Shadow in the morning. [NSFW] (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-04-20 18:13:10 by silverwolf-tippysmat

I think what endeared that little blind dog to me most was watching her explore her simple world.

It was an early summer morning. The kind where the sun's just up and the heat of the day is promised but not burdened. I'd just finished barn chores and stood at the rough rail of the split fence watching my mares greet the day and each other with knickers and whinnies as they trotted around the pasture.

Rags, his sheltie sized frame dwarved even by the "mini" sheep he guarded over, turned his attention briefly to me to get a tauseled head and kind word before running out to the flock to resume his duties. His long, rough coat flowed behind him and I thought what a beautiful little dog Tippys puppy had become. She'd be so proud, I reflected, briefly tearing at the thought of her.

Shadow, as if sensing my reverie, pushed gently against my leg before running her small frame cat-like against me. "Hi darlin'" I whispered, gaining a wag or two of her thin, silk covered tail in return greeting. My gaze on her was drawn from her pretty face to the tail brushing soft across the full, hanging vulva that brought thoughts of last night, and many nights before. Again reading my mind it seemed, she rewarded me with a long-bodied stretch, flexing that pussy in the act, before stepping lightly toward the garden. Like a good servant, I followed keeping just a couple paces behind.

Shadow, her jet back catching the rising suns first rays, walked slow and careful, her nose to the familiar ground tracking her path. Every so often she would stop to test the air, her delicate nose twitching, or to investigate briefly an insect that crossed her way. As she drank in smells and feel of her world, I got drunk on her sight, a paw halted in mid-air, the nose raised and soaking in the wind, her half folded ears standing at attention and tail straight behind.

A camera, though it would record forever the pose, would lose the feel of this moment so my mind sought to etch it into permanence of memory as she again stepped lightly off among the just opening flowers and half grown vegetables and wound her way toward the dark stained walls of our house.

I tarried not long before following her again, a doting fool for her beauty and grace despite her lack of sight. The sheep quiet and horses moved to the far end of the pasture, Rags joined us barking happily and urging Shadow to move quicker toward home and breakfast. I too had thoughts now of food, sizzling bacon and fresh eggs, as I watched smiling Shadow dance around with her smaller father a bit till both broke into a run for the front gate, awaiting my opening it and the solid wooden door. After eating I would tour the property as always, with Rags leading happily and Shadow again stepping lightly before me. I reflected how she looked exploring her world and couldn't wait!


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