Tears of joy (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-04-22 05:30:19 by Dogsoulmate Forever My Dane's Man

Just watched Pete's Dragon for the second time (highly recommended). I am always touched by the deep love between two different species. It also helps that Elliot the dragon is modeled after a big goofy Great Dane.

But it was while watching it with my man in my lap asleep, that I really started to cry.

I have never loved another like him. I have never felt so connected, spiritually and emotionally, to anyone like my darling Dane. I can't even find the words to express it. But I know one thing; we are soul mates. His eyes, his grin, touching his beautiful body, the way he wakes me in the morning and says goodnight. Sharing a sunrise on the porch, watching the full moon as the clouds go by. If we were to never have sexual intimacy our whole lives together, my life would still be overflowing with joy. It's moments, on this couch, with us in each other's arms, that I am truly filled with gratitude.

I know this isn't the "usual" type of post, but it's the only place I feel I can say this.

(And of course, I'm in tears as I type this. Big old softy here. And he just woke, looked at me, and licked the tears off my cheek ❤️)

Thanks for this space. All of you.

Darkspirit5 5 points on 2017-04-22 06:00:24

Some movies are capable of triggering such powerful emotions in us. I remember crying while I watched Brother Bear. It created some pretty intense feelings that still stick with me to this day. Also cried during Alpha and Omega.

I tend to cry over the stupidest things.

silverwolf-tippysmat 1 point on 2017-04-22 11:23:54

This is the place to post this, and we are all glad for you I'm sure. That's the connection, right there, that makes us 'different' and IMO makes us better'n most bestialists.

I've shared that connection twice, and I may again. I get teary eyed, yeah even a big old bruiser like me, at many romantic animal movies and quite a few cartoons. I find interspecies love to be more likely portrayed in cartoons for some reason. I haven't watched Pete's Dragon yet, but I may now just to see...

Thanks for your post, brought a smile to my face this morning when memories were getting hard.

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2017-04-22 13:47:53

Beautiful. I'm happy you've found true love.

Yearningmice Zoophile 1 point on 2017-04-22 19:36:58

I've always cried at the sappy bits of any movie involving an animal, and many which just involve loss or unrequited love.

Thanks for sharing.