The Soft Times Pt3 [NSFW] (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-04-12 16:18:56 by silverwolf-tippysmat

I cherish the soft times with you Sharing mirth and meal In the days dying splendor The wonderful soft times with you

Tippy and I had just ended a 10 hour shift at work and were cruising toward the small city 12 miles away for dinner. Tippy had, of course eaten that day, but I was sure it would take little convincing to entice her to join me in a burger and fries, so I steered a course for the nearest “Wendy’s” restaurant where the burgers are at least real beef and freshly cooked. The parking lot was full when we arrived, but I parked at the shopping center next door and, clipping a lead to Tips harness, we walked across.

There was an outside eating area, another reason I liked this eatery, with tables easily viewed from the ordering counter inside the glass walled building, and to the leg of one I tied Tippy for her own safety before going in to order. As I stood waiting for a double cheese with the works and a single plain without, I kept my eyes on her, sitting on the bench with her own eyes on the door patiently awaiting her mate and her meal. When I walked out the door I noticed she had attracted a small crowd by the window. Taken by her exquisite beauty as was I at every glance, I’m sure.

I sat, facing her, with my back to the building and unwrapped the huge double cheeseburger; take a jackknife from the leather snap sheath on my belt to cut it in quarters. Arranging some fries with salt and ketchup beside it, I slid it under her wiggling nose, then unwrapped my own single burger and began to eat.

Her audience was both inside and out now, and giggling and whispers of “How cute!” were freely heard behind me as she carefully removed the top bun from each piece of her sandwich to lay it on the paper neatly. She began licking sauce from the uppermost layers of lettuce and onion; occasionally chewing the salad makings with delicate precision till she met with a slice of dill pickle. As if bitten by a bee, she shook her little nose then sneezed ferociously, her head pushed by the force of it directly into her burger! Mustard, ketchup and mayonnaise sauce dripped from her small features, and as I burst out laughing I heard it echoed by those behind us. Wagging her slim tail, she barked a laugh of her own then stretched her face toward the napkin I held out to clean her with. Standing her front paws on the table to reach farther, she fought away from the napkin to instead give me a sloppy wet kiss. Hearing more tittering from the crowd, I turned with a wink to show them my now ketchup covered cheek and chin. The laughter became an uproar and I turned back to return her kiss and finally clean her sweet face!

After first removing any other pickles, we finished our meal among the continued laughter and an occasional request to ‘pet’ my lover, which she graciously allowed. As we drove homeward, I again reached to kiss her, telling her how wonderful she was for me and how no other meal was more special than those she shared with me.

I miss the soft times with you And remember them most in my cold existence


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