Between Love and Sleep (an old one of mine) [NSFW] (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-04-11 00:47:51 by silverwolf-tippysmat

We held our bodies close, arousal following sensation as skin pressed fur. Your eyes shining, you tucked your delicate face into my broad chest, your hot breath steaming against my hair. Trembling, I ran a work-worn hand along your smooth side feeling the taut muscular frame beside me relax. Bending my thick neck, I kiss your fuzzy folded ear. Eyes closed to the outside world, you whimper softly. You lift and drop your fine stranded tail, the silken hairs brushing tenderly across my sex hugging your own. Warmth floods my head. Your small paws cool against my hard stomach, my warm hands caressing your arched neck. Soft I am, held to you soft and wet as well. Your scent filling my mind, your touch spread along my body, my eyes close too. We float on this cloud of love, once but a cotton filled mattress, and drift away. Together, bitch and man.

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