Place for a Zoophilia community (
submitted 2017-04-03 02:22:51 by cottonmouthtaylor
30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2017-04-03 07:15:51

1) You bring up a demand to create a zoophilia community IN an already existing online zoophilia community...duh!

2) By linking the VICE vid about donkey sex in South America, you clearly show you haven´t understood what zoophilia is. In some South American countries, as in North Africa as well, animals are seen as an outlet for young mens´ sexual energy that is by far less consequential and doesn´t bankrupt families. They basically say "Well, let him fuck a donkey, goat, long as he´s not impregnating my daughter and forcing me to pay for a traditional wedding,not adding another mouth we cannot afford to feed. What the Vice report shows is NOT zoophilia. In the same areas in which young men (!) are "allowed" to fuck animals as an outlet, you cannot count on an equally "tolerant" approach when you´re an exclusive and prefer animals for the rest of your life. Outlet,yes...but genuine sexual orientation? No, not at all.

Please get educated properly. Zoophilia is the emotional and sexual attraction towards animals that most often comes in profound preference of animals over humans or even exclusivity towards animals. What exactly does a bunch of young guys (the tolerance is strictly restricted to males!) fucking animals as a temporary outlet of sexual energy have to do with people who deeply prefer animals or are exclusive zoophiles their entire life?

Dogsoulmate Forever My Dane's Man 2 points on 2017-04-03 11:29:42

I agree. Though an interesting exposé of a cultural practice, not a genuine view of what zoophilia is. Well put good sir