's REALLY afraid of it.
It's hilarious yet extremely annoying how she makes up so much excuses to 'convince' me it's bad.
Too bad psycho mom, but you really lack the knowledge to know if bestiality is right or not. So I'll be the one to decide that alright?
She once said that she'll take my bitch away if that happens.
I just can't accept how dumb she is. If that's how you want to make my bitch unhappy and kill your son...

Dtex6 2 points on 2017-03-07 19:23:55

Sorry about your mom dude:/

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-03-07 18:48:56

Pardon me, but what exactly is the purpose of your request? I´ve seen so many "Got caught?" threads throughout the years; an intention to learn from the offered experiences I´ve never been able to identify. Usually, these "almost got caught / got caught" stories serve only one purpose...and it´s not about learning from other people´s failures and close calls. What might be fascinating and arousing for any person X because of the enhanced thrillfactor doing something already illegal and taboo in immense danger of getting caught is not at all "thrilling" for those (let´s say: most of ´em) who have to experience it firsthand. The "jackpot" for one of these "one handed writers": a story of being walked in unfolds into an orgiastic fantasy... "Well, he caught me with my animal and then we fucked each other and the animal together"... I also have problems understanding the morbid fascination behind that kind of conduct. What is "fun" for the one requesting such stories is the ultimate worst case scenario for those directly effected, human and animal alike.

But before I digress into scepticism too much, here´s my contribution. This is what happened to one of the wannabe "zoos" I had met in the nineties:

He was invited to a party at one of his non "zoo" friends´ house. Late in the evening, when everyone was drunk, fucked up and asleep, he decided that it would be a good idea to mess around with his friend´s doggo argentino mix.As he told me, he masturbated the male dog and performed fellatio on him, not knowing that his owner hasn´t fallen asleep that deeply. The dog , probably never touched by his penis before, yelped and that awoke the owner. Caught in flagranti....followed by a massive portion of whoop ass. Yes, he got beaten up by his friend, "unfriended" immediately, as the generation facebook would call it and the only thing that kept this friend from calling the police was his former status as "friend". The dog was given to a shelter, probably because the owner couldn´t endure the constantly returning memories of his "friend" sucking at his dog´s dick and a few months later, the dog was euthanised because you hardly find appropriate owners for that kind of dogs branded as "dangerous" (Kampfhunde/ "combat dogs, as we Germans call these breeds). Exciting enough for you, OP? ;)

Dtex6 1 point on 2017-03-07 19:22:27

I requested this not for sexual pleasure, more for the fact that I'm a lurker and wanna know if anyone has had similar experiences.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-07 19:35:17

Yeah it's alright.
It's just that the people who "do it for the kick" are disrespecting animals and even zoophilia itself, and we assume things like this because they happen quite often.
For example any male human asking to meet up girls here is obviously just wanting to see a dog fuck a female human, which we don't want to see here.

But 'similar experiences' huh?
Why don't you tell yours? Not trying to sound like a dick, honestly curious.

Dtex6 3 points on 2017-03-07 20:10:12

I was almost caught when I was younger and just started exploring stuff with the family dog, I was touching him and was about to let him mount me when I heard keys and the front door opening. I lived in a small apartment with my dad and brother, anyways when I heard that I jumped up and ran to my room. I know it's not as "suspenseful" as the others but that's mine. Since then I've been way more careful, and it helps I live on my own too

yelikedags 2 points on 2017-03-09 22:32:40

personally (and having not signed onto this account in something like a year, so I haven't been bombarded by these "caught" threads) -

I think the interest is more the (kind of assumed) shared experience aspect. As we can't really shoot the breeze with our normal co-workers about fun, funny, or sometimes embarrassing sexual experiences as they can (assuming you work with regular human men, lol) I myself kinda enjoy the stories, having had the "-and then i heard someone coming up the stairs while I was knotted" experiences.

PS, no, no one here enjoys hearing about the literally pointless death of a dog. I know it was sardonic jest, but wtf, dude.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-03-10 03:05:07

Consider my story a bucket full of ice water on the groin of any "one handed writer" that may use/abuse "caught/almost caught" stories for masturbational purposes...btw it was made up.

yelikedags 2 points on 2017-03-11 17:23:41


[deleted] 5 points on 2017-03-08 02:39:40


btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 6 points on 2017-03-08 14:25:56

It's always ironic how mental health issues don't often stem from zoophilia itself, but the perspectives and judgements of other people reflected back onto a person that make mental issues seem so prevalent in the zoo community. Sorry to hear about the shitty family. I'm not really close with my family anymore either, though I haven't completely cut ties with them.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-03-09 02:50:44


yelikedags 1 point on 2017-03-09 22:26:04

Yea, fuck that.

PhosphorusBakeneko 2 points on 2017-03-19 18:12:52

I've had a close call back with the family dogs and the first time I tried zoo. I was just finishing up and heard the car so I ran to the bathroom to wash up and one dog was still showing lipstick. I could hear "Bad boy, haha!" From the living room. Two words: Heart. Attack.