What would you do? And Should I stop this? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-05-03 10:02:05 by WolfLoli Canine

just tell you now, I don't believe I am a zoophile. I have had past experiences with a dog when I was a young child, and this is what brings me to being the sort of person I am today.

I live with family. They have always owned dogs. And Ive always loved and cared for them. Recently a dog who was living on the streets has come in the picture, and has become part of the family with the four other dogs he is our fifth and is the youngest.

Because of my past experiences with a different dog as a child, who has since passed away, I've developed some feelings towards this new dog because to me he is attractive and cute and really is loving towards me like the other dog was. Because of this, when im alone with him, I wear skirts to try and get him aroused. That never worked actually like it did with my first lover.

Well for three years I selfishly and guiltily tried to get him to well.. love me and like the taste of me. But I never forced him and so nothing really happened because he wasn't that interested in that. He only wanted me to pet him lots, which I did.

Sadly, Two family members within the pack have passed within those three years. One passed at age 15 the other at 18. It was hard for me. And my new partner comforted me lots and helped me get through the losses.

A newer dog who happens to be old was then brought into the family. We were just supposed to be watching him for a few weeks, but his owner pretty much abandoned him. We did not mind though. So they kept him. This newer dog is huge, like a big husky lab mix and 10 years old. I instantly felt attracted to him.

Something happens though when I started wearing my skimpy skirts around this big older male, he wasn't interested in me at all, but my partner was all over me. It was one of the best days of my life really. Now Im suddenly attractive and wanted I feel, by my lover. But I know this is wrong, since he is ultimately the families dog. But now that he is like this towards me, I feel horrible yet happy. Depressed and joyful about this because I love him and keep choosing to be bad. Im not sure what to do

After rereading my mess of a paragraph here, I understand why its so confusing.. To summarize and be less confusing: there is two new dogs involved. One that my Mom and Dad found on the streets, (he is the one I call my lover and partner) and two, the older male Lab Husky mix abandoned by his previous owner, that my family now owns, who I find attractive but don't do anything sexual with, because he has no interest. My Lover did not find me sexually attractive until this new older male lab mix came into our lives. I am not sure if he is showing dominance or possessiveness over me now, but he is paying much more attention to me than before. And Its really changed my mood around. I am happy and he is very happy. All tails are wagging with happiness.

ugcontrol 2 points on 2017-05-03 10:48:22

How far have you actually taken it?

altoids1989 zoo-exclusive 1 point on 2017-05-03 11:52:13

Sorry, I found your story confusing.

Are you referring to a human when you say your partner?

Also, is the older male dog is not interested in you?

What do you feel guilty about?

WolfLoli Canine 1 point on 2017-05-03 16:31:29

I guess it does come off as confusing.

Partner as in, my dog partner or lover.

So I feel guilty because my dog partner is now being very affectionate and aroused towards me. (Not the older male) And he is not my dog really, he is the families dog. ==; And I let him still do things..

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 8 points on 2017-05-03 17:40:42

god, this reads like one of those shitty fake 'real' stories that weirdos write and then get offended when you point out what they just wrote was fake. I'm not the oldest zoo around but these stories can usually be spotted a mile off.

what would I do? take this shit to /r/bestiality

WolfLoli Canine 2 points on 2017-05-03 17:49:53

Im so confused. Im not fake and neither is my life story.. and I would not put it into that reddit forum.. What did I say to make you feel like this is fake? Im bad at writing I can see. My style isn't the best and I feel so judged and down now..

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-05-03 19:30:06

I think it's because you say you aren't a zoophile and sexual posts are sometimes quite controversial.

What I don't understand is that you don't call yourself a zoophile.
You claim that he's your lover and that you want to have sex with him.
I don't know about you but that definitely seems like a zoophile to me.
Although I do admit this post gives off a non-zoo bestialist vibe, but I won't let my feelings get in the way.

What do you exactly mean by 'the family?'
Your family or...?
Whatever it is, you're fencehopping but such acts can be forgiven if done right.
He's 10 years old, giving consent and has probably grown a big bond with you.
I'm going to be honest, I don't care much if you fencehop a non-zoo who's not in a relationship with that animal, although there's still risks here and there.
Never ever get caught. It brings a big risk to you and him.
Tbh, since he's the family dog I even forgive you more.
Don't feel guilty for this.

WolfLoli Canine 1 point on 2017-05-04 20:51:17

By fence-hopping, do you mean when someone likes animals and humans? I'll be reading lots of other questions similar to mine about it and see what others think of it. Because I am attracted to both, and hope I can coexist like that with my lover and a human male by my side. But of course my lover comes first, and my desires come second. I understand that.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-05-04 21:07:56

Fencehopping is when you have sex with an animal without the owner's consent.

WolfLoli Canine 2 points on 2017-05-05 07:45:49

Ohh... yeah. I guess I do that then. But he is the family dog and I care for him as if he were my own, so kind of.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 5 points on 2017-05-03 20:41:21

It's not too bad here but go on other zoo forums and you'll see posts of this nature all the time. I cant get my head around why people do it. Unfortunately this makes me very suspicious when people write out oddly long posts that go into details like wearing 'skimpy skirts' and 'being bad'. I'm kind of a shoot first ask questions later kinda guy so go figure...

To be more helpful and less of a shitty person I'd say dont feel bad about loving dogs, they have feelings too. If the one you love is giving you attention then I dont see the problem.

silverwolf-tippysmat 1 point on 2017-05-03 22:33:34

I agree. I've seen thousands of posts like this, almost a form letter. I'm too much a cynic to believe it I guess, but if the OP is truthful, I'd tell her to indeed stop if she's so uncomfortable with doing it.

WolfLoli Canine 2 points on 2017-05-04 20:24:14

I have read all replies and have realized my mistakes then.. And I am uncomfortable, but I wanted others perspectives on the issue before deciding if I should stop doing what I am doing. I love my dog and I want him to be happy and he is indeed happy, and I am happy, so this is a psychological thing making me question my motives more than anything and making me hold back more than I would like. I am scared I may get caught since this is my parents house, but to be honest, I feel very comfortable with him when everyone is gone in the house and I know I won't be caught, but there is still big risk involved. I have no clue what actions my parents will take if I do get caught, which makes me nervous, but they accept lots of bad qualities of mine already. The fact that I cannot get a job, I have a immune disease, and that I'll probably never have a home of my own. So I ponder of the idea that they may accept my love, but who knows. Im too paranoid and scared of the response.

I wanted to also add in here; I do not believe I am a Zoophile because I am attracted to human males and anime males. While I am attracted to male dogs, I don't see my future living with just my lover, but if it is like that, I do not mind, I just want more human relation and I like to listen to others a lot when they talk. Okay Im going on and on. Thanks for sparing your time to read and help me out. It means a lot, and I won't waste the answers you all gave to me. I'll think long and hard and decide what is best for me and my lover.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 2 points on 2017-05-04 21:06:58

You don't have to be exclusive like me for example. Many zoos have human partners. You are just inclusive.

xRightHandOnlyx 0 points on 2017-05-04 23:53:47

Bummed that there's no details of what you do with him, but then, this isn't r/bestiality.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 1 point on 2017-05-05 10:14:46

Yeah, it's not. So there's no reason to make this inappropriate comment when someone is posting about struggling :/

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-05 13:26:07

Indeed, go there instead for your fetishes and kinks.

rgnbull58 2 points on 2017-05-21 14:58:01

I'd say pamper your lover and keep the relationship on whatever level you want with the older one. It's your partner and I'd be happy that he's showing more an interest.