Is anyone here is attracted to an animal that you physically/anatomically cant really be with. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-05-09 10:05:57 by thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song

(by which i mean animals with incompatible sex organs or who just dont do well with humans) For me, Its large birds and fish. Sex isnt everything for me, but even then, It would be difficult at the very least to be with either of those. [edit: more detail because this is getting kinda popular] Fish would be my dream animal, but unlike other animals, i couldn't even really own one without getting a HUGE risky and expensive tank, and even then, true physical contact just isnt an option. Even if i wasn't vegan, id never eat seafood because its just wrong to me. Usually the only time fish get any attention in the bestiality community is in pretty horrific porn, which i dont think needs too much description. Large birds are more of a minor interest to me, but still an intrest none the less. Many are pretty intelligent, and their body shape just really gets me.

silverwolf-tippysmat 1 point on 2017-05-09 10:37:33

I'm not really. Attracted strongly to some bitches, somewhat attracted to a few mares and a spare woman or two, but I can't really say any other species or type gets me interested.

I've noted that in this, and many other aspects, I'm an oddity in the zoo community though. I'm sure you're not alone in attraction to unlikely species. I've known many Aviphiles over my decades online, for instance.

I'm sure others replies will be more informative...

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 4 points on 2017-05-09 12:14:52

Yep, my cat. She is too small, and spayed :(

Sheppsoldier -8 points on 2017-05-09 18:25:29

Yes. I am attracted to animals but the law says I'll be punished, tortured, or imprisoned if I try. That's covers the physical limitations of my attraction. Anatomically speaking, the anti-animal sex people are missing the once functional portion of their brain, which in turn is causing my disability. Therefore we can claim that we cannot have sex due to physical and anatomical incompatibility and dysfunctionality.

I'm certain, that if all the anti-animal sex supporters died of cancer or something else nasty aggressive, even sex with fish and avians would become possible. It would be a miracle.

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 6 points on 2017-05-09 19:19:25
  1. this is a bit off topic. I was talking about aside from the legal/societal limits. But if you're choosing to follow the law, that's just helping you out honestly.

  2. Sex with fish and avians just isnt possible without harming them. Fish should be pretty obvious, But even touching fish with bare skin can wipe off their mucous coating and make them a magnet for harmful bacteria and algae and other infections. Besides that, the only fish that could probably take a human would have to be pretty large, like tuna or catfish, and even then, they're not built for any sort of insertion. Im not covering the other kind of insertion. i think you know what it is.

Sex with avians is better, but still not good. Most birds do not have what you'd call a penis, and cloacas are usually pretty fragile and are definitely not meant to take anything as rough as sex. Large birds, like ostriches probably wouldn't be injured, but its not a risk that you should be ok taking and they could still be in pain.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-05-10 01:31:26

Eventually it all comes down to being the "same thing" anyways... A physical barrier. However, one is correct and the other is wrong.

So, not really off topic. "Same topic" with an expansion onto it. Although true, my previous post was using the "man made" concept of restriction as the mere bootlicker pit-slave to the actual restrictions that nature intended.

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 2 points on 2017-05-10 01:45:40

Eventually it all comes down to being the "same thing" anyways...

Yes, but thats not what i asked. I already know the legal issues. I want to know about the other issues.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-05-10 10:03:09

That's ok. You don't have to ask for anything to get something you don't want. That's how societies twisted view of life works.

Can't always get what you want... but we will give you everything else including the damaged, gutted, watered down version of whatever answer it is you were looking for.

Won't settle for less? Asking questions is now illegal.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-10 10:58:23

Just ignore him. I promise you, you will only regret it if you feed him.
Nobody agrees with him anyways, so go ahead.
He always has this passive aggressive behavior for some reason.

Sheppsoldier -2 points on 2017-05-10 12:30:33

Thats ok. I'm not forcing anyone to agree with me in public. I actually prefer and it's better when they agree in silence. It helps to keep their identity discreet while exposing those other people "acting" to, 1. Demoralize 3. Degrade and 4. Destroy our freedoms.

Yes I am always passive aggressive... Yes. Never forget it!

Ive started my stopwatch...I want to see how long it takes you two to change your mind, claim that "you don't understand, or do something else to make yourselves look stupid or like liars again. Those things are expected from you, with consideration for the fact that you've done the same thing in every other post of mine that you've stalked.

I must really have something that you want if you keep coming back. According to your behavior and eagerness for return, a man like myself must be satisfying you better than any animal could.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-10 13:01:44

And like always, I don't understand a shit you said.
You are indeed passive aggressive because you keep crying about this shit. You keep making excuses about this and also demand your rules to be applied.
You keep talking about the ghosts that apparently have hurt you sooo much.
Every. Fucking. Thread.
Nobody likes you here. And since you're so pro zoo, nobody likes you at all.
Of course you'll reply with some dumbass message, so I'm just going to ignore your next message and assumed you eat lead already, which is something that should've happened to you started being retarded.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-05-10 13:18:29

Just two hours ago, you advised to NOT feed the troll, now you´re feeding the troll yourself....again... Could it be you´re not exactly the most consequential kind of guy, WarCanine? ;)

I guess that most of us know that "arguing" (if you´d like to call his incoherent rants he spills whenever there´s something that triggers him that) with this loonie is, no need for you to point that out , thus feeding the troll...again. His constant negative score speaks volumes....

PS: He even failed in counting to three correctly...chances are high he´s also missing out on more essential truths ;)

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-10 13:26:43

If you didn't realize, I said that was my last reply to him.
Looks like he can't count and looks like you can't read.
And he's not a troll, he's a genuine dumbshit. By feeding I mean taking him seriously and spending too much time with him.
But since he's not a troll and an actual dumbshit, he can get offended so I try to remind him nobody likes him and he's less worth than your every day shitfly.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-05-10 13:31:24

Shall I do a collage with every post in which you said that this is your last reply to him? ;)

But nevermind, no need to argue about this as we both seem to agree on Mr Whacksoldier´s relevance...;)

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-10 13:41:15

You don't have to, because I know I said that countless of times.
But I usually mean last reply in that thread.
I know I said in one comment that I'd never reply again, but you know that I'm not someone who listens to his own advice.
Still, just like Aluzky, I want to make his life hell here.
I'm pretty sure Aluzky left because of all the negativity he got, and since he's so similar to this mental shitfly, the same strategy will probably work too. Even if it doesn't, I enjoy making fun of him.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-05-10 14:16:23

Nevermind, dude. My comment had the ";)" added for a reason, you know...

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-10 14:31:33


Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-05-10 15:16:36

If you couldn't figure it out and he couldn't figure it don't understand and he doesn't understand... You're both in agreement that you have no idea what's going on... Then you're both good candidates to fill in for that missing #2.

Unfortunately, I can only choose one. I'll have to choose 3030 because he is dumb and he noticed #2 was missing. I cant really afford the overqualification of WarCanine with a combination of dumb and blind, therefore Ill have to settle for the observant idiot who saw but didn't understand the positions vacancy.


Had to add a reply here since some baby decided to disable further those cowards in Oregon when they banned sex with animals because they didn't have any other excuse to claim it wrong. Why would anyone ban sex with animals and speech about it unless they know theyre wrong and have no other option but to snuff it out? They're no different than serial killers who murder their rape victims to "make all the wrongs go away."

Anyways...So...Which one are you now? Dr. Jeckel or Mr. Hyde? Do you understand what that is?

Hey. Did anyone here know that most Anti-Zoos are Zoophiles? Basically, they're a zoophile on one side, but their other half loathes and wants to kill all the "nasty animal rapists and bestialists." Due to a mishap where they themselves "actually raped" or committed some form of violence to an animal or person , they became traumatized and psychologically split the zoophile half from the other half. Clearly, one half (White, The Munchausen-Savior) runs around all over the world blaming it's own sexual mistakes (rape and abuse) on other zoophiles and their sexual habits, while the other half (Black, The Devil) rapes in order to prove it's own hate for itself.

Subcobsciously, the zoo believes that he should be the "only one" allowed to have sex with animals...a coping mechanism. Therefore the Anti-Zoo could never give himself away in order to maintain the ability to cope. However, the zoo must still hide from himself! The zoo must not act in opposition to it's own persecutions! The zoo must not speak out against the laws against sex with animals lest the split Anti-Zoo half kills themselves due to the inability to recognize the other self as themselves.

I'm really not sorry for comparing the few of you to Anti-Zoos, because the potential of such an occurrence being true is very likely. The "Domestic Abuser" and "Serial Killer" alarm is on full blast. (Those aren't my words, they are the words of Anti-Zoos to themselves, because they know themselves best. You know, I'm "triangulating" communication between the split halves.)

Is that why you're too afraid to play bingo with me?...You know I already have the letters, numbers and more than just one card to match them with. Speaking of cards, all those Taliban sort of look alike in the deck but they say you'll know Osama Bin Laden by the way his shit stinks. Guess it doesn't matter if I'm good at counting or not, because the shit will find its way back home to #2 on it's own regardless.

There is one thing worse than being #2... That is being #2, knowing you're #2 and having #2 excluded from the count. Only #2 would notice and care because that shit sure as fuck doesn't care about the zoophiles they pretend to be. Really, have to be one disgusting mother fucker to do something like that.


No offense 3030 but I can't see the rest of your post, and I misspelled Jeckle on purpose because you've already proven to me that you're just a little too short (in a lot of places) for the big boy rides. I felt know? I'll just let you hang out on first sentence and have fun with the limited and probably only experience you have.... ABC's and 123's
Adults have more important things to worry about than a misplaced letter and missing number that was already explained and not surprisingly misunderstood.

Aparantly your brain's stumpy little thinking arms are having trouble reaching anything other than low hanging fruits who's branches I've tied to the ground for you. Does that recap and bring back memories of your first time with a mare? Tied up because it was easy, the first thing that came to mind and you wouldn't put effort into something you didn't feel strongly about?

Look...don't struggle too hard because I have a good hart and I can't keep this up...throwing scraps to you for fun. However, like the Anti-Zoos... if the scraps and the animal abuse doesn't actually exist, then I'm sure you'll come with a sleazy pig plan to make it.

Oh, and here's your trough you filthy animal. It used to belong to those hogs at Chandler Edwards but they preferred to eat shit straight from the ground. About as low as they can go. I suppose they would be of more use investigating truffles instead of animal sex.


3030: "Just two hours ago you advised to NOT feed the troll. Now you're doing it again"

The fact that both of you keep coming back despite what either of you have said is a good representation of what pathetic really is. If you're "Tinker" lady actually gave you anything I doubt you would be stalking my posts looking for attention. Why come here for pleasure if your horse gives you all you need? Your behavior says it all. Dont know shit, don't have shit, and you're here because it's the only place you get anything.

Animals can't actually satisfy your abusive tendencies and so you moved onto human beings. Yes, this instance is true for some zoos but not for all. That is why I have to categorize you on the same level as an Anti-Zoo. You're both "using" sex with animals as a weapon in domestic and other abusive actions.

You sirs are users. Anyone who doesn't notice it must have some form of Stockholm Syndrome.

[deleted] 0 points on 2017-05-10 15:34:59

The fact that you can't count is expected from you.
Shepp, I tell you. Counting is for losers and dumb people.
Just ignore the others that don't agree with you. They're all anti zoos.
Let us spastics stay strong together. Let others hear our calls! ''JEEJWEUEUHAWHEANMSDNASUGUGUGGHG''
Oh yeah, about that. When's our next wheelchair race? Can't wait to go bingoing again, too!
But to be honest, I'm too afraid to play bingo with you again. You're too smart and this game involves luck usually, but since you're so smart you can just ignore logic and be good in everything!
Go shepp, I'm counting on you!
shakes like a fellow spastic

[deleted] -1 points on 2017-05-10 16:35:06


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-10 17:19:15

Luck? Who needs luck when people such as yourself exist solely for the purpose to just "let it happen?" Yes... you were created to be raped and that's why you'll just sit there and let the law or whatever your sugar daddy wants.

Oh hey there, nice talk we're having!
You know what's funny today? You make it seem like I like the laws and how they are! Isn't that funny since I hate being treated like shit by society? Ha-ha-ha! What a joke, huh lil' Shepp?

It only looks like luck... because you've been trained to ignore the impact that the ignorance of your inability to understand the calling of the numbers associated with the game on the game. Life is not a game, but I'll advise that you should never attempt Bingo or other simple games unless you're willing to observe your numbers and accept the numbers being called. If you can't handle a simple game like bingo then you cant handle life and you can't make the distinction between people's lives and a game.

No no no, you don't get it.
Bingo is the most competetive game out there next to golf and gambling, you know!
We 68 year old wheelchair racers do this for a living and absolutely rek everyone! Sadly, you're too damn good and I can't win OMGGGG :(((( I hate it so much!

(real zoophiles, not the handicapped that we're sent here to fabricate stereotypes)


Hey, I need someone to take care of my girl.
Shepp, can I absolutely trust you won't have sexual contact with her?
Can I truuuuuuust you on that?

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 1 point on 2017-05-10 19:26:47

Im screenshoting this

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-10 20:11:56

Put it in the trophy room, with the others.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-05-11 03:42:39

So...Which one are you now? Dr. Jeckel or Mr. Hyde? Do you understand what that is?

Hey. Did anyone here know that most Anti-Zoos are Zoophiles? Basically, they're a zoophile on one side, but their other half loathes and wants to kill all the "nasty animal rapists and bestialists." Due to a mishap where they themselves "actually raped" or committed some form of violence to an animal or person , they became traumatized and psychologically split the zoophile half from the other half. Clearly, one half runs around all over the world blaming it's own sexual mistakes (rape and abuse) on other zoophiles and their sexual habits, while the other half continues to have sex with animals. Subcobsciously, the zoo believes that he should be the "only one" allowed to have sex with animals...a coping mechanism. Therefore the Anti-Zoo could never give himself away in order to cope. However, the zoo must still hide from himself! The zoo must not act against it's persecutions! The zoo must not speak out against the laws and persecution lest the split Anti-Zoo half kills themselves due to the inability to recognize the zoo self as themselves.

I'm really not sorry for comparing the few of you to Anti-Zoos, because the potential of such an occurrence being true is very likely. The "Domestic Abuser" and "Serial Killer" alarm is on full blast. (Those aren't my words, they are the words of Anti-Zoos to themselves. You know, I'm "triangulating" communication between the split halves.)

Is that why you're too afraid to play bingo with me?...You know I already have the letters, numbers and more than just one card to match them with. Speaking of cards, all those Taliban sort of look alike in the deck but they say you'll know Osama Bin Laden by the way his shit stinks. Guess it doesn't matter if I'm good at counting or not, because the shit will find its way back home to #2 regardless.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-05-11 04:40:29

Dr "Jeckel"? Is that a character from "The Great Gahtsbee"?

Resumee: Can´t count to three , doesn´t know how to spell Dr Jekyll...but still thinks he knows anything...maybe reading a book from time to time would help...instead of spewing insane and incoherent rants even in completely unrelated subs. Boy, you´re so clearly a troll only in it for the troublemaking and fighting. Go play elsewhere, you have no power in here.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-11 08:45:54

Hey. Did anyone here know that most Anti-Zoos are Zoophiles?

Yes, it makes so much sense!
I tell you Shepp, you need to educate people with this!
Please man, you're the only one who knows this!
Look dude, if you get mad at people for not knowing, tell them! Tell everyone in this sub, but also in other subs!
Secretly they'll laugh at you first. But you know what laughing means friend? It's when they KNOW they're wrong!

Basically, they're a zoophile on one side, but their other half loathes and wants to kill all the "nasty animal rapists and bestialists." Due to a mishap where they themselves "actually raped" or committed

I'm dying

Subcobsciously, the zoo believes that he should be the "only one" allowed to have sex with animals...


However, the zoo must still hide from himself!


See? I'm laughing but I do that 'cuz I know you're right.

Is that why you're too afraid to play bingo with me?

Naw mahn is cuz u 2 gud 2 beat man srsly drop dat attitude granny wanna win 2
lmao 😂😂 she dead before u give er the chance

And hey Shepp, I asked if I can trust my dog with you. Is that true, son?

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-05-11 09:25:21

What a pathetic attempt, Shepp. A funny little attention whore you are...and while you are begging for attention in here, hammering incoherent sentences with bad orthography into the keyboard, I made my Tinker lady come twice this morning. Have a nice time wasting your energy in least , that´ll keep you lunatic away from animals.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-05-11 11:30:33

3030: "Just two hours ago you advised to NOT feed the troll. Now you're doing it again"

The fact that both of you keep coming back despite what either of you have said is a good representation of what pathetic really is. If you're "Tinker" lady actually gave you anything I doubt you would be stalking my posts looking for attention. Your behavior says it all. Dont know shit, don't have shit, and you're here because it's the only place you get anything.

It's ok. You don't have to try to impress me because it wouldn't change your situation much anyways.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-05-12 03:25:51

If you're the one that tried reporting 30-30 and warcanine for rule 7, just know that I'm not going to enforce against something that another user knowingly provoked.

Sheppsoldier 0 points on 2017-05-12 05:16:57

If you were referring to me, please read...


First, I don't report people. I want them to continue speaking long enough to make more mistakes.

Second, I'm glad that somebody else reported them because that actually helped bring you out from the closet... to strike at an imaginary opportunity nonetheless, which contributes to my "low hanging fruit" statement in a previous post. Effort and understanding both don't appear to be trending here.

Third, I never provoked anything. Never even mentioned them up until after the true provocation. I was replying to the OP when low and behold the serial stalkers (frauds gone frantic on damage control) decided to show up with the only things they know, "Nothing at all if it's incriminating towards themselves." They don't know...or do they? Or don't they? They do understand, until the understanding becomes harmful to their ego. Their confusion is merely a coping mechanism, and not a valid source of truth.

Oh and welcome back. How does it feel to get caught conspiring to abuse your enforcement by lying? Not to accuse you or anything, (you are being accused) but that's just how this works. Look... my competence is no excuse to make claim that "I know" any provocation that doesn't actually exist on my fault.

Tip of the day: Don't bother getting into a resource war if your preemptive strike was immediately botched by a conveniently placed, ironically coincidental ruse. Even I was surprised that it happened.


and if not, you can simply ignore this whole thing or learn from it.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-05-12 06:52:55

I've removed your duplicate posts as per Reddit's rule against spamming.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-12 05:45:15


Sheppsoldier -2 points on 2017-05-10 13:45:09

Dont understand?? You don't know? If you don't know, then "You Don't Know" and keep it that way unless you find the time (which you have plenty of) to find out. No intelligent person wants information from somebody who constantly claims naivety (In every post nonetheless). If you don't know what I'm talking about and don't want to know what I'm talking about, then you shouldn't be here talking about it as if you know or had any intention to know.

This is common sense. I understand that common sense can be a difficult concept, but this happens to be the most basic form of it.

Hey...Do you want to know the difference between a zoo and a fake? The fake does things because they "don't know." Fakes can only follow directions and are limited by those directions. You're a follower, and you must be very happy sucking that sugar-daddy 3inch if you wont strive to know any better. If I was such a fanatical pro-zoo, I'd be making claims to say that sex with avians, fish, and other non-mammals is possible, OK and relevant to mammal biology/behavior. (Never happened, not happening.)

Look. I'm a nice guy, and since I know you have plenty of time to jerk off and gratify yourself... i would offer you a job. You could be my missing #2. Easy job. You can just sit there, not know a thing, and you'll stink at it until you dry up. The only difference is that you'd be purposely looking like crap for a different reason. Shallow learning curve...perfect.

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 1 point on 2017-05-10 19:21:40

Eh, its worth a shot. I just like helping people out, even if its likely futile.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-10 20:10:37

I'm not going to stop you, then. Please, do try to help him. You'll only hurt yourself and make him even more hungry for attention.
But I think a mental hospital might be best for him.
Sadly you didn't help darkspirit back when he needed help, because he actually deserved help.

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 1 point on 2017-05-10 22:32:42

Alright. think what you what, but this is just what makes me happy, so ill keep trying.

Sadly you didn't help darkspirit back when he needed help, because he actually deserved help.

what? Im not on here much, what was that about?

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-10 22:36:26

If you didn't know, ignore it then.

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 1 point on 2017-05-10 22:45:28

Too late for that now, my curiosity is at a max. What happened?

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-10 22:51:56

I don't think it needs explaining since you can just look at his post history.
I'll make it quick, though: He had certain problems. Afraid he can't be with a mare, or in his case ever even meet one. Makes him depressed which made it even worse and brought him to a world of negativity. Although later he became more optimistic about everything.
Have no idea how he did, though. I'm sure AmoreBestia helped him or something.

Darkspirit5 1 point on 2017-05-12 06:45:12

Afraid he can't be with a mare, or in his case ever even meet one.

It became easier to accept this will never happen once I realized that I apparently don't deserve it.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-12 08:10:15

Why do you think you don't deserve it?
You have an unfair disadvantage.
Nobody "deserves" that. Even if so, you would deserve it because I'd know you'd be good for one.
Still, I believe it'll happen.

Darkspirit5 1 point on 2017-05-12 18:50:47

Your belief is false. Fate will ensure that it doesn't happen. I was never meant to do anything with horses. Suffering is all I'll ever know.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-12 19:57:12

I knew you'd turn to your old self again...
As much as I'd like to help you, I can't because I don't know how.
You clearly don't know your fate, boy.

Darkspirit5 1 point on 2017-05-12 21:15:48

It's not my old self per se, but more of a midway point. I can at least take comfort in this "suffering," which is not to say that it's inherently negative. It can also be a very eye-opening experience. Something that can cultivate the soul. As for fate, perhaps I don't know for sure, but I can be fairly certain that it will not work in my favor. So far it really hasn't.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-05-11 12:39:09

They were trying to give advice to somebody they didn't know. It hurt their pride when Darkspirit didn't accept it and I called them out on it.

Now they go around stalking my posts because the things I say pose some kind of threat to the bullshit they've been feeding everybody.

Have you noticed how they don't understand much, they admit it, but will then try to sell you their information as if they know what they're talking about? They'll get mad when you call them out on it too, bringing us back to step 1... They're giving advice they don't understand to people they don't understand. Some of them don't even live in the same country or state.

Sheppsoldier 1 point on 2017-05-11 17:33:50

Darkspirit didn't like their advice because the advice was not relevant to Darkspirits situation. I pointed it out and somehow that must have threatened them further than I did before. Aparantly, speaking out against the law is a big "No No" for freaky cultists who require the laws in order to isolate and abuse the followers of animal sex.

No secrets here. Thelongestusername... I don't think they are in fight club anymore.

So, they're now stalking my posts like a Jim Jones fundamentalist lackey would. Really just a couple of flying monkeys trying to mob me. Flying, not very bright, nuff said.

*Plays the Wicked Witch of the West" theme.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-09 18:34:36

My own bitch, who for some unknown reason can't fucking take me.
Female foxes would be too small, and male and female foxes / female and male wolves are probably too wild to do anything with.

Yearningmice Zoophile 1 point on 2017-05-09 18:53:15

I'm surprised there are not more bird people speaking up.

I'm one of the lucky ones who can answer this in the negative.

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 1 point on 2017-05-09 19:38:22

Same. I dont know about fish people (honestly havent even heard of any others) but i KNOW theres bird people out there.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2017-05-10 05:47:16

I've heard of other fish zoos, but largely they tend to be "I heard of a guy" cases. There's also The Incredible Mister Limpit, who's fictional, but I don't buy that the guy wasn't already attracted to fish.

UntamedAnomaly 1 point on 2017-05-09 23:18:16

Bears, some species of cattle, cervines, wild canids like wolves, foxes...not sure if african wild dogs or hyenas fall into the canid family, but them too. Also, cats - big and small, domestic and wild.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 2 points on 2017-05-10 00:54:32

i have the same with the close to canid related animals like hyenas, wild dogs, dingo's and the like. however, there are a number of canines that i cannot be with anatomically

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 3 points on 2017-05-10 05:49:15

Wild dogs are canines, hyenas aren't. They're actually closer to cats and mongoose! They sure do look like an odd dog though.

UntamedAnomaly 1 point on 2017-05-10 12:23:05

Hello, you've subscribed to hyena facts...

(Thank you lol)

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 1 point on 2017-05-10 09:20:23

some species of cattle

Cattle? really? Everyone has their comfort zone, but i dont think they're that different.

UntamedAnomaly 3 points on 2017-05-10 12:21:30

Cattle have pointy dicks. Ouch, no thanks! I mean it's the same reason why I'd never have sex with a cervine, they too have the pointy dick. And not only is the dick pointy, there is A LOT of force behind it, You'd really have to get crafty in order to not end up hurt...or possibly trampled. I'd probably not have sex with any sort of equine beyond pony size either, for that reason too - sans pointy dick. If someone wants to risk it, it's their choice, I certainly am not brave enough to attempt it.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-05-10 13:37:18

My best friend is an active cow lover and has his own lady standing only a few meters away from him...Bovines are not as exotic as some might think...

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2017-05-12 04:53:12

Physically and anatomically, those would all work. Except maybe the felines. They're rather small down there.

UntamedAnomaly 2 points on 2017-05-13 01:02:59

They wouldn't work for me. Do you have a vagina? Do you know how it feels to get fucked in the vagina by pointy dick? I mean it's bad enough when a human has skinny/pointy dick...and humans don't have a lot of force behind their thrusts. A deer...and especially a bull would probably put me in the hospital. So no, they would NOT all work, because not all of us have the right equipment to be on the giving end. Sure, it might fit up your ass, with lots of lube and months of pre-stretching...but I can barely have anal with a human, let alone something with a much bigger and more powerful organ and I'm sure AF not going through all that trouble, just so I can fit deer dick in my ass. + I don't want to become the next Mr. Hands if I can help it. Pointy dick is even more likely to cause a perforated colon, especially coming from a bull, which can give horses a run for their money when it comes to strength.

Like I said in another comment, if ya'll want to take those chances. Be my guest - people are free to do meth and parkour too, but I sure AF will never do it. I'll be over here living the vaginal and asshole pain-free life, thank you very much. Sex isn't that important to me, not nearly important as emotional bonding anyways. I'd settle just for that.

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2017-05-13 01:06:04

I can't tell if you're agitated or I'm just reading it that way, but alright. Got it.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-05-10 02:56:19

This is not exactly in line with your question, but similar. I've known many people interested in dolphins and other exotic-type animals which may be mentally and generally physically compatible, but everyday circumstances make it impractical to have an opportunity to get to know such animals on a close level, especially privately.

I'm not sure whether that makes it better or worse, though.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2017-05-10 05:41:10

Well, aside from the usual birds and wild canids... I find a number of arthropods rather attractive, especially mantids, wasps, and wolf spiders. The physical impracticality is obvious, but the incompatibility extends to their psychology. It's so impossible that I don't consider it much different than finding xenomorphs sexy. It's pure fantasy based mostly on aesthetics.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2017-05-10 06:47:52

"(... or who just dont do well with humans)"

bears. :(

curious about many other species (hyenas, kangaroos.. lots more), but quite attracted to bears. the potential danger is just too insurmountable.

Darkspirit5 1 point on 2017-05-10 17:28:01

Anatomically it is possible, but physically it isn't. If those were switched, I wouldn't even care because like you said, sex isn't important.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 3 points on 2017-05-10 23:22:02

Snakes. Snakes snakes snakes. I LOVE them but tbh I consider sex with them abusive. I don't think from my research and experience with them that they could truly consent. I got pretty depressive a couple of years ago because I was so attracted to snakes but couldn't do anything about it.

Also bulls. Bulls are one of the most physically attractive male animals to me but they'd probably hurt me, with their anatomy and generally how dangerous trying to have sex with them would probably be.

There was a guy who responded to my survey who liked insects. There was someone on knotty I think who was attracted only to one species of parrot. It's so interesting to me to hear about more "unusual" animals zoos like. What determines which animals we find attractive? I wish we could know!

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-05-12 05:27:28

"I wish we could know"....well, it is possible to know. Josef Maassen stated in his 90s book "Zoophilie - Die sexuelle Liebe zu Tieren" (Zoophilia - The sexual love of animals) that it´s basically "supertriggers" like the voluminous hips of a mare, the "petability" of furred animals and other signals/triggers/supertriggers comparable to the "normal" human sexual triggers that draws us towards animals. Another huge motive, especially for folks leaning to the masochistic side of the s/m spectrum, is the "animality" , the unhinged anima sex drive, the "roughness" of animal sex. In fact, the brain has been identified as the biggest human sexual organ...fixations that have been planted in infancy, the massive onslaught of the media ( I still say that the whole furry bs is Disney´s fault)....if you invest some time and efforts, it´s not too hard to identify what actually forms certain attractions. Many "zoos" apparently seek the "human" in animals, thus the vast amount of people who have human sex with animals instead of having animal sex with animals...

Just watch "Animal Passions" and fast forward to the George Willard interview, where he openly displays his "Female centaur" tattoo on his belly...I haven´t found a better image of what makes many "zoos" being attracted to animals. Very often, it´s the "human" qualities that are sought in animals...

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 1 point on 2017-05-12 09:24:22

Very often, it´s the "human" qualities that are sought in animals...

Interesting... Human qualities in animals usually put me off. I wonder if other zoo exclusive people feel the same

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-12 16:41:04


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-12 16:43:08

Zoo exclusive here. Depends on what is meant by ''human qualities'' because I'd like it if animals had human language and intelligence. I'd probably dislike it if they had human personalities, because that's one of the things I dislike the most about humans. Or if human qualities is meant as their physical appearance then no, not even close. That'd be disgusting. I'd rather have a normal animal than an antromorphic one. Except for one thing, maybe if their facial expressions meant the same as a human's then I'd like it for sure.

WolfLoli Canine 1 point on 2017-05-12 21:25:50

Im not zoo exclusive. But I was very put off by dogs that don't act like dogs, but do human things. Dogs that rather be with humans than their own kind is what I am referring to. It does nothing for me. When dogs act like themselves very dog like hunter like and protective of the home is what makes them more appealing for me. I feel like this all comes down to my first lover as a child. As he was very protective and would attack or chase anything that moved, even me. Lol

Cuba5555 2 points on 2017-05-11 14:16:36

I love me some birds. Mostly the big ones like Eagles, Hawks, owls. I am proud to be the few that like birds it makes me more unique in the community.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-12 05:55:58
