How do we get the Bestiality/Zoophile legality debate rolling? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-03-22 11:36:56 by z000verflow

I posted this in /r/SexWithDogs , but thought it may be good to post it here as well.

We all know that the state of Bestiality is one created out of probably one of the two following reasons:

  1. Someone finds it icky. Sometimes using god to justify. (Met by a wide range of different sexuality's i.e. Homosexuality)
  2. Someone equates it to Animal Abuse.

The first, someone finding it icky should never be a reason to make anything illegal. The majorities sexual preferences should not be used to oppress the minorities.

The second, equating it to Animal Abuse is very simplistic and is most commonly tied to a lack of understanding and consideration, often caused by the legality of the issue or the first point again (icky).

There are people who are violent and will rape, just like any other rapist regardless of sexual preference. It is important to remember that in general no law is going to affect these sorts of people.

The difficulty comes from trying to prove what is and isn't rape in a bestiality relationship. I think maybe it should be something like no signs of physical abuse and that the animal appears to enjoy being around the person.

One thing that annoys me is that people can easily tell the difference between someone who is abusive towards their pet vs someone who is kind and caring normally, but when it comes to bestiality people dive deep into trying to figure out what is the animal thinking.

Why do they not dive any deeper into whether that kind and caring persons pet actually is happy? What if he/she doesn't enjoy the food it is given to eat everyday?

When it comes to sexuality people get lost trying to figure out what is right and wrong, maybe because sex is put on such a high emotional/religious/whatever pedestal.

Either way, I am sick of the negativity towards it and I wish the community was able to open up more and that more people were openly discussing it. The two reasons mentioned plus the legality of it make this very hard.

One thing that is going to really annoy me will be people going "See I told you Gay Rights/Marriage was a slippery slope." Don't diminish either sexuality simply because you are a complete asshole.

Sorry for the rant =)

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-24 05:30:02

His account seems to have been suspended so it got purged by Reddit. The post has been restored.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-03-24 08:49:08

I wonder why, though? Now I'm a bit scared...

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-24 09:58:53

It happens way more than you'd think. It can be triggered by posting the same thing in multiple places, which probably tripped it this time since his account was new.

z000verflow 1 point on 2017-03-24 13:25:12

Oh, I had a feeling something was weird since I had no replies. I have had this account for a while, but had not really contributed anything until now lol. I guess it didn't like me suddenly posting this to /r/SexWithDogs and then /r/zoophilia.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-03-25 03:24:58


AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-03-25 03:38:17

Yeah I think you're shadowbanned for some reason since your profile isn't visible still. You should probably contact one of Reddit's admins. I go through the modqueue several times a day so I'll restore any posts you make here, but you'll want to get this sorted out if you want to post in other communities. If they don't restore your account, i can create a special rule in our moderator bot to automatically approve your posts. Otherwise, you can make a new account.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-03-25 01:00:11

The topic has been addressed a number of times, and opinions vary. Some people start by saying "do we even want to get the debate rolling."

Anyway, I think a lot of people can identify with what you've said. Personally I think the way to start is with good, impartial research, and nurturing allies who are in a position to speak up in subtle ways without jeopardizing themselves.

Skgrsgpf 0 points on 2017-03-25 01:29:33

One thing that needs to be addressed, in the United States at least, in the huge onslaught on anti-zoo bills being made -- in 2017 alone, 5 bills in 5 states (Texas, Kentucky, West Virginia, Vermont and Nevada) made anti-zoo bills. In order to try to legalize it, this "tide" would somehow have to be reversed.

StarliteMagnificent Horse Nut 1 point on 2017-03-27 20:10:49

I am confused to as why you constantly refer to these bills as Anit-Zoo bills?

Zoophile: The emotional AND sexual attraction to animals. Carrying the Zoo title means you meet BOTH of these criteria.

I see nothing in these bills at all stating that it is illegal to have an emotional attraction to animals. Nothing at all saying you can not have a loving relationship or devotion to an animal. So since these bills are only against having sex with an animal then truly they are not written against Zoophiles but against Bestiality.

Bestiality: The act of having sex with animals. Notice, nothing about the emotional connection here.

Now, true, Zoophiles do commit Bestiality because of having intimacy with their animal partners. But these bills are made to protect animals from sexual abuse. So isn't calling these anti-zoo bills in a way saying us Zoophiles are also abusive to our animals?

Funny, but I never seen a Zoophile make the news because he was being intimate with their animal partner. Those who made the news who brought upon all these anti-Bestiality laws where fence hoppers who got caught trespassing and violating someones animal or porn makers who obviously got caught because of video taping or taking pictures of the deed.

So perhaps the first thing is to stop linking Zoophiles who have an emotional bond with loving care and devotion to their animal partners to laws which are ONLY about sexual abuse?

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-03-27 23:28:56

So perhaps the first thing is to stop linking Zoophiles who have an emotional bond with loving care and devotion to their animal partners to laws which are ONLY about sexual abuse?

I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is that these laws are designed to criminalize ALL sex with animals, even the variants that occur non-abusively. The legislators view ALL sex with animals as "abuse", and that is part of the problem.

StarliteMagnificent Horse Nut 1 point on 2017-03-28 10:32:26

And me along with many Zoophiles do understand that these laws are against any sexual contact but still they are only against that aspect of a Zoophiles emotional attachment to their animal partners which makes them simply anti-bestiality laws.

But also to keep in mind, just as it was illegal for same sex couples to have sex not long ago, particularly gay men, such laws never stopped them. Why? Because most did not see any need to rub their love life into the public's face. In fact allot of those old laws are still very much active in many states even after the supreme Court ruled they where unconstitutional. So expecting a society that still struggles with two consenting adults of the same gender having sex to any time soon accept interspecies sex is merely futile to any daring to step forward to try. Not to mention the danger and harm you will bring upon those animals you love and hold dearest because unlike the two consenting humans there is a good chance your animal partner will be seized and neutered or euthanized.

I already gave up allot of luxuries and freedoms for the benefit of my herd to keep them healthy and safe so by no means do I see the point in risking their lives for the sake of being able to parade about and announce to the world about my love life. What happens in the barn stays in the barn!

Whenwasme 1 point on 2017-04-04 22:24:02

Zoophilia is wrong for the reason you outlined well; it is impossible to distinguish from rape and therefore CANNOT be moral. Projecting emotions onto animals does not equal them having those emotions. I believe zoophilia is as immoral as eating meat, and for this reason I am both vegetarian and do not rape animals