An experience I'm not sure about (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-04-09 02:33:45 by umbre2597

There is something I really want to do, but I'm on the fence about it. I have always loved big cats and cheetahs, and find myself very attracted to cheetahs. There is a conservation effort in South Africa that I plan on volunteering at in about a year called the cheetah experience. I have always wanted to work with these animals, but I'm conflicted on it because of my attraction to them. Big cats like tigers, leopards, and lions I have come to terms with the fact they are way to dangerous to try to mess around with, even if you raised them by hand yourself. But cheetahs are not like any other big cat (in all technicality, they are a lesser cat that is not a big cat, nor a small cat.) And can be very affectionate to people. (This video shows what I'm talking about if you don't believe me So my dilemma is, if I go there and volunteer, I'm afraid I might try something with one of the cheetahs there, and I don't know what to think... I want to work with them, but I don't want to get hurt, and I don't know who else to talk to.. I have a friend who accepts that I'm a zoo, but he doesn't know how to help me with things like this.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-04-09 06:02:57

Sometimes, listening to your negative gut feeling is the wisest thing to do. Fear sometimes is your friend and keeps you from doing really dumb stuff.

I doubt you will be able to establish a real relationship with a semi-wild predator animal. Even if handraised in the custody of humans, a wild animal still is a wild animal. You can either keep this whole cheetah thing a fantasy or you can volunteer...but if I were you, I´d strictly stay off of any attempts to "do something" with a cheetah. Chances are high you end up with severe injuries or death in the worst case. Are you really willing to risk your life solely for something that surely isn´t as pleasurable as you might imagine? Male cats have this "barbed wire" dick, so forget about this regardless of your own gender. And female big cats...well, have you seen how "gentle" they treat each other when mating? Unless you´re not a complete masochist with a strong tendency for suicidal conduct, the best advice is to keep it a fantasy...especially when you´re volunteering and are given "the chance".

umbre2597 1 point on 2017-04-09 06:49:36

laughs you don't have to tell me about their cocks, I have a very horny cat that loves for me to suck him off every chance he can ( he will lay on his back on my lap and purrs deeply when I do) and barbs are not as sharp as you would think. They feel more.. ruff than anything else. The barbs are formed from something similar to your finger nails. And if I did anything with a male, it would just be sucking off, and rubbing for a female. Also, they have clear signs of being uncomfortable or not wanting something. But that's not the point of my post. The point of the trip is I want to go and form a connection with one of these animals, I want to get to know cheetahs up close and personal. See them in a way I have never been able to with pictures and zoos. I just.. don't know what to do about being so attracted to them if I do work with them.

umbre2597 1 point on 2017-04-09 10:46:30

I would like to add a couple of things I didn't have time to include earlier (I was on break at work and time was running out) Working with big cats and cheetahs has been something of a dream of mine since I was a little kid. I have always loved them, even before I was attracted to them. So volunteering at a place like this is a dream come true. Even if I have to bite my lip and hide a bludge in my pants the inter time, want to do it. And I know that if I don't, it will become one of those mid-life crisis things. Also, cheetahs are not like big cats (in all technicality they are not, and are a lesser cat) and can be very friendly and affectionate towards people. Hell, you can even turn your back to them because their not as agresive, and not as opertinist as big cats. In fact they tend to have a flight response rather than a fight response. If you don't believe me, watch some of this guy's other videos where he interacts with different cheetahs at the place. He has even slept in he inclosers with them and they lay next to him and purr. Not that the same could be said about tigers, lions, and others which are much different. (I know quite a lot about all things cat. I'm weird like that, but I also understand them way better than most people who have cats)

Susitar Canidae 6 points on 2017-04-09 08:23:50

If you volunteer, keep things strictly platonic. In a place like that, you won't be left alone for very long, and the risks of getting caught are high. Not sure about the law in South Africa, but I'm guessing that regardless, you will be kicked out if they catch you in the act. It might even become a media scandal for Cheetah Experience.

Also, I've actually been there and there are some warning signals... I think it might be a bit of a tourist scam. They couldn't really answer where they got their cubs from. And when I asked whether any cheetahs would be released into the wild once grown up, they said that wouldn't happen, they would be "transferred into other parks" (very vague). The cheetahs were only fed gutted chicken, no innards, no variation. Because of this, they also had to supplement their diet with vitamin powder, not the best solution.

So, it might be that they are breeding cheetahs for game parks. Best case scenario, breeding for zoos. While there is something good about children getting educated about wild predators, I don't think this place is the best for the cheetahs.

I'd recommend Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia, instead.

EDIT: Now unsure whether I was at Cheetah Experience or Cheetah Outreach, but anyway. Ask questions, you don't want to waste your money and time into a shady organisation.

umbre2597 1 point on 2017-04-09 10:34:21

This place doesn't seem like that, but they supplement vitamins but that may be because most of the meat they get is donated to them. However, most of the cheetahs they have are retired breeding cheetahs, or to injured to be released like Kiki (this video talks about her) they do also raise some cubs. But from what I have seen from them, o don't think your talking about the same one I am. All of the animals I've seen in the videos about them seem to be happy and healthy, except one time a cheetah named gabral had became ill and the staff was trying to figure out what was wrong. However, I will do more research on them, so thank you for letting me know. As for the topic, I do understand that if caught it could be bad for me.. that's why I came here to talk about it. I want to go there to form a connection with these animals, to see them in a way that I have never been able to before. Hopefully form a lasting bond with one, because that is something I have dreamed of since I was a child. I love everything about cheetahs, from their deep, thoughtful eyes, their somber but strong face and mentality, and I'm ranting on... I don't even know what kind of advice I'm trying to get... Nor do I even know what I'm trying to even say. Being a zoo has always been like that for me, I can't find answers to questions I can't even articulate. I will try to keep things platonic, but I really don't know how to do that with an animal I'm attracted to unless they show they don't want me. So I guess maybe I'm trying to find out how do I do that before I even try rather than after I'm rejected?

Susitar Canidae 1 point on 2017-04-09 19:51:08

Um... are you saying you lack self-control? That's a big problem.

umbre2597 1 point on 2017-04-09 20:15:22

With this topic. Yes. Sortof. It's just the thought would eat away at me and drive me crazy to the point I just hit a point of saying f*ck it. Then I end up trying, and it just... Gets out of my system and I can control myself after the first time. Every animal I have been attracted to it was like that for the first time with that type. First dog I just couldn't stop thinking about it to the point I came out, out of the blue to my ex boyfriend that I was zoo and asking if I could mess with his dog. (He let me. Don't know if he was truly ok with it, but he was.. abusive to me and maniged to keep hold of me by sometimes letting me do what I wanted that was weird to other people) And the fist cat, I regret so I much not being able to do a anything with him and he's dead now..... Like I said , I'm having trouble articulating my question. I'm not good at explaining things that have only ever had internal conflicts about.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 2 points on 2017-04-09 13:27:37

I don't really know what you're asking for.
You want to work with them, but you're afraid that you can't do anything sexual with them?

I'm not an expert on these animals, but if you study them it might become more obvious to you from what to expect.
I don't really want to encourage you to try anything sexual as that seems dangerous, but as I said I don't know much about them myself. If you're ever gonna do anything, the only advice I give you is being very careful. Try to get them used to touching in 'weird' places. Though I'd not recommend it at all. I'm not the one to choose.

In one of your comments below you stated that you suck your cat.
Well... since you're a cheetah zoo and since you suck your cat I think it's safe to say you're attracted to cats too.
I don't know how to put this, but it sounds a little rude.
You can stick to your cat because you're (probably) attracted to them as well.
I'm a canid zoo and my attraction (kind of) started with foxes.
I will never really have a fox partner or a even wolf partner, even though I wanted one.
But my bitch, so a dog, is enough for me. So I'm taking a guess and I'd say a cat might do the same for you.

But still, I think it's important that you meet a cheetah in real life.
It will fill an empty feeling in your heart and you will enjoy it.
I have met foxes and wolves and I absolutely loved it.
It was one of the rare things that I wanted to do in life and actually came true.

umbre2597 1 point on 2017-04-09 19:30:37

I feel like I've explained the safety issue twice already in my other responses. Cheetahs are not like other big cats and can be handled. And I don't really know what I'm trying to ask... I think it's how do I drop he want to do something with an animal before I'm rejected by them?

ZooIam 2 points on 2017-04-09 21:08:43

The same way anyone else does, relieve the sexual tension privately through masturbation and have some self control.

I unfortunately do not have a dog of my own and also face that temptation when around animals that I know but belong to friends. If I know we're going to hang out I'll make sure any list is 'relieved' before we hang.

umbre2597 1 point on 2017-04-09 21:49:17

I guess I'll try that.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-11 14:35:30

I sometimes wonder how you are able to do that without getting jealous of the ones having sex...