TX HB1087 Hearing (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-03-13 05:59:31 by Throwawayz11235

Texas House Bill 1087 (the anti-bestiality bill) was given a hearing about on 3/6/17 in the Criminal Jurisprudence Committee, and was left pending. As expected, there were no arguments against the bill. The below link is an official recording of the hearing. The relevant portions are from 1 hr 2 min to 1 hr 15 min.


OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 5 points on 2017-03-13 18:25:07

It's so sad how quickly modern republics (AKA "democracy") begin to fall apart when someone can't speak up for fear of being lynched.

I've talked to a few non-zoo friends in the past who, during the Washington State "hands" incident, thought I should've spoken up against the bill, and made "democracy work for me."

My answer is pretty simple: If I did that, I probably wouldn't be here talking to you.

It's a big hole in the idealistic view of democracy everyone else seems to have. The people who need to speak up the most, the downtrodden, often can't.

I would hope the internet will someday help with this, but... the government is slow to adapt to such things, and honestly, I doubt I'd ever trust them to keep me anonymous.

[deleted] 4 points on 2017-03-13 18:52:24

I doubt I'd ever trust them to keep me anonymous.

Exactly. Voting through internet for or against those bills anonymously will not be considered because of possibility of using bot nets. So you will have to prove somehow that you are you, and tell them who you are. This would prevent people attacking voters, but... Telling government "I'm XYZ, live here, and am pro zoo"... No.

TokenHorseGuy 2 points on 2017-03-14 01:11:03

I wonder what that kind of dilemma is called, because I bet there's a lot written on it, and possibly even some approaches documented (allies, organizations, etc.).

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-03-14 01:29:42

A republic =/= democracy. People´s REPUBLIC of China, for example.

"I´ve talked to a few ANTIzoo friends"...?!?

Given the fact that "democracy" as we know it today has nothing to do with what the Athenians practiced a long time ago, it shouldn´t be much of a surprise your idealistic expectations aren´t met. Our "democracy" as it is today: "My ignorance weighs exactly the same as your expertise". As an early adopter of the internet, I once had the same kind of illusion about "the internet will help improve our lives", but just look at what made Trump a thing in the US...it was the internet. His tweets, the bot army programmed to push him up to the top, the masses who vent their xenophobia unafraid of consequences because "I´m anonymous, bitch"....in retrospective, the internet contributed a huge part to the world as it is today. I stopped telling myself the net "culture" will lead to higher consciousness and enhanced view of the world, in fact it´s the opposite that happened. Filter bubbles, enhanced manipulative possibilities....please don´t let government adapt to that or we´re all fucked beyond all recognition. Net fascism, the rule of the uninformed masses, that´s what the net brought us...

Things falling apart? Well, for the vast majority of people, it all works out perfectly. As long as the three basic urges of people are met (The 3 F, as we Germans call them: Fressen, Ficken, Fernsehen...eating, fucking, watching TV), nothing´s gonna fall apart. The vast majority sheeplishly breathes air unfit to breathe, eats food that is unfit to eat and won´t ever complain as long as the telly is working. Science progresses...but that furless monkey that , from an evolutionary perspective, fell down from a tree and lost its tail and fur in the process only a few seconds ago, is basically still a troglodyte, stuck forever.

As we all have learned in the nineties, there´s only one thing that can stop a bill...a monica...;)

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-03-14 04:03:25

"I´ve talked to a few ANTIzoo friends"...?!?

nonzoo friends, a typo. Fixed now.

A republic =/= democracy. People´s REPUBLIC of China, for example.

The people's republic of China isn't even a Republic, but your point is obvious, mostly because I already made it. I was mocking the modern definition people use "democracy" under. Perhaps the sarcasm was not evident. Most all Western nations are all republics of some form at this point, but most still call it "democracy" due to lack of education.

I once had the same kind of illusion about "the internet will help improve our lives"

You may have missed the part where I debunked my own illusion. I don't believe the internet in it's current form is helpful, though it does have its uses (especially considering it isn't going anywhere).

Things falling apart?

From the utopian perspective that most seem to believe exist, yes, it completely shatters that reality when you become part of a majorly unpopular group of any form. No, the capitol dome won't crumble down, but you know what I mean.

I'm unsure what you were trying to tell me.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-03-16 23:49:51

Reminds me of some well-known quotes, such as:

"There comes a time when silence is betrayal"


"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

The problem is that there's no pro-zoo organizations to help out, so the few who did try to speak out against the new bills and laws would be likely be subject to negative scrutiny, persecution, and maybe prosecution. The result is the silence of zoos and the anti-zoo activists getting their way over and over again.

Ideally, zoos should be speaking out against these bills, but they feel they can't because doing so would risk their safety, and the few who did would probably be ignored. It is a very bad situation. "Free speech" means little when there are so many bigots ignorantly passing these unfair anti-zoo laws.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-03-16 23:51:48

On March 13th (2017), the bill was "referred to the Criminal Justice committee".

Sex with an animal shouldn't be a crime, and yet this bill is trying to do just that. Meanwhile there are 3 other anti-zoo bills in 3 other states (Kentucky, West Virginia, and Vermont).

Of the 4 bills, the Texas one is arguably the worst, as it would make it (sex with animals) a felony and put people who are caught onto the Texas sex offender registry. This bill is wrong and ought to be stopped, but there's no one stopping it.

Throwawayz11235 1 point on 2017-03-17 03:23:20

I suppose someone could write an open letter about the morality of zoophilia to a few of the politicians under an anonymous email.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-03-17 05:06:31

"Anonymous email"....exactly here , every politician´s will to read stops. If you cannot stand by what you have to say with your name, forget it. Catch 22.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-03-25 01:34:06

There is now an anti-zoo bill in Nevada.