Recreation (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-03-13 22:52:18 by AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile.

I'm just wondering what you all do to kill time, with your nonhuman animal partner or without. It's not a zoo topic, but this is more of a community than a topical sub.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 5 points on 2017-03-13 22:59:53

So, I'm a very sedentary person, myself. I pass the time on youtube alot, though. Sometimes I play flash games or some other free game, but nothing paid for generally(basically the gaming habits of a 12 year old). I'm very stingy because i prefer reserving income for my research when I can. I actually bake bread to pass the time on occasion, too. Once I move I might spend more time gardening, but only time will tell. I find manually brewing coffee to be rather relaxing, though I dont know if that counts.

Oh and looking at all them dank maymays.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 3 points on 2017-03-13 23:01:40

I go to a lot of dog shows and dog sporting events! My dog isn't my partner nor is she a show/sporting dog lol but one of my friends competes in sports with his dog partner. I just recently got a nice camera and I really enjoy taking photos of the animals, I always post them on Facebook and let folks tag the owners if I don't know them. I've met lots of great people in the dog community this way. I'm also going to horse shows lately and taking photos of those guys too. I just love shows in general because it's a lot of fun taking pictures, interacting with all the animals, and talking to owners/breeders. I usually go with a friend and we make a day/weekend out of it. I'm looking at going to a cat show in November, and I'll be entering some of the rodents I've bred myself in two rodent shows this summer. I'm really looking forward to that and seeing how they do.

I also read a lot, mostly nonfiction. I love watching movies with friends, and I also go hiking and kayaking a lot. My dog usually comes hiking with me. I don't do many activities with my partner since she likes just chilling out around the house, as most cats do I guess lol. I spend a lot of time taking care of my rodents I've bred too, I have about 30 now with another litter on the way.

Swibblestein 6 points on 2017-03-14 00:34:02

Video games, books, writing, certain TV shows (particularly watching with friends) and browsing e621 (and working on some tag projects).

About to go play Hollow Knight right now. Fun game.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-03-14 00:56:02

I saw that game. Reminded me of a similar soulsy platformer. I forget the name, but you're a sacrificial priestess in it that uses a sacred leaf. If you like hk you might like that too.

Swibblestein 2 points on 2017-03-14 01:42:31

Is it this by chance?

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-03-14 01:50:53

That's it. That game was gorgeous.

30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2017-03-14 01:55:00

Killing time? I wish I had enough time that needs to be "killed"...;) But whenever I find some time, I play video games, make music or paint. As an 70´s kid, I still remember the fascination I experienced when I saw an old Texas Instruments computer running "Scramble!" on a greenscreen in my local mall...a few years later, I bought a VC20 from my first self earned money, later a C64, a Colecovision, I´m a console collector and own nearly every video game console with maybe about 1500 games in total.My favourite games are stealth games like MGS, Tenchu, Splinter Cell, btw...recently , I´ve invested about 50 hours into Ghost Recon Wildlands. As an ex member of a grindcore combo, I grab my axe and practice whenever I feel bored. Shredding some scales or experimenting with new effects kinda sucks me into another dimension every time...

Growing certain plants also is a very nice way to deal with time. It is rewarding and has that "keeper of the earth" touch to it when you go completely organic.

Tattooing also plays an important role in my life, not only as a customer, but also as an artist myself. Although I haven´t tattoed someone in years, I still try to keep up with the technical developments in machines, own 4 high class tattoo machines (not those China ones you can buy on ebay for a few dimes) and draw designs whenever I have ideas for new and original ones. I´ve been into oil painting for quite some time (damn you, Bob Ross ;) ), but abandoned that when I had no space left to store finished paintings.

Besides that, I still ride dressage contests for fun. As a riding istructor, I was forced to participate to promote my riding club and, to be honest, it kinda sucked to get up at 4 AM on each and every weekend between April and October , but now I see contests differently and pick out the ones I can easily implement into my daily routine. Much less stressy that way...

BurnedRowan big ol' pupper 5 points on 2017-03-14 03:14:55

I like archery! I'm also really into hiking and mmos like ffxiv or wildstar. anything with lots of exploration.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 7 points on 2017-03-14 04:13:47

Video-games mostly. I'm bigtime into Elite Dangerous space exploration, and occasionally play some other games (Tropico 4, Rome 2: Total War and ARK: Survival Evolved come to mind)

Take a look at my exploring action:

I'm also now an official Journalist, though I can't say in what field. I love the job so much though that I basically consider it downtime, hence the mention here.

Lateoss Mares :P 4 points on 2017-03-14 04:34:33

Meh... I spend most of my day doing schoolwork related stuff, college kinda sucks in that sense. I play a few video games, namely League of Legends and Overwatch (either of which I would be totally down to play with anyone else here :D ). I am a horse rider, and as much as I wish I could devote more time to that, I sadly only get to ride once a week, so that doesnt take up a great deal of my time. Hiking and caving are both pretty cool too, and I try to enjoy the longer vacations with some kind of trip in the outdoors if I get the opportunity.

substallion לשלוט בי, הסוס שלי 2 points on 2017-03-14 06:21:50

Cannabis, shrooms, reading, the occasional stall muck or groom if I can get part time work doing it, strength training.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 3 points on 2017-03-14 11:32:31

With my girl I usually just enjoy walking with her of course.
I take longer walks in warm weather, just enjoying the nature with her.
In summer I do way more stuff outside. Baseball with my girl, yoyoing, fire things with a slingshot, chase my girl around...
And of course, I take care of her to kill the time sometimes too.
I also play video games a lot and do since I was I was very young. I don't think there's a game genre that I don't like. The only consoles I like are the Nintendo ones though. I play other games on my PC.
I also used to watch anime, too. Maybe I'll get back into it. Same goes for drawing.
And daydreaming is also something I do a lot.
I guess Youtube is another time waster, too.

Yeaaah, I know I'm not very interesting and I look like an eight year old with such interests. Well, what to do about it? shrug
EDIT: OP, if you're still reading this. I really like these sort of posts. Your reason for this makes sense.

Yearningmice Zoophile 5 points on 2017-03-14 11:58:04

Well, time is a precious commodity and I try not to kill it too much. Long hikes with the marefriend are my very favourite time-killing activity. Good for her, good for me. 20km would be typical in the summer. Horse folks look at me funny but why would I ride my girl in places I wouldn't love to walk as well.

Unfortunately I do not spend as much time with her as I'd like due to a variety of reasons. So when I can't be with her I heat up metal and bash it with a hammer on an anvil. I'm mostly playing at it for now since whenever I get the forge hot enough it seems I've something else to do.

Recently, research and writing have taken a stronger place in my life. My day job involved a lot of both and burnt me out but it seems to be coming back a little. I don't absorb nearly as much as I once did, but perhaps being the oldest one here might account for that too. LOL.

My secret guilty pleasure is sci-fi. Either reading it or watching many of the great series that are on-air this year. If you want a really good sci-fi with pretty good writing(it is TV writing though so good is relative) then I'd recommend "The Expanse". But my love of sci-fi has always thrown my life into stark contrast... when I was little and the moon shots were going I wanted to live on Mars. Dreams being dreams I realized, a fair bit later, I wasn't going to have a horse there. So the choice was clear. Luckily the world gave up too so I never had to make a choice anyhow.

Some of my other hobbies put me more uniquely in the public eye and are really the result of my partner's interests, so I won't mention those. I do occasionally do some archery target practice.

silverwolf-tippysmat 4 points on 2017-03-14 13:26:31

Hiking, camping, gardening, fishing & hunting, wild photography, agility trials with the doggies when I'm not working. Horse training (work) doesn't occupy as much of my time as it used too, but the dogs are there when it does. Training my own filly isn't work, and I love it too. Looking forward to trail drives with her this summer as she's now started under harness.

My spare time, I also write, draw and build things out of wood. I don't game, but do build gaming computers among other comps.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 4 points on 2017-03-14 13:53:50

I bike, hike(w/ dogs), camp, work on my car, take my dogs out to the park, and browse reddit. I build little things here and there too, like a kitchen island I made. I also smoke cannabis when I have it haha, sometimes also psychedelics (though not with any regularity). I also do photography while hiking.

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2017-03-14 15:56:12

Too much stuff. Here are the bullet points:

  1. Acting in plays. I go to a local theater and do about three to five plays with them a year, mostly farces and mysteries with other stuff occasionally. My favorite roles so far have been the Porter in Macbeth, the Tenor in Master Class, and a bunch of different things in a live radio version of some Hitchcock movies.

  2. I've recently gotten into LARPing, or Live Action Role Play. Think Dungeons & Dragons, except you actually go out into the woods with friends and swing foam weapons around. I'm becoming a bard, and it's been a lot of fun so far.

  3. Video games, mainly RPGs. My main game right now is Digimon: Cyber Sleuth. I'm on New Game +, trying to get them all eventually, which will take more than 100 hours total. Also, there's some good eye candy there (Mmm... Garurumon...).

  4. Other things are more minor. Card and board games, singing, learning an instrument for the bard thing, reading, watching YouTube politics and gaming videos. My life is very full, and I love it. My only regret is not yet being financially secure enough to afford supporting a four legged friend, which would of course absorb more of my time and attention.

[deleted] 3 points on 2017-03-14 16:26:58

Programming, watching youtube, chatting with friends on team speak, playing some games, thinking... mostly programming.

TheShotmeister ζ 2 points on 2017-03-14 19:19:48

I live alone and when I'm not studying I normally relax and watch YouTube or movies, I primarily enjoy documentaries, space and zombie/horror movies. Else I enjoy playing games on my pc, my fav game is World of Warcraft, I can use hours on that. When I visit my parents I normally work out (crossfit), but when I get back home and no one else is around,I tend to get a bit lazy... My last vacation was used to work, so I could earn a bit extra since I don't have a lot of money to live off while I study. Last year I made my own Christmas-schnapps, which was a great, so probably gonna make one for this summer soon. When I have some extra time I like to cook, but don't really like doing the dishes. :P

Dogsoulmate Forever My Dane's Man 2 points on 2017-03-14 19:32:54

I live a fairly simple life. Most of my free time includes my canine partner and his brother. We go to the dog park and take hikes, cuddle on the couch watching science channel or Netflix. Meditation is also a hobby of mine. Enjoying time with my totem animals and guides. AA meetings daily when I'm not working. Thankfully my job is 3 12 hour shifts a week, so have a good amount of me time. Also enjoy time hanging with my human partner. Very lucky that he supports my zoo side. The occasional burning man festival or party, as well as furry conventions. I really value relaxation and self care ^.^

UntamedAnomaly 2 points on 2017-03-15 23:37:45

Collecting music and art, watching TV shows, cuddling my cat, dancing, hiking, cooking, reading and watching videos about psychology, philosophy, and political stuff, gaming (Minecraft and LoL mostly - my SN on LoL is "The Zoophile" BTW)

MDCCCLXIIII 3 points on 2017-03-16 21:42:15

Back in the days when I had more time at hand, I used to engage in a variety of leisure time activities. For instance, I have been passionate about metalworking ever since my early youth, when I purchased a used welding machine on eBay. My first veritable project – a worktable constructed from L profiles with a wooden top, which I built at the age of 13 – is still in use today in my workshop. A few years later, I acquired my first TIG welding machine, which enabled me to weld stainless steel, aluminium and bronze alloys. Apart from that, I used to have my own „mechanical workshop“ with a lathe, a large industrial milling machine from the 1960s, a hydraulic hacksaw, a drill press and a belt sanding machine. Due to the fact that all these machines had already been in use for decades when I bought them, it took me quite a while until I had fully restored them to working order. Having this equipment at hand proved especially helpful for my second major hobby, which has eventually turned into a profession – photography. Among the things that I constructed for my studio were tripods, several tables made from stainless steel, one of which has a glass surface which enables me to light objects from underneath, a camera crane for filming, which can be used as a light stand for my studio flashes and a camera dolly. While I have been using digital cameras right from the start, I’ve also been passionate about large format analogue photography. Back then, I installed a darkroom in the basement to develop and print the photos that I had taken with my swiss sinar p2 4x5“ camera. Working for hours in dim red light, detached from the outside world, was kind of a contemplative experience to me. In fact, if there’s one thing that my passion for analogue photography has taught me, it is that the process of composing an image starts in one’s brain. Using sheet films, which have to be inserted into cassettes manually and have to be exposed one by one, makes it necessary to anticipate the final image even before engaging the shutter. Digital photography, in turn, tempts you to mindlessly take hundreds of pictures in a row, 99% of which might be discarded immediately.

A few years ago, I discovered the fascination of forging steel while watching a documentary on Alfred Habermann, one of the world’s most renowned artisan blacksmiths. Eventually, I decided to give it a try and it didn’t take long until I had found myself a decent,150kg anvil and had constructed a coal forge. Indeed, it had to invest a considerable amount of time and effort to master the fundamental techniques of this trade. Nevertheless, blacksmithing turned out to be a highly rewarding activity as soon as I had overcome the first hurdle and had acquired some skill and experience. To me, the most fascinating aspect of this craft has always been its simplicity. While woodworking, photography or machining require specialized and often expensive equipment, all you need for blacksmithing is an anvil, a hammer, a forge and a pile of scrap metal. Today, I lack both the time and the personal freedom necessary to engage in leisure time activities. During the last few years, there were times when I was so overloaded with work that I even neglected my beloved one (on an emotional level, of course. It goes without saying that her physical needs were covered at any time) . Thus, faced with a major crisis in my relationship with my mare, I had to learn to set priorities and take responsibility for the one I love. Now that I take the time to see her everyday and train her at least three times a week, things are definitely changing for the better. While only a few months ago, she had been showing aggressive behavior towards humans to an extent which made it virtually impossible to handle her safely, I am now able to ride her bareback or simply close my eyes when I rest my head on her croup. Given the tremendous progress we have made so far, I am confident that someday, she is going to return my feelings for her and shift our relationship to the next level. Knowing that there's still a long road ahead of us until we both reach this point, I am patiently waiting for this special moment to come...

Darkspirit5 1 point on 2017-03-23 07:26:15

Browsing the internet, and partaking in meme culture