What precautions do those of you who live in an illegal area take? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-04-13 02:33:19 by ilovstallions

I mean other than the obvious don't tell anyone you don't trust 110% [or no one period], don't be having relations with animals in an open area where some weirdo could be filming you with a drone or from their house or something. Do you do anything special otherwise?

substallion לשלוט בי, הסוס שלי 5 points on 2017-04-13 08:23:05

If you look normal, you can pass off for normal. Make small talk for any non-intimate social interactions, if they happen. Act like you belong.

Swibblestein 3 points on 2017-04-13 09:26:51

Well I've found that not wearing ties made to look like animal genitalia rather helps.

Though now that I say that I would totally wear a tie like that.

(To answer your question seriously, sometimes when suspicion comes up I claim to be asexual. Other than that, not much)

BamTwig Black Lab Owner 1 point on 2017-04-13 13:12:16

I trained my puppy to really not show anything that gives me away unless they know the codeword.

yrs-bluebox 1 point on 2017-07-11 11:34:13

How did you train?

BamTwig Black Lab Owner 1 point on 2017-07-11 12:54:53

I waited until he was sexually mature.

When I started touching him I would say the word before and we would play. This would teach him that there is a time and place.

I would wait for the dust to settle and get naked and tell him off for trying to do anything sexual.

I would then use the word and everything would be available.

I kept that up and we would only play when the word was used.

He then would find a way to tell me to ask and I would use the word and we would play.

I didn't want to use a mat, smell or item as I wasn't staying where I was and needed something I could do anywhere.

yrs-bluebox 1 point on 2017-07-11 20:23:44

What word did you use, and why? How old is mature?

BamTwig Black Lab Owner 1 point on 2017-07-11 20:35:31

I'm not telling you his secret codeword. But it's something unique, someone nobody would say normally. If it's common or a lot of people are going to say it. Trouble will ensue.

I told you why I used a word! I was moving and didn't want to use a mat, smell or item.

Dogs mature sexually at different ages...

They will let you know when they are ready for that type of play, but don't expect it before they are a year old.

If you're rescuing, don't expect to find an intact dog and if you do, you still want to bond with the dog before anything sexual happens.

yrs-bluebox 1 point on 2017-07-11 22:05:23

When I asked why, I meant why choose that particular word, which you've answered. Thanks btw. So about mounting, etc. Is it possible to slow them down so they're not so frantic? My dog is a Lab, and intact but with a soon-to-be vasectomy. I'd like to jack him when he's ready to relieve his tensions, instead of him being wound up like a spring all the time. If he's interested in more, ill cross that bridge when I get to it.

BamTwig Black Lab Owner 1 point on 2017-07-12 07:17:37

Dogs have one speed, there is no slowing down.

Why would you do a procedure that could limit his sex drive in a dog that you want to perform?

There are many dogs that are intact by regular owners who don't use a sexual component for energy release.

If he's wound up, find a way to exercise him, mentally or physically.. Sex is not something you should jump straight into.

yrs-bluebox 1 point on 2017-07-12 14:21:36

I don't want to limit his sex drive, it's in his breeder's contract to be neutered by a year. I found a rare vet that can do vasectomy instead, so he keeps his hormones and it is less barbaric. This guy gets a ton of exercise, I just cringe at the thought of a pet being castrated and completely denied such a fundamental experience just because the owner thinks animals bodies are no different than hedges in the yard, there to be snipped and twisted at a whim, with a total disregard for feelings and initial purpose.

Yearningmice Zoophile 6 points on 2017-04-13 14:00:32

Don't do porn, video yourself, take suggestive pictures etc.

I watch the news for bestiality cases and I've yet to see anyone go to jail unless there is evidence, usually video evidence, usually taken by the person going to jail.

I express my emotions towards my horse as I feel them. I don't ever look out of place kissing her nose, dotting on her, telling her I love her, no one cares 'cause it's pretty normal. Every male rider that I know does it unless they are twisted up trying to be super masculine. YMMV by culture. But it has been my experience that people actively avoid "going there" in their heads.

I find keeping your personal life, your barn life and your work life separate helpful as well.

UntamedAnomaly 2 points on 2017-04-13 20:00:44

This. I have always noticed, that too in beastiality cases. No evidence, no charge.

I've personally become zoo exclusive because I can't trust humans in a myriad of situations, let alone trusting one enough to be 100% open about my life with and I've noticed that people who try to keep that part of their lives secret from their SO, take a huge risk because they could find out/start to get suspicious (and snoop around) at any time. And a lot of bestiality cases start with a SO finding out/being told about it and not taking it well, I don't want any of that in my life for sure. I honestly don't ever want a relationship in which my SO doesn't know absolutely everything about me. Intimacy and openness are extremely important to me in any human x human relationship, but I can't do that sooo...zoo exclusive and fake human friends it is!

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-14 00:15:16

I honestly don't ever want a relationship in which my SO doesn't know absolutely everything about me.

What if someone decides to be honest with their SO about their zoo activity, and then the SO freaks out and reports them to authorities?

UntamedAnomaly 2 points on 2017-04-14 00:53:33

That's why I said I am zoo exclusive. To be honest though, humans are getting more and more unattractive to me the older I get anyways.

Skgrsgpf 3 points on 2017-04-14 00:37:34

unless there is evidence, usually video evidence

As I said (see the other comment I made), a "rape kit" is sometimes used by veterinarians and authorities to look for physical (sexual) evidence in an animal. The use of a condom might prevent this.

UntamedAnomaly 1 point on 2017-04-14 00:59:51

Yeah, that's another thing I wonder about. Can the authorities force you to take a swab test to determine if animal semen is inside of you? Like that is next level scary shit right there.

Skgrsgpf 2 points on 2017-04-14 01:02:42

I don't know about humans being tested, but I have heard of the authorities using a "rape kit" on an animal (looking for human semen).

UntamedAnomaly 1 point on 2017-04-14 01:04:12

Well, I guess I'll never have to worry about that fortunately. I feel bad for anyone who does have semen though, that's gotta be an extra added layer or anxiety right there. Although, I imagine that skin cells can get rubbed off and stuck to the bits of the animal and that could always be swabbed and tested, but that isn't really solid evidence. Dogs get erections sometimes without sexual activity, and bitches and dogs sit with their bits touching everything they sit on and our cells are on everything from the floor, to our furniture.

Sheppsoldier -2 points on 2017-04-14 02:37:55

Yes, our DNA is on everything. Skin cells, hair, semen, fingerprints, etc can be collected and planted as "false evidence." Pornography can be planted and used as false evidence.

It isn't difficult for corrupt investigators or any disgusting person to frame innocents if they can gain access to these methods of evidence fabrication. They will typically try to manipulate a false confession from their target to go along with any evidence the investigators might have planted.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-14 02:48:33

Don't keep pornography created by another person either. Sometimes the porn and videos were deliberately distributed in order to be used as "planted evidence" against whoever saves the footage to their hard drive.

If the persecutory lies against people who have sex with animals weren't bad enough, the fabricated evidence and entrapment is pushing the line.

silverwolf-tippysmat 1 point on 2017-04-13 15:18:50

Simple. Keep yer private love life private. Things that protect your lover/ companion protect you as well, for instance; Don't involve another human in your love life with your animal partner. (Frankly, why would you want to anyway?) As said already, don't advertise yourself in video or pictures. Disguise both yourself and partner in writing about it. Don't "fencehop", that'll get ya caught quicker'n hell, and there are many other reasons not to anyhow. Don't "share". That's dangerous on many levels.

In my time online, most of those in the community I've known to be caught or to suffer consequences for their beastility behavior have done so due to a fellow "zoo", not an anti or an LEO or a religious nut or a law in their area, but another dyed in the wool beastialist that they allowed into their life who got mad at them for one reason or another.

The few that haven't been the result of another zoo have been exibitionists more worried about making porn than protecting their own, or who use others animals because they don't have or want the responsibility of having their own.

Facts of life folks, humans can never be trusted 110%, or even 50%. I keep my offline contacts very few, and those I confine to letters or a rare phone call. I ain't into animals to impress or attract a human to begin with, so it works for me.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-14 00:49:19

...caught or to suffer consequences for their beastility behavior have done so due to a fellow "zoo"

Also, people who are not themselves "zoo" but found out about it. For example, a person who had sex with an animal and then a family member walked in the door and saw it, then called the authorities on them. I've seen several news stories where that happened. Obviously this wouldn't be a risk if the person lives alone.

Some other cases involved a detective hunting down people (the detective used a "reverse image search" to look up face photos that were posted on Beast Forum), and the 10 sting operations conducted by Joe Arpaio in Arizona (all of which involved people on Craigslist or Beast Forum who went to those site's personals sections and attempted to meet what they thought were zoos, who turned out to be police). There have also been stings in other states like Missouri and New Hampshire.

...result of another zoo have been exibitionists

As you said, exhibitionists risk getting caught. There was a recent arrest in which a woman posted photos of herself having sex with dogs to Pornsocket -- the images showed her face. Apparently someone recognized her face, called the authorities, and she was arrested.

silverwolf-tippysmat 1 point on 2017-04-14 01:02:44

I was talking only of those I've known caught in our online communities. They, in the majority have been solely due to other zoos, a few to being caught red handed by non-zoos, yes, but most are other zoos they've gotten involved with sexually or personally.

The best defense remains zoo-exclusivity and living alone, and not making or uploading porn... hard for many, but near foolproof.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-14 01:15:22

but most are other zoos they've gotten involved with sexually or personally.

This why I feel that attempting to meet other zoos (for example, via a website's personals section) is risky.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-14 02:20:24

I agree. There are dishonest private investigators hanging out on those websites. I know most of their names but I'm not cruel enough to name them here. They are the same people lobbying for the criminalization of sex with animals. These people are uneducated (properly educated) bigots who's only source of confidence is to "take down" zoophiles and their culture.

These investigators are corrupt. They are "Law Trolls" who enjoy the convenience of bullying underepresented people who have no chance of defending themselves in court when the laws are passed. They're creating criminals out of innocent people by fabricating claims, planting evidence on people's hard drives, telling lies to the courts, omitting and falsifying research in benefit to their personal beliefs and profit.

Tracking real criminals is too scary and dangerous for them. They are creating criminals out of innocent people and cultures. They're persecuting harmless people, using the fear mongering to sell security and investigative services to paranoid animal owners.


They can basically enable people to break into your homes, rape your animals, etc so they can coerce you into buying their sense of security. Security scammers.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-14 01:12:05

Use fake pictures. On BeastForum, members should use the pictures of people who are very likely to be highly dangerous, would put witch-hunters, detectives, and investigators in danger if the real owner of the pictures were to be tracked down.

I have nothing against our honest lawmen, but something must be done to negatively affect the health of extremist officers, detectives, vigilantes and anyone who rigidly follows any written law like a brainless zombie.

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-13 15:59:12

Basically what you said. Don't talk about it.
I wish it was more effective, though. There's a great amount of people who are under the impression that I'm a zoo.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-25 22:20:34

What about talking about it online?

They_are_behind_us WarCanine Throwaway. Thoughts of horror grows and twists itself. 1 point on 2017-04-25 22:23:53

I meant not talking about it in real life.

Though, I probably shouldn't have talked about it online, or at least not under the same name.
Not posting personal information also helps.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-13 22:50:01

I close the curtains.

I lock the door.

And then when I'm sure no one is watching I come here, and talk to you all in hopes somehow, someway it might better the world.

The age of porn and sex has passed for me I'm afraid.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-14 00:24:12

There are some suggestions from this thread:


It is mainly technical advice, such as how to use a VPN, encryption, and how to eliminate EXIF data.

To answer the question: no making of porn, no fence-hopping, no talking about it. Trying to meet other zoos in real life (i.e. via the personals section of a website) is also risky. Don't have sex on someone else's property, and don't have sex in an outdoors/public place where one can be seen.

...unless there is evidence, usually video evidence... (Yearningmice)

There have been some cases in which an animal was tested by veterinarians or authorities with a "rape kit" (looking for traces of human semen - as evidence that a "suspect" had sex with the animal) -- the use of a condom (by men) might prevent this. It is unknown whether trying to clean the animal would prevent it.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-04-14 00:54:33

Well, you have to be careful because there are people who will dig condoms out of trash cans, scoop out the semen and "plant" evidence. Planted evidence and enablement is the "secret weapon" used in the takedown of targeted people and the creation of new laws.

Do rape kits know the difference between real evidence and planted evidence? If not, keep track of all your used condoms even if it wasn't used with an animal.

[deleted] 0 points on 2017-04-14 04:05:43


AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-04-14 21:15:18

You know what this is. We can tolerate people being identified as terrorists, but this kind of hyperbole is unacceptable, and you know it.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-15 00:58:46

Not really. All I know is that there are people in this country looking for excuses to steal my love, time and freedom. A few offensive words can't ever really add up to what these people are planning on doing to me and other zoophiles.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-04-15 01:09:51

You can't control what happens outside of this community, but you can control what you do in it. We have very clear rules against hate speech and disrespect, and that's it. If you refuse to respect the expectations of this community, why would people outside of this community want to respect your wishes? Hint: they won't.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-15 01:23:21

They wouldn't respect my wishes despite what I do in here or out there regardless. Why do you (and anti-zoos) always make these false associations between unlike concepts? Why would the expectations of this community matter to them if they aren't running this place? Are you running this place under Anti-Zoo supervision just to help them demoralize and degrade zoos freedoms? Otherwise I don't see a valid relation.

They really do not deserve kind words from me because I wasn't the one who started the fire. I guess they just felt like it would be cool to burn everybody in spite of their own intolerance for people who have sex with animals.

BTW you just contradicted yourself. If I can't control what happens outside of this community, how would changing my behavior in this community control how they respect my wishes outside of the community when you claim I can't control it?

I think you should stop lying. It's' getting very old and very obvious. Have some Integrity.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-04-15 01:59:33

They wouldn't respect my wishes despite what I do in here or out there regardless.

Respecting the community's rules only helps you, because repeatedly disrespecting our rules will lead us to asking you to leave.

Why do you (and anti-zoos) always make these false associations between unlike concepts? Why would the expectations of this community matter to them if they aren't running this place?

Because if you don't respect the rules in one of the few places that's accommodating to zoos, they can still see you bickering here, talking about how you won't even follow our rules. It implies a general disregard for rules to go with what sometimes seems like an anarchist philosophy, and likely a much more severe disregard for their rules. You present yourself as someone that would willingly overlook any stipulations that would be included in a 'fair' animal sex law.

Are you running this place under Anti-Zoo supervision just to help them demoralize and degrade zoos freedoms?

Nice to see that you're at least implying that I'm not anti zoo for once.

They really do not deserve kind words from me because I wasn't the one who started the fire. I guess they just felt like it would be cool to burn everybody in spite of their own intolerance for people who have sex with animals.

Never said you had to say nice things. You can't break the rules talking about them though.

BTW you just contradicted yourself. If I can't control what happens outside of this community, how would changing my behavior in this community control how they respect my wishes outside of the community when you claim I can't control it?

It isn't, because they can control themselves the same way you can control yourself. If, while studying zoos, they see a bunch of civil conduct that is respecting both the zoo and anti zoo arguments, that speaks well to your disposition, with the inverse being true as well.

I think you should stop lying. It's' getting very old and very obvious. Have some Integrity.

I've been deadly serious with you.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-15 02:11:03

Like the Anti-Zoos (but not the Anti-Zoos) don't you think you might just be "making up" the rules and modifying them to suit yourself whenever somebody speaks about something that hurts your pride and threatens your position? That's like Oregon, where it's illegal to speak about sex with animals because somebody like myself might present "better" more proactive information that could warrant change towards tolerance.

Like the Wizard of Oz, the big guy is really just a simple little munchkin, hiding behind some curtain called... "The Rules"

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-04-15 02:16:22

Like the Anti-Zoos (but not the Anti-Zoos) don't you think you might just be "making up" the rules and modifying them to suit yourself whenever somebody speaks about something that hurts your pride and threatens your position?

Rules 7 and 8 are publicly available for your reading pleasure. That's what I enforce. I've never enforced against you for 'shaky reasoning'. I enforced against you for rule 7 and 8 violations

Like the Wizard of Oz, the big guy is really just a simple little man behind some curtain called... "The Rules"

Yeah, I am a man. Recall back to when i was instated as a moderator, I wrote a detailed introduction. It was for the purpose of putting a person to the name.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-15 02:22:15

I renamed "man" to "munchkin" if that helps any.

Anyways, my reasoning wouldn't appear so shaky if it was viewed from a stable platform. Nothing wrong with my structure...

...lest you prove your own instability.

Running in circles away from the facts does not look good.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-04-15 02:40:32

Oh, forgot to mention that I've now voided the agreement. You've been warned.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-04-15 02:46:42

...lest you prove your own instability.

Running in circles away from the facts does not look good.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-04-15 03:09:38

Just follow the rules and you won't be asked to leave by the mods.

Oh, and I want to clarify that the agreement was voided due to the clause that indicated you must show a dedication to improving your standing with the rules.

FJQZ 2 points on 2017-04-18 05:39:17

"some weirdo filming you". Only weirdos are you guys. The fuck is wrong with you all