A weird question has been coming to mind. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-03-20 15:53:26 by [deleted]


Dogsoulmate Forever My Dane's Man 1 point on 2017-03-20 16:20:16

This is a really interesting thought. As a therian, I do consider myself to be spiritually trans species. In my daily life, I do not suffer from species dysmorphia, and I feel that, for this moment, I am in the form that is best for my growth. The spirituality I feel is directly associated with my personal relationships, including those that are interspecies in nature.

That being said, I don't think our judicial system (US for me) is to a place where Identity is taken into account in criminal or civil cases. We aren't even consistent in acknowledging the personal identity of gender, let alone trans racialism, speciesism, or existentialism. "We" see anything outside of the social norm as a moral failing, and react to it as such, drawing from a collective history of moralism and religion.

Sheppsoldier -2 points on 2017-03-20 16:28:25

I think that would give those Anti-Zoos more reason to "impound" and compulsively sterilize (neuter) those people who identify as dogs as if they were dogs. Probably not a good idea to identify as anything other than human, because then you might get lucky with human rights. Bad people are always looking for excuses to dehumanize, harm and imprison other human beings.

Refer to the way they dehumanized and sterilized all those Native American Indians. I forgot what the excuse was but it was probably something similar to the excuses Anti-Zoos throw around.

Sheppsoldier -2 points on 2017-03-21 11:47:10

This is why we shouldn't let certain people own guns.

The amount of times that I get down-voted for speaking the truth is the perfect representation of how those people with hurt feelings would use a gun to down-vote the lives of the people who speak truths. If they would do it online they might do it in real life.

Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to speak to nepotism in it's raw form. The stench of gang mentality is awful putrid.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 6 points on 2017-03-21 22:02:04

Downvotes = murder, you heard it here first folks.

Sheppsoldier -2 points on 2017-03-21 23:23:23

Heard it here first? Yeah right. BeastForum wasn't even the first to make an addiction out of banning members. People have been excommunicated (religiously down voted) for centuries. Hanged (banned from life) for speaking truths against oppressive leaders. Prosecuted with felonies to revoke voting rights.

Everybody already knows how the lazy entitled types write letters for change in dissatisfaction, in response to being offended. Just look at the Anti-Zoo, Anti-Animal Sex petitions and laws being created...no major difference. They're some of the only legal ways to silence (murder) anybody for posing an imagined threat or offense. This is in contrast to the inner city and less civilized places where people get beaten, stoned and shot for speaking dirty truths about sisters and the "set". Pulling the trigger is easy because they cant take the heat.

Compulsory down voting, reporting, banning is not much different than gang banging, excommunication, cold war era black-listing and arresting people... for having sex with animals. Groups of people with dysfunctional discipline get offended easy, making a bad habit of throwing murder tantrums and pushing the kill button as if it were a team sport.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 3 points on 2017-03-22 02:19:32

Did you ever stop and think you might get downvoted because 90% of your posts are incomprehensible gibberish?

Sheppsoldier -1 points on 2017-03-22 03:31:13

Sometimes I think too much. Have you ever thought that maybe my posts don't make sense because some people don't put effort into thinking? If you're one of those people who doesn't think, than of course not. That's why it looks like gibberish. Even simple concepts can become difficult.

On the other hand...Do you know what the term "echolalia" means? That's when you repeat the words or beliefs of somebody else (EX: claiming "incomprehensible gibberish") without thinking about it. You're not thinking about how my posts could make sense because plagiarizing somebody elses claims of nonsense is more convenient. You have their word to back you up, however they never had a valid reason for their own words, therefore you've inherited their invalidity.

Of course, you probably wouldn't think your "gibberish" claims are dysfunctional if you couldn't realize that the same few people are echoing one another's belief systems and phrases as if it would delegitimise my claims without any legitimate reason for claiming itself. He claims "gibberish" so you claim "gibberish" back, he repeats you by claiming "gibberish", then you say "gibberish" and it turns into a looping circle jerk claim that my posts are gibberish without a providing any reason. You are "triangulating" the claim, not actually supporting it.

Certainly I'm not the one who isn't thinking because I have my own beliefs... not a mimmicry of another's to impress them or because I couldn't stop myself from echoing the things I've heard others say. Oddly enough, the number of down-votes I've accrued on each individual post is a range between the number of individuals observed to be dittoing one another. I'd say about 3-4 people, placing my minimum down-vote at 0 and maximum at -3. If more than 3-4 people thought my posts were gibberish, wouldn't you think the down-vote for each individual post would drop past -3? It really hasn't, so you might be exaggerating the nonsense and the 90%.

Explain. What is your reason for claiming that my posts are "gibberish" other than what you've heard and are echoing from your "role models" here and at ZoophilesForum?

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 3 points on 2017-03-22 03:41:51

The sole claim for your posts being gibberish is that despite my best efforts, I can't understand them in the least. Given the number of downvotes, I doubt I'm alone in this belief. They seldom make any sense and ramble on like nobodies business. That's the honest truth, if you care to hear it.

PS: I have no friends at zoophilesforum. I'm actually banned there, lol.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-03-22 04:11:44

They don't have to be your friends to be your role models, lol.

Perhaps you picked up those traits from members who identify with you by technical or other similar interests. It is also known that people can acquire traits and beliefs from fictional characters who do not actually exist. Therefore, maybe you're falsely identifying as "this" to act as a role model or recruiter for people who also relate to "this." I cannot rule out that sort of extensive fraud, you know?

Anyways, If you actually put effort into reading my previous post you would have seen... If you can't understand my posts in the least, that's because you're not putting enough effort into reading, thinking, or both. Confirming my claims that you do not read or think, and therefore will not understand. Nevertheless, you could always be "that liar."

Still never provided a reason for your own claims. You're entire post consisted of, "I don't understand" "It doesn't make sense" "gibberish" and "ramble". Overused buzz words and phrases. Confirming my claims that you're only echoing like a broken record. Perhaps it would help to go back, read, do the math, and then realize why ignorance is no excuse for making claims against my posts.

Hey! Look at the numbers! -2 on one post, -2 on another, -2 on another. Votes start at "1" so here's your math lesson... It takes 3 down-votes, Only 3 people to reach the value of -2 votes from "1"

According to the numbers only three people maximum (or three accounts for one person) disagree with me hard enough to push the button. Well, that narrows things down a lot!

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 2 points on 2017-03-22 08:41:45

I would take those numbers and seriously look at yourself rather than making up conspiracy theories as to why you are scoring so low, but I know you'll disagree with that. Fine. Pick your poison.

I pretty much stopped reading your posts in their entirety when you started making analogies to gargamel (whom I can only assume is from the smurfs) to explain hatred towards zoophilia, to be frank. It was childish to the border of disturbing.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-03-22 10:13:33

"I would take those numbers and seriously look at yourself" Lol, no you wouldn't. You can't take numbers and look at myself. Doesn't work that way. You haven't even started by looking in the first place. "I pretty much stopped reading your posts in their entirety." Confirmed.

Youre admitting to my claims and confirming a "conspiracy theory" while trying to deny it. Why bother? Conspiracies and theories are real things. Theories are put to test and they become facts when people like yourself aren't careful enough to avoid confirming them with your own faulty claims. A functional defense by denial requires thinking too, you know?

Three down votes cast by the same (or different) three people isn't as low as you'd imagine it to be. It's only three people casting three votes out of X amount of people whose value is greater than 3. If you can't grasp reading and number concepts, any concept at all then you shouldn't be making statements against me.

The point here? If you claim no understanding then you have no claim at all.

Now, explain. How are my claims of attributing Gargamel to the Anti-zoos not true? Be careful not to echo your past mistakes.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 2 points on 2017-03-22 17:18:57

You can't take numbers and look at myself.

No, I can't. Only you can, which is why it was advice to you.

There isn't any conspiracy, you post useless material, people start to disregard you as useless. Regardless, your main mistake is assuming the burden of proof is not on the claimant. You do that again right here:

How are my claims of attributing Gargamel to the Anti-zoos not true?

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-03-23 00:14:37

You're advice isn't applied properly. Please study the mathematical term "range."

No material is useless, unless you're deliberately trying to turn it into something that cannot be used. That is a very harmful practice.

"There isn't any conspiracy"

You just provided a conspiracy by claiming my material to be useless.

Please explain. Why do you think my material is useless? I have my own theory in accordance with your previous admissions. You don't understand all the ways to use it

The inability to understand can be reckless and negligent when negligence is assumed to be normal practice. For example: refusing to feed living organisms is negligence while refusing to drop a burden is also negligence. Reckless and negligent claimants should not have the voice or authority to speak for responsible people who do understand.

There is a major difference between negligence and the rational decisions to avoid neglect. Likewise, there is always somebody who cares despite your own uncaring.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-03-23 01:08:30

It's not a conspiracy. I genuinely believe you are retarded.

And that's about as nice as I can put it. Have a nice day.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 2 points on 2017-03-20 17:08:16

Yeah but these people aren't 'dogs' according to the law, so of course they'll get punishment.
That's extremely stupid.
"Yeah but I'm a dog from the inside. It wasn't rape!"
That's... so ridiculous.

Though, humans like these are most likely very mentally ill who act upon it.
Who seriously believes they're not '100%' human?
Yeah yeah yeah, You were born 12% shark, 37% retarded and 666% evil alien ghost zombie monster!!!111!1
I know some humans, including me, like the idea of not being a human, but we need to look at reality.
I have some things in common with certain things, especially canids and feel something special about them. Almost as if these creatures bring luck.
But I'm glad that I don't stay too far away from reality and realize that every big coincidence is just really... a big coincidence.
I'm just fine with humans believing this, but acting like it's real is stupid.
Like your example in the OP, that's just not right.

Damn, it's almost like religion. Just luckily not as bad.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-20 17:09:44

Biologically they're human, and that's huge in the eyes of the law. I'd say more but I'm a bit out of it right bow d/t a circulatory issue and passing out and such.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 6 points on 2017-03-20 20:56:29

am I the only zoo here who is a human and actually likes being a human?

I also dont really get why therians would call themselves zoos either. of course it makes sense that members of the same species find each other sexy.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-20 21:21:13

Probably not.
But for me, I guess it's because I'm a faunoiphile and technically an autozoophile.
Also, being the species you love is more arousing and fun.
Or... that's what it seems like.

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2017-03-21 03:55:52

I enjoy being human. It gets complicated, and the thought of being an animal might be enjoyable once in a while, but my life is pretty nice.

IAmAZoophile 4 points on 2017-03-20 21:10:32

Is everyone else in this thread in on some kind of joke I'm not aware of? Or have I underestimated just how crazy everyone who visits this sub actually is?

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-03-20 21:19:39


Edog91 1 point on 2017-03-20 21:58:25

Can u be more thorough in what is annoying you? hard to know over your exaggerated outrage. All I am doing is bringing up question, wanting to know the limitations at witch people are willing to except these kinds of things. Of course I believe most of us are not confused about our spices, at the same time our group is always lumped up with the worst perceptions, because of things like this. All I want is discussion and hear people opinions.

IAmAZoophile 1 point on 2017-03-20 22:14:36

Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as outraged, just taken aback! This seems like a pretty ridiculous line of questioning to me, but more than a few people seem to be willing to jump in and discuss it without hesitation (which is great, of course).

Susitar Canidae 3 points on 2017-03-20 21:41:36

Regardless of a person's inner identity, they are still legally human. I identify as a wolf (therian), but I still live a human life, with human rights and obligations. I am sitting at a computer, typing this in a human language! I live in an apartment!

Of course, using my animal identity might be handy if I plead for insanity, but not for anything else. It is not anything that is respected or accepted by the general public, or the courts.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-03-20 22:25:27

Clinical lycanthropy is a thing. "Species dysphoria" is not.

What now? Being male and female are social constructs. Heterosexuality is a social construct. Now being simply human is a social construct too?...

Fuck off back to tumblr. Holy shit.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-03-20 23:31:37

"Species dysphoria" is not.


Of course, a wikipedia article does not make something real from a clinical perspective, but just sayin'. It ain't far off man.

[deleted] 4 points on 2017-03-20 23:57:11

I'm sorry. I cannot consider online subcultures as anything else than a joke. And in that case, it is a cruel joke to boot.

Furries and otherkin, are you fucking kidding me? Trying to claim some similarities with gender dysphoria? People have killed themselves because of gender dysphoria. Never heard of someone killing himself -sorry, xyrself- because xyr thought xyr was a half dog, half dragon, half harpsichord in the wrong body...

I am struggling with zoophilia. FOR REAL. I almost constantly harbor suicidal thoughts directly because of it. I HATE being conflated to jokes like this.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-03-21 02:45:36

Are you trying to tell me that Fairie-Angels are not a real identity?

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-03-21 06:58:09

People can identify as whatever they want. They won't actually become that thing in physical form of course, but it's their identity, not ours. We don't get to decide. It's part of what makes identity identity.

Sheppsoldier -1 points on 2017-03-21 10:09:44

In other words, there's a big difference between a person named Zoophile and the actual state of being a zoophile? That's obvious.

People named Banana cannot define what an banana is, and they are not actually a banana. Identity are names, like First, Middle and Last.

substallion לשלוט בי, הסוס שלי 2 points on 2017-03-21 06:34:21

People have killed themselves because of gender dysphoria. Never heard of someone killing himself -sorry, xyrself- because xyr thought xyr was a half dog, half dragon, half harpsichord in the wrong body...

That's because it wouldn't be reported ( or under reported, to say the least), so you are in error to imply that because you've never heard of it, such an occurrence hasn't ever happened. It's guaranteed that at least one person has killed themselves because of the non-human self identification and the mental anguish that's a part of being born the wrong species.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-03-21 06:53:24

I didn't compare you to it, you did. I actually only used it as an implication that it wasn't "far off." I never said it was equivalent, though I would argue you are very wrong to think no one has ever killed themselves over thinking they are another species. I once had something in common with that kind of mindset, and it tore me up something fierce. Thankfully, I am much more stable now (hur hur, I know).

That said, you should remember, a lot of people consider zoophilia a joke. Do not be so eager to call other things "jokes" that many other people consider serious. It's not something you appreciate, I am sure. Be better.

Edog91 1 point on 2017-03-21 08:11:10

Calm the fuck down. AS I said to someone else, I was just sparking conversation about the limits of this crazy think. I also have issue with your last 3 statements. zoophilia is beautiful not a struggle, zoophilia is about loving your animal and bringing the maximum amount of happiness to yourself and your animal. when u talk about it, it sounds really negative, like an illness. I understand it effects us all differently but to the extent at which it is effecting you, you need professional help.

[deleted] -1 points on 2017-03-21 15:33:03

Zoophilia is a nightmare. It IS an illness.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-03-22 02:17:23

It might be to you. As I've told you before, it isn't to everyone.

Edog91 1 point on 2017-03-21 07:38:04

sigh are u triggered?

[deleted] 0 points on 2017-03-21 15:30:41


Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-03-20 23:23:02

You seem to be referring to "trans-species" (somewhat analogous to transgender), in which the person identifies with something they were not biologically born with; but as with zoo rights, this is not legally recognized at the moment. Perhaps someday, with hard work, it will be recognized.

substallion לשלוט בי, הסוס שלי 1 point on 2017-03-21 06:46:29

Perhaps xenotransplants using donor animal organs infused with one's cells will be viable in the future, so hybridization might be a plausible goal. Not sure how that would affect law.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 1 point on 2017-03-21 22:02:42

From what I've seen over the past few years zoophilia seems highly frowned upon in the therian community. At least that was my impression.