Where oh where can i find it (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-04-25 06:41:54 by Tazeahoe


StarliteMagnificent Horse Nut 2 points on 2017-04-25 10:04:27

What you seek you shall not find here.

I would think the rules would make it clear this is not the place to fill your porn collection.

Zoophilia is the deep emotional connection to an animal or animals. They are seen as equals, family members, and sometimes mates not just sex toys to be exploited to feed the lucrative porn and fetish world.

I highly doubt you would find any here who would support such bestialist sites out there by directing them new members. However I'm sure such types as yourself lurk even here in hopes of the next free masturbation material.

Tazeahoe 2 points on 2017-04-25 11:59:33

I appreciate the response and although i cannot connect on an emotional level with such a community, i do understand. Though one thing that i may ask is that if you see yourself in this light and these morales, would you condemn such material? On many different levels this is an interesting response. You see as you stated under your opinions towards living creatures, regardless of specifcation, they are seen equals. Emotional bonds with various relationships. So being seen as equals, what would your view on "nornal" pornographic materials. Do you condem "sleazyness" regardless of fetish or only that which crosses into a subject you feel should be "pure"? Now then if condemning all pornographic materials, would you feel that a natural response and stimulus such as masturbation be condemned as well?

I do not mean to anger or irritate. I wish to both learn and awaken thoughts. It is admirable to defend ones beliefs and morals. It is courageous to accept change when faced with previously un faced thought lines.

Please understand i am not saying you are wrong. Simply giving extra ideas to think about.

silverwolf-tippysmat 3 points on 2017-04-25 13:11:14

We aren't all against porn in any form ( though u/StarliteMagnificent is probably right that none here would support such as you're looking for by directing you there). Hell I write some erotica that is pornographic. However, just as you won't find those particular writings here, you won't find anyone's response here to direct you to them. Nor will you to visual porn. This just isn't the place to get your question answered.

BTW, there is a difference between sleaze and pornography in general as well. I've seen both good and bad pornography, written, spoken and visual.

I'll let U/StarliteMagnificent educate you on their opinion of porn, but don't assume all here share that. We're as diverse a community as they come, sharing only that we form an emotional bond with our partners, or in some cases all animals. Again, that is the only subject this forum is here for, and porn has been seen by the majority as a subject not to be allowed, including links or suggestions to such.

They_are_behind_us WarCanine Throwaway. Thoughts of horror grows and twists itself. 1 point on 2017-04-25 15:09:52

There's subs like /r/Bestiality and r/SexWithDogs.
I don't know what you're exactly trying to find but 99% of that is male animals shagging female humans.
I'm not into that, so I always just straight up searched on the internet for things like ''man fucking dog'' and I got what I wanted.
And also for safety you could use AdBlock (this is a must have for any browser itfp) and if you're really paranoid TOR...

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-04-25 20:37:27

Removing this as you probably got the best answer already and people don't like these kind of posts around here. Some of our users have pornographic multireddits that you may enjoy depending on your preferences.