why should Bestiality/Zoophile be legal? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-04-08 07:27:23 by [deleted]


[deleted] 9 points on 2017-04-08 08:10:49

I can only speak for myself, not any kind of movement or 'the community', because it's not that tight knit in such regards:

Why should it be legal?

Zoophilia is imho a sexual orientation. Like homosexuality. If you have it, you cannot be cured or decide not to be this way. Having a sexual orientation should not be illegal per se, imho. Because you just have it. You can't not.

Sex with animals then is when the orientation is put into practice. Some of us (I do not claim to speak for all or be correct in what I spell out here) make a distinction: There's people who merely want to have sex with an animal as a fetish thing, like the animal is then a prop for them. Some call that bestiality. And there's people who have sex with an animal that they life with like husband and wife life together. It may look like grasping for straws, but isn't that a difference if you have someone who is in love with a specific dog, takes care of him every day the best possible way and they are like a couple vs. someone who just wants to fulfill a dirty fantasy and any stray dog would do for him? Somewhere in there this whole topic resides, and I think there shouldn't be an official 'do what you want', because loads of idiots will do loads of idiotic things then. On the other hand if you have such a couple, then tearing them apart, neutering the dog and adopting him out to someone else and handing the person 5 years in prison seems idiotic, as the dog couldn't have had a better life and the person didn't harm anyone. So maybe the laws could be written with much more skill and distinction, please, keep such cases apart. Maybe everyone could have realized that the sex part also falls under animal protection laws already existing in case someone 'just fucks a dog'. It's like between 2 humans, we also have acceptable sex (not in public please but otherwise nice the two found each other) vs. rape. Just because there are rapists we didn't ban all sex.

Is it Animal Abuse? if it's not how do you define Animal Abuse?

Given the above, the answer is "not necessarily". Certainly there can be some asshole just raping an animal. But you can have consensual sex with animals. How is it animal abuse e.g. if you present your behind to a dog, he jumps on and has sex with you? If it felt like abuse to him, why does he not pull out immediately and move away?

Can an animal consent if so how?

Actions and body language. Every dog owner will tell you that the dogs can tell them they want to go out or get a treat or when they are happy or not. Some of that is more the fantasy of the owner, but there is a lot of body language you can read. Animals have definitely this body language (simply put male animals can get erections on you and hump you e.g.; female animals can do their 'mating display' towards you as they would do towards a male of their species they want to entice). Otherwise actions. As I said above if the dog keeps penetrating you, i am quite sure that's consent by continued action. They can also dissent: If you pester a dog enough who wants to get rid of you he can bite you. A large dog can tear your arm apart if he's really enraged. Or a horse can kick you. A normal size horse can put so much punch behind a kick they chip out chunks from mason walls with it. Particulary when they have horseshoes being kicked would be bad. So read the body language with which they signal dissatisfaction before that.

Should it be legal for all animals or only some? where do you draw the line?

Simple animal protection. If the animal is too small (a Chihuahua, wtf?), if the genitals are not compatibel (hens, wtf?). Although most people want mammals anyway.

why do you consider Animal sex a legal right?

I never put it this way, and I wouldn't, but I'd like not to have my complete life destroyed in case it happens just because the majority formed the idea of illegality from a "yuck" reaction. If it isn't yuck to us two, why not just leave us alone given there's also no harm to each other?

Also, I don't like the reference to pedophilia at all, full grown animals are very different to children, and I don't want puppies or foals or anything.

Second also, consider this as a thought experiment: Say zoophilia and 'being married' to an animal is legal. Say society doesn't discriminate such people (as in flipping out and firing the person immediately). Sure, they don't have to love it, but they officially by and large accept it like homosexuality is now accepted. You have to register yourself and the animal somewhere officially, and a - idk - special pink collar is handed out then. Since now I don't have to be secret about it for fear of having my life blown up: Now the veterinarian we regularly go to can know this and specifically look for any scars, or examine the genitals in detail (whatever that means or should do), or judge the psychological state of the animal during this visit. Does this dog look happy with that guy? Now we can kiss in public. Now - every time we are in public - everyone can see us and watch whether I am being a good dog owner or not. Sure, that would just be a "seemingly" look of the public display, but better than hiding, or not? It would be like a deal: Dear public, yes I know it's a little bit yuck, BUT now you can see for yourself a lot of the time if the animal is treated well in general. Dear zoo person, be good or else, but in return you can finally live a life. Is that maybe a deal for all? Now you can come visit me if you want to and have a look how the dog lives, conclude for yourself if he or she has a good life. If we all agree you might even watch in person how we get it on in the living room and make up your mind if that falls under animal protection or not. It might be - wild thought experiment - that the reasons which are stated by the crowd that wants to ban it are better accomplished by making the husband and wife part legal and registered. Instead of pressing all and everyone into illegality i.e. in hiding. I would be on board with that given I receive protection as in the non-discrimination laws. And it would be cool if some minimal perks also come with that special pink collar, like if such an animal is brought to an animal shelter that it can't be killed nor adopted out (or only with much much longer waiting times), because this special collar tells us somewhere there's someone frantically searching for his loved one. - Although I guess there would be a registration number or so on that collar and one may look up the register. Just wildly dreaming, over here.

BoldDold 2 points on 2017-04-08 08:26:51

Zoophilia is imho a sexual orientation. Like homosexuality. If you have it, you cannot be cured or decide not to be this way. Having a sexual orientation should not be illegal per se, imho. Because you just have it. You can't not.

Just because your born that way doesn't mean it should be legal dose it? some people are born with say Pedophile, that doesn't mean sex with minors should be legal.

I find your definition of consent lacking given the power dynamic of the relationship. where not talking about 2 equal individuals in a relationship where talking about an owner and a pet. I didn't really find your case about rights to be convincing because I question the Consent and even in cases where there is Consent, I don't think that those cases are the majority of cases.

[deleted] 6 points on 2017-04-08 09:06:25

Just because your born that way doesn't mean it should be legal dose it?

Let's make being left-handed bad again, like in the olden times.

some people are born with say Pedophile, that doesn't mean sex with minors should be legal.

Sex with minors should not be legal. But sex with minors is different from 'having pedophilia'. Merely having pedophilia should not be illegal. Merely being born a certain way can't be illegal, because I cannot be a different way, what am I supposed to do? Just be different? How? Also, just for equal discussion opportunities, I demand from here an we use the word 'homosexuality' where you want to make a pedophilia comparison, e.g.

some people are born with say Homosexuality, that doesn't mean sex with men should be legal.


I find your definition of consent lacking given the power dynamic of the relationship. where not talking about 2 equal individuals in a relationship where talking about an owner and a pet.

I don't know what to say to that - if you disagree that a dog who displays mating ritual components, excited body language all over, and finally he humps me and keeps humping me although he could just freely move away and do something else does consent to have sex with me.

Also, even between humans often there are not 2 equals, but some power dynamic is going on, either husband and wife, stay at home and bread winner, old / young, ambitious / submissive etc. Are all of these cases problematic because of a power dynamic, too?

And how do you know what cases are the majority?

And why lump them all together?

BoldDold 2 points on 2017-04-08 09:33:37

I am not saying that is should be illegal to be born the way you are, all I am saying is that it should be illegal to have sex with an animal. the Homosexuality comparison is not a good one because we can tell weather there is consent easily, not so much with animals. why do I think most case there isn't consent? because of two things.

1 I have never head of a story where someone gets caught doing this and it turns out they weren't abusing there pet. that doesn't mean there can't be but until you can show me a single case where it has been I am going to be skeptical. even if you do show me said case it appers form the evidence I have seen that the majority of them do not have consent.

2 if consent is a real thing with animals there would be cases where the animals it self started the relationship, I have yet to have ever heard of such a case.

Also, even between humans often there are not 2 equals, but some power dynamic is going on, either husband and wife, stay at home and bread winner, old / young, ambitious / submissive etc. Are all of these cases problematic because of a power dynamic, too?

no the power dynamic in those case are not the same. if you don't see the power dynamic difference between someone have sex with something they own and have complete 100% power and control over vs a husband and a house wife then I don't know what to say to you. It would be like say that the power dynamic between a slave and her owner was the same as a house wife and her husband.

[deleted] 5 points on 2017-04-08 10:26:06

the Homosexuality comparison is not a good one

Why not? All you do is sit a little to the left on a hugely vague and arbitrary moral slide while telling me how untennable my position is. In the 1950s a few good men overhearing this would give you a beating likewise for not immediatly banning homosexuality to hell, because it's unnatural and illegal and ...

because we can tell weather there is consent easily, not so much with animals

Tell me, how do animals consent between each other to have sex? I am still completely baffled that you say the dog is not consenting to sex while he is cumming inside of me right now when instead he could go play with his squeaky toy. How much more than actually do it to fruition can one agree to doing it?

I think overall what you are doing is you are humanizing the animal in a lot of ways like expecting it to file a notarized affidavit and be worried about it's legal standing in the relationship and about it's rights to freedom etc, BUT at the same time you dumb it down beneath even animal standards, when it comes to the sex part.

BoldDold 2 points on 2017-04-08 10:32:45

where not talking about animals have sex with animals , where talking about someone who owns there pet have sex with it. you don't seem to understand why that would lead people to question consent. in a Homosexual relationship one side of the relationship doesn't own the outer. also how would we stop people form raping there animal and claiming it was consensual?

also a big difference is that in a Homosexual relationship its not a one way door to beginning the relationship as it is with human animal sex.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-04-08 11:09:36

I am merely requesting you describe how animal and animal consent between each other to have sex, so we have a comparison or maybe learn something from that.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:18:12

I don't think that comparison is relevant and the context is completely different. whatever thou this Conversation isn't going anywhere so I am ending it here. Enjoy the madness lol

[deleted] 6 points on 2017-04-08 11:25:50

Ah, because you lost at this point?

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:30:28

no just done with this Conversation because it's going nowhere

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-04-08 11:33:01

Because you refuse everything you are being informed about.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:36:24

lol I give you several good counter arguments and you still haven't really given a good response. whatever lol

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-04-08 11:54:20

Hey, you are the person making this thread on /r/zoophilia, receiving answers written at length with nuances, details, etc.

And now you are already down to a narrow case of "yes, but I mean consent in a relationship under specifically one party being the owner thus power relationship" and you were told the dog hardly has a concept that he is being owned. You are afraid now to even state how animals agree between each other for where that might lead to, showing you are ghastly afraid of having your point of view changed all of a sudden. Then why make this thread? And why make it here? You are already calling us names, slurs, "mad", and have the preposterous audacity to cover up your rage-quit with this being an "echo chamber" and complaining that I called you "normal", garnered with a lot of "lol"s. Between that you make a threat for vigilante justice, and start PMing people in private. I think someone forgot who picked this subreddit willingly and in particular to open this "discussion" he pretended he wanted to have.

Have fun running to some other parts of reddit now like /drama or whatever to have peers patch up your self-esteem. Your writing by the way sucks when you become aggravated.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:57:00

my writing doesn't suck just tired.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:03:19

You sure are tired a lot when typing up posts in Reddit.
I wish ya luck mate. That might not be healthy.
Here, grab a medkit Dr. Freeman!

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:04:14

I can only be on in my small amount of free time so yes whatever

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:13:57

Why waste time on Reddit instead of sleeping if you're so tired? Maybe you might make more sense if ya slept for once.
Don't forget to reload sleep Dr. Freeman!

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:14:32

make sense? your the ones not make sense lol

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:16:51

w0w nic3 burn m8 lmao

Just... It was just a suggestion, okay?
You might wanna take a test.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:19:24

take a test? lol I never do that! come up with better shitpost jokes

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:24:20

Did you just say shitpost?
You're giving me nostalgia...

Back when I was the popular shitposter on Steam. Yes, yes everyone hated and loved me. Until they realized these 'I love dogs a bit too much' jokes weren't jokes.
That's when I ran from house to house. Pitchforks and torches were pointed at me.
So I ran over here to feel safer and so my shitpost career was ended.
Now I'm behind these safe castle walls. Where nobody knows that my real name is Bob de Dierenverkrachter who is 36 years old and that my IP is 666.420.69.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:27:23

Bob de Dierenverkrachter what a name! you must help me in a small projected called BUILDING THE WALL!

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:16:23

honestly I don't know what I was expecting form this sub reddit but whatever man

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 2 points on 2017-04-08 12:19:38

You were supposed to expect an echochamber where every person is entitled to their opinion because of zoo bias and because we're afraid of the truth.
We're just hiding the fact that we rape animals and pretend we love them.
Oh I almost forgot. /s

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:22:05

lol all I wanted to know is if you were how people described you. turns out there description was right on the money

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:27:34

Trying to backfire like that won't work.
Nice try though, you're only 0.01% smarter than the average anti.
That's... a big achievement!

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:29:50

ALL HAIL TRUMP! BUILD THE WALL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o6-bi3jlxk

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:57:27

you are ghastly afraid of having your point of view changed all of a sudden

lol whatever. you might want to look in the mirror

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:04:46

you are ghastly afraid of having your point of view changed all of a sudden.

if that was the case why did I even post here? whatever

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-09 05:36:12

You are correct! The conversation goes nowhere because it had a limitation.

The limitation is the unwillingness to know further. It was the best that you could do.

Skgrsgpf 6 points on 2017-04-09 00:50:47

I don't think that comparison is relevant

It is relevant, because you argue that an animal must use "human words" to consent to sex. If that is the case, then all animals who have sex with other animals would be "rape", which isn't the case. One can't have it both ways, requiring some versions of "consent" when it's convenient and ignoring it in others.

Again, where was the animal's "consent" when it was slaughtered or spayed/neutered? And what about an animal's "consent" to be artificially inseminated?

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-04-08 11:42:10

There is more than this legal-illegal duality, you know. I frequently propose keeping bestiality illegal, but with a little twist: any zoophile who is willing to have himself checked psychologically and also agrees on unschedueled visits from a NEUTRAL vet examining the animal for signs of physical and psychological harm/change of behaviour should be granted a "zoo license" that grants immunity from the anti beastiality law, but can be revoked the moment abuse or harm is diagnosed in the animal. The core points of concern are harm and consent , the former should and could be dismantled by vets monitoring the animal´s wellbeing, the latter point of consent sadly cannot be dismantled until humans invent an UHAT (Universal human animal translator)...but ´til then, neither side can claim truth for them...it´s all speculative. From my personal experiences, I can say consent to sexual activities can be given by an animal, my mare used to welcome me almost every morning with a raised tail, spread hind legs and oozing body fluids from her vagina...the natural mating pose of a mare. She even got a bit pissy when her demand wasn´t met by me. If you want to see instead of reading, I recommend browsing through my thread contributions and go my " A little thank you and something I want to share" thread that features some non-pornographic photos of my mare and me. See for yourself whether your expectations of "animal abuse" are met.

I´ve been with my mare for 22 years , in public boarding stables with lots of other horseowners....and everybody knew or suspected we two had a serious relationship going, with sex...yet, no one of those hundereds of usually very conservative horseowners interfered with our relationship. Instead, I encountered neutrality at worst, and open sympathy at best...I had to hear "You two are so clearly and visibly in love with each other" and "You two were made for each other" so often, I could easily invite anyone in this sub for a few beers if I got 1 Euro everytime I heard something like I quoted above. I was more or less living my relationship with my mare right in front of their eyes and no one ever felt the need to interfere.

I absolutely agree with you on "zoophilia" often being nothing more than abuse and rape, the level of delusions within the worldwide community of "animal fuckers" is high. I´ve seen myself enough examples of "100% bona fide zoos" who turned out to be nothing more than self absorbed fucktards with no real and genuine concern for the animals. But you have to know that "zoophilia" isn´t zoophilia: there are so many different motives for people to engage in this kind of sexuality. We have "zoophiles" who do it for the taboo breaking/thrill factor ("It´s forbidden, therefor I want to do it"), we have lots of folks for whom the animals are a simple fetish or a means of degradation (Mixoscopia bestialis = getting aroused from seeing women getting penetrated by animals), we have attention whores abusing zoophilia to gain attention (The infamous Whitney Wisconsin case...she was fake and her videos are a hoax to advertize for her own porn business)... Funnily, the real zoophiles who actually feel love and deep devotion for an animal are a MINORITY among the "animal fuckers"; most of those real zoophiles do everything to avoid drawing attention from authorities. The folks who are drawn into the limelight usually aren´t real zoophiles, they´re idiots jumping over fences to harass other people´s animals, they are assholes who endorse and support the international animal porn mafia (for me, any animal porn is exploitation per se as animals can consent to sex, but cannot consent to publishing footage of them having intercourse with humans = exploitation), they´re deliberate pervos more interested in taboo breaking than the actual animal. Fact is, most of the true zoophiles will never surface to the public´s attention. What you see in porn, in articles and documentaries seldom is actual zoophilia.

Regarding animals starting a relationship on their own: Well, my mare once was a schooling horse for beginners. When I helped unload her from the trailer, our eyes met and we instantly fell in love with each other. Sounds like a fairy tale, I know...but what do you think of the fact that I was able to buy my mare a few years later simply because she started to threaten anyone else but me walking into her box? She literally refused to accept anyone else but me near her. Without her hostility towards others, I probably would have never been allowed to buy her as she was an excellent schooling horse for the riding club. People often said "She chose you as her companion" to me...and I smirked and remained silent ´cause there´s nothing to be added to the truth.

Power dynamics are vastly overrated.On one hand, you could say I abuse my "intellectual superiority", on the other hand...have you ever tried to do something against a horse´s will? My mare was a Hannoverian thoroughbred, almost 1,70 m high and nearly 550 kgs heavy. Don´t you think it´s her who had the real superiority here? If she wanted it, she could have kicked me to the moon, bitten my face off while french-kissing, I even trusted her so much to have her performing fellation on me...yes, my penis was in her mouth, not only once, but once a week on average. Do you really think you can force a horse into fellatio? There never was something as power imbalance in our relationship. She wasn´t mine...I was hers. She was in charge, not me. And still, we two managed to win quite a lot of dressage competitions. I don´t even have a whip or spurs...if there´s some kind of power imbalance, then it was her who had the upper hand.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:47:10

you do realize that your experience with your mare is Anecdotal?

30-30 amator equae 4 points on 2017-04-08 12:04:19

"Show me one case...." Shows one case.. "It´s anecdotal..."

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:06:04

I was just asking if you knew it was anecdotal sorry I didn't realize you where responding to that question

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:34:46

Nevermind...regarding consent, I have to ask you whether you know about the usual mating habits of mares? They actually "consent" being mated by a stallion because they will kick the living shit out of a stallion they don´t like, even when in full blown heat. The mare decides who and when he enters her...and if the same mating behaviour is shown towards me, isn´t that consent? You also make a general mistake by using the human concept of consent on animals. Animals aren´t humans and their form of consent is different from what you understand as consent. This really isn´t about "animals can´t give consent", this is more like "animals can´t give THE HUMAN FORM of consent". Please take note that what you do is totally anthropocentric and views the world only from a human perspective. It is legit to apply human consent concepts onto homosexuals, women and kids...but it isn´t okay to do this with other species not sharing the same weltbild. BTW, are you vegetarian or vegan? How about consent of being slaughtered? Being treated horribly while you are living in grizzy circumstances, waiting for the butcher to end your miserable life? If you really want your consent concept applied to animals, then let´s apply it onto everything that involves animals. Are you sure your dog really wants to live with you, in a urban flat? How do you know your dog does? And what about the cows getting impregnated every single year, their calves robbed from them so you can buy cheap milk? Where´s your objection now? Yes, there are abusers in "zoophilia"...but compared to what goes on in the world, to the breeding farms and slaughterhouses, even the worst bestialist abusing his animal as a live sex toy is pure gold. If you consume animal products, you simply don´t have the moral higher ground here, mate. I´m a vegetarian for nearly 30 years now, a vegan for a little bit over 20...

Look, you´re also missing the problem here. You can outlaw bestiality, you can threaten us with draconian punishment...but those who don´t give a flying fuck about animals usually don´t give a fuck about laws, too. If you really want to a) improve the situation of animals in a zoo relationship b) gather scientific data , making it possible to research all the issues involved in zoophilia (consent being one of them) without prejudice and with an open eye, outlawing interspecies sexual contact and vilifying us won´t help , won´t lead to greater knowledge. Outlawing only forces anyone involved in this into the underground. Laws won´t end "zoophilia"...people will keep doing it behind their doors. If it´s truly the animals you´re concerned for, focus on improving THEIR situation by trying to find compromises with us "vile animal fuckers"...you´d be surprised by how similar most of us real zoophiles are thinking, how much we would agree with you on many topics. Fact is: partisanship and trench fights won´t help anyone. Zoos and normals have to find a compromise BOTH sides can live with.

And now, the master question: would you be okay with zoophilia if an universal animal-human translator that is working 100% fine and reliable is invented and an animal literally says "I want to mate with this biped individual." Would you be okay with it if the UHAT would produce results like my mare saying "Yes, I want to sleep with him, he´s my companion, my stallion"? What if animals can speak what they want in the near future? Could you accept that? Or would you continue vilifying us, against better knowledge and against the animal´s clear will?

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:06:52

form what I have seen over the years most case aren't like yours witch is why I brought up it being anecdotal

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 2 points on 2017-04-08 12:31:21

'From what only you have seen' is the problem.
Most people are exposed to the bad parts.
And the news always claims it's a bad act, no matter how consensual and harmless it was.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:34:46

yes of course! its a media conspiracy against the zoo people! there must be Jews in the conspiracy as well because the Jews are to blame for everything

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:38:01


You know very well that a lot of people are against our actions.
You gave us a chance to discuss with you yet you act like this.
If I or 30-30 would be caught right now it would still be considered 'animal cruelty.'
Yeah, discrimination doesn't exist right?

BoldDold 0 points on 2017-04-08 12:43:22

in your opinion it isn't animal cruelty in my opinion and most people's opinion it is. discrimination? yes I am raping an animal but by stooping me you are being bigoted . lol what logic and you claim to love "animals" lol

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 2 points on 2017-04-08 12:54:57

Yeah and most people's opinions don't matter.
We'd need evidence, not half-assed opinion 'facts' because 'EWWWWW!'

I'm not 'stooping' you. You're not realizing that you're not always reading the truth when you see a case where a person has been caught shagging animals.

I'm not bigoted. If anyone can provide me proof that zoophilia and bestiality are wrong, then I would believe it.
Yet no one has never given me evidence that I could believe.
Only sad nonsense and sheepy logic.

Let's just pretend that zoosex is actual rape, I don't believe that but you do.
I have sex with an animal. This does not mean I don't love that animal because I had sex with them. Because in my mind I am right. So it doesn't change a thing.
But luckily for me and my bitch, I know our actions are right because I have yet to be proven wrong.

Good luck out there, Gordon.

BoldDold 0 points on 2017-04-08 12:57:48

yes the slave master always loves the sex slave consent matters not if the slave mater enjoys it

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 13:01:20

I'm sorry but Google Chromosome couldn't translate this.
Does anyone speak 'eeeaaaaugheeea?'

I'm glad there's no slaves around here, at least.
Well maybe you, considering you share a very popular opinion and in the same way as sheeple do too!
Slaves of society are not to be trained, sadly.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-09 01:27:04

What about pigs that are penned up in cramped, filthy factory farms, and will be slaughtered alive for human profit? Wouldn't that be considered "slavery"?

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-09 01:25:21

Only sad nonsense and sheepy logic.

One of the favorite kinds of "logic" used by antis is the argument (lie) that zoos are a higher risk to be violent because they have sex with animals. They cites flawed "studies" for this claim.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-04-08 13:09:49

It´s answers like this that make me think this isn´t about gaining knowledge at all. I don´t agree on any "media conspiracy", it simply is a matter of ignorance. The media won´t feature an article titled "Zoophiles live in harmony and unison with their animals", that doesn´t get them attention and cash...of course they´ll feature the sensationalist stuff, preferably the most extreme. But the real problem is, you and most of the other normals talk about us zoos without knowing one in person. You´re basically talking about a phantom. Your somewhat hostile attitude towards us will prevent meeting one of us in person, ´cause you are safe , we´re not. Talking about power imbalance, eh? We cannot convince society with just coming out, ´cause it would have devastating consequences for us and our animals alike.

The only way to cut this Gordian knot would be openness in mind and action. Don´t mistake prejudices for facts...and "groups are fictional, only individuals are real"...there isn´t a group of "the zoophiles", we all have different backgrounds, different motives, different approaches....and it is your, it´s society´s duty to avoid overgeneralisation and taking myths and prejudices for facts. BTW; we zoophiles are among you since the dawn of mankind. We live with you undetected for ages now...we know how dangerous it is "outside", we know how mean and hostile our environment, our fellow humans can be. I can only say that your viewpoints, your attitude towards us doesn´t change anything, not for society, not for us zoophiles, not for the animals. All we can and frequently do is offering you outsiders our hand in peace. If you want to continue the war, so be it....we´re ready.

BoldDold 0 points on 2017-04-08 13:14:51

lol and here I thought the craziest people on reedit where all on r/Creation turns out I was wrong

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-04-08 14:01:24

Even crazier than coming into this sub and expecting every single member to convert to your views just because our " anti messiah" appeared?

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 19:47:40

that not what I was expecting mate. what I was expecting was for you guys to at least have a coherent argument witch you don't have. also some of you seem to think there's a media conspiracy against you witch is down right funny

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 20:14:28

Tell me,
Do you really think that when a human is caught having sex with an animal even if it's fully consesual and harmless it will be considered as fully consesual and harmless in the news?
People have unfair laws and unfair opinions against us, why is it suddenly not unfair any more when it's in the news?

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 20:21:30

witch laws are unfair? protecting animals form harm in unfair? unfair opinions? our opinion that having sex with an animal is cruel, that is unfair?

unfair in the news? I ever time this come up in news it mostly just tells the story and isn't really pushing an opinion but whatever you can think everyone is against you and everyone is unfair to you. I think your not be far to the animal

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 20:31:15

Yeah, all of that is unfair. Go to my first comment I've made in this thread. Everything is explained there.

I ever time this come up in news it mostly just tells the story and isn't really pushing an opinion

That is what you think, but people will always call it animal abuse or cruelty no matter how consensual and harmless it was. In news, the truth is not always told. Hopefully that's not too hard to understand for you.

And here we have this "it's not fair" argument again.
You still haven't explained why it's a bad thing or why it's unfair.
She can choose to have sex with me. If she doesn't, then it won't happen. Not too hard to understand.
There is no power imbalance in sex...

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-09 01:35:18

protecting animals form harm in unfair?

A law which prohibits sex with animals is not about "protecting" them, it is about people's "morals" and disgust. If it were really about "protecting" them, then artificial insemination would be outlawed as well, because AI involves animal sex organs (just like sex with animals does).

Also, if "protecting" animals were a priority, then people would ban slaughter.

And yes, anti-zoo laws are unfair insofar as unjustly prohibiting ALL sex with animals regardless of the situation. Sex with animals is not inherently "cruel".

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 20:24:28

everyone is unfair to you and the media as well! it must be a conspiracy! Jews must be behind it!

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 20:33:44

That's very easy for you to say, huh?
You have this 'everyone else agrees with me so it's true' mentality.
No point in a sheep which just follows the norm.
Aren't you lucky that you aren't part of a minority which a lot of people are discriminating against?

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-09 01:32:02

also some of you seem to think there's a media conspiracy against you

It's not a conspiracy per se, it's reality: every week there is a new news article which portrays zoos negatively. One cannot deny the fact that the media has an anti-zoo bias (and prejudice).

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-09 01:22:16

If neither the human nor the animal are harmed (during sex), then it is not "animal cruelty". And yes, zoos are discriminated against because they are uniformly labeled as "abusers" without regard to their individual merits.

ZooIam 1 point on 2017-04-08 19:53:31

Not sure why you're being hyperbolic on this point. It is a legitimate criticism ...

Local articles on this topic tend to focus on the bizarre and abusive cases. Even the people I read about who are caught then to be less than upstanding citizens or representative of the zoo community.

Like any community, we have our rules for ethical conduct. We believe, as a bloc, that the needs and safety of the animal comes first, that we are in romantic relationships with animals, and that sex may or may not be a part of that relationship.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 19:58:43

I am not being hyperbolic just not take it serious anymore. also most of the media attention may be on bad cases because most cases are bad, but hey that just my opinion

ZooIam 1 point on 2017-04-09 21:01:28

Or of the 'cases' that get reported , they tend to be bad folks. True zoophiles may put themselves and their partners at less risk for exposure.

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2017-04-08 20:31:26

There doesn't need to be a conspiracy. Something like 99.9 or more percent of zoophiles never end up in the news because they are never "caught". Maybe those that do have some things in common.

Also "mainstream" media having a bias doesn't need to be a crazy conspiracy theory. Just look what articles there were about LGBT people from the times gay sex was illegal and not much was known.

And lastly, "outrageous" cases are always more popular and create controversy = more clicks = more money. Here is for example one of the very few ones that is not negative (of course far from perfect but it's a start): http://sciencenordic.com/denmark-moves-ban-bestiality-sex-animals-really-so-bad. But such articles are mostly ignored because nobody cares.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-09 23:23:33

It's not a media conspiracy.

The media will be exposed to what law enforcement uncovers, which is inevitably the worst of the worst. The same thing happened to gays when homosexuality was illegal. I'm sure there is a term for this phenemonon, but it's not a "conspiracy" it's the reality of the feedback you get when you make something behind closed doors illegal.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-09 23:40:04

would you say the same about people having sex with minors?

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-10 08:22:01

The same phenemona being at play? Sure. Probably not as much because it's harder to hide, but yeah, somewhat. That doesn't make sex with minors ok though.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-10 08:34:18

if this was legal how would you deal with the cases where they are having sex with there animal and they really are abusing the animal?

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-10 08:50:50

Under animal abuse laws. Ironically, animal abuse laws actually already covered cases where the animal could be proved to be harmed.

They couldn't always prove harm, thus anti-bestiality specific laws were needed.

Is there something wrong there? I think there is very much so. It's effectively avoiding having to prove you harmed anything, while also admitting there are cases with no harm present. That's wrong to me on several levels.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-10 09:01:55

Let me add to that: As a zoophile, I feel that if an animal is raped, it should be more than what we have on the books for animal abuse as that is often toothless. In my ideal world, it would be treated the same as any rape case.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 6 points on 2017-04-08 12:12:00

It's quite funny how antis always try to make up a lot of things.

"I've never seen an animal make the first move!" shows video
"Well you don't know what happened, maybe they did it before!" tells that it happened to you before
"Uhh, that... that only happened to you!" tells that you have seen it happen to other people
"Y-You're just lying! It's just disgusting I have the law on my side so I'm right case closed bye!"

But that's just an example of how that goes...

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 19:35:24

me make lot of things up? how dare I ask hard questions! asking hard questions is making things up! and by the way your proof for the animal making the first move was a joke. that video proofed nothing. we have no context and we don't see what happens after that how dare I be skeptical

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 20:07:00

Maybe it wasn't evidence, but you said something along the lines of: "Maybe they were in a relationship before."
That's such a weird thing to say.
I mean, a bullfighter? Yes yes... it always turns out well for them right? Might he rest in peace as he gets killed for amusement. There truly was a relationship going on.
You started assuming that for no reason. This is what a lot of antis do.
They're always trying to find something bad in zoophilia.
Constantly searching for at least one excuse...
This is because most antis run out of arguments and will do a lot of sad things in order to make zoophilia look bad.
Trust me, I know how antis are. Raise an eyebrow at every little questionable thing about zoophilia, yet also ignore other abuse... I love the humans of toda-... since always.

And no, that video wasn't really proof. I thought it was a bit more gray on what happened here, but I've seen a lot of antis deny evidence.
And what's the last thing they say again before they leave?
Oh wait wait wait, there's a lot of variations!

  1. You can't prove me wrong because I won't listen to you!
  2. Even if animals consent I still think it should be illegal because it's fucking disgusting!
  3. I leave! The rest of the world and laws agree with me so I must be right!
    Oh, and don't forget the things they put at the end of these messages: "Sick fuck!/Disgusting animal fucker!/Get a HUMAN girlfriend!"

Anyone wanna add more to this list?

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 20:13:39

no I was just say that we have no context. also what I find weirder is that people on here seem to think it was trying to have sex with her or that this is proof of anything

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 20:35:09

Talk about context, you're damn hard to follow.
There's something I noticed about you. You ignore quite a lot of parts about our arguments by not answering them, unless that's a sign to say we're right about these specific parts ignored by you.

Anyways, that wasn't even the point.
I wasn't talking about the video, I was talking about how antis like you tend to do that stuff.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-09 01:09:58

And also ignoring real animal abuse, such as slaughter and hunting. Those activities kill the animal, yet aren't questioned morally. Compared to these things, sex with animals is harmless.

And you're correct about antis not listening to arguments. It's associated with a phenomenon called "confirmation bias" -- picking and choosing information which fits their own prejudices.

Wanted to add a few words to your list: in addition to the hate phrases you listed, a few other hate phrases the antis use include "[one] is depraved" and "[one] is a perverted deviant".

Sheppsoldier 2 points on 2017-04-09 06:58:17

Yes. Everybody cannot be schizophrenic. The world would be in chaos if everybody was under the impression that having sex would cause Martians to rain down on Earth and Sodom and Gomorrah would blow up and demons would run around the earth with bloody penises in their mouthes.

People will create laws because a stone on the ground appeared to be facing East. Clearly, people have problems, so sex with animals isn't wrong unless somebody has the wild (crazy) imagination to claim it wrong.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 19:40:33

also do you really think that animal in that video was trying to start a serious relationship? what a joke

Sheppsoldier 2 points on 2017-04-09 07:10:28

Sex doesn't require a serious relationship. It's just sex. Can't expect the world from sex and can't expect a fairytale love story from it. That stuff gets clingy-creepy.

MDCCCLXIIII 2 points on 2017-04-08 17:59:23

Of course, his statement is anecdotal. Indeed, the lack of data, of empirical, quantitative studies on the subject of zoophilia is among the most fundamental challenges that our community faces at the moment. Realizing that it is virtually impossible to counter even your weak and faulty arguments with hard facts is a quite frustrating experience, as I have to admit. On the other hand, the evidence you present to reinforce your statements is equally anecdotal, which makes your point invalid. May I ask you what kind of reliable data your assertion that sex with animals is inherently abusive is based on? To me, it seems that all the information that you have gathered on the matter so far derives from some reports on cases of cruelty against animals that you've come across online or on TV. Now you arrive at our subreddit, allegedly in search of answers to a set of (admittedly reasonable) questions and all you do is repeat the same faulty arguments over and over again. Several users have are already provided you with very personal insights into their relationship with their animal partners and still, you a) fail to challenge your biased view of zoophilia and b) refuse to inform yourself adequately about the subject in order to gain a more thorough understanding of our sexual orientation. Have you taken the time to read what u/30-30 has to say on the issue of consent and if so, what would you say if I told you that he is not the only one who has been treating his equine partner with the same care and respect that you'd expect from a loving husband in a conventional, heterosexual relationship? While there might be a vast number of self-proclaimed zoophiles in places like Beast Forum or even on this subreddit, who accurately match the stereotypical image that the general public has of us, there is still a group of people who adhere to the highest ethical and moral standards in their love for animals.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 19:30:26

counter even your weak and faulty arguments

what's so weak about my argument?

MDCCCLXIIII 1 point on 2017-04-08 20:34:34

The weak point in your line of argumentation is the fact that it can be broken down to three words: Animals Can't Consent. Instead of backing your only argument with facts, for instance by citing scientific literature, all you do is repeat it like a mantra. Let me give you a brief example to illustrate what I mean by analyzing a few lines of text from one of your first comments today:

"I question the Consent and even in cases where there is Consent, I don't think that those cases are the majority of cases"

Do you see now why I referred to your arguments as weak and faulty? On the one hand, you admit that you are completely ignorant both of zoophilia and of animals, biology, behavioral science, etc., while on the other hand, you only refer to your own experience or perception when trying to defend your position. For instance, what leads you to believe that sex with animals is not consensual in most cases? Do you have any evidence at hand which might support this claim or is this just something you regard as plausible?

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-10 10:02:25


Wibbler40 1 point on 2017-04-10 10:28:59

That zoo license shit is fucking dumb.

You don't just get special privileges for your special little group of snowflakes.

And all it would fucking do is make you a fucking target.

Garbage idea.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-04-10 12:15:29

You have a better idea? Obviously not...

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-11 13:53:02

To be honest, it's a good idea so bestialists and fetishists have less chances of sexually abusing humans and the law not targetting innocent people like us.
It's a nice option to have until it's easier to stop sexual abuse from happening.
It won't make us a target in any way, nobody in the public would have to know about it and we'd be (hopefully) protected by the law then.
But I do agree that it's a stupid idea because people will never spend that much time into zoophilia and bestiality. Zoos are not important in any way.

It was quite ironic that this idea was made by the guy who thinks the public doesn't 'owe' us acceptance and we basically should suck society's D.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-09 00:42:44

if you don't see the power dynamic difference between someone have sex with something they own and have complete 100% power and control over

With that argument, one could say that spaying/neutering is an imbalanced power situation because the person spaying/neutering the animal has 100% control over the animal, and the animal doesn't necessarily want it. For that matter, one could say that keeping a pet confined to a house or a kennel is 100% control over an animal.

Furthermore, if an animal can't "consent" to sex with a human because they can't "talk", then that would be mean every animal who has sex with another animal is "rape" due to them not "talking" (with human words).

Sheppsoldier 2 points on 2017-04-10 00:05:16

You're saying that because animal consent isn't as convenient as homosexual consent, sex with animals should be illegal? So... Sex with animals should be illegal because the people who don't do it are too lazy to understand it?

That makes perfect sense? Laziness is valued, while understanding is criminalized. If it isn't easy its wrong.

Abuse is a misunderstood and misapplied term. If people are dumb enough to think smoking a plant is abusive then they're also dumb enough to claim sex with animals as abusive. Calling things "abusive" for whatever reason is not much different than calling people "gay" for whatever reason. Misused, overused term.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-10 00:14:14

do you not understand that the consent of the animal is not clear? why are you assuming consent? I find your assumption of consent questionable

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-10 00:36:57

Lol. That's no different than assuming I can't understand Spanish while making claims that I'm assuming what somebody says in Spanish. Maybe you don't know that I understand the language and it's all very clear to me? You don't know.

Consent is very clear to people who understand it... whereby if you're admitting unclarity then you're admitting you're own misunderstanding of consent. Clearly, you have no idea what you're talking about and you said so yourself. It wouldn't be questionable (???) otherwise.

You know, or you don't know. That is the question. Question yourself.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-10 03:30:02

This guy is kinda considered a little "off" even by most here.

Just something to keep in mind with your discourse with him.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-10 07:56:08

lol I am "off" lol

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-10 08:14:28

I didn't mean you.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-10 08:30:50

ok sorry for misunderstanding you, I thought you were calling me "off" for just asking some hard questions like some the outer people on here have

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-10 08:55:39

People here are... sore. Often emotially wounded, I'd say. I don't know how else to put it. We're tired of society beating up on us and some of us welcome the chance to return what has been dealt us all these years.

I'm the exception to a lot of this because I don't have long on this earth anymore, so I don't have time to fuck around and be bitter. I try to work with what I got.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-10 10:04:46

just because there sore doesn't mean they should treat someone like myself with a different opinion on this badly dose it?

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-10 11:29:09

I don't know, I don't agree it's right but you have to put yourself in our shoes for a moment. We've been kicked to the curb our whole life. Very few people know how that feels. Very few people can say how they'd react to that in real honest fashion. Can you blame them? Honestly, I can't. The only reason I don't rip people like you a new one frankly is I'm too old to waste time on petty grudges. That, and it gets us nowhere. I realized that long ago.

Going to bed for now, I appreciate you trying to be civil even if we disagree. I hope I at least gave you some idea of where we come from.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-10 10:02:55

also why do so meany people on this sub reddit assume that I don't have good motives and didn't come to talk about this or have an open mind? is this how this sub reddit always deals with people that have a different opinion on this subject?

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-10 08:05:13

if someone came up to me and said this,

"I own a sex slave that is mute and deaf and I have sex with her but there is consent because her body language says she's enjoining it "

I would question consent there as well but whatever I am done with this sub reddit, your definition of consent is so vague and unclear

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-10 08:16:26

I'd be happy to clarify. I appologize for the false attribution, I did not mean you were "off." I deliberately avoided naming the individual you are having discourse with because, well, I'm trying to be diplomatic as I can despite that he's kinda what I said.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-10 08:32:23

ok how do you define sexual consent?

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-10 08:53:00

I'm not the most experienced to clarify now that I think about it, but I would usually reference the animals mating rituals in question. Animals get it done without verbal communication quite effectively, if a human does his/her homework, he/she can figure it out. It's just a matter of wanting to. If you want an animal as bad as being a zoo will make you want it, trust me, you already have read plenty on the subject.

In a whitetail Does case, it's basically a lot of tail flagging, rump shoving, and depending on the female, either a little or a lot of urination. It's not exactly rocket science to figure out what she's getting at if she wants it, no offense intended.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-10 09:18:48

ok I think that definition of consent is to broad, that definition could include say sex slaves but that is where we disagree I guess. some people on here don't seem to think consent matters do you agree with them?

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-10 09:31:42

I think consent always matters, and I don't agree that it includes sex slaves unless the sex slave is always checked for consent, which doesn't sound too slave like frankly.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-10 09:33:18

yea it dose include sex slaves someone could argue that there slave was consenting via Body Language

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-10 09:45:27

Yes, I see what you mean now, and while that would still technically be illegal (my point), there is that risk of someone abusing the system that way. It's something I frankly don't know how to deal with, other than to say we shouldn't outlaw an entire orientation's physical act of lovemaking over a loophole that could be abused.

Frankly, for that aspect, I defer more to the old question of whether one should assume innocence, or guilt in criminal cases? In America we always have said "Innocence until proven guilty." Well, I guess we have to assume innocence then, don't we? We certainly can't outlaw an entire social practice over an assumption that someone somewhere might abuse that law, even though we can't really prove it (which by the way, is already easy as heck to abuse, if one wants an animal sex slave there's really not much stopping them even with present laws).

Well actually we can obviously outlaw all these things, as shown by our present society, but I don't think it's right

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-10 09:51:12

I don't think it has anything to do with Innocence until proven guilty because I consider having sex with an animal to be Animal Abuse again that is where we disagree

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-10 11:27:37

The law doesn't though. If it was inherently abusive, we wouldn't need an additional law in the first place because it would be covered by the first law of basic animal abuse.

The fact is, they can't prove it to be abusive. At least not in the conventional sense. So they need their own way to prosecute without supporting evidence of abuse. Legislators have even admitted this.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-11 01:15:05

Would you say that such a law (a typical anti-zoo law) is a law which legislates a type of "morality" and codifies people's hatred and disgust? (Rather then for purposes of "animal abuse"). Because, as you said, it is irrational for people to make new anti-zoo laws to stop "animal abuse" when there are already laws dealing with that.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-11 01:54:41


30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-04-11 06:14:52

Found yourself a new friend, eh?

Yeah, "the law is unjust"...yadda yadda...and where exactly is the army of supporters it will take to challenge the "unjust law" hiding at? Fact is: these laws are here, they´re real and they´re here to stay for a long time. Wouldn´t it be better to drop out of "fantasy world" now and face reality instead of gazing paralysed into the wishing well? Why can´t you see that nothing you or anyone else says in here will overthrow the "unjust laws"? I guess, the swing you were using as kids was built a little bit too close to your house´s wall and you comb yourselves with a hammer each morning.The laws are real and they won´t go away just because you have some objections. The majority of society hasn´t.

And will someone of you two "experts" please explain why you think these laws will have any impact on you or your "zoo friends" at any point in life? You only need to shut a) doors and curtains and b) the fuck up and no one will ever interfere, no one will ever harass you with this "unjust law". I´d also find it helpful if you two "experts" would do some research on what led to this "unjust law" and maybe you´ll find yourself rethinking the whole issue from another perspective. What was the initial reason for the tsunami of new laws? "Wer sich unbedingt in der Öffentlichkeit produzieren muss und das Maul aufreisst, der wird halt irgendwann mal kräftig gefickt"

Sheesh, that´s the problem when you accept those damn fantasizers and virgins...they just refuse to live in the real world, no matter how hard reality will hit them. shakes head

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-13 21:49:48

There have been historically many very popular unjust laws. Being popular is not justification by any means. You should know better.

The law is irrelevant to me now, but unlike some here, I like to think beyond myself and not exclusively selfishly. But no, it can't help me. My book closed long ago.

I know the reasons for these laws as well as you 30-30. Please get off your imaginary high horse, and spend some time with your real one.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-11 01:00:09

Comparing mute and deaf people to animals is not a very realistic comparison because the mute and deaf are not non-human animals and most animals are not mute or deaf.

That is the same mistake as comparing animals to children, saying...."Animals are just like children." That is a "simile" and similes are..."A figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind"

Therefore, in reality, animals are not truly the same status as mute or deaf people, or children...nor are animals slaves if they are not treated as such.

Animals can consent naturally like all living organisms, however they cannot consent legally since animals do not follow the legal system, because the legal system was made for human beings. Therefore an animals consent is irrelevant. The laws are invalid because if the animals are not being forced to follow the law, then the law was not made in spirit of the animal. They are "imposter laws" as a form of "Malicious prosecution." It is an abuse of the legal system.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-11 01:18:08

What about pigs on factory farms that are confined in small cramped areas for their entire lives and then slaughtered? Wouldn't you consider that to be "slavery"? (And, by the way, those pigs didn't "consent" to that).

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-11 00:44:38


Are you admitting that most people are jealous that Ive proven to know more than them, or are you just gaslighting me because I've pointed out your own admission that you don't know very much about anything? I have the confidence that "most" people are not as stupid or arrogant as you claim them to be.

I believe those people who do feel I'm "off" are isolated occurances, similar to the violences and rapes which anti zoos habitually "blow out of proportion" in their attempt to discredit zoophilia. There are not as many people as you claim.

Something must be "off" with you if you'd give advice to, adopt the habits of, and figuratively *blow" the guy who wants to blow the act of sex with aninals down.

Oh irony...

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-11 01:53:16

I'm really just stating that most people here consider you a little different. You may notice no-one exactly rushed to your defence, and I said that as diplomatically as I could honestly.

As far as my interaction with that guy, you obviously have no idea what transpired so I'll just leave it at that.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-11 02:34:38

OK then, that would support my theory. Most people "are intelligent" enough to understand that I do not require defending. Most people are intelligent enough to not get involved.

I could be wrong...Perhaps they are afraid to defend me. Were they threatened? Perhaps they are afraid to get involved? Are they accepting defeat?

Nevertheless, Ill gladly accept their strict observation. In all honesty though, it's the things I haven't said and will not yet say that would make the largest impact.

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:47:33

Well, the dog doesn't know about our laws and that you legally "own" him and what that entails. You also have to consider how the dog will perceive this power dynamic - usually dogs are not shy to resist you when you do something to them they don't like. It starts with very mundane things like touching his paws and clipping his nails to the point where you simply can't do it without his consent (or forcibly holding him down, which is somewhat cruel). Sure, the power dynamic is there, but I think unless people are being cruel and "break" the will of their animals so the animals will endure anything they do them without resistance, you are overrating it a lot.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:51:23

Exactly he doesn't know anything like are laws or much about anything in witch case I don't see how he can consent to sex when a person that owns him.

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2017-04-08 20:38:17

I'm just saying he can't be influenced by "being owned" because he doesn't know what that means. That's why you can't say "I own you so you have to keep still and let me clip your claws", but he has to be letting you by his own decision.

It seems to be that it's often more "normal" dog owners who don't really get this. For example it blows my mind that articles like http://www.rover-time.com/should-your-dog-be-allowed-to-say-no/ are even written.

Edog91 1 point on 2017-04-08 21:04:33

Animals don't lack the ability to consent the law just defines them as incapable of it with no real good reason. The laws are not written to define what it is but to govern how we do it. To be truthful I don't see the appeal of always having a 3rd party controlling the boundaries of peoples relationships. If you are afraid of them being under powered in relationships thin give them more rights. Like right of there private parts. The best way to protect animals is is to empower them not denie them there rights to chose.

duckzducks 3 points on 2017-04-08 21:38:42

Exactly he doesn't know anything like are laws or much about anything in witch case I don't see how he can consent to sex when a person that owns him.

Mate, srsly, your speech is slurred (weather/whether; their/they are; witch/which etc), and your logic is barely existing (i.e. cleanly refuted several times) at this point (which you keep repeating over and over). Your higher cognitive functions - e.g. being able to construct and explore different points of views following hypotheses (say what a dog would think about laws of ownership) are impaired.

You are having a stroke.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-09 01:45:56

As said before, the consent argument is refuted because 1) animals don't "consent" to things in the way humans do, 2) many things that happen to animals (by humans) are legal and don't involve their "consent", 3) animals can consent to sex with body language, with a human or another kind of animal.

Skgrsgpf 2 points on 2017-04-09 00:35:53

I didn't really find your case about rights to be convincing because I question the Consent and even in cases where there is Consent

The problem with this argument is that animals don't "consent" to anything humans do to them. For example, an animal that is slaughtered for meat never gave it's "consent" to be killed, a bear that is hunted never gave it's "consent" to be hunted, and an animal that is spayed/neutered never gave it's "consent" to be spayed/neutered. All of these things are legal, yet "consent" isn't brought up, so it would then follow that "consent" would not need to be brought up in terms of sex with animals.

Yet, as zoo_away pointed out, animals can "consent" non-verbally (with body language) to sex, just like they do to each other. Certainly the chances of an animal wanting to have sex with a human (willingly) are higher than an animal wanting to be slaughtered.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-04-09 06:39:02

Sex with animals is not a concept of BDSM, and consent from animals should not be regarded as if it was BDSM.

In BDSM, people consent to "The Scene." In vanilla sex, people "just do it." If you're expecting consent then you're expecting a human concept of BDSM. Animals consent by the fact that they "just do it" without the contract typically required in BDSM.

It is my observation that people are much too preoccupied with "The Scene" to understand basic sex principles. Animals do not require the complex rules associated with BDSM.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 3 points on 2017-04-08 09:50:56

Why should it be legal?

There's a part in me that says it should stay illegal and a part in me that says it should be legal.

I'm the only one who has this opinion here but I think that bestiality being illegal actually protects a few animals from being sexually abused. Because you know, people are being caught by doing this and not all of them are real caring zoophiles.
Unless there is a very easy way to track sexual abuse in animals, I think this is a problem.
You can't ring every doorbell of people who claim to have sex with their animals and check them out regularly.
There is no 'benefit of the doubt' if animals can't say they've been sexually abused if the owner never told that they had sex with their animal.

But there's also that part in me that says it should be legal.
I don't think these laws are because of the reasons I mentioned above, but because people are bigoted, uneducated and discriminate against people who have sex with animals.
A lot of zoos are scared that they'll be caught and it's no comfortable feeling at all.
Also, we're constantly reminded that ''laws say that bestiality is wrong so it's true.''
It's probably one of the most annoying things I can mention about such people. Laws don't decide what's right or not.
And well... in the end zoosex on it's own is not harmful, so there is no reason to ban it for that reason.
Might as well ban all sex in that case...

So I'm not really decided on this yet.
But if things like having sex with underage animals or having sex with other people's animals are allowed then it's an instant no and would even fight against it.

Is it Animal Abuse? if it's not how do you define Animal Abuse?

There are so many things that I and many consider animal abuse.
I'd say using an animal for your own good is animal abuse. And there are exceptions. If it's harm I always consider it abuse.

Can an animal consent if so how?

With body language.
You think an animal wouldn't resist when being raped?
Even if they didn't, there's clear signs of wanting to have sex with the mating rituals of their species.
I'm not going to make a full list of it, but the most obvious and most common signs is male dogs trying to mount you and bitches flagging you. But humans can also make the first move.
No force should be used and the animal should want to participate in the act.

Here's a few examples of what I have witnessed. There's enough cases where I tried sexual stuff with my bitch and she denied by walking away and turning her vagina away from me.
She usually goes do other dog things right after that.

But when she's in the mood she definitely allows me to do it and if I stop she will lick me, try to 'mount' me and shove her vagina in my face.
So yes, she makes first moves too by doing any of the above.
This happens often as I can't penetrate her with my dick because... let's NEVER talk about that. Oh, I made myself sad again... sigh

So yes, they can consent with their mating rituals of their species but I also think it's experience that can change such behavior.
There's a reason she 'mounts' me. Let's just say I fingered her in really weird positions...

Honestly, I think 'Why can't animals give consent?' a better question as I always thought it was ridiculous that out of all things, they can't consent to sex. But I think that's just how people are. People even wanted bestiality to be illegal just because it was disgusting, even if they could consent to sex.
As soon as an animal puts their dick into the same species, it's fine.
As soon as an animal puts their dick into another animal species, it's fine.
As soon as animal puts their dick into a human, RAPE!
Yeaaaah... no.

Should it be legal for all animals or only some? where do you draw the line?

It should be illegal to have sex with animals that aren't sexually mature or that don't legally belong to you unless given permission by the owner.
And there's probably enough species out there where it's harder to decide about consent or harm, but I wouldn't know. But of course a few species would be scrapped off the list.
Another unpopular opinion: I think that you should be able to have sex with small animals. Of course there should be a limit, but if what you are doing causes no harm even though the animals seems too small, it should still be allowed.
No harm no problem. Smaller animals just have more risk, that's just it.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-08 10:19:45

As soon as an animal puts their dick into another animal species, it's fine.

Don't be so sure.

Reddit TIL can bring out the fact that gay giraffes have a more elaborate mating dance than hetero giraffes and that many many species have been seen in homosexual mating and that dolphins do each other in their blowholes... as often as they want to repost all this.

and still there's hords of people who claim it's all unnatural.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 2 points on 2017-04-08 10:52:20

Yeah, I've heard of people who think that that actually is rape.
But there's enough fictional or even real stories where 2 of different species are having a romantic relationship or even sex and it's considered fine.
Turn one of those animals into a human and suddenly 'all hope in humanity is lost' and it's 'fucking disgusting rape and unfair.'

But I don't really want to think about it, anti-zoo 'logic' already gives me headaches and makes me lose my IQ.

BoldDold 2 points on 2017-04-08 10:56:02

I question consent because of the power dynamic. In the two 2 of different species example we aren't talking about a relationship where one member of the relationship owns the outer one

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-04-08 11:07:43

You normal people came up with the idea that one can own an animal.

If it makes you feel ok with it, then I can sign a piece of paper that resigns my ownership of the animal to the animal itself. Not possible in our legal system, but I can file a statement for myself to behave like that and merely be a caretaker and provider from now on.

The animal hasn't a clue in the first place that it is owned. It can't read the ownership deed. A horse gives fuck all about if you paid 10.000 Dollars to buy it, you treat it bad during a ride, it will buck you off and send a good kick after you to make sure nevertheless. Try to tell it "but I am your owner" during that.

BoldDold 2 points on 2017-04-08 11:13:46

ok lol whatever. if you ever want to leave your echo chamber try talking to us " normal people"

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:27:07

You said you never saw an animal initiate:


Don't tell me the bullfighter and the bull had a prior engagement.

Good thing people run in to stop her raping the bull without his consent.

BoldDold 2 points on 2017-04-08 11:31:55

as far as I can tell its not trying to have sex with her even if it is we have no context she might had a relationship with it before this

Valiant1204 Now with added gay! 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:39:25

For some reason I found this weirdly funny.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-04-09 07:21:47


Society calls it ownership because that is societies view of any situation in which an animal resides on the property of a person. People are "polarized" in their opinions because they were taught that way, only one way, that an animal is property regardless of the "owner's" opinion.

People have limitations in their ability to know anything past what they understand about their own human behavior. For instance, since people "take care of" children, the elderly, and the disabled, they are dispositioned to view animals as if they were elderly, disabled, or children by the association of being "taken care of " People are not smart enough, or too lazy to make contrast between "people" who must be taken care of and "animals" who are taken care of. This is the telltale sign of an intellectual disability in the person who cannot make the distinction between human and animal because of a coincidental similarity.

For example... Mistaking me for Aluzky is the same as mistaking an animal for a child. Human beings are unfortunately attracted to patterns and coincidental similarities, although the similarities and patterns might only be a minor detail.

The pattern is animals living on a person's property, which people subcobsciously apply to ownership. Most people will "go with the flow" and call it ownership because the unintellectual types would self-destruct if they were told otherwise. They cannot comprehend anything other than ownership of an animal.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:23:19

Except that doesn't interfere with the consent of sex as they can and will resist.
Consent of relationship? Probably.
But the thing is, there isn't really a difference between a human just owning a pet and a human having a relationship with an animal. We're usually closer to our animals.
Animals don't consent to being chosen itfp. So a relationship isn't less wrong than just owning a pet.
I'm not even forcing her to do things. Most zoos even give their animals more freedom to choose certain things.
The only things she can't do because I'm a zoo is having sex or do things like kissing with others. Big deal.

Also, you realize we legally own animals and mostly get to choose what happens to them, right?
What I find really fucked up is that we can just spay and neuter them.
Yeah, much consent here, no?
Why is when we zoos have a relationship with our animal suddenly bad?
We're closer to our animals than most people.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:27:27

ok well if you don't see anything morally wrong with have having no Consent of relationship with a sexual relationship, the idea of being against that as a principal then ok whatever well never see eye to eye.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:30:28

You have been told in great depth now that there is consent, but now revert to adamantly refuse any of it. Why ask in the first place for details, only to dismiss all what you learned completely from your armchair within a minute?

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:34:55

let's assume there is consent in this case that doesn't mean consent is in ever case or even the majority of cases. most of the case would tend to indicate that consent doesn't happen but whatever pick whatever case suits your argument best

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-09 02:07:25

most of the case would tend to indicate that consent doesn't happen

Do you have a source to back that up? What leads you to believe that "consent doesn't happen" in most cases? With all the statements made by others here, it should be clear that non-verbal consent is possible.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-09 04:18:57

Animals cannot consent to the law. They consent to actions, not abstractions. Animal consent does not happen according to law, religion or politics, because it happens according to reality.

Furthermore... Society calls animal ownership as such because that is societies view of any situation in which an animal resides on the property of a person. People are "polarized" in their opinions because they were taught that way, only one way, that an animal is property regardless of the "owner's" opinion.

People have limitations in their ability to know anything past what they understand about their own human behavior. For instance, since people "take care of" children, the elderly, and the disabled, they are dispositioned to view animals as if they were elderly, disabled, or children by the association of being "taken care of " People are not smart enough, or too lazy to make contrast between "people" who must be taken care of and "animals" who are taken care of. This is the telltale sign of an intellectual disability in the person who cannot make the distinction between human and animal because of a coincidental similarity.

For example... Mistaking me for Aluzky is the same as mistaking an animal for a child. Human beings are unfortunately attracted to patterns and coincidental similarities, although the similarities and patterns might only be a minor detail.

The pattern is animals living on a person's property, which people subcobsciously apply to ownership. Most people will "go with the flow" and call it ownership because the unintellectual types would self-destruct if they were told otherwise. They cannot comprehend anything other than animal ownership.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:32:01

What do you mean 'no consent' of a sexual relationship?
If she consents to sex, then there's consent to our 'sexual relationship.'
She chooses to see me as a person who wants to have sexual contact with her.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:33:12

do you own her?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:34:48

Yes. And most zoos own their partners too.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:37:55

do you not the see because of the power dynamic of owner-pet that there might not be consent? I am against non consensual sexual relationship as a principal. that principal is where we disagree I guess

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:45:38

What exactly makes this wrong again?
I'm just like any other pet owner. Being in a sexual and romantic relationship does not change anything.
Though... I'd say that zoos like me care better for our animals in most cases. Because you know, we have real love feelings towards them and in that case would probably die for them as they're our partners. And of course that their sexual urges can be answered by us... and... and... and so many and's...

If you have any pets, dump them in the nature or you're unfairly overpowering them.
If you don't, good job. Get out there and rescue 'these poor animals' stuck inside people's homes.
Go quickly, because there's thousands of pets out there. I'll be cheering for you.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:49:55

You don't see anything wrong with having a sexual relationship where one of the partners isn't consenting? what's wrong with raping a woman then?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:53:29

Stop ignoring the fact that animals can't consent to sex.
They can, I already explained you and you haven't given me a good argument against it.
Just because I own her doesn't mean anything.
At least explain what you're saying.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:56:32

I am not saying that they can't consent to sex what I am saying is that I question the consent when the power dynamic is so one sided

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:00:08

That's your own problem then. I know what I do is right.
I know that power doesn't have to do anything with what I do too.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-08 12:01:51

ok whatever that's where we disagree. I wouldn't call it a problem just a mere difference of opinion

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-09 02:17:12

It is not one-sided, and sex with an animal can occur in an ethical way.

Again, with the "one-sided" argument, you'd have to also argue that all the other things humans do to animals are "one-sided".

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-09 05:57:21

Society calls it ownership because that is societies view of any situation in which an animal resides on the property of a person. People are "polarized" in their opinions because they were taught that way, only one way, that an animal is property regardless of the "owner's" opinion.

People have limitations in their ability to know anything past what they understand about their own human behavior. For instance, since people "take care of" children, the elderly, and the disabled, they are dispositioned to view animals as if they were elderly, disabled, or children by the association of being "taken care of " People are not smart enough, or too lazy to make contrast between "people" who must be taken care of and "animals" who are taken care of. This is the telltale sign of an intellectual disability in the person who cannot make the distinction between human and animal because of a coincidental similarity.

For example... Mistaking me for Aluzky is the same as mistaking an animal for a child. Human beings are unfortunately attracted to patterns and coincidental similarities, although the similarities and patterns might only be a minor detail.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-09 06:08:05

Society calls it ownership because that is societies view of any situation in which an animal resides on the property of a person. People are "polarized" in their opinions because they were taught that way, only one way, that an animal is property regardless of the "owner's" opinion.

People have limitations in their ability to know anything past what they understand about their own human behavior. For instance, since people "take care of" children, the elderly, and the disabled, they are dispositioned to view animals as if they were elderly, disabled, or children by the association of being "taken care of " People are not smart enough, or too lazy to make contrast between "people" who must be taken care of and "animals" who are taken care of. This is the telltale sign of an intellectual disability in the person who cannot make the distinction between human and animal because of a coincidental similarity.

For example... Mistaking me for Aluzky is the same as mistaking an animal for a child. Human beings are unfortunately attracted to patterns and coincidental similarities, although the similarities and patterns might only be a minor detail.

The pattern is animals living on a person's property, which people subcobsciously apply to ownership. Most people will "go with the flow" and call it ownership because the unintellectual types would self-destruct if they were told otherwise. They cannot comprehend anything other than animal ownership.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-10 02:13:01

Sex with animals is not a concept of BDSM, and consent from animals should not be regarded as if it was BDSM.

In BDSM, people consent to "The Scene." In vanilla sex, people "just do it." If you're expecting consent then you're expecting a human concept of BDSM.

Animals consent by the fact that they "just do it" without the contract typically required in BDSM. It is an observation that people are much too preoccupied with "The Scene" to understand basic sex principles.

Edog91 1 point on 2017-04-13 20:01:49

I think the idea of a power dynamic is bs in my opinion. There is no such thing as a 50/50relation ship there are pos and cons. Human relationships are not even power balanced.there will always be males with more power thin females and in reverse. What they have is choice and someone's willingness to put up with the pros and cons should be there choice and nobody else's. Animals don't get to choos who they will spend there life life with but the do determine the boundaries of that relationship ship.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-13 23:55:59

The "power dynamic" argument is an excuse used by those who already have a prejudice against zoo. If it were a legitimate argument they'd bring up the "power dynamic" issues in artificial insemination, training a dog to perform tricks, etc.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-09 02:04:47

He did say there is consent, through body language.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-09 02:01:06

Why is "ownership" an issue only when it comes to sex but not with everything else in which an animal is "owned" (pet shows, being put in kennels, being spayed/neutered/artificially inseminated, etc.)

By your logic no one should be allowed to keep pets because they're being "owned".

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-09 04:39:49

That's because some people believe "sex" belongs to them. Some human beings view sex as if it was "property." In other words, they believe they own the rights to restrict access. It's just a human-animal instinct to be possessive of and exploit their own kind.

Intelligence helps. In modern times, smart people stuck a flag in the moon. Since ancient times, intellectually disabled people have been repetitively sticking flags in sex.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:05:07

Well, there is also actual rape in nature - If i am not mistaken elephant on rhino is often akin to something like rape.

Just saying this appeal to nature (what is natural) is wrong, you just need to really look at nature and a fleeting glance would tell you to better retract that statement.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 2 points on 2017-04-08 11:16:29

I know that rape exists in nature, but it's not always the case.
Some people think all sexual contact between diff species is rape, which is just nonsense. Which is what bothers me.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-08 11:31:55

I am more bothered by the appeal to nature as an argument. If we only do things which are natural, then I guess I want to be a black widow or a praying mantis, lol.

No wait, I want to be a lion because then I have this harem of females I can boink AND they do all the work bringing in the food...

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-09 02:20:07

However, the nature argument can be used to refute the often-used claim (used by antis) that sex with animals is "unnatural" (for example, that animals of different species have sex).

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-10 04:59:46

Yes, certainly, one can use counterexamples included when that appeal is made to show it doesn't work.

All in all it is just a vabanque play in which people assume their personal moral construct is the natural one and that nature therefore of course behaves this way and therefore they only need to call upon nature as an authority to support their point of view.

They project what they want into nature just to immediately go and pick it up from their again without question or test any of that.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-09 04:57:53

It's rape because they're not getting paid for it. People who earn money or get benefits from sex claim rape when theyre not paid or can't be paid.

Chimpanzees have been known to trade sex for favors. Chimpanzees don't want to compete with other species. They won't let people have sex with animals unless they can use the animals as sexual currency.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-04-09 06:19:52

Nature > Religion > Law > Corporatism > ?

How many abstractions, deviations, or _layers of reality" must be created until we feel comfortable in our own bodies, as human beings?

Skgrsgpf 2 points on 2017-04-09 01:57:21

Turn one of those animals into a human and suddenly 'all hope in humanity is lost' and it's 'fucking disgusting rape and unfair.'

As said before, it's speciesism (humans being wrongfully viewed as having higher "standing" than non-humans).

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-09 01:53:28

As soon as an animal puts their dick into the same species, it's fine. As soon as an animal puts their dick into another animal species, it's fine. As soon as animal puts their dick into a human, RAPE! Yeaaaah... no.

That is also known as speciesism -- animals (those who are not human) being given different "values" than humans.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-09 05:08:02

Chimpanzee screws chimpanzee in exchange for bananas. Chimpanzee don't get banana if other chimpanzee screws a dog.

Chimpanzee jealous. Chimpanzee throw poo poo (the law) at dog-screwing chimpanzee.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 3 points on 2017-04-08 11:25:40

1 - Domestic animals are valuable property. As such, their owner is responsible for them but also gets to decide how the animal is used. It is hypocritical to maintain that it is ok to enslave animals for human entertainment or use, such as in circuses or meat production, but that it is not ok to do so for entertainment that is sexual in nature. If you think that it is not ok to enslave animals for work or entertainment, then you accept that circuses, races, zoos, pulling charts, participating in animal therapy for handicapped people and so on is abuse. If you think it is not ok to get involved in sexual activities related to animals, then you accept that most modern breeding programs are abuse, since they are based around artificial insemination procedures in which you masturbate males and inseminate the females with your hands. These positions are coherent but you will find that they are not supported among the wide public.

2- Zoophilia, understood as a romantic attraction, is not abuse, since abusing is an action and zoophilia is not. Obviously, there are cases of sexual abuse against animals.

3 - Animals in the wild consent. The way they do depends on the species, but in many case they make it perfectly clear if they are ok with sex or not.

4 - There are animals with whom you cannot have practical sex, so trying to force the issue would be morally wrong at the very least. Should that be illegal? That is a different matter. I tend not to mix morality with laws since they tend to screw each other in a bad way.

5 - See 1.

BoldDold 2 points on 2017-04-08 11:41:00

I am against non consensual sexual relationship as a principal. that principal is where we disagree I guess

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-09 02:24:27

You missed tencenur's point about consent in the wild, and consent from animals via body language. And according to your principal, one should not eat meat because they (the animals who were killed) did not consent -- that is, if "consent" is the main concern. It makes no sense to limit the issue only to sex.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-04-09 05:21:05

1 - Domestic animals are valuable property. You have to pay for interaction.

Basically, the people who prostitute their animals for sex made the act of sex with animals illegal because they don't want people to do it for free.

The more illegal the act becomes, the more money people will have to pay for it. In other words, the people who prostitute their animals are looking to make big $$$... like those crooks in the illegal organ trade.
Black market fetishes sell for a higher price.

It's no wonder they're working so hard to "criminalize" sex with animals. Criminal trade is profitable trade at the expense of innocent people's safety.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-04-08 14:49:08

Nice to see someone seeking the other perspective. I'm a bit busy right now, but I'll try my hand at this later today hopefully.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-08 14:57:13

idk this thread markedly improved in overall quality after I blocked OP.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-04-08 15:00:17

I think I'll make that assessment on my own.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-08 15:00:39


Yearningmice Zoophile 3 points on 2017-04-09 02:23:31

Wow, what an absolute clustefuck...

Would it be worthwhile for us all to work on a non-agressive answer to hese questions and sticky it? I mean I've not seen discourse so wonderful since the last time I saw a Tumblr discourse.

The Trump video was A+, btw.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-04-09 04:39:15

I think that was the idea behind the wiki.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-04-09 05:52:11

Clusterfuck...or, as I call it, business as usual.

You can sticky as much as you want, if people don´t read it and/or don´t give a fuck about it anyway, you can sticky yourself into a coma, yet nothing will change. That´s what I accuse in our community...an obvious and total lack of any form of discipline. If bait is thrown by our opponents, you can be dead sure some "enthusiasts" will immediately jump at it.

What I struggle with the most: we all want something, but , as it seems, no one wants to limit and restrain themselves in order to gain this. It´s such a mess, so selfish and equally foolish. I know why "we" don´t get a foot in the door...it´s not "hateful society" or "religious zealots", it´s solely our own ineptness to form an effective movement that has rules and follows a plan. Our opponents are in perfect unity and we are an utter mess. Almost like as if children play politics...

Besides that, I don´t believe OP really wanted to broaden his/her horizon...I really was looking forward for an answer to my question whether zoophilia would be okay if a translator affirms the animal´s consent. It´s sad it always has to deteriorate into an insult-flinging shitfest, but...well, it would be a gigantic surprise if such "discussions" don´t mutate into namecalling, sarcasm from being butthurt and missionaries feeling personally insulted when the opposite side refuses to swallow their "wisdom"...either "side" can feel addressed...

That´s the crux with this community...everybody wants to fight a war against society, but refuses to show the discipline any real soldier is trained to have, even when bullets are sprayed at his position. Basically like Hitler´s "Volkssturm", but this time, the inept and completely untrained throw themselves into the battle...

MDCCCLXIIII 2 points on 2017-04-09 20:56:50

I'm glad that you have finally realized that losing one's temper is not exactly the best way to win a discussion. Indeed, while I have been addressing this issue several times during the last few weeks, my efforts to convince people of this inevitable truth have obviously been in vain so far. I am sorry if I repeat myself, but it is crucial that everybody here understands that plain ad-hominem attacks or insults are by no means a sign of strength. Rather, they disqualify the aggressor while challenging his opponent to counter with an equally inappropriate response. I believe that most of us have already encountered this phenomenon on numerous occasions here on this forum and are aware of its consequences. How many serious discussions have been spoiled so far by people unable to contain themselves and maintain a balanced, polite style of writing? Of course, I go along with your argument that u/BoldDold's intention to post on this subreddit has never been to discuss zoophilia on a rational level. In fact, his unwillingness to challenge his preconceived opinion has been obvious right from the minute he responded to u/zoo_away's first reaction to his post. As I've pointed out in one of my previous comments here, his line of argumentation may be reduced to a single argument, which he neither questioned nor backed with evidence or hard facts during the discussion. Thus, I conclude that most of the time and effort that several users have invested in trying to change his mind is lost, for he refused to accept our perspective, anyway. Rather, he focused on reacting to the more provocative type of comments in an equally provocative way, which eventually resulted in an impressive wall of text, the essence of which could be condensed to a few hundred words of text. Indeed, I am glad that you, 30-30, have managed to resist the temptation to further escalate the discussion by resorting to the aggressive behavior that has been so typical of you until 2 weeks ago. I'd truly appreciate if you could keep this attitude up permanently, for I believe that this community might gain tremendous benefit from your presence if you are willing to set your negative emotions aside.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-04-10 07:43:39

I usually don´t get angry when I talk to an outsider, this isn´t something I just found out, you know.

You wanna know why I´m so angry sometimes? Just take a long and good look at this thread to find out. I´m disappointed by my own community.

And don´t mistake the lack of "aggressive" replies for a new attitude of mine...I´ve just become too bored of all of this. All this campaigning, this "teaching the public"....it´s all so futile and useless. Receptiveness in "pupils" doesn´t solely depend on what wisdom is offered, it massively depends on the teacher´s personality...and with that in mind, just take a look around you in here....do I need say more?

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 2 points on 2017-04-09 14:44:55

If only OP didn't act like his opinion was obvious and was obsessed with the 'power dynamic' problem where we already proved him wrong.
Hard to stay serious when he can't get his points across and calls this an echo chamber.
Yes, excuse me for having similar opinions as the other. And sorry for not realizing what you apparently call 'obvious.'
If you looked at his account you can see how quickly he changed.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-04-09 16:38:02

Well, the way you reacted wasn´t exactly mature, too... Maybe I haven´t made this clear enough already, so:


How dare we demand tolerance , but get triggered in an instant when someone refuses to acknowledge our "divine wisdom"? Our movement exists for over 25 years now and still we choose to fight like we´re in a playground. Get mature, folks...please. It wasn´t solely OP´s fault how this "discussion" went... Basically fighting like two groups of contrary religions, that´s how I see this...and nobody can prove anything beyond reasonable doubt.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-09 16:54:36

I expected for someone to say this.
But like I said, I can't take people seriously when they act like that.
I thought OP was honestly trolling for a second of how dumb OP acted.
Repeating the exact same thing with the 'power imbalance' and then not explaining why it's a problem. hurrr iz obvius rite ecks dee whatevs lololol
I'd probably agree with you if he wasn't like he was.

Movement? What kind of effect will this thread have in the first place?
And I couldn't care less about movement these days. There's no use in doing something that will result in nothing.
I question why we even want to change people's minds these days...

Talk about movement, I honestly don't understand what you want to do to influence our movement.
You seem a little strict on what we are allowed to do. No harmless zeta signs, no loving fictional characters, no talking about it in public.
But you don't have to answer that, I'm only curious and can't do anything with that information and well... I've got worse things to worry about.

Yearningmice Zoophile 1 point on 2017-04-10 13:40:51

I thought it was interesting he was arguing the same thing we saw on that ecofeminist video I posted a while back. That animal (and women) are equivalent to "slaves" and therefore it can be argued that they can never consent. That we can control their food, play, sleep, and everything. What if their only "fun" option is sex? I'm sure I've seen it argued(in fact, one person outright said I kept my mare in a box stall 24/7 with sex her only use) that animals used for sex have not much else to look forward to and like other examples of bored/stressed animals they'll look to have any stimulation at all.

I find the best way to argue with "power dynamic people" is to point out the implications of believing that, particularly with regards to "benevolent" pet ownership and other commonly well-regarded practices. Also to highlight the freedoms you do give your animals. Of course, if they are vegan and already want to change animal rights laws then their beliefs are internally consistent and you gotta at least give them credit. I did not see such consistency in the OP's words.

I do think the OP baited you and others to lose your minds and you obliged him. Doesn't make him right at all, obviously. This sub is not a zoo safe space, it is one of the most public zoo spaces I can think of, to be honest. Saying shit to ill-informed people isn't constructive.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 2 points on 2017-04-09 23:28:01

This did quickly turn into a clusterfuck, didn't it? Lack of respect for opposing viewpoints never works out. I don't know how people don't get this. Mocking the opposition will GET YOU NOWHERE.

Yearningmice Zoophile 2 points on 2017-04-10 13:28:11

In reading the OPs responses I don't think they were open to any change in mind. When asked to consider alternatives they, it seems to me, just moved the goal posts again.

There isn't much to argue with if the only version of consent you are willing to accept is informed verbal consent. Either sex with animals is wrong, and no amount of "love dust" is going to make it right, or it isn't wrong and some other condition must apply like "No harm".

Well, you could point out that nothing we do with animals has consent, but I am told "that argument just doesn't work" but when I've asked why I can't get a consistent answer. Either as a society we treat animals with respect or we don't. If a penis can rape then the arm of an AI tech is rape.

Anyhow, it is the internet so to expect "the discourse" to flow well seems a bit much. In fact, this thread reminds me of the many Tumblr style "discourses" I've seen.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-10 19:15:08

I did notice he moved the goalposts a lot. I still maintain everyone should be treated with basic respect. Disrespecting those who disagree with you will never earn you anything.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-11 06:15:10

How about you review the answers other people and then OP gave in the order they were given and you will see that neither were our answers disrespecting, nor were they mocking - we still gave good answers when he already called us mad, threatened vigilante justice in one of his posts and PMed people to just berate them in "lol! FUCKWAD!" style.

How much can you be up your own arse about how much better you are to keep saying this clusterfuck was our fault?

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-13 21:53:16

I can't see PMs now can I?

I only know that the aftermath, as I view here, is embarassing.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-18 19:09:39

I can't see PMs now can I?

My panel of experts assures me that's why I wrote "How about you review the answers other people and then OP gave in the order they were given and you will see that neither were our answers disrespecting, nor were they mocking - we still gave good answers when he already called us mad, threatened vigilante justice in one of his posts and PMed people to just berate them in "lol! FUCKWAD!" style."

Which tells you everything you need to know.

Are you going to post the PM conversation with him?

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-19 00:14:38

No. I don't post PMs. But it was about two posts, if that pleases you.

Wibbler40 2 points on 2017-04-10 09:50:27

Of course it was a clusterfuck, we all hate eachother here. Shepp and 30-30 are going off on their own rants while everybody else is screaming at eachother. Meanwhile people let that retarded-ass " zoo license " shit that 30-30 was talking about just slide right by unchallenged, what a dumb, insane idea.

I don't agree with shepp entirely, but the fact that people on this sub favor a lunatic like 30-30 over shepp is absolutely mind boggling.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-04-10 12:05:41

Nice try, Mr Duplicate Account jr....

Yearningmice Zoophile 1 point on 2017-04-10 13:19:04

I had a super busy weekend, unfortunately, and this thread was 60 deep before I could really read it so I just gave my impression and went back to enjoying the weekend.

However, the fact that someone can unironically call for the registering of a sexual minority, another priceless moment. I mean, if they suggested that all people involved with animals need a psych screening: AI techs, Vets and vet techs, Billy and Bobbie joe pet owner then perhaps I could get behind that. I mean, I've always said that I'd support any anti-bestiality bill that treated all we do with animals in the same way and not just singled out my tiny penis as a tool of the devil. I've certainly seen more poor care from pet owners than any zoo I've known well enough to meet their partners.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-11 01:30:20

And yet anti-zoo laws specifically exempt those who do artificial insemination, which is wrong, because those who do artificial insemination interact with animal genitalia just like zoos.

Why are zoos discriminated against, while those who do artificial insemination (who also interact with animal genitals) are legally privileged? (It's not a fair situation). If both do the same thing (interact with animal genitals), one (the AI group) shouldn't be exempted while the other (zoos) criminalized.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-11 00:37:26

I've just given up on the "zoo license" since it's inception. And it's not just 30-30 preaching it, it's an old idea and I gave up on arguing against it before I even met 30-30 because it's advocates are invariably pretty morally inconsistent with their arguments for it.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-04-11 05:47:40

Then come up with a better idea or shut up... PS: And don´t you do the usual "zoophilia should be legal" bullcrap routine, pleaauuuzzze.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-13 21:43:43

That is what I consider the better idea using objective reasoning, yes.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-13 23:46:52

An idea would be for a zoo or organization to fight an anti-zoo law in court. Obviously a zoo in hiding wouldn't want to out themselves, but an already-caught zoo might want to consider it.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-14 05:02:53

As I said, I've thought about it. I don't even have anything to lose. But I have no money, and money is a reality of the legal system I'm afraid.

Plus, honestly, my heart isn't in it like it used to be. Sad truth.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-11 02:04:25

I was hoping you would say something bad about me like "everyone" else (sarcasm) because I just read a lot of interesting educational material about all sorts of things.

Ive made an interesting discovery though... Reddit karma does not drop any lower than -99 points. What does this mean?... There is a limit to how low I can go but there is no limit to how much information can be contributed. Honest effort outweighs the effects of dishonest man-made karma.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-09 02:33:45

To answer the original question of this thread, yes, sex with animals should be legal, because any abuse would already be covered by other laws. (Sex with animals is not inherently abusive).

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-04-09 04:08:58

Animals don't care about the laws. If the laws were supposedly made for animals, but the aninals don't follow or don't care about the laws, then the laws were made only for the humans who supported it. Only the humans who support the laws should be subject to the laws because they're the only ones who cared to follow in the first place.

Criminals support the criminalization of sex with animals, because criminals benefit from the illegal trade of sex and porn for money.

Bottom line. The animals never consented to the laws because the animals cannot legally consent.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-09 04:31:47


OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-09 23:25:35

It seems you've already stepped on people's toes here.

If you want a legitimate discourse and not the mob mentality that will ensue from here, PM me. I of course can also only provide ancedotal evidence, but hey, I mean that's all we got. We kind of all are experts on first hand at this, and at some point even in science, first hand evidence counts.

BoldDold 1 point on 2017-04-09 23:37:11

I wouldn't mind talking to you about it. The mob mentality, group think and the immediate angry at any hard question's was not encouraging. I didn't mean to step on people's toes that was unintentional. I didn't think this sub reddit was conspiratorial so when I ran into some conspiratorial think such as there is a media conspiracy against you I started not to take this subreddit seriously witch lead to some unintentional Stepping on toes sorry

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-09 23:40:09

As I said, it's not a media conspiracy as much as it is the media covers what the media gets. The media gets the worst cases because that's what the cops find. It's a phenomena of existing "behind the curtain" of a second life, so to speak. Only the loudest and worst get exposed.

Feel free to PM me, though I'm about to log out for the day. I may not get back until later this evening or even tomorrow. Not all of us live here. ;)

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-04-10 04:56:54

Ha, sure. It is was our fault. Have fun PMing that guy.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-10 05:32:01

If you treat someone like that from the get-go, sorry, but it will always be your fault.

There's a thing called rational discourse. Zoos here appear to have no idea what that is.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-10 05:59:25

We have been rational until he started to flip out.

On second thought it was us, please PM the guy.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-10 08:19:08

This is an emotional issue. Two wrongs do NOT make a right, and will not get you anywhere. Enjoy never being accepted if this is your philosophy.

I have been PMing him, by the way. I unlike some here, enjoy criticism. It can only further improve myself and my moral understanding of the world.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-10 08:25:04

Enjoy never being accepted if this is your philosophy.

Yeah, you two deserve each other : S

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-10 08:26:09

Meh, as much as anyone deserves basic respect I suppose.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-11 06:10:44

I hope you don't mean I am lacking basic respect towards you. Don't forget to report back how it went.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-13 21:46:40

I meant this individual, from how I read things, did not get any respect once he admitted any level of opposition. Maybe I am reading timestamps wrong or something but it did not appear that way.

ivy_bound 1 point on 2017-04-13 07:53:27

The problem with this discussion is the basis in emotion, which has little place in discussions of law. Instead, confront the issue logically.

The best place to start is the topic of animal abuse. It is animal abuse to cause harm to an animal, such as deliberately feeding it poison or assaulting it. In other words, reducing the quality of life of the animal.

Next, animals and consent. Logically and legally speaking, this is very much a ridiculous argument. Consent is not required for animals to be forced to have sex with other animals for breeding purposes, a practice that is central to many industries. Choice is not something that is given to animals as a rule. As such, legally speaking, consent is not an issue in this case.

Given that consent is not an issue, abuse is damage to the animal, and breeding of animals is not only legal but in some cases industrially necessary, the ONLY reason people pass laws regarding sex with animals is the same reason sodomy laws were passed: supposed moral high ground, or in other words, religion. And, given the Constitution, these reasons hold no water.

Those are the coldly logical reasons. They won't be popular in the zoo community, but they can't really be denied at the moment.

Skgrsgpf 2 points on 2017-04-13 23:16:47

Instead, confront the issue logically.

This is why someone (or some organization) needs to fight anti-zoo laws in court. I can't think of another way to fight these laws. Logic is missing from all the legislative events, so a lawsuit would be the only solution.

Given that consent is not an issue ... the ONLY reason people pass laws regarding sex with animals is the same reason sodomy laws were passed

When the New Hampshire anti-zoo bill was being discussed last year, they kept bringing up "consent" over and over again as their reason for banning it (along with flawed "studies" which paint all zoos as "abusers"); at the same time, they failed to see the hypocrisy of requiring "consent" only for sex and not for artificial insemination. (The bill did get scrutinized by farmers who were worried their breeding practices were outlawed, so legislators wrote in a discriminatory section of the bill specifically exempting farmers from any wrong-doing).

The question people didn't ask: why are animal breeders being allowed (legally) to alter animal genitals, yet zoos (who also interact with animal genitals) are criminalized?

There was NO opposition to that bill.

Interestingly, religion wasn't ever brought up in the NH discussion, though it may have motivated people. The arguments were "studies say zoos are likely to abuse people" (wrong), "animals can't consent" (hypocritical and wrong), sex with an animal is "abuse" and "sexual assault" (wrong), and "other states are banning it, so we should too". Another "argument" was simply that sex with an animal is an activity that has to be "stopped", with no further explanation. Very flimsy arguments. Yet they unanimously made it law.

ivy_bound 1 point on 2017-04-14 13:07:32

Yeah, it's a general problem in the country, I've noticed. People tend to argue from feelings rather than from actual structured arguments, provide no evidence for or against anything, and generally enjoy screaming at people who disagree with them.

Skgrsgpf 0 points on 2017-04-14 22:07:51

Their "evidence" consists of "studies" which claim (wrongly) that zoos are a "higher risk" to humans (violence, etc.) than non-zoos and therefore need to be "jailed". It's slandering and misinformation that no one openly criticizes.