The Soft Times Pt2 (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-04-12 16:17:20 by silverwolf-tippysmat

I cherish the soft times with you The delicate kiss of your paper tongue on my lips That sends tingles along my jaw And tremors through my heart The wonderful soft times with you

There is a chill in the summer air this night, low temperature records being set across the state the TV tells me as I snuggle deeper beneath the heavy quilt I’d had stored for the season. I hear the pet door flapping and moments later Tippy leaps magnificently upon the bed. Wagging hello, she lies on my body, the thick quilt between us, and, legs spread to my hips, puts a paw to each side of my head, pushing the pillow in a light stretch. She stares down on me, and as I fill her melting brown eyes, slides her thin tongue along my lips. I slack my jaw slightly and she pushes her kiss deeper. Sucking, I hold her tongue then let it coil back to her slowly, only to take it again the same passion filled way. Her toes dig into the quilt with her effort as she makes our teeth meet and a wet leathery nose rubs hot breath across my cheek. Her tongue tickling my throat, I run my own softly along her dark lips and sharp teeth till finally, regrettably, she releases me to look smiling down on me while her tail beats the bedding.

I can feel her twitch on my nakedness even through the quilt as she lays accepting my hands caress of her face. She half rolls off my body to nose the top of the quilt away and burrow below the sheet. I laughingly fight to stay covered as she turns beneath the linen to finally settle her shoulder on my left bicep, head turned from me on the pillow. My captive arm strokes her silken side and leg, and invitingly, she raises her foot offering me more tender skin. My fingertips lightly dance along her tight stomach, erect nipples like speed bumps slowing my touch. She whimpers, softly. Sensations flow from my hand to my soul as I trace her plump sex, and I carefully probe deeper there between her loosened lips. Massaging her vagina slowly my finger becomes a piston in a slow moving fiery engine, and with a low moan her legs clasp my wrist in a steel grip as she reaches that often sought plateau of pleasure. She rolls on her back as I struggle with my right hand to turn out the light, and with a tender kiss as her throbbing flesh holds my hand still, we close our eyes to sleep.

I miss the soft times with you And remember them most in my cold existence


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