Becoming zoophilic at 22 after being asexual for my entire life before (help) [NS] (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-03-10 07:31:53 by ckgjkjj6


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electricfoxx 1 point on 2017-03-10 07:49:51

(34 y.o. bisexual male with a BCompSci, also involved in the furry fandom, interested in female canines)

Hello. First, relax.

The first one would be coming [sp] out as this, telling this to my relatives or friends.

I would advise against it right now. Though it could go okay, it could go horribly wrong, e.g. jail time.

I was honestly asexual.

Though I do feel sexual attraction to humans, I didn't have an urge to date people. I'm one of those boring introvert intellectuals.

I live in a big suburb close to a big city,

Having a large dog in a suburb won't be a problem. (A horse is another matter.) If you get to choose, having an intact (un-spayed) female is more accepted than what people claim. A neutered animal will have no sexual interest.

Depending on your career, I'd recommend you stay near a city. You could find a cheap place in the country, but there are very few good jobs around.

I will die a virgin.

You have to get this out of your head. Being a virgin should not matter. Being with someone you love should matter.

A dog is also a great companion. The language barrier may further this. Your dog doesn't care who you voted for or what kind of ice cream you like.

Welcome and hope you stay.

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-03-10 08:58:12

I wouldn't date anyone either, and I don't want "just sex" either. If I ever have it I would also care and be kind to whatever I do it with, of course, and would treat them the way I should for that kind of relationship, but what I meant by "dying a virgin" is just a frustration that sometimes gets to my head when I suddenly get excited and need to get rid of it (and I get excited Very easily). It's not a thought that I have in mind all the time, it just pops up when I get excited and need to masturbate. I always end up feeling a bit unhappy after doing it because I have always the mindset of "I wish I could actually do it instead of looking at the same videos and pictures over and over". But I know what you mean, trust me.

And thank you a lot for responding and supporting me.

ps: sorry if I commit some language barriers or grammar mistakes, english is my second language.

electricfoxx 1 point on 2017-03-10 09:13:06

The easiest course would be to just move into your own home, but the current economy doesn't make it easy. Even in America, the land of opportunity, there are a lot of college-educated people living with their parents now.

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-03-10 09:31:41

Yeah. Although I will probably be able to move to an own apartment in a year or so, but the horse thing would still be impossible.

To be honest, sometimes I even dream of living with these animals and not even because of that reason at all, I just enjoy being with animals the same way I enjoy being with people, social activity, it's just that I need both kinds of social activity. Before all of this I was already thinking of moving to a more country place in the future to just be able to have animals to live with because interacting 100% with humans can get stressful for me sometimes. But then I thought about the facilities I have in a big city or suburb and ended up kinda convinced of keep living here, but then this new thing started and the whole dilemma started again. sigh.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2017-03-10 22:12:27

not even because of that reason at all

its ok, you can say you want to sleep with the sexy animals. that's why we're all here in the first place :P

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-03-11 02:57:18

Doesn't the current tolerance about living with your parents, thereby banking nearly all of your income, combined with fairly high pay rates lately, make it EASIER to get your own place after just a few years of determination? Rather than dealing with a series of low-rent-district apartments and/or bad roommates, all so you can pocket the $100 or so you have left at the end of the month.

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-03-11 03:08:16

Yes, indeed. Although my current job is very (i mean it, very) shitty, and I'm starting my career late because of some problems I've had in the past. But yes, I admit I am in a very privileged situation and as long as I keep working and studying I will eventually get it kinda easy, not EASY but maybe easier than half people (or more). But the biggest dilemma is not that, but deciding wether I want to live in the city or in the country, which is a big deal of a topic.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-03-11 03:48:09

Don't get me wrong, I understand the challenges. It is not an easy situation, not a "fair" situation, not always a fun situation. Some people have more challenging interests or backgrounds or situations than others - just be glad you're not attracted to dolphins or blue whales or velociraptors or something!

If you're really stuck, maybe it's good to take a step back, assess the situation, and plan your path forward. Who knows, maybe things will change for you later, or maybe you can find a unique situation, or maybe you can move to an area where land is still affordable even in places that are populated. Just hang around, read, ask questions, and see what resonates with you. As you are already apparently doing. :)

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-03-11 03:55:47

Yeah, TBH I don't think it would be super hard to do. In the hypotetical case this was a normal thing and people found it not weird and I could ask anyone for tips to get this, I imagine it would be very easy, but what makes it harder is that I don't always know if something might be a good or a bad idea even if it sounds like a good one. I don't know if I'm explaining my point correctly, maybe I'm saying nonsense, meh, nevermind me.

electricfoxx 1 point on 2017-03-11 04:09:23

That's what I thought. This was my whole reason for moving back in with my parents.

BurnedRowan big ol' pupper 1 point on 2017-03-10 08:44:07

As far as your sexuality changing your whole life around, you could always try and find a place that does riding lessons. see if you enjoy occasional company with horses. don't make it sexual, just treat it like you're going on a walk with someone to get to know them.

you might love it, you might hate it. being in a zooromantic and/or zoosexual relationship is as much (or even more) of a commitment as any such relationship with a human. treat it like one.

just like any new interest, it takes time to ferment and mature. people have embraced much more radical paradigm shifts at much later points in their lives.

Who knows, if you develop a knack for riding or taking care of horses, your attraction could serve as an impetus for a career as an equestrian! Don't give up!

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-03-10 09:04:45

hm yeah. To be honest I always loved being with animals and this is a thing that everyone that know me knows, so I really doubt I would hate walking around with a horse. But the place I live makes it hard to happen, even something as simple as that, since there are no horses around at all. And well to be honest I don't like riding at all, I would love walking side by side with a horse but not riding it. I've done that before but I just honestly don't like it and don't think it's necessary. And well, to be fair I'm not interested in dedicating my work life with animals. I like them but I don't have any dream job that is related to animals to be honest, so all of this makes it just very difficult.

Thank you a lot for responding and supporting me.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 5 points on 2017-03-10 09:27:53

I don't know how explicit I can be with my words so I will retain a little regarding some specific things. I would like to give an specific explanation of my personal preference and attraction but I don't know if I am allowed to do so, even though it's very vanilla but just in case, I will say it only if I am asked in the comments.

Just mark the post NSFW if it comes to it, and yeah your post is fine. We aren't really sticklers about the rules.

I wish I could say this to my relatives and friends (even internet friends) like it wasn't a big deal, but that's impossible.

This might not help much, but your sexuality doesn't define you. For 22 years of your life, it was out of the picture, in some ways. I doubt that changed much. And, as another person said... virginity isn't some curse to be lifted. It's practically a buzzword at this point, used to shame women when it's lost, and shame men when it's kept. Worrying about it at such a young age doesn't help you, at any rate. You'll get there some day, I'm sure, but try to keep your focus on finding the perfect partner, for now.

I can't even tell this to my therapist. I would really like to tell this to him, I think it would help me a lot but I just can't, I need help to encourage myself to do it.

Check your state/country/province's bestilality laws first. Odds are your therapist will be chill about it, but it's important to go into their office informed about relevant legislature if you do speak with them. This also kind of depends on your locality. Is where you live super religious? Is your therapist religious? Are they socially conservative around there? A yes to any of those questions should warrant extra caution, if nothing else. Again though, your therapist will likely be more understanding than most people, but confidentiality can go out the window if they think you'll be harming animals intentionally by sexing them up.

I can tell you something that your therapist should tell you as well. Emergent sexuality is common after depression, so what you experienced is not at all abnormal. Depression causes changes in your body at the hormonal and neurological level, and those contribute to decreased or eliminated sex drive and attraction. Not to sound like a creep or anything, but you'd make for a very interesting case study, I suspect.

Sometimes I think I just can get a dog when I move and live alone and then with the time make it my partner in this matter

This is probably the best solution, tbh. Barring you buying a plot of land, building your own stable, cha-ching cha-ching, etc, etc, you'd be looking at housing a mare in a communal stable. /u/30-30 is quite familiar with that circumstance if you've got questions. You don't have to change your life terribly much with a large dog(aside from the large time and money investment, but nothing compared to a horse), and you'll probably find your attraction to the individual in your care growing as your relationship develops. Sex is heavily influenced by your emotional state, and emotional attraction to your partner.

Don't be afraid of pornography by the way. I always get shit for saying this, but there's no point in not using it if it helps. Having an outlet at your fingertips is helpful because even if you do develop a sexual relationship with a female dog, there is a decent chance that you'll be looking at long stints of time where she's not interested at all.

Oh, and welcome to the community. Always nice to see a new face. C:

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-03-10 09:54:03

And, as another person said... virginity isn't some curse to be lifted. It's practically a buzzword at this point, used to shame women when it's lost, and shame men when it's kept. Worrying about it at such a young age doesn't help you, at any rate. You'll get there some day, I'm sure, but try to keep your focus on finding the perfect partner, for now.

I don't care about the lavel "virgin" at all, what I fear is not "being virgin", but just the thought of never getting to do the thing, just never being able to do what I want to do. I know what you mean but I think I expressed my self the wrong way. I hope I made it a bit clearer here (tell me if I didn't).

Check your state/country/province's bestilality laws first. Odds are your therapist will be chill about it, but it's important to go into their office informed about relevant legislature if you do speak with them. This also kind of depends on your locality. Is where you live super religious? Is your therapist religious? Are they socially conservative around there? A yes to any of those questions should warrant extra caution, if nothing else. Again though, your therapist will likely be more understanding than most people, but confidentiality can go out the window if they think you'll be harming animals intentionally by sexing them up.

This is interesting, I didn't think of it before so I will be checking it. My place is fortunately not very religious, and my therapist isn't even religious and he seems to be socially progressive/liberal. I would say my location is pretty progressive in general and little socially conservative but I think they would obviously still freak the f'ck out about it. I imagine many would react actually calmed but they still wouldn't understand it and tell it to other people as a gossip, and the biggest problem is that I don't think they will ever agree with the fact that these animals can have consensual sex with a human (or other animal) since they strongly believe that sexual orientation is a very strong thing that every species have since they are born and that makes them be only attracted to their own species. I see this in most people from all locations in the world of today. When people hear "zoophilia" or "bestiality" they can only imagine a rapist and they will laugh if I ever say you don't have to rape an animal to have sex with it and say I know nothing. My point is that some might react like "oh okay, it's your preference and there's nothing to do about it and I respect it even if I don't get it as long as you don't do it " (because they would believe it would be obviously rape).

I can tell you something that your therapist should tell you as well. Emergent sexuality is common after depression, so what you experienced is not at all abnormal. Depression causes changes in your body at the hormonal and neurological level, and those contribute to decreased or eliminated sex drive and attraction. Not to sound like a creep or anything, but you'd make for a very interesting case study, I suspect.

I am aware of this, and I know what you mean. I also think I myself am a kind of interesting case if you see it that way.

This is probably the best solution, tbh. Barring you buying a plot of land, building your own stable, cha-ching cha-ching, etc, etc, you'd be looking at housing a mare in a communal stable. /u/30-30 is quite familiar with that circumstance if you've got questions. You don't have to change your life terribly much with a large dog(aside from the large time and money investment, but nothing compared to a horse), and you'll probably find your attraction to the individual in your care growing as your relationship develops. Sex is heavily influenced by your emotional state, and emotional attraction to your partner.

Yeah, a dog would be a lot easier, but far from what would be the best and sadly way harder (a mare). Thanks for the info and the user suggestion though. I will investigate a bit about this.

Don't be afraid of pornography by the way. I always get shit for saying this, but there's no point in not using it if it helps. Having an outlet at your fingertips is helpful because even if you do develop a sexual relationship with a female dog, there is a decent chance that you'll be looking at long stints of time where she's not interested at all.

I never saw anything wrong with porn so yeah, I understand

Oh, and welcome to the community. Always nice to see a new face. C:

Thank you a lot for this, seriously, it helps me a lot.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-10 11:06:58

I don't care about the lavel "virgin" at all, what I fear is not "being virgin", but just the thought of never getting to do the thing, just never being able to do what I want to do. I know what you mean but I think I expressed my self the wrong way. I hope I made it a bit clearer here (tell me if I didn't).

You did make it clearer, and that's fair.

I would say my location is pretty progressive in general and little socially conservative but I think they would obviously still freak the f'ck out about it.

Yeah, my questions constitute more of a rule of thumb, but it's reliable enough. You know public perception of zoophilia in your area better than we do, odds are, but I'd say you've got better odds than most.

My point is that some might react like "oh okay, it's your preference and there's nothing to do about it and I respect it even if I don't get it as long as you don't do it "

There are some non zoos out there (like me :D) that believe you can have consensual sex with nonhuman animals. I think that the consensus is slowly coming to favor zoophiles, but your statement does ring true in many cases.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-10 10:26:15

I really hate to go off-topic, but...

Not to sound like a creep or anything, but you'd make for a very interesting case study, I suspect.

This is so you.
I always imagined you as some kind of weird professor wanting to know about people and thinks they're interesting.
Especially with the language you use...

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 3 points on 2017-03-10 11:09:58

Well, the interesting thing about him is the late onset of sexual attraction. There's too many questions to list about this relationship between his depression and sexuality in this case.

I'm more of a mad scientist, if I had to say. I've got crazy ambitious research goals in the field of genetic engineering and am one of those people that thinks bioethics are a bit stifling in some areas. I've been told I'd make for a damn fine professor, but I simply don't have the patience for students like I do for a community of zoophiles constantly trying to rip eachothers' throats out.

I still have a love-hate relationship with my college level writing. :\

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-03-10 19:32:06

I can explain all the details if you want, but I think It'd be better if I do it in private. I have a discrod account. In case you want to add me just tell me.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-10 20:39:37

Nah, I'm a geneticist, not a psychologist. I wouldn't be able to glean much of value from it all, personally. :P

Oh, BTW, lots of the people here are security nuts and don't like using unsecure communication.

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-03-10 20:53:03

Well yes, I wouldn't give you (or anyone) my ID of anything here publicly. I meant via PM, if that makes any sense.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2017-03-11 02:20:11

virginity isn't some curse to be lifted. It's practically a buzzword at this point, used to shame women when it's lost, and shame men when it's kept.

well put. i admit to feeling this stigma as well. i strove hard to not become a "40 year old virgin". i finally lost it (depending on how it's defined) at the age of 39.


also, this -

Don't be afraid of pornography by the way. I always get shit for saying this, but there's no point in not using it if it helps. Having an outlet at your fingertips is helpful because even if you do develop a sexual relationship with a female dog, there is a decent chance that you'll be looking at long stints of time where she's not interested at all.

i'd like to add that if you happen to be interested in multiple species, porn still has some importance (unless you're able to care for members of all species/breeds youre interested in, helpful if the number is small).

Lateoss Mares :P 1 point on 2017-03-10 10:02:02

Whats up dude, I think I might have some helpful comments for you. First of all, welcome to the sub! I hope you eventually find happiness in whatever form it might be. I think the most important thing for you right now would be giving yourself some time, I dont know how long exactly you have felt attracted to dogs and horses, but if it is a fairly short amount of time, you should get your mind around the entire idea of zoophilia before too heavily associating yourself with it. I am not denying your attraction to dogs or horses, I am just hoping you take time to get to know yourself and your attractions better before you try and accommodate your future to it.

About your first point, coming out to your family and friends, I dont think that you should unless you really have to for some reason. I dont know the relationship you have with your family, but assuming they dont watch your every move, it is probable that not telling them about your interests wont be a burden on your life. Believe me when I say that it could be a very bad idea. Yes, you may feel relieved that your friends and family know, but the negative repercussions might not be worth it.

About your second point: I personally am attracted to mares alone, I hope to have a future where I can own a mare myself and spend the rest of my life with her. I have lived in big suburbs of major cities almost all of my life. Additionally I am pursuing a career as an engineer (I am currently in an undergrad program), which will likely put me in some large metropolis. So I understand the problem you are facing about living in a large city.

The first thing I would like to remind of regarding this is that your life status may change. You are only 24, you have many years ahead of you and a lot of time to change your life path, which can include changing where you live and your career. If you want to get a dog, that can much more easily be done because the dog can probably stay in a house with you. If you want to get a horse though, you will need acreage or somewhere to board. There are places to board a horse, even in very large cities (at least here in the US, I am not too sure where you live). Although with boarding a horse, you will ultimately have to sacrifice some privacy. There really is no assured solution to the problem of living in a city and owning a horse, you will probably need to make some sort of life sacrifice if you want to own a horse, whether it be geographical, social, economical, or something else.

Finally, an important question for you that I feel sort of came up in your thread: What do you really want out of this? You mentioned that your main motivation for getting an animal would be to have sex. Be careful here, there is a fine line between someone who wants to just have sex and someone who wants to love and take care of an animal, even if you do not mean to harm the animal in any way. Zoophilia is more than just a sexual attraction, it is a romantic attraction as well, which means that you desire a relationship with an animal and more than just sex. Taking care of an animal comes with a lot of responsibility, one of the biggest burdens of any relationship, and is something you should keep in mind.

Anyways, stick around the sub, learn more about zoophilia and maybe yourself, dont jump to conclusions, things can change, and most importantly, within reason, do what you feel will make you the happiest in life.

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-03-10 19:52:30

Finally, an important question for you that I feel sort of came up in your thread: What do you really want out of this? You mentioned that your main motivation for getting an animal would be to have sex. Be careful here, there is a fine line between someone who wants to just have sex and someone who wants to love and take care of an animal, even if you do not mean to harm the animal in any way. Zoophilia is more than just a sexual attraction, it is a romantic attraction as well, which means that you desire a relationship with an animal and more than just sex. Taking care of an animal comes with a lot of responsibility, one of the biggest burdens of any relationship, and is something you should keep in mind.

Like I mentioned in some responses to other previous comments, I always loved animals and being with them. Wait let me just quote it

To be honest, sometimes I even dream of living with these animals and not even because of that reason at all, I just enjoy being with animals the same way I enjoy being with people, social activity, it's just that I need both kinds of social activity. Before all of this I was already thinking of moving to a more country place in the future to just be able to have animals to live with because interacting 100% with humans can get stressful for me sometimes. But then I thought about the facilities I have in a big city or suburb and ended up kinda convinced of keep living here, but then this new thing started and the whole dilemma started again. sigh.

I always liked going to natural reserves or farms and see animals, or having pets and such. I had a cat, three dogs and a parrot and I always am the one that gives the most attention to them in my family, like, the rest of my family seem to have just "bought" like they were toys and I always criticized it from them, and I always cared the most about these animals and tried to raise them correctly and make them as happy as possible. I currently have two dogs but they are very little races and both male so, nothing sexual, but I still care a lot about them.

On the other hand, I consider myself "a-romantic" (if that even exists), I don't understand the behavior of people and their human partners, I can understand some, but most of them are so obsessive I just never related to it. But with this I don't mean that If I ever have a non-human sexual partner I wouldn't love them, because I would... maybe it's just the same as my sexual orientation, it only works on these animals. But I know what you mean and I know some of what I say might sound offensive or anti ethical.

I wouldn't get an animal just for that though, I would love to have a dog or even a horse, but to be honest I believe that my main motivation to own one would be to have sex in the future.

This is especially what sounds bad and I understand if it does. But I think I make it clear with my previous quote. I always liked the idea of moving and having a more friendly-like place to own animals and live with them, even before being zoophile, but I dropped the idea because of the job and human social facilities I can get in a big city, but now this made me consider it all again, and this is what I meant in that fragment of my post.

I would never forgive myself if I had an animal solely for that and don't give them the attention they deserve. I know that dogs, cats and parrots are nothing compared to a mare when it comes to the care of it and money and everything, but as I said, I still always liked the idea of getting to that, even before this.

The problem is that I also have a big social struggle happening nowdays, which is that I don't have any friends irl. I was so depressed in all my middle and high school years (not because of not having friends, but because of a totally different reason that has nothing to do with any of this) that nobody liked me (and I didn't like anyone either), and now I work and study alone suffering from it, because the only people I ever see are my relatives and I am getting kinda fed up of it. But there are chances for me to start having classmates next year and hence start fixing this, but it's contraty to this other objective I am considering now, and I would eventually still get tired of it even if I have a lot of friends and no animal-social activity. Maybe I can do both things but I really don't know, I am like the average big city-citizen that is very ignorant about country/farm life aspects and I just don't know how to proceed to even make my goals clearer. It's not like I never had any opportunity to have friends either, tbh. I had some chances in the last years and it was cool, I mean, I know what it is like to interact with people, I'm not autistic or anything in case any of you wonder.

Questions don't bother me, if you have more questions just ask me.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-10 21:04:16

On the other hand, I consider myself "a-romantic" (if that even exists),

It does exist, and that's fine.

I don't understand the behavior of people and their human partners, I can understand some, but most of them are so obsessive I just never related to it. But with this I don't mean that If I ever have a non-human sexual partner I wouldn't love them, because I would... maybe it's just the same as my sexual orientation, it only works on these animals. But I know what you mean and I know some of what I say might sound offensive or anti ethical.

This community is a tad bit puritanical at times. Don't worry if there isn't romance, so long as there's that commitment to your partner. You want to be the model caretaker in situations like these first and foremost, and you've made it clear that you will be.

The problem is that I also have a big social struggle happening nowdays, which is that I don't have any friends irl. I was so depressed in all my middle and high school years (not because of not having friends, but because of a totally different reason that has nothing to do with any of this) that nobody liked me (and I didn't like anyone either), and now I work and study alone suffering from it, because the only people I ever see are my relatives and I am getting kinda fed up of it.

You can also try volunteering, studying more in public parks or cafes, attending events or concerts if that's your thing. I'm assuming you didn't have much motivation to get out and do things before. Volunteering is a pretty safe start, though. You end up seeing lots of regulars and striking up conversation is pretty easy.

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-03-10 22:39:23

Yes, I've done that but sine I still work and study it was hard to keep up with most of it.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 5 points on 2017-03-10 10:22:56

telling this to my relatives or friends.

This is a very dangerous thing to do if you are going to act on your urges in the future.
This is a thing you should be very careful with as you can lose all respect from them.

I had to lie to my cousin many times about me being asexual because I just couldn't say the truth, but I want to. I need to share this, because keeping it all for myself is kinda killing me.

This is a thing we zoos have to do in order to protect ourselves and our animals.
It's a good thing you did that.
I really would like to have the same rights as other people, being able to talk about it and all...
But sadly we really can't.
If you ever plan to tell someone, again, do it very carefully.

Not to mention that the whole idea of adopting animal to have sex sounds creepy asf.

That's indeed true, but...

wouldn't get an animal just for that though


I would never harm an animal or treat them unproperly "just because I want to have sex and that's all I care about", because no, that's not all I care about.

prove that that's not even the case.

but to be honest I believe that my main motivation to own one would be to have sex in the future.

I don't see the problem here. I think every zoo has some kind of feeling like that.
I think that other people think the same for human partners in a way.
Even I, who is not very sexual, thought similarly. Even though in the end I focused on different things.
Like I said, the things you said prove that you truly care about them.

I live in a big suburb close to a big city, no farm lifestyle around at all. To achieve such a thing I would have to change my life a lot and this whole thing just frustrates me because it affects my goals in life, like my career, my job, everything. I'm not sure what to do.

Well, for a dog you would only need a backyard and a house, a horse is different though...
I unfortunately can't help you on this as I'm not even at this point yet myself.

the frustration of the odds being that I will die a virgin.

I don't see a problem here. I can understand wanting to have a partner but I don't see why this matters.

What seems strange to me is the fact that you've been asexual for a very long time yet only recently you thought you were a zoo.
I have a feeling this might be a phase.
I've seen people who thought they were homosexual, then they were zoo, then this and that.
I don't really have to say anything to say to that.
Ever thought about hanging around animals and taking a good look at them?

Yeah, this wasn't very useful what I said, but it's something, I guess.

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-03-10 20:06:46

I don't see a problem here. I can understand wanting to have a partner but I don't see why this matters.


I don't care about the lavel "virgin" at all, what I fear is not "being virgin", but just the thought of never getting to do the thing, just never being able to do what I want to do. I know what you mean but I think I expressed my self the wrong way. I hope I made it a bit clearer here (tell me if I didn't).


I have a feeling this might be a phase. I've seen people who thought they were homosexual, then they were zoo, then this and that. I don't really have to say anything to say to that. Ever thought about hanging around animals and taking a good look at them?

well, I've had 0 sexual orientation/preference until I was 21 (almost 22), when this started. I am now almost 25 and it's still literally the same, nothing changed from when this started. I still am sickly attracted to mares and get excited very easy. I was close to some in the last couple of years, I saw some walk close (not where I live though, I was traveling) and I got excited very easily and it felt kinda awkward (and kinda sad because the feeling of impossibility and hopelessness usually comes with this too). I know what you mean but it's just a very strong feeling. I can't tell if this will change in a future or not, but I can tell you I've been like this since 3 years ago and still the same. Looking at them excites me on the internet and irl too.

Thanks a lot for commenting and supporting.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 1 point on 2017-03-10 22:16:25

Well, for the longest time I have thought I was a-sexual till I ended up noticing my attraction to dogs, and my relation forming with this dog. It felt weird to suddenly have this urge to be with her, something I haven't had ever before. And to be fair, I'm far from accepting it still, I still feel guilty about it. As of sexuality, you could be a late bloomer, or it could be a temporary thing (I am quietly hoping it is just a phase for me)

I personally would -Never- tell anyone ever, I came out to my best friend, who happened to be a zoo, and kind of expected it from me. But I would never tell anyone else.(he is the only one who knows) I don't even want to meet other zoos whom he knows are safe.

As well, it is not my family , not my friends, not my boss, nor my teachers' business to know what the hell my sexuality is. I'm not attracted to humans, so I am a-sexual, because so far they know its only humans you can be attracted to. You do not, and quite frankly, should not tell anyone.

At this moment I haven't got a canid around, and I'm not able to, as it would bring too much risk, and I have little time. It's frustrating, but you got to be real, and try to find a distraction until there is a time this possibility becomes there

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-03-11 05:05:39

I've been investigating a little about it and it seems my country is literally the only one in the continent where bestiality/zoophilia (I don't know what term you are most familiar with, let's just say "sex with animals") is not illegal. I watched a list of countries and this is illegal in literally all of them since 2008, 2011, 2014 and 2015 mostly. The only exceptions are Germany and Hungary where consensual copulation is legal, and mine where it just has nothing law related yet, which is very surprising because literally every country around has it penalized since very few time ago.

It is kinda frustrating though, everyone started penalizing it in the last 10 years all of the sudden, and even if in my country it's still legal, there's still a project going on to make it illegal. I know there's a project for almost everything and most of them end in nothing, but I fear this one might be possible to make it illegal just by seeing the whole thing as a statistic (literally all countries are penalizing it since now).

Although I also found out that it's illegal for a therapist to say anything about a patient, and that even if they do, it wouldn't be valid in a judgement, so do you think I should tell this to my therapist?

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-03-21 01:40:00

It is kinda frustrating though, everyone started penalizing it in the last 10 years all of the sudden

That's true, especially in the United States: since 2005, there have been 11 states that have banned it. Last year, 2 states (OH and NH) banned it, and now there are 4 states (VT, KY, WV, TX) in the U.S. with anti-zoo bills. It has been a recent anti-zoo onslaught, which has wrongfully criminalized sex with animals in many jurisdictions, because no one is speaking out against these new laws (for their safety).

And in Europe, most of the anti-zoo laws were made since 2005 as well (Sweden banned it in 2014, Denmark banned it in 2015, etc.)

One problem is if someone decides to move to a place where it is legal, and by the time they get there a new anti-zoo law has just been made.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-03-11 06:29:27

Since this is no salt mode, I´ll try to keep it civil, but nonetheless I have a damn bad feeling about this and you. You basically are drawn towards animals because , well, awkward with humans. I also think you heavily project something onto animals (especially mares) that simply isn´t there and you´d have a rather rude awakening once you realise that. I cannot understand the general tone in this very thread, starting from recommending the usage of animal porn , which very often includes serious abuse of animals by the way. Let me ask you frankly: What do you know about horses? Have you ever had real contact with them beyond staring at them? I know, for throwing in some scepticism I´m the asshole again, but you don´t sound like someone who is nuts for horses. You simply seem to project all your newly discovered feelings and desires as an ex-asexual onto them , which is not the right mind to start with.

You´ve been listing all the ups of zoophilia, but have you realised there is an equal , if not bigger amount of downs involved in this? As a depressive fellow, can you live with the certainty of having to say a final goodbye to your animal in about 10 - 15 years (dogs) , 20 - 25 years (average full size horse) or 25 - 35 years (average pony life expectancy)? And since you already complain about the current status quo of zoophilia in almost any country in the world, can you imagine the tension you have to endure as a sexual pariah and criminal? How about all the duties involved in keeping horses? Are you willing to dedicate your life to this? Shoveling manure out of the boxes every day, even on your birthday, christmas and when one of your family members dies?

Your head seems so much in the sky about this...I really suggest you do some in depth research before taking any action. I also suggest you should keep an open mind about your sexuality and avoid jumping to false conclusions too quickly. As WarCanine has said, there are lots of disoriented folks out there using animals as a comfy fallback , so they don´t have to deal with "these complicated humans". And there are phases some people go, a "150% bona fide" zoophile, tomorrow "yuck, fucking animals...I´m into transsexual fart porn now"...;) And I´m not talking about a few months of getting aroused by animals, the first other "zoo" I met in real life was conviced for years that he´s a, he has a wife and kids ..and absolutely no inclination towards sex with animals anymore.

I´m not trying to talk you down here, I just want to throw in some reasonable critique and show you that there´s a possibility of you getting carried away by your fantasies, further forging your possible false conclusion of being a zoophile. Let me be perfectly clear on this: the life of a zoophile is not paradise, it´s full of justified and unjustified paranoid feelings (being exposed), it´s a struggle (with society), it´s full of hard work (especially when it´s horses you´re dedicating your life to), it´s costly (horses again: farrier, vet, food, etc.), it´s sometimes disappointing ( if you anthropomorphise your animal...but that won´t turn it into a human), painful (certainty of having to let go of your longtime partner some day) and first and foremost, it´s not easy peasy.

If your interest in horses is real, I recommend learning the basics by joining a decent riding club. There´s more you have to know than where a mare has her have to learn how to handle horses ´cause they can kill you easily when you don´t know exactly what you´re doing. Yeah, sure, you had some pets before...but horses are no cats or parrots. You can´t keep ´em in the stables all day, you cannot keep just one as they´re social animals who need social structures to thrive and maintain a healthy condition.

I could go on with this for quite some more time, but let´s call it done for now...please, try to consider all my objections as a form of help , not a attack. I´ve known more than enough (or more than it´s good for me) folks who bought a horse and were totally surprised that they had to sacrifice many aspects of their lives for this. No holidays/vacations (the last time I travelled was in 1993, shortly before I bought my first mare), fear of colics (´ll learn about that...) that keep you from having a good and deep sleep,etc. pp.

Please, think this whole thing through without rossey tinted glasses on...and also consider what will be if you buy a mare, but she won´t let you have intercourse with her. That also is a possible outcome, mares are no sex toys you buy and can swap if not "satisfied". And what will be if you overcome your "social dysfuctionality" and lose interest in horses? What if you realise that being with a mare is not at all what you imagined it will be like? Do your homework,´s important...for you, but especially for the horse that has to deal with you and your personality, your flaws and twisted quirks. Learn proper cannot keep horses healthy without proper training. The oh so common "model" of "well, I keep ´em on the pasture all day and fuck ´em every now and then" is detrimental for horses. To thrive and grow, horses need to be kept busy and challenged. Dismiss the fantasies and get real, dude...if not out of your own interest, then out of love for horses.

Again: I know this is in no salt mode, but someone needs to disturb the "vanilla" flow of this thread...consider this a decent advice, not a personal attack. Genuinely working medicine always has a bitter taste. Besides that, good luck with your newly discovered ex-asexuality.

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-03-11 13:27:38

Man, calm down.

I have a damn bad feeling about this and you. You basically are drawn towards animals because , well, awkward with humans.

This is not true. I expected some would say this, but didn't expect it from here. I'm not awkward with humans, I'm not socially awkward at all if that's what you mean. I never said I am, why do you think that?

I also think you heavily project something onto animals (especially mares) that simply isn´t there and you´d have a rather rude awakening once you realise that. I cannot understand the general tone in this very thread, starting from recommending the usage of animal porn , which very often includes serious abuse of animals by the way. Let me ask you frankly: What do you know about horses? Have you ever had real contact with them beyond staring at them? I know, for throwing in some scepticism I´m the asshole again, but you don´t sound like someone who is nuts for horses. You simply seem to project all your newly discovered feelings and desires as an ex-asexual onto them , which is not the right mind to start with.

I agree with what you say here, and I admit it, and it's one of the reasons why I made this thread. I admit I'm not prepared to start the whole thing even if I had the possibility already, I would have to learn a lot of things about many things yet, and I want to, that's why I am here. But as I said in other comments, I always liked animals and considered being with some at some point of my life (not sexually at all, I'm talking about something that started before this in me), because I just like it. I watch a lot of documentaries and articles about many animals since I'm like 10 or less because it has always been something of my interest, and I am the one who enjoyes the most being with my pets in my family (again, not sexually at all). I know little about horses, I might know more than many people but I still never owned one or anything similar, but I want to learn and be able to, and not for sex, I honestly always wanted to, but it's hard when you live in a big city.

You´ve been listing all the ups of zoophilia, but have you realised there is an equal , if not bigger amount of downs involved in this?

Of course, I can imagine.

As a depressive fellow, can you live with the certainty of having to say a final goodbye to your animal in about 10 - 15 years (dogs) , 20 - 25 years (average full size horse) or 25 - 35 years (average pony life expectancy)?

I am not depressive anymore, as I said, my depression ended around 4/5 years ago. And yes, that's sad. If I could ask for any wish, I would ask for animals to live as much as us, but I think you are being pessimistic anyway to be honest. If your reason to not live with an animal is because it will die sooner than you, to me that's just seeing the negative side of it.

And since you already complain about the current status quo of zoophilia in almost any country in the world, can you imagine the tension you have to endure as a sexual pariah and criminal?

To be fair, I don't know if I should complain about it or not, because in the end it maybe is better for all the animals in general if rape rate is too high, which I have no idea about, but if it is, then maybe it's a good thing, but of course I know what you mean. And I am already imagining the tension.

How about all the duties involved in keeping horses? Are you willing to dedicate your life to this? Shoveling manure out of the boxes every day, even on your birthday, christmas and when one of your family members dies?

I am aware of this

Your head seems so much in the sky about this...I really suggest you do some in depth research before taking any action.

Yes, of course, I totally agree with this. I will be trying to investigate as much as I can in this big time ahead of me living here before taking any action at all.

I also suggest you should keep an open mind about your sexuality and avoid jumping to false conclusions too quickly. As WarCanine has said, there are lots of disoriented folks out there using animals as a comfy fallback , so they don´t have to deal with "these complicated humans". And there are phases some people go, a "150% bona fide" zoophile, tomorrow "yuck, fucking animals...I´m into transsexual fart porn now"...;) And I´m not talking about a few months of getting aroused by animals, the first other "zoo" I met in real life was conviced for years that he´s a, he has a wife and kids ..and absolutely no inclination towards sex with animals anymore.

I am aware of this, but from what you said in the beginning of your post you seem to believe I am socially awkward or think humans are complicated enough for this. This really isn't the case, I never felt any attraction from them, I never tried because I really have 0 interest in them (in this regard). Although, Hell, if you think about it, humans would be a lot easy than this, I wouldn't need to change my life as much as I should to do this other thing. In any case I think it's the opposite. I wish I was mostly attracted to humans. The reason I made this topic is precissely because this is all an incredibly hard thing to even think about. However I totally agree with the phases thing, I mean, I was asexual for the most part of my life and now this, so why not change again in the future? I believe it's a possibility, but I wouldn't do nothing at all in all my life just because it might change in the future. The same way an average person wouldn't avoid having a girlfriend and everything it implies just in fear of it changing in the future. I also know 3/4 years into this is not a lot of time so ofc, I can give it more time, but not a reason to not start thinking about all the ups and downs and doing researches and contacting people (here) and all, I really lose nothing by doing this.

I´m not trying to talk you down here, I just want to throw in some reasonable critique and show you that there´s a possibility of you getting carried away by your fantasies, further forging your possible false conclusion of being a zoophile. Let me be perfectly clear on this: the life of a zoophile is not paradise, it´s full of justified and unjustified paranoid feelings (being exposed), it´s a struggle (with society), it´s full of hard work (especially when it´s horses you´re dedicating your life to), it´s costly (horses again: farrier, vet, food, etc.), it´s sometimes disappointing ( if you anthropomorphise your animal...but that won´t turn it into a human), painful (certainty of having to let go of your longtime partner some day) and first and foremost, it´s not easy peasy.

Thank you for the realistic advices, I appreciate it a lot. But let me make you know that I already know most of this, I'm not trying to "get to the paradise-like life" because I know it will never happen, I know this new phase in my life is not a very positive thing. It is in some ways, but not in many others (for these reasons you mention), and this is exactly one of the reasons why I want to tell this to my therapist, I really need help, and you are helping too, but I also think I need support. But of course, your reasonable criitques are a lot important too, it's not all about support, but I'd say I (and everyone else here) need support, because it might also make things clearer for one. But again, don't think I don't take your points seriously, they are a lot important and I appreciate this from you a lot.

If your interest in horses is real, I recommend learning the basics by joining a decent riding club. There´s more you have to know than where a mare has her have to learn how to handle horses ´cause they can kill you easily when you don´t know exactly what you´re doing. Yeah, sure, you had some pets before...but horses are no cats or parrots. You can´t keep ´em in the stables all day, you cannot keep just one as they´re social animals who need social structures to thrive and maintain a healthy condition.

I perfectly know this and I stated it in some comments.

Let me make it clear again, I'm not trying to achieve a change in my life yet, nor in the next close years, I'm just asking for any kind of help and advices and any useful information and whatever that can help me any way. I'm not even sure yet if I will ever want to do such a change in my life. As I said in my first post, I'm having a heavy conflict in this, full of insecurity regarding to what I want for my life.

(continuing this in the next comment)

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-03-11 13:27:51

Please, think this whole thing through without rossey tinted glasses on...and also consider what will be if you buy a mare, but she won´t let you have intercourse with her. That also is a possible outcome, mares are no sex toys you buy and can swap if not "satisfied".

Of course. And I also considered that's a possibility.

And what will be if you overcome your "social dysfuctionality" and lose interest in horses?

You clearly missunderstood it when I talked about my social condition. I never said I'm socially awkward or that have any social dysfunction, sorry if I made it sound like that. What I meant is that in the current state of my life, I'm studying and working alone, not out of a decision, becase I literally am alone at work and I have to study at home without class right now and I have just been feeling lonely lately, but this is Totally besides the point of this thread. I've had social activity and still have when I can. I have some friends I see from time to time and I want to start going to class which will be possible later this year or in the next. I really don't have any social dysfunction. When I said this in other comment, it was because living in a country place might make it harder for me to be with people, harder than how it would be in a big city at least. As you see I want to have social activity with humans and that's part of the problem, maybe you understood it the opposite way.

What if you realise that being with a mare is not at all what you imagined it will be like? Do your homework,´s important...for you, but especially for the horse that has to deal with you and your personality, your flaws and twisted quirks. Learn proper cannot keep horses healthy without proper training. The oh so common "model" of "well, I keep ´em on the pasture all day and fuck ´em every now and then" is detrimental for horses. To thrive and grow, horses need to be kept busy and challenged. Dismiss the fantasies and get real, dude...if not out of your own interest, then out of love for horses.

I can't agree more with this. I totally get it and it's making it just harder and harder for me. I know I told you that you were being pessimistic about the death of the animals, but I wouldn't say you are being pessimistic at all with all these other points, because I totally see what you mean and I get it, and it's making it only harder for me. But again, this is why I am asking for help, I will tell this to my therapist too (which obviously isn't into this and may tell me some useful things to consider and rethink and all). It's all a confussion and also, again, I am not happy at all with this. I am struggling a lot with this.

Again: I know this is in no salt mode, but someone needs to disturb the "vanilla" flow of this thread...consider this a decent advice, not a personal attack. Genuinely working medicine always has a bitter taste. Besides that, good luck with your newly discovered ex-asexuality.

Thank you a lot for this, I appreciate it. You can ask me any more questions if you want, it won't bother me, but stay calm, I know what you mean, I know the risks and the struggle and how hard this will hit my life even if I do nothing about it (which is the most possible reality). I'm not trying to change it yet, I'm just stunned asf and need help, because I admit this is mostly a problem. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

You seem to have changed your life into this and this is very important to me, this is why I take your critiques very importantly and I respect them a lot. You said you got your mare on 1993, which means you've been into this for a long time. Can I count on you for whenever I have some doubts nobody else can respond or I just can't find? I don't mean to blast you with questions or anything but, you know, having someone that has been into this for a long time is very important and probably the best source of answers related to this. However if you prefer to keep this kind of information private I won't judge you at all.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-03-21 00:22:24

and it's also just very wrong in so many other ways

It is not wrong (inherently) for a human to have sex with a non-human animal.