Ph. D. in Zoophilia - questionnaire (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-04-15 15:08:06 by kczuper


I am Ph. D. Candidate asking for your voluntary participation in questionnaire. There is no personal risks or benefits to you for participating the study. It will help me in my doctoral dissertation and maybe in my book which I plan to write.

Best regards,

Katarzyna Czupryńska Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-04-15 15:33:59

:) Z Polski?

kczuper 1 point on 2017-04-15 19:41:09


Yearningmice Zoophile 1 point on 2017-04-15 16:40:11

LOL, can't figure out how to verify any of this one, so I'm gonna pass. If anyone else has experience with this person let us know.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-04-15 18:58:39

I don't know her, but after a little bit searching I found this:, so she is probably from Gdańsk (north Poland).

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 4 points on 2017-04-15 16:40:52

What university do you go to? What program are you enrolled in? I assume you have an academic email -- can you send me an email at to verify that you're a student? Many of our users are very security minded, so it's important we have some way to know that your survey is legitimate.

The site you're using seems to be alright, but at the same time there's no data available on it. Leave it to a Ph. D student to find the most obscure shit to host their surveys on, lol.

Yearningmice Zoophile 1 point on 2017-04-15 16:57:05

Well, security is an issue to which they are legally liable and normal hosters won't take on that liability so... Still, not mentioning your University is a big red flag.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-04-15 19:43:16


kczuper 2 points on 2017-04-15 20:03:27

I go to Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie.

I decided to use everywhere my own email in case people would like to contact me and ask about my work even after the study is done.

This way also you can check who I am :) as your friend did.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-04-15 20:42:53

I asked for a message from your school email because much of this community won't really trust you until you give us evidence of your enrollment.

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 1 point on 2017-04-15 18:01:08

Well, its a bit


and some of the questions seem redundant

tencendur_ Neeeigh 2 points on 2017-04-16 13:47:57

Redundant questions are placed in tests in order to catch inconsistencies or liars.

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 1 point on 2017-04-16 14:02:45

I understand, but it makes it so i actually have to try to find time to do this, which means i probably wont do it.

altoids1989 zoo-exclusive 1 point on 2017-04-15 21:49:54

I filled out the survey and submitted it.

Why are you doing this as your dissertation? What do your professors think of this issue?

kczuper 1 point on 2017-04-16 07:57:13

Thank you !

I'm writing about law (mostly). Picking up this subject was kind of natural thing... my masters was about situation of animal in criminal law so let's say it's continuation.

Professor.. at first suprised but he's intrested in that what I'm writing/doing;)

altoids1989 zoo-exclusive 1 point on 2017-04-16 14:38:15

If that's your goal, you should also contact the Humane Society of the United States, since very recently they have been on a massive push to ban zoophilia in the remaining states where it is still technically legal. It would be interesting to see how they try to justify their witch hunt, now that you've actually been talking to zoophiles (and presumably have a more rational view of the situation versus the more emotional responses most others have). My guess is that they're pushing these laws because it gives them more legal power, and increases the donations they receive (please ask them how their donations have been affected since implementing these laws). I highly doubt they actually have any concrete evidence that bestiality is becoming a "serious problem," given how rarely it really occurs.

fuzzyfurry 3 points on 2017-04-17 10:41:51

They tell everyone their "justification" who wants to hear it. Just now I Read

A study of 44,202 adult males evaluated for sexual misconduct found that bestiality is the single largest risk factor and strongest predictor of increased risk for committing child sexual abuse.

Individuals convicted of bestiality are the most likely to “cross-over” into other forms of criminal behavior – moving from non-contact offenses like trespassing to contact offenses like rape Forty percent (40%) of the perpetrators of sexually motivated homicides reported they had sexually abused animals.

The really astounding thing is how not only do they themselves not notice that from a group of "adult males evaluated for sexual misconduct" they can not extrapolate to the general public, but also the journalists reporting on it do not question that leap whatsoever. Of course there is Hanlon's razor but at some point it's just getting hard to believe it's not born out of malicious intentions.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-04-17 16:49:32

"´s not born out of malicious intentions"....oooooorrr these uninvolved folks have a more unbiased and wholistic view on "the zoophile scene" than some inexperienced virgins ranting on the internet. I´m sick and tired from trying to readjust your perspective´s focus, but NO ONE is "unbiased" regarding zoophilia....and you ranting "activists" actually think you´re the ones with the final and inchallengable "truth"....but you´re not; you´re equally biased and have the same, if not an even bigger amount of "intent" to present data that fits into YOUR narrative.

Oh, and it would be a very nice thing to avoid trying to instrumentalise some random researcher to do YOUR work for you. If YOU disagree with the HSUS, then contact them yourself instead of trying to make someone a puppet to fight your battles for you. And: Poland is a very catholic country. I guess the backlash of conducting such a study could be fundamental for the researcher, especially when this researcher is talked into the position of a "zoophile advocate".Stop fucking yourselves over whenever a chance to do so arises...

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 2 points on 2017-04-17 17:51:30

The post you are quoting is simply using standard logic to point out that study has huge selection bias issues. Why you are having such a hissy fit about this is beyond me.

Also, it's ever amusing to see you rage about the judgements of "internet virgins," this time aparently for bias. I think you need to take a long hard look at what the word "bias" actaully means. You may find it applies more to your kind than "internet virgins."

I´m sick and tired from trying to readjust your perspective´s focus, but NO ONE is "unbiased" regarding zoophilia....and you ranting "activists" actually think you´re the ones with the final and inchallengable "truth"....but you´re not; you´re equally biased and have the same, if not an even bigger amount of "intent" to present data that fits into YOUR narrative.

Human issue, not a zoo issue. Don't believe me? Sub "zoophilia" for "global warming" above. Still ring true? Yeah, thought so.

Point being, there still is an ultimate truth. Logic helps us sort it from the noise, which is why I wish you'd use it more.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-04-17 18:13:10

There still is an ultimate truth? For an adult, this is quite a ridiculous perspective to have, Einstein should have taught you that EVERYTHING is relative, even "truth". For more info on this, please consult Robert Anton Wilson´s "Cosmic Trigger" and "Prometheus Rising"

And how often do you and your likeminded "alliees" want to point out how flawed and biased studies are? How often, Captain Obvious? And have you noticed you actually underlined my "ranting virgins" comment with your own reply? ;)

All you can do is pointing out the obvious, the already known....but what do you have to offer instead? Making way for anybody who feels entitled to "go and testfuck an animal" with your stupid "make zoophilia legal" approach? Let me tell you something: Zoophilia WAS "legal" in Germany ´til 2013...and it surely unveiled why keeping sex with animals legal is heaven for beasties, but hell for the animals. Do you know that some call bestiality "German" as they call anal intersourse "Greek"? Why do you think this is so? Hint: It could have lots to do with the massive amount of animal porn coming from German sources due to the fact that sex with animals wasn´t punishable and all the porn makers felt somehow "safe".

Well, do whatever you like, all your efforts will still be in total vain. Just continue trying the same shit (" WE´re Sooooo misunderstood and persecuted!"), but don´t be surprised when you get the same results with this approach as in all the 25 years before. Your methods, your goal...all that is bullshit. And I was repulsed from discovering an Aluzky vid where he rolls in canine feces...but there are some more lovers of shit out there, as it seems...

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-17 21:10:25

There still is an ultimate truth? For an adult, this is quite a ridiculous perspective to have, Einstein should have taught you that EVERYTHING is relative, even "truth". For more info on this, please consult Robert Anton Wilson´s "Cosmic Trigger" and "Prometheus Rising"

I subscribe more to Socrates, and the fact that the computer you're using couldn't operate if absolute truth did not exist. Morals are relative, truth is not, unless you exist on a quantum plane or something, but pretty sure you don't. So sorry, but try again.

And how often do you and your likeminded "alliees" want to point out how flawed and biased studies are? How often, Captain Obvious? And have you noticed you actually underlined my "ranting virgins" comment with your own reply? ;)

As often as they are presented? As for the rest, I am really unsure what you are getting at. You really should make a clever "Captain Obvious" comment more... obvious?

Well, do whatever you like, all your efforts will still be in total vain.

You seem fond of prophecies. Here's one for you: You will do just as badly. I've always maintained it's not the rheteoric, but the times we live in. There is no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater to win an unwinnable battle. When people are ready to accept us, they will. You have no power here, by virtue of raw statistics.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-04-17 21:47:45

Well,well,well, aren´t you the guy who proved his ...ahem...rather underdeveloped and unreliable judgement by telling your parents about your sexuality? And aren´t you the guy who proved his unreliable judgement again by switching your screen names like others switch underwear? Aren´t you the one panicking about being "doxxed" by some random fool(s) , literally on a daily basis? If there´s no Doppelgänger out there, looking, acting and writing exactly like you, I prefer NOT to rely on the judgement of a dude that has shown his ineptness to correctly judge situations.

By the way: I already DID much better....don´t you remember? 22 Years of living my relationship uninterrupted and uninterfered in a boarding stable? And I don´t even start telling you about my friends who are having the same life of relative tolerance because they listened to me and what I have to offer...and you, Rannoch? What have you done...except ducking down in your hole?

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 2 points on 2017-04-18 03:08:34

Well,well,well, aren´t you the guy who proved his ...ahem...rather underdeveloped and unreliable judgement by telling your parents about your sexuality?

At 15 I bet you were an f'in retard too. Some of us grow out of it.

And aren´t you the guy who proved his unreliable judgement again by switching your screen names like others switch underwear?

I was panicked and worried for good reason. I wish I had Rannoch back. That name MEANT something to me. I doubt you would understand what, but oh well, thus is life.

Aren´t you the one panicking about being "doxxed" by some random fool(s) , literally on a daily basis?

Did once in my life (he had some details right, took time to realize he had the important ones wrong, it made me worried, so sue me) become a daily basis now? You sure have a penchant for exageration. Ironically, the one thing Rannoch is known for in this community is for NOT changing his screen name. Not vice-versa. People literally make fun of me for it. I was Rannoch for over 15 YEARS. People know that name, ask around... enough to ban it from every zoo forum around, as a matter of fact (for trying to reach out to an antizoo group I might add, something I could see you doing ironically) Try again, dude.

Since you've established a nice tempo, allow me to finish: Aren't you resorting to petty attacks now? Everyone knows who I am, dude. Except you, apparently.

I already DID much better....don´t you remember?

So you say. The world still is as fucked as ever though, and frankly, here and now (the only place I can judge you) I haven't seen it. I let actions and logic speak louder than stories of supposedly open sexpolits with your mare. Really dude. I call prophecy on track.

Rannoch? What have you done...except ducking down in your hole?

Being I'm a jorunalist now, I can say with some confidence I am actually accomplishing a hell of a lot more than you, in terms of my influence on the masses. My life the past few months has garnered meaning. That hole? I've crawled out of it, mostly (I even go outside sometimes for my job and don't worry about insects so bad). That takes a hell of a lot more strength than you will ever know, and knocking me down with petty insults is not going to happen.

I have friends too, dude. A lot of them in fact. Making friends with or without your "philosophy" wasn't going to happen in my fundamentalist Christian family. Sorry, but no.

I'm not your enemy. Stop treating me like it, and maybe someday you'll stop digging yourself into the ground.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-04-18 00:04:08

While truth is relative, and truth certainly doesn't exist in any definite capacity on a universal scale, there are things that can be observed as more true in a closed system when considering the data and accepted methods contained therein.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-04-19 00:21:22

Truth exists in mathmatics and logical systems though, which was my point. True, the observable will always be relative to what the observer can, cannot (or will not) see.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-04-19 00:58:57

Hence the accepted methods in a closed system part. :)

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2017-04-17 19:23:32

OP says they're mostly writing about law and those are exactly the groups that lobby for laws to be made and those are their arguments. I'm not claiming to have some deep insight nobody else has. It's just that unless I'm going crazy this is a simple fact that should make anyone with a minimum of critical thinking question their argumentation. But then you usually hear that everyone takes this argumentation at face value. Again, this a simple level of understanding statistics and data that you should expect people to have.

Also I never claimed to be an advocate or activist. I'm just some guy who comments in online forums.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-04-17 21:22:55

You mean....being actually openminded and NOT biased? Like I constantly demand all of you to be whenever "zoophilia" is involved?

Man, don´t demand from others what you cannot bring along yourself... Furthermore, you again failed to see things from a perspective NOT "zoo"/yours. Within the given context, the studies showing a correlation between bestiality and other crimes is accurate and valid. Within this context, everything the study claims to find is waterproof. There is a correlation, the only flaw of the study is the selection of its study subjects. And even that isn´t debunking anything...just because the study focuses on convicted persons , that doesn´t mean the findings are completely untransferrable to the non convicted "zoos" out there. If you´re observing our community for longer, you´ll easily find that there IS a certain group among us that usually IS getting in trouble with authorities, by their own idiocy and lack of responsibility.

Anyway, I still don´t see any promising future scenario coming from your approach. Being loud and visible , even when you are facing "incredible injustice", may not be the best thing to do when literally the entire society is opposing you. What do you guys expect? The HSUS officially saying that they were wrong and fucking animals is just great? The HSUS turning to a subdivision of ZETA? Or what exactly do you have in mind? Here´s something to wrap your head around, Axyz: the only way to abolish the "unjust" laws is to NOT (I repeat: NOT) produce cases by animal porn , fencehopping and other idiotic conduct. The less people are drawn in front of the judge, the more people will wonder if these laws are useful, justified and reasonable. You can easily issue a law against "painting the sky green" and it would be ridiculed by anyone sane...but if one eejit actually starts painting the sky green, the ridiculousness of the law suddenly turns into "I´m glad we outlawed it". What all of you are trying HAS been tried for more than 2 fucking decades now and it has proven to be entirely and utterly INEFFECTIVE. Nothing has changed for the better. Quite the opposite is true. The more "zoo" loudmouths emerge, the more "zoo" demands are made, the more normal people will think "Thank god we outlawed this shit!". The solution to our problem is NOT becoming visible, no matter what it´ll´s the opposite, going back underground, becoming invisible. Only retards will fall for the illusion that our orientation just needs a decend demonstration and a few mouthpieces constantly annoying society and then, everything will turn out just fine. This doesn´t relate to what ACTUALLY is happening around you and what can be witnessed IF your computer screen doesn´t match your mental horizon.

It´s just so sad to see what the new generation has turned our project into....some of the veterans would literally spit into your faces for what you have done to this.

fuzzyfurry 4 points on 2017-04-17 22:01:32

There is a correlation, the only flaw of the study is the selection of its study subjects.

I haven't read the study, but as far as I understand it, this is not a flaw in the study, just a limitation.

just because the study focuses on convicted persons , that doesn´t mean the findings are completely untransferrable to the non convicted "zoos" out there.

Maybe, but either way it doesn't make extension any more valid.

If you´re observing our community for longer, you´ll easily find that there IS a certain group among us that usually IS getting in trouble with authorities, by their own idiocy and lack of responsibility.

The less people are drawn in front of the judge, the more people will wonder if these laws are useful, justified and reasonable.

You do realize that you are describing the problem yourself here, right? This group won't stop and "go underground". I still don't believe there's much sense in saying this group is "among us" in the first place, because I can't imagine there is more than a very small overlap between a bestiality oriented forum like the contacts section in beastforum and zoophilia oriented forums like this one. I see no reason not to view them as two different "communities". You can continue to write your endless rants about "them" here, but I can guarantee that the vast majority of the "community" who goes online to solicit animal sex on the internet, sometimes even for payment, pays no interest whatsoever to your opinions. In fact I would rate your rants even more useless than my comments. Those people won't stop, they will continue to get caught and the only way is to deal with it properly, instead of making everything but those people invisible.

What do you guys expect? The HSUS officially saying that they were wrong and fucking animals is just great?

First, I expect them to stop publicly painting a psychological profile of zoophiles based on some subgroup that obviously includes many people who are only "opportune zoophiles" or indiscriminate abusers of people/children/animals in the first place.

Here´s something to wrap your head around, Axyz: the only way to abolish the "unjust" laws is to NOT (I repeat: NOT) produce cases by animal porn , fencehopping and other idiotic conduct.

Here's something to wrap your head around: I understand perfectly well that many of the people who are caught did one or the other thing wrong and oftentimes the law should allow stronger intervention from law enforcement in cases of sexual animal abuse. Of course it should be possible to remove sexually abused animals as fast as possible from the abusers. Of course it's a good idea to have mandatory psychological evaluations for abusers. The unjust part only comes in where it leaves the evidence based terrain, i.e. a law under which you personally would be handled as an animal abuser and convicted for animal cruelty without any evidence whatsoever that any abuse or cruelty has happened. Why is this such an exotic thought for you? Weren't there at least three interviews from a law professor to an ex constitutional judge who were opposed to the "ban" in germany or at least thought it's unnecessary? Even when not thought ought to the end, these stances are not too exotic, there just isn't an open public debate and there's no majority for it. Not surprising in a government where the biggest party still makes policy on the basis of religion.

Now see what you've done, I've written another rant that's probably just as long as yours, and we both went off topic. Just because I thought it could be interesting for OP, who say they write mostly about law, to examine how these laws come to be.

edit: Just read your latest reply to OS2Oslov and remembered that you are an asshole. I don't think I'm going to talk with you again.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-04-18 05:57:14

Aaaaand...another virgin trying to tell me how things run....Fine. Stay in your self chosen weeping hole then.Maybe you´ll find out what I´m all about and why your impression of me being an asshole is inaccurate when you actually LIVE a zoo life, not fantasise about it ´til your panties get wet.

Fun fact: It´s the assholes that get things done you and all of your little friends cannot. Another fun fact: 1:10. ...that´s the relation of genuine zoophiles and beasties . "Legal zoophilia" would make life of 1 zoophile "better", but makes life of the animals living with 10 wannabe zoo beasties into hell. Are you really so selfish to buy your "freedom" with the lives of all these animals? And I thought that zoophilia was all about animals and their wellbeing...guess I was wrong, huh?

Another fun fact: Actually, many "normals" DO make a difference between using animals solely for sex and real and true feelings. I´ve even heard soem normies say that sex with animals should be prohibited, but exemptions shall and can be made as long as the animal´s wellbeing comes first. The normies literally offer us a hand, show us a path...but we, the oh so sensitive animal whisperers, are too _____ (insert random derogatory adjective) to listen because we´re all sooo busy talking.

You´re all delusional if you really believe that sex with animals will be totally legal in the near, heck, even in the far future. These laws are here to stay, it doesn´t matter how loud your laments get. The only thing that is realistic to me is the "supervised zoophilia" scenario...anyone who favors the "legal zoophilia" bs is making huge efforts to totally disconnect from actual reality and society. There will be no "free zoophilia", learn to deal with it instead of throwing tantrums like spoiled little brats that are denied their demands. Society will NEVER accept even ONE animal being hurt or abused in ANY way or form just to make "zoophilia" legal...won´t happen, not now, not tomorrow, not in a thousand years. This isn´t a fuckin´70s revival and you´d all do yourselves a favor to get this simple reality in your friggin´ heads. You, Axyz, suffer from the same disease as many (too many) other have become "betriebsblind" and have lost any connection to society due to filter bubbles and feeding your mind with all this "pro zoo" bullshit. You´re basically as neutral as all those "anti zoos"...not at all, to be precise. But solving this problem demands a position in the middle, it demands compromises (and how much you all are willing to find compromises I have seen in various occasions ...) and sacrifices; but all I hear from you and those likeminded are demands, accusations ("Unjust! They don´t understand us! They don´t get it right!" etc.) and a very twisted sense of reality ("Errrmerrrgerrrd! They made fucking animals illegal! In two days, we all will be in jail because we all have a huge lettering on our forehead, saying "I fuck animals and feel good!"). But reality is not like that and if YOU don´t make such a fuss about your little hobby, no one else will make it. Just a few precautions and chances are pretty damn high you NEVER will come in contact with authorities. You´re literally seeing ghosts, folk...yeah, you see ghosts...but I don´t see a real zoo behind bars, only folks who did everything possible to justify their arrest.

It doesn´t take much and it also doesn´t take a university diploma to avoid getting in trouble. Why is it so hard to digest for you guys? And why don´t you see that making "zoophilia" legal turns animal´s lives into living hell only so you can feel "free" (or should I say unaccountable for what you do)?

You only think as far as your dick is protruding from your body. You only think things through from your side...but there´s always another one that is necessary to see the whole picture. Any "zoo rights" have to stand back for the animals...they´re what zoophilia (the real, not fake one) is all about and if I have to endure some minor legal threat in order to spare many animals from being abused and used as sex toys, I´m more than ready to live with the increased risk and will take enough precautions so my mares aren´t endangered in any way. If YOUR priorities are different and you´re placing "zoo rights" before the wellbeing of animals, you really shouldn´t be in here in the first place.For me, zoophilia isn´t a friggin` mask to wear, it is my life. That´s what I meant when I said that I changed the team...and Axyz...there´s some deep wisdom you can only learn from assholes and not from your favourite peer group.

fuzzyfurry 1 point on 2017-04-18 10:20:17

I said that because of how you apparently lack the empathy to understand the situation of other humans. Try talking to victims of "gay conversion therapy" or a "troubled teen" camp, boasting about how happy your life is and how it's their own fault for trusting their parents when they were kids. Maybe then someone would explain it to you.

For the rest, there's no point in repeating the discussion about your strawman, so I won't. You can think about me whatever you want to make you feel better about yourself.

Skgrsgpf 2 points on 2017-04-18 23:17:36

Adding one thing: in the above comment by 30-30, there is the assumption that everywhere sex with animals is illegal, it is only a "minor legal threat", but this is not the case. For example, in the United States, there are more than 10 states where it is a felony; some states, like Michigan, have excessively long prison sentences for those caught; and in some states, like Oregon, those caught must go on a sex offender registry. So these things are not always "minor".

While 30-30 may be comfortable living a zoo lifestyle in a place where it is illegal, many are not. The attitude of "what happens in the barn, stays in the barn" is not a foolproof concept; things can go wrong, and people can be outed. For example, perhaps a veterinarian becomes suspicious.

Also, people who have had sex with animals (with no evidence of animal cruelty) have been caught. In the case of that man who was recently arrested in Massachusetts had sex with a dog, a news article said there was no evidence of cruelty. There was also the couple who had sex with a dog in North Carolina a few years ago who were arrested with no evidence of animal cruelty. (They were arrested under a "sodomy/crimes against nature" law).

A law's value is in independent of whether someone is "under the radar"; just because some people can continue having sex with animals without being caught doesn't make a law any more right.

Regarding animal cruelty, there are separate laws which specifically address that issue. Making a law banning sex with animals, regardless of whether there was cruelty or not, doesn't make sense.

Also, the "studies" which say that zoos are more likely to commit unrelated crimes are not "valid", because they make an incorrect extrapolation, from a small atypical group to the general population.

Lastly, as you pointed out, anti-zoos do have malicious intent, because they seek to discriminate against zoos using misinformation and their own prejudices.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-04-20 00:29:13

They're still against bestiality, not zoos.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-18 22:32:56

This is the commonly used smear tactic of "studies say..."

They use studies of very atypical people, then extrapolate (incorrectly) conclusions that are incorrect, such as "zoos are more likely to [harm] people". They are lies and propaganda, and as you pointed out, no one in the media is criticizing or questioning it.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-17 02:16:23

altoids1989 is correct: just this year, 5 states in the U.S. have bills which would ban sex with animals. The Humane Society of the United States, and the ALDF, are pushing their anti-zoo agenda (witch hunt), which is discriminatory and violates the due process and "equality before the law" of zoos. These groups refuse to talk to zoos.

The anti-zoo justifications for the anti-zoo laws are nonsense. For example, they claim, based on flawed "studies", that people who have sex with animals are a "higher risk" to society (i.e. violence) than those who don't -- this is a lie and misinformation (propaganda). It is the same kind of misinformation used against gays years ago.

Right now, the trend is of a growing number of anti-zoo laws, especially in the United States. Somehow, this trend needs to be reversed, so that sex with animals become legal again, but right now things are getting worse (not better).

One issue: the anti-zoos always think about zoo in terms of "criminality"; people should instead view zoos in less hostile ways.

silverwolf-tippysmat 1 point on 2017-04-15 22:39:52

Better'n the last one, but many repetitive questions. It's taken at any rate, and thanks for the opportunity to answer more than just yes or no.

ZooMasil 1 point on 2017-04-16 06:08:17

Seems to be a relatively regular school, something like 43,000 students. do we get to see the results at the conclusion of your work? I ask because I'm sure you're going to write your paper in polish and I'm wondering if there will be something English users can read.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-04-16 07:02:39

I may have some time to translate it if not.

kczuper 1 point on 2017-04-16 08:03:55

thank you :)

kczuper 1 point on 2017-04-16 08:03:32

Yes. There will be website presenting my work. Also I'm planning to translate all to english and german.

and of course if somebody would like to share thoughts about this subject or just would like to talk you can contact me via email. We can even skype :)

tencendur_ Neeeigh 1 point on 2017-04-16 13:49:35

Which is the deadline set for the publication of the results?

kczuper 1 point on 2017-04-17 00:18:17

the More participants the better research .... Questionnaire will be closed in September so the end of the year.

Please if you are logged in on other forums put there information about research.

i know i'm asking for lot of things... trust, time, help but nothing can be done without you !

WarCanine Love knows no boundaries between species or gender-Mᴬᴰᴬᴿᴬᴼ 1 point on 2017-04-16 14:36:34

So is nobody going to point out the fact that there's two questionnaires in a row and most of their questions are exactly the same?
Am I being delusional and missing something here or...?

Yearningmice Zoophile 1 point on 2017-04-16 17:20:44

I hadn't taken this one yet because I couldn't verify anything about it so can not answer how similar they are except to say that the inventories used are pretty standard so they can reproduce the results across multiple studies. But it does seem odd a student writing on law would post the same personality inventories...

I was surprised that both happened so close to each other however it is spring disertation season, easter long weekend is on and spring break just occurred.

I'm waiting to see what /u/amorebestia finds out.

kczuper 1 point on 2017-04-16 23:09:41

nothing suprising about having same or similar questions. We are looking for different things but I'm sure the other student would like to compare her results with old findings.

OrcanTahoe 1 point on 2017-04-16 19:52:38

Just finished to answer the questionnaire, it was definitely long and somewhat repetitive, but I'll always be here to help the cause.

kczuper 1 point on 2017-04-16 23:34:21

thank you :)

dogluver101 1 point on 2017-04-21 03:35:23

Finished! Hopefully my input helps some... I felt like some I was just droning on, and on. Can't wait to read more on this completed study, and see the book! Keep us updated!

kczuper 1 point on 2017-04-21 11:48:16

thank you :)

I'll keep you posted !

kczuper 1 point on 2017-06-06 22:38:13

Hello;) just wanted to remind that you can still take part in questionnaire :)