Intimate moments that take your breath away (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-03-26 04:46:48 by Dogsoulmate Forever My Dane's Man

I just spent a beautiful 30 minutes connected deeply with my partner and lover, my Great Dane. I pet him, tell him how important he is to me, and he looks back to check on me during these moments. Once he is done, he immediately comes around to check on my body and spirit, cleans me up, and gives me a big kiss, before he takes care of himself. We then lay together on the floor in serenity and peace.

Every day is an amazing experience walking with him through life, but there are these moments that make me so grateful for being able to share this kind of love.

There are also those fleeting moments in the early morning, when he moves from his curled up ball at my hip, and stretches out fully to match my 6'4" frame. He then turns away to be the little spoon, and noses my arm around him, as I pull my big spoon form around him. Or he turns to face me, slides one arm under my neck, the other arm on top of my neck, and pulls me in so our foreheads meet. We both take a big breath together and drift back to nap for a few minutes before the alarm.

What moments take your breath away and create a feeling of gratitude, letting all the negativity of life and this world melt into the background? How does this strengthen the love you two (or more) share?

Darkspirit5 1 point on 2017-03-26 08:57:09

That's nice

Guess I'll post the obligatory response of


image_linker_bot 1 point on 2017-03-26 08:57:16


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OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 2 points on 2017-03-28 04:00:22

Honestly dude, I'm never getting a mate either, but I found this post heartwarming. It's quite odd that you find it anything else, IMO.

Darkspirit5 0 points on 2017-03-28 10:42:47

You had a mate in the past, so of course you could relate to this.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-02 08:42:54

Heh, yeah I guess. For maybe one week. That I never had sex with. Who is now dead. And for whom's love I confessed only to be treated to a lifetime of forced prescription drugs and hardship.

You're seriously just a cloud of negativity, you know that right?

Darkspirit5 1 point on 2017-04-02 13:16:42

One week is better than nothing, coupled with a forced existence of doing nothing at all. I can't even have one day where my life feels worthwhile.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-02 21:17:57

I've never had a single day my life didn't feel worthwhile, so I can't say I relate to you at all honestly. I think you suffer from clinical depression in a very hard way. My condolences.

Darkspirit5 1 point on 2017-04-03 18:42:44

Depression is the biggest meme of the 21st century. It's called living with terrible, unfixable circumstances. No pill has ever helped me feel any different about this.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-03 21:25:38

It isn't a meme. I live with terrible, unfixable circumstances everyday and I'm fine. Looking at how you and I deal with terrible adversity in completely opposite ways is living proof of this "meme's" reality.

I also never said anything about pills (for you anyways).

Darkspirit5 1 point on 2017-04-04 00:19:21

Yeah, a week spent with a horse (comparable to what a deer is to you) would make me indefinitely happy as well.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-04 02:36:38

No, it would make you want more.

Trust me, I know. I've been there. This isn't a desire that can be sated with one visit... especially not one that results in a lifetime of pain.

Anyhow, I have no desire to continue this line of discussion. You'll believe what you want.

Dogsoulmate Forever My Dane's Man 1 point on 2017-03-30 18:50:39

I don't find it odd at all, unfortunately...

silverwolf-tippysmat 3 points on 2017-03-26 13:01:39

In my writings, I've tried to include not just the sex, but the little everyday things that made Tippy, and Shadow and a very few others, steal my heart. With each, whether I considered them a sexual or romantic mate, or a loved and trusted companion, there was something special, and with each those special things were different.

Tippy, just watching her stretch; feeling her breath on my bare chest as we drifted into the ether at night; the demanding, yet delicate, kisses. And so many more little things...

Shadow, my precious little blind dog; watching her little face as she explored her world, and my body, with her tiny nose.; The feel of her fine, soft fur against my hand.; The sheer beauty of those unseeing chestnut eyes. I could go on forever about her too...

There are things about my current companion pets, and some of the horses I've owned, that have stolen a bit of my hard soul; as there are of others animals, though I'm neither zooish nor sexual with any of them.

You've written beautifully of a few things with your mate here, and I'm glad for you. You can read what I've written on this reddit and more at if you choose to. I hope you'll continue to write of your love as you have here.

Dogsoulmate Forever My Dane's Man 1 point on 2017-03-30 18:49:43

Thank you for sharing both your experience, and your writing with me ❤

BurnedRowan big ol' pupper 3 points on 2017-03-26 14:21:45

oh this is cute! thank you for sharing!

LupineRage 3 points on 2017-03-30 18:31:22

I was in a very dark place in my life when we met for the first time, completely lost in the world and isolated from anyone. I had pushed humanity away, as far away as I could keep it because it had betreyed and hurt me too many times. I was hopeless, lost, cold and alone.

The moment she first looked at me with those bright blue eyes of hers I knew. Knew that she could still see something good inside of me, something worth putting effort into, something worth giving me everything, her love, her patience, her life, all of it.

For ten years, she's been there to pick me up each and every time I've fallen, she's been my shoulder to cry on, the one I can trust who'll never betrey or hurt or leave me. She's been my strength when I've been weak, my courage when I've been afraid and my resolve when I've reached the end of my rope. My own heart is too broken and shattered, too cold and black, so she gave me her own so that I might feel and laugh and love again.

She's everything to me, my beautiful blue eyed husky and I adore and cherish each and every moment I spend with her. It doesn't matter if we're watching TV with her head in my lap, my fingers idly caressing through her soft fur or if we're camping together, sitting by the fire, her eyes glowing red from the light. Every gentle lick, every warm nuzzle, each time she nips at my feet in the morning to get me out of bed and then give me that low growl as if to say "turn your alarm off so I can sleep".

Everything, she's so beautiful, so understanding, so smart, so loving. My favorite moments are when she lays on top of me with my fingers running through her fur, petting and kneading her back, she gently licks my face and my neck, then buries her head up under my chin.

Gawd, I love her so... My life My love Always <3

Dogsoulmate Forever My Dane's Man 1 point on 2017-03-30 18:48:45

Thank you for sharing. I just teared up as I could hear the love, adoration, and respect in your words. Both of you are truly blessed to have each other ❤

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-07 14:57:46
