Arrests in Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-03-11 22:49:10 by Skgrsgpf

An animal shelter worker who had sex with a dog (and filmed herself doing it) was arrested in Louisiana under that state's "crimes against nature" sodomy law:

She was caught due to a "tip" that law enforcement received. The article does not discuss where the "tip" originated.

The Louisiana case is similar to the recent arrest in Mississippi, in that both arrests are under outdated sodomy-type laws (using phrases like "crime against nature"), yet no one in the media seems to question the validity of these outdated laws. And no one questions the term "unnatural", which is a fallacy.

There was a recent arrest in Massachusetts:

Even though the man in MA was arrested and charged with a felony, the dog "was healthy and showed no signs of abuse" according to the article. (Which begs the question, why was his arrest justified in the first place).

Neither the Louisiana case nor the Massachusetts case appear to have involved any actual abuse, yet they were arrested anyway under those outdated "morality" laws. Both of the cases involved the filming/photographing of sex with a dog.

In Louisiana, the punishment is up to 5 years in prison under that state's "sodomy" law. In Massachusetts, the punishment is up to 20 years in prison because of a law made in the 17th century (sodomy) that was never repealed (the part dealing with gays was repealed).

A fencehopper mailman was recently caught on surveillance camera in Minnesota, having sex with someone's dog:

The above article calls sex with a dog "vile acts". This is not the first time a news article has used the word "vile".

A few months ago there was a case in Ohio involving the city of Warren and its new anti-zoo law:

The above article describes a woman arrested for having sex with a dog, and in that case, like the others, there is no evidence that any actual cruelty occurred.

Except for the fencehopper in MN, it appears that none of these arrests are justified and that they are motivated by prejudice and disapproval of zoosex itself, rather than any tangible reason.

ckgjkjj6 2 points on 2017-03-12 01:27:48

I really don't get it.

They can at least lie about the animal showing signs of abuse, but they prefer to say "crime against nature", "vile act" or "sodomy" and still nobody questions it.

Really? Isn't "sodomy" literally like saying paganism or satanism? It honestly sounds like the law was brought from the middle ages when bestiality is the topic. I really find it hard to believe how laws are so heavily structurated but when it comes to this, it's "crimes against nature" and "sodomy". I honestly don't know if I should laugh or be mad.

Maybe there is actually a lot of animal abuse going on and I am ignorant about it, so I can't tell if bestiality should be legal or illegal to be honest, but the problem here is that literally everyone believes that the only way to have sex with an animal is through rape, and that's just wrong, and they won't even give arguments or valid laws, they will say it's "crime against nature" and "sodomy".

And to make it worse, these laws are starting to be applied in all countries just now. I just don't get it.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-12 01:49:58

You really shouldn't be surprised.
A lot of humans are delusional and pretty dumb.
This also counts for the people who are responsible for these laws.

Humans kill eachother because they believe in different fairytales. Humans will follow others, just to be 'normal' and 'because if others believe it, it must be true!'
And if it's not their problem, they refuse to learn about it.

So what I'm saying is that these laws just don't make much sense.
Really, it's not surprising anymore what happens in this world.
I have said it before and I will again: This world may be strange, but then again it's the world we live in.

ckgjkjj6 3 points on 2017-03-12 02:01:31
Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-03-12 21:41:08

They can at least lie about the animal showing signs of abuse, but they prefer to say "crime against nature", "vile act" or "sodomy".

What is disturbing is that the media acts like "crimes against nature" (and terms like it) are "normal"; they don't use any critical thinking when it comes to this issue, and seem to go along with the irrational "disgust" people have. Like you said, little has changed since the middle ages with regard to attitudes towards zoo.

the problem here is that literally everyone believes that the only way to have sex with an animal is through rape, and that's just wrong

That's true, the majority of people believe that interspecies sex (with a human) is inherently "abusive" in and of itself, and that is a wrong belief.

these laws are starting to be applied in all countries just now

What seems to be happening is that in some places (like Louisiana) old outdated "sodomy" laws are being used to persecute zoos, while in other places (such as New Hampshire) brand-new anti-zoo laws are being used to persecute zoos. In the case of new laws like the one in New Hampshire, the language is very specific and onerous (such as putting anyone caught onto a "sex offender registry"). The people with authority are basically using whatever law they can to persecute zoos, and if there is no law (like was the case in New Hampshire), they invent a new one.

Sex with animals is being globally banned, with new countries banning it every year.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-03-13 22:08:20

Sex with animals is being globally banned, with new countries banning it every year.


The people with authority are basically using whatever law they can to persecute zoos

Not accurate.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-03-14 02:00:42

Agreed, but I doubt that will change anything for the OP. He´ll still refuse any other perspective than his own delusional one. I wonder if he´s a bot or braindead...or some kind of agent provocateur trying to create an unrealistic feeling of "being treated unjustly" to make us all unveil ourselves to the public, easy to pluck down...

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-03-20 22:25:36

With regard to using "whatever law they can", I tend to agree with zoo_away's quote:

If people really want to get to you, then they get creative. There is no specific law on the book against sex with animals? Well, here is one against cruelty against animals in general, surely, that fits. Wham Bamm Thank you Mam.

Even if there isn't a law like that, oh, look, let's just use a statutory rape law. That fits, too, don't it?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 6 points on 2017-03-12 06:30:20

way to beat the stereotype of dogs always hating mailmen, though! ... <.< sorry, had to find the silver lining..

Swibblestein 2 points on 2017-03-14 21:18:41

Okay that was genuinely funny.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2017-03-15 04:43:09

stage bow

StarliteMagnificent Horse Nut 2 points on 2017-03-12 12:08:58

Sorta makes me think of the thread "How does on avoid being caught." So we got two porn makers and one fence hopper yet again taking risks and getting caught without the concern for their animals or other peoples animals. Does not really matter what the laws are or how the "normal" world uses them. The fact is such a thing is not looked favorably upon in today's world so anyone just giving the law what it needs to make a case against them because of wanting to rub their sex life in others faces with making porn of it or trespassing and breaking such laws sort of had it coming to them. And it seems to be the norm really, some bestial type gets caught, they have no law particular against it so they find something that works and sort of fits. However you can be sure they are now working on making a new law for such a special occasion should it happen again.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-03-12 21:59:59

because of wanting to rub their sex life in others faces with making porn of it

In the Louisiana case, it is unclear if the videos they made were shared online; if they did not share it, then they were not rubbing it in people's faces.

However you can be sure they are now working on making a new law for such a special occasion should it happen again.

The current anti-zoo bills in Kentucky, West Virginia, Vermont and Texas.

Shastadog90 25/F/Bisexual Dog Lover 1 point on 2017-03-20 00:58:29

I have zero sympathy for fence jumpers. The mailman deserved to go to jail.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-03-20 22:22:38

What about the other two incidents? (The ones in LA and MA?) Those weren't fencehopper incidents.

Shastadog90 25/F/Bisexual Dog Lover 1 point on 2017-03-22 05:21:46

Collateral damage for the media. Not like people can tell the difference.