How can I tell my girlfriend that I'm a zoophile/bestialite (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-04-25 02:43:08 by [deleted]


Kynophile Dog lover -1 points on 2017-04-25 11:08:19

Carefully, and with attention to her feelings. It may mean the end, but emphasize that she matters to you too.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-04-25 15:40:32

I think it is not the best way. She will not think about her at first, talk about it later. The most important would be to ensure her you do not want to hurt any animal. (That's theory, I have no experience in such situations)

StarliteMagnificent Horse Nut 4 points on 2017-04-25 11:23:57

First. Stand back and look at everything around you. Your family, your friends, your job, your neighbors, the life you have built, any animal you currently come within ten feet from, and most importantly that animal or animals that you yourself have and share that deeper bond with. Now consider losing a good portion of those if not all of them including having to move into the next county, state, country where hopefully your "past"won't catch up to you.

Second. Delete every bit of porn from every device you have and perhaps even scrub or just remove the hard drive and destroy it. This can and will be used as evidence against you should your "coming out of the closet" not be taken kindly by your significant other.

Third. If your still feeling the urge to share this part of your life with someone who knows you face to face. You better be damn sure and willing to sacrifice everything in point number one that they will not go berserk and report you to your local authorities. One thing to also keep in mind, a good majority of women do not like to share you with another women let alone an animal. Even in cases where the female was zoo herself things often do not work out as she will quickly become jealous of the attention the animal is getting which she is not. Heck just watch Mr. Ed. The show joked about how jealous Carol got because Wilber was giving the horse to much attention which was not even sexual, expect that tenfold as such behavior is very much real. Hollywood knows what makes something funny is because it holds truth.

Zoophilia or bestiality is not an accepted lifestyle and is very much illegal or looked down greatly upon in most of the world. Coming out can ruin your life as you see it now. It's not the same as coming out and telling her your gay where she might just call you names and tell you where to go. She can do much much more to you for "betraying" her.

Now not saying such a relationship can't​ exist but it's better to start that with someone behind the safety of the computer screen and be upfront on your feelings and expectations. But highly dangerous and risky to throw such into an existing relationship with a "normal" person.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-25 22:53:52

What if one is in a relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend, and then one secretly engages in the zoo lifestyle without telling the boyfriend or girlfriend?

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 1 point on 2017-04-26 02:37:16

I would almost consider that cheating tbh, but that's just me.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-26 03:11:18

I was thinking more in terms of: "what if the non-zoo boyfriend/girlfriend discovers the secret at some point".

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 1 point on 2017-04-26 03:48:11

OH my bad, I see what you mean now.

They_are_behind_us WarCanine Throwaway. Thoughts of horror grows and twists itself. 4 points on 2017-04-25 14:58:50

You don't.

Never tell anyone you're a zoophile or a bestialist.
It's probably one of the most stupidest things you can do.
I have done and have regretted it. People will not trust you and chances are big they'll report you.
There's people who suspect me of being a zoophile, yet I haven't even told them. That's already bad enough.

Don't trust those stories where zoophiles claim dozens of people have accepted them. It's not true or it's just luck.
Those zoophiles have yet to learn that they're playing with fire and are often quite delusional if they tell you that there's a chance people will accept you.
I've gone trough this hell myself and it's not worth it. Don't take advice from such people, if they're out there still...
This is all to protect your current and future animals, but also you. It will definitely fuck up your life big time.

If you can't handle not telling her, then so be it.
If you had an animal partner instead of a human partner like most actual zoophiles do, you'd have no problem with this.
Don't do truth, kids.
EDIT: Forget to tell you a not-so-fun-fact: Because of such things happening I'm actually using a throwaway from now on. Very recently I had to witness hell again.
Great how zoophiles have such a wonderful life full of freedom and free speech, no?

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-25 22:29:16

I've gone trough this hell myself

What do you mean when you say "gone through hell"? Did you tell someone you were zoo and then that information got leaked?

Second, does your advice apply to online activity (in addition to real life)?

They_are_behind_us WarCanine Throwaway. Thoughts of horror grows and twists itself. 2 points on 2017-04-25 23:10:46

As you may already know, I've told my mom once.
I have told her that I'm not sexual at all and only have a romantic part of zoophilia. Foolishly I also told her about a certain community. (Haven't shown her, though.)
Some people noticed that I act weird around my girl and it has been said to my mom. My brother definitely did notice it, and I had no idea how.
She also isn't entirely convinced I don't have sex with my girl because she says things like ''IF you are caught...'' ''Don't make any sounds with her alone...''
Pretty weird...
She does know that I do support bestiality and believe ''real'' love is possible between different species.
However, she does not and constantly tried to remind me that I am wrong.
You know how we zoos usually argue about zoophilia online? That's what we did on the phone for a few days.
When my mom's pissed, which is very often, she will usually use pathetic attacks and bring up old topics.
And of course, sometimes this gets brought up and screaming happens.
She tries to convinc- I mean, forces me to listen to her anti-zoo bullshit.

Here's a few examples:
We're talking outside about it, then she gets more and more pissed.
My girl (in heat) tries to walk up to dog while we're arguing.
I call her back.
''Look, she wanted to mate with that dog!''
''No, they really only want to do it with their own species!''

Even though it was very obvious my girl had no desire for that dog at all.
She slowly walked up to that dog but listened to me very well, which made it obvious she didn't want anything.
I also told my mom that she always walked up to me in fear from the male dogs trying to have sex with her, but she just goes back to the usual ''You're not right in your head! You're not the same species! She only wants to have sex with her own species!''

Do you enjoy these examples? Here's another one, which everyone in the street could hear:

As you can see, she's very dangerous by just screaming it out loud for everyone to hear.
But that's not the worst thing, she wants to talk somebody about it. She's told a fucking doctor once. ALMOST my life was over. What a complete dumbass.
But still, she keeps whining and crying that she can't talk to anybody about it. Well how do you think I feel?

She's a perfect example of the usual anti-zoophile.
Relies on internet sites that claim bestiality is wrong? Check.
Sees every bestialist as a zoophile? Check.
Delusional and bigoted? Check.
Uses excuses to deny arguments (Example: You're too young! I know better! (Funny enough, this behavior is also in zoos, pretty pathetic.)) Check.
Is a hypocrite? Check.
There's many examples for that. She catched birds, put them in a cage because she thinks they're cute, a few people including me tell her that it's wrong (and I say it's fucked up too), later the bird is dead because of a hypocritic ''animal lover.''
When my girl was a puppy, I think not even 1 year old, she was hit with a broom full-strength because she kept barking at my mom and then was almost knocked unconscious. My girl literally had trouble standing on her legs.
Of course I was blamed for her bad eyesight and the dent on her face.
And the list goes on...

But recently, my mom and brother were talking and suddenly my mom heard my brother say ''No, not that dirty kid.''
My mom asked why and my brother snitched me because he looked for my Reddit account for some reason. (Luckily didn't read about the parts where I had sexual contact with my girl.)
And here's the thing, I ''promised'' my mom before that I wouldn't talk to those people any more.
That's when she found out I did, that's why I need to use a throwaway now.
Because I'll be reported to the police if I do. And apparently those people too. (Yeah I know, she's dumb and does not realize she can't do shit.)
Little does she know that I'd kill myself if my girl was taken away from me, or at least would do everything to hurt anyone involved in that.
From time to time, things are plucked from my life, and this is one of them. Some day I will be fully silenced and I'll go insane again.
Talk about going insane, I get depressed from time to time too. It always happens when she bothers me with this.
She is not aware how much she hurts me when she does that. But you know what would happen if I'd tell her?
''Oh I don't know what to do either! I need to talk somebody about it! Oh no soon I'll be in the hospital so much things are going on!''
Slowly I grow more hate towards her and humanity. Because this also affects my girls life. I feel less love towards her every time this happens.
And guess what? Because of that, my girl cannot really cheer me up.
This is why being a zoophile is fucked up, or rather how delusional and bigoted humans are. Because if they weren't like that, this would never have to happen because at that point zoophilia would be accepted.

I know what I did was extremely stupid. But everyone makes an embarassing mistake like that at some point. Not to mention I was quite a nooby zoo, too.
See what happens when you tell people? It's greaaaat isn't it?
I'm still quite lucky, actually. (My opinion might change on that in the future. Hey, maybe even tomorrow!) My brother actually talked to me some time, which means he doesn't hate me or ignore me.
As for my mom, it's only bad when she goes rampage.
EDIT: Second, does your advice apply to online activity (in addition to real life)?
Depends. Like we are doing right now, we are straight up admitting we're zoophiles and those who do have sexual contact do also straight up admit it. It's not a problem as long as we don't give out personal information.
Like in the story above, you can see that I was caught because I use the same name.
That's something you shouldn't do.
And I have admitted it in some cases in non-zoo places, and it'll just turn into another battle.
But I also have made a mistake like that before. I was witchhunted by a Steam group, twice.
Luckily they can't do shit.
It's like playing with fire, or in this case, playing with brainless monkeys.

savta912 1 point on 2017-04-25 21:41:27

Don't. It isn't worth it.

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 2 points on 2017-04-25 21:44:07

Oh thats easy!

Step one: Buy super glue

step two: apply to lips

step three: close lips tightly for 1-2 hours

step four: gift me reddit gold for saving your relationship and possibly your life.

Seriously, Its a horrible idea and the chances of it turning out well our slim to none. I dont know what it is, but no matter what you say, what logic you use, how good of a person you are, there are just some things people can not accept, and zoophilia is one of them.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-25 22:24:04

If one tells their girlfriend (or boyfriend) that they are zoo, it might backfire, or it might be used as blackmail, which would be a disaster. It is a matter of trust. If the trust falls apart, it would be ruinous. When one tells someone else they are zoo, it cannot be undone. It is very risky.

If one "comes out of the closet" as zoo to their girlfriend/boyfriend, what if he/she "freaks out"?

There have been cases in which an ex-girlfriend "ratted out" their ex-boyfriend to the authorities, causing the boyfriend to be arrested. In one case, the girlfriend gave authorities a video of her boyfriend having sex with a dog. (The boyfriend trusted that the girlfriend would keep the video private, but she betrayed him).

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-04-25 22:30:22

It depends on alot of factors, like her family, location, etc. She may be incompatible with the idea on a fundamental level, and that's something you need to determine on your own before going into the how. If you think she wouldn't take it well in most circumstances, you may want to practice a great deal more discretion about your approach, and pay thought to the possibility of letting sleeping dogs lie, as it were. It can be difficult to keep that kind of secret, but sometimes it's the best solution. It's important to eliminate any incriminating evidence if you do try it, as some have said, and it's doubly important to understand local legislature pertaining to bestiality.

Regarding the approach itself, just be prepared, know yourself as a zoophile, and if she asks questions be honest but tactful. If you've never actually done it, make that clear first. I suppose you could segue into it after provoking a discussion of philosophy and ethics on the matter, to create a moral context first.

Be sure that they're 'the one' before committing, though.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-25 23:02:41

it's doubly important to understand local legislature pertaining to bestiality.

What is one supposed to do if it is illegal in their local jurisdiction?

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-04-26 00:11:03

What is one supposed to do if it is illegal in their local jurisdiction?

That's for him to decide, on his own.

They_are_behind_us WarCanine Throwaway. Thoughts of horror grows and twists itself. 1 point on 2017-04-26 00:42:17

I don't like how you say it's his decision.
Let's not encourage dangerous acts here...
Except when I do it, of course.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-04-26 00:56:16

It was either that or interposing relevant discussion with a massive and irrelevant debate about what the 'right' thing to do is, which would only leave OP with more questions due to the presence of dissent.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-04-26 03:33:18

I was asking 2 things:

  • If it is illegal in one's jurisdiction, should one have sex with an animal
  • If it is illegal in one's jurisdiction, should one tell others (such as their girlfriend/boyfriend) about their zoo tendencies

As I said in the other comment, I recommend that one not reveal his/her zoo tendencies.