You guys have been featured a lot on r/Drama lately. Don't be shy to join in the discussion next time. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-05-15 15:50:23 by Masturb_Chyiff MAGA

Just a heads up.

Couple of days ago we had a fun post about r/Zoophilia user Rannoch (I think that was his original name) with 30-30 as a guest star.

And just recently our resident shitposter Snally did another piece on another r/Zoophilia user (now deleted), who got arrested for bestiality.

Don't be shy next time and leave a comment when you can. r/Drama loves contrarian views and thrives on civil and not-so-civil discussions in the comments. You might even find that some r/Drama users are pretty chill dudes.


Kynophile Dog lover 10 points on 2017-05-15 16:36:24

Tell us it's happening. I don't follow many other subreddits, and r/Drama isn't one of them. Frankly, internet drama is fun to watch, but if you get too involved in it your life can be fucked up forever. I'm happy to discuss controversy in general, but I'm not going to seek out gossip for the sake of a thrill.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 19:14:39

Tell us it's happening.

It's happening!

Happy cake day, btw!

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-05-16 10:59:36

I think Kynophile meant to ask you to tell us when and where you see it happening.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-16 11:37:33

Oh. Ok. That's what I thought he meant. I just wanted him to clarify that, because it also looked like he could've been asking to give him a short run down of the situation but actually mistyped the question.

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 8 points on 2017-05-15 16:38:25

Reading r/Drama is just a waste of time.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 19:12:45

Tbh, browsing reddit in general is a waste of time.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 2 points on 2017-05-15 19:15:32

In some places more than others. Do you enjoy your waste of time, that is the question I think we are all asking and I can honestly say I do not enjoy the /r/drama subreddit one bit.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 19:17:13

What do you enjoy?

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-05-15 19:20:37

I have another reddit account for my other content, but I'm quite active on a few other video game reddits. I also am big on quite a few unrelated to zoophilia internet forums (I'm actually a reporter for a major tech publication as well, so I have a lot of outside interaction there), but again, none of this is linked for obvious reasons.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 19:58:15

Good for you, mate. So what's good in the video game world? What have you played recently? The last game I've played was Night in the Woods. I found myself enjoying it.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-05-16 02:55:56

Elite Dangerous and Sunless Sea have been the latest ones.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-16 07:41:42

That's pretty gloomy. In one you fly in darkness. In other - you swim.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 2 points on 2017-05-16 09:34:24

Never thought about it like that, heh.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-15 20:21:26

I thought you were so afraid of being caught, yet you're giving out quite some information...

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-05-15 22:33:26

He's said all this stuff in passing before.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-15 22:44:54

I know, only just asked now.
Well, whatever, then.

Oh, and please ignore the PMs.
It's over.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-05-15 23:09:28

I was halfway done with my reply though! D:

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-15 23:20:15

As I just told 30-30, some people can't be helped.
I was going to send you a third message, but didn't.
You're lucky for that, since it seems they're chores to you.
I actually wonder what you'd think if you saw it. Might have been more depressing than darkspirit's messages. You'd probably be legit creeped out or shocked at least.
Save yourself some time and just ignore what I sent already.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-05-15 23:33:20

They aren't chores though, it's just that I've been strapped for time lately and had to prioritize less enjoyable ventures. My schedule clears up... tomorrow, actually. The only time interaction becomes a chore is when I'm interacting with a user that's more or less guaranteeing themselves a ban.

BTW, nothing you've said has been creepy or offputting to me, ever.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-16 07:22:42

Oh, only saw the edit later.
I though it was a chore, because you keep typing up big messages and all...
But what I would have said is different from the usual. You'd at least worry greatly about me bit that's why I think you shouldn't reply to me any more. Life will work itself out, or not, in this case.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-05-16 10:16:06

Caring about others and offering counsel doesn't cause me any stress, I assure you. :)

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-16 15:52:28

Well, I still don't want to bother you with it any more. It's getting annoying for me too.
I will always have a feeling I'll either dissapoint you or myself, no matter what you say. It's just how I think about humans. I can never be 100% sure of what you said. shrug

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-05-16 15:56:49

It's not a bother and you've yet to disappoint me.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-16 16:05:33

Ehm. Okay then.
Just hope you won't miss me, then.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-05-16 02:53:37

I gave up being afraid. Something about being scared shitless made me realize it was pointless by the end of it.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-16 07:02:07

Oh so you somehow cheated the human mind?
Wow, okay then.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-05-16 07:09:36

shrugs I guess you could say that. I just don't have long enough to live to care anymore. I want every moment to count. Done running, etc.

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 1 point on 2017-05-15 19:56:00

Some subreddit are good enough to spend some time to read. But r/Drama is not, and cannot be, one of these.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 6 points on 2017-05-15 17:40:05

its almost seems like most of us dont care.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 17:50:31

It's kinda weird that you guys don't discuss happenings in your community. Actually, judging from what I see on your subreddit, you don't discuss much at all. It's not a sign of a healthy community.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-05-15 18:45:45

I don't see why we would?
Anyways, what does that have to do with a healthy community?
Of course it's dead. No one is a zoophile.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 19:08:11

Of course it's dead. No one is a zoophile.

You're honestly confused me here. I thought this is what this sub was for.

[deleted] 5 points on 2017-05-15 19:11:25

It kind of is, but I'm mostly here for the discussion about actual zoophilia, not what other people think it is.
I actually don't need to see people lie and laugh about us all the time. It's gotten old and was never fun in the first place.

Yes. We know what the world thinks of us.
We don't need to see what we already know.

Oh, and this community is still silent because it's dead because the lack of zoophiles.
And also, maybe the fact that we have to fear others? I bet there'd be more stuff around too if society isn't like it is now.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 19:48:48

Honestly, what is there to discuss about the topic? What is left?

You can't just talk about same thing over and over. What's the point if all that ever is going to be said can be found on a wiki somewhere?

People learn about each other through interaction. By discussing various topics and learning of other people's opinions on them you can build a sense of connection with them. That's how people make friends.

Maybe because you are unwilling to step beyond the topic itself you find it hard to establish that sense of close knit community with people here? Or do you yourself think that a community like this shouldn't exist?

And what does it matter what people think? Grow a thicker skin. And btw, btwIAMAzoophile participates in furry_irl and they seem to accept him just fine.

[deleted] 3 points on 2017-05-15 20:19:19

Honestly, what is there to discuss about the topic? What is left? You can't just talk about same thing over and over.

That's what I say about the discussions in /r/drama and such. It's the exact same thing over and over again.

What's the point if all that ever is going to be said can be found on a wiki somewhere?


People learn about each other through interaction. By discussing various topics and learning of other people's opinions on them you can build a sense of connection with them. That's how people make friends.

Do you really think I'm falling for this? I know you're acting innocent like you don't know. Such subs are really up for rational discussions, aren't they? They truly respect others, too, right?
Lmao okay then. I'll bite anyways.

Ah yes, people should learn about us. Yet people in /r/drama are very obvious for not having any rational arguments.
I know how such groups are. They're stronger together and it's a big circlejerk. Hey, /r/cringeanarchy, you still alive?
They act as if anything we say is ridiculous: ''lol r they srs??'' ''how can u fuck a -insert animal here- lmao?'' and such things.
And honestly, I'm not looking for friends or allies any more. Especially with such people. I'd be legit ashamed if they'd support us.

And what does it matter what people think?

Yeah, that's what I keep saying, yet you're ignoring it.
This is why we don't need to discuss with the public. First, it's useless in both ways: 1: We won't change people's minds anyways. 2: It doesn't even matter if we did.

And btw, btwIAMAzoophile participates in furry_irl and they seem to accept him just fine.

Maybe because that's not even a serious sub? Very funny, my man.
And even then, it's a sub about furries. (Probably not even serious like I said) They are known for being animal fuckers too. Or that's at least what antis like you seem to think for some reason. It's pretty retarded since zoos and furries aren't related.
Still, what's your point? I also participated in many different subs on my old account where I also posted here too.
Nobody ever said anything about it, except an obvious troll who judged others by their post history.
I have talked about zoophilia in other subs back then and it was just the usual zoo vs anti thing over again.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 22:52:21

That's why new people are needed to break up the circlejerk. That's all.

But to paraphrase what you said: isn't this sub a circlejerk in it's own right?

Regarding furries: yeah, I'm pretty sure you guys are related. I'm pretty sure that more than half of this sub consists of furries.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-05-15 22:59:55

That's why new people are needed to break up the circlejerk. That's all.

Yeh rite xDDD ure rite totaly Look, I know you're one of em. No need to hide any more.

isn't this sub a circlejerk in it's own right?

We're known for not having the same opinions about zoophilia. Not really, no.
The closest thing I can call circlejerking here is the fact we support bestiality. Wew surprise.

yeah, I'm pretty sure you guys are related. I'm pretty sure that more than half of this sub consists of furries.

That's not how logic works.
Really strange that I as a zoophile barely understand furries, huh?

What I do know is that they aren't specifically always attracted to anthro animals, that's their sexual community, which is just majority of them. But furry = attraction to anthro animals is not true so we aren't related.
Most furries don't even support bestiality and are against it.
I don't even understand their attraction at all, actually. It makes actually no sense to me.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 23:20:23

While I agree that furries are the worst, I still believe that's how most of the people here got into animal fucking.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-15 23:23:11

That makes zero sense. You don't go "into" animal fucking if you are an actual zoophile.
This is what bothers me about people like you. Do you even know what this is?
Zoophilia is an attraction. Other people having sex with animals doesn't influence you to do it, that's already default with zoophiles.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 23:42:02

It's a paraphilia. A developed attraction. Please don't try to tell me that you were born a zoophile. We both know it's BS.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-15 23:51:42

Nobody is born with their attraction, this only develops later in life and then you realize it.
Again, this doesn't change anything. You can't go into animal sex if you're an actual zoophile. You automatically are. You don't need to see / hear / talk about animal sex to "turn" into a zoophile.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-16 00:01:29

If it's a developed thing then there must be a catalyst. If you are masturbating to cartoon tigers in school while unable to secure sex from a real human being it might just be enough to temp you to try the real thing. And then it's just a matter of acquired taste.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-16 00:12:05

So what does this have to do with what you described earlier?
That person wasn't influenced by anyone's actions.

But with the zoophiles it's other way around. I had slight zoophillic thoughts since 10, which is very young. But when I was 13, I already felt like I wanted to be in a relationship with an animal and have sex with them.
My thoughts made me act on my urges later, not the other way around.
It never had anything to do with humans either.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 3 points on 2017-05-16 01:07:37

they_are_behind_us is right on this one. This paraphilia can crop up in anyone, and there are a number of people here that didn't have any cultural or social stimuli that would promote this formulation of sexuality(Even some horse zoos that never saw horses or even looked at art of them). I'd say that there are more furries within the zoo community compared to other sexualities, but more a consequence of the sexuality rather than the cause of it. If a literal attraction occurs after someone has prolonged exposure to furry content occurs that would speak to a latent attraction if anything. (Think a lion discovering the savannah kind of thing)

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-16 07:52:39

Honestly, I don't think that's right. As in: there is no gene to make you like animals in a weird way.

You might be born gay, because humans at one point of their development diverge into man and a woman. So a man or a woman might retain some basic instinct to be attracted to the members of their own sex.

So I'm pretty sure that you can't be born like this. There has to be some outside stimuli. And I wouldn't believe those who say that they knew they wanted to fuck a horse without even seeing it before. I think they just want themselves to believe that to feel normal.

And what's your reason for being here? Are you a furry?

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-16 09:55:49

You can't be born hetero or gay because as I said, it only develops later.
If we were really born with our sexual orientations, then you are only proving my point.
I had never had any attraction to humans, ever.
As I already said, I was 10 when I already had slight zoophillic thoughts. That's extremely young for someone to think about such a thing.
EDIT: But I still don't believe you have a sexual orientation before you become sexually mature, or at least not before you start developing sexually. This is one of the many reasons that sex with underage creatures is rape.

And yes, it's possible to have an attraction for something you haven't seen before. I know that sounds very weird, but you would only realize that attraction when you see that animal for the first time.

And what's your reason for being here? Are you a furry?

Rude of me to barge in, but he's a non-zoo who's interested in zoophilia.
No, not animal fucking.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-16 10:48:20

That is an interesting point of you to bring up. So what is the difference between child fucking and animal fucking, if there is any?

Also weird: I thought Amore was a girl. Still very strange of him having this obsession to the point of actually modding this sub. Is he writing a research paper?

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-16 11:17:13

I find it sad that you don't even know the difference. I expected better, even from you.
Either you're retarded, or you're doing this to insult us on purpose.
Animals and human children aren't related. They aren't similar like """""""""experts"""""""" claim.
Adult animals are sexually mature, underage humans and also underage animals are not sexually mature yet.
Comparing zoophilia and pedophilia makes zero sense.
We're attracted to different things, and we are attracted to sexually mature beings.
Animals and humans are different. One of the reasons animals don't need to use words for consent. Stop applying human logic to animals.
It makes me cringe: it makes zero sense.

And Amore is male. I don't understand it either why he wants to help us so much, even though I've asked 100x times and still don't understand. I guess I don't give a fuck any more.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-16 11:40:58

Well, how am I supposed to know these things if no one explains them? All I know that animals are equal to children in intellect and therefore are unable to give consent. No consent = rape. Simples!

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-16 11:46:16

All I know that animals are equal to children in intellect

Oh my...
You know what? I'm not even bothered by this any more.
I'm not surprised what stupid shit I will hear next.

Humans, surprise me please.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-05-16 12:56:33

Ok, let's say animals can't consent. It basically means that ANY sex involving other animals is rape. Which means you should not allow them to reproduce, because it's rape. A little paradox, don't you think?

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 3 points on 2017-05-16 14:43:30

Intelligence is fickle because the human definition and testing that would be effective on humans don't normally evaluate every kind of intelligence. If you presented a dog with two similar but slightly distinct smells, for instance, they would be able to later distinguish them, while even an adult human would likely struggle with it. Canine olfactory intelligence is much greater than that of humans, but is generally not considered(and is difficult to consider without extensive research) when determining their intelligence. That's just one example of many facets of the issue, but I think you get the idea.

Consent was designed specifically with humans in mind, replete with consideration of the deep emotional (and sometimes physical) impact and societal stigma that comes with it. There is an emotional impact with nonhuman animals too, but it's more 'in the moment' rather than mentally scarring in any capacity, You can't have a 14 year old getting knocked up because they're still too young to handle childbirth without a highly elevated risk of complications. The reasoning of someone under the age of 16 not being able to consent is that their brain(the frontal lobe specifically) is still not at its maximum capacity; they're not at their peak yet and are assumed to lack the emotional intelligence to reasonably guarantee them leaving a sexual encounter unscathed. It's a timer in more ways than it is a brick wall.

However, the brain of an adult nonhuman animal is at its peak, their reasoning being as sound as it'll ever be. Intelligence isn't actually used as a metric to evaluate whether consent can be given, anyway. The metric used is simply whether they can comprehend the interaction in a meaningful capacity, whether they can offer a form of consent, and (this depends on the jurisdiction) whether they have such significant adaptive deficiencies that it impairs normal functioning. Of course, consent is also invalid when they're affected by mind altering drugs or coerced, but that goes without saying.

Pregnancy isn't an issue, and responsible sexual contact doesn't have any deleterious effects that can be observed by caretaker or professional, if our annual vet visitors are any indication. A normal, adult nonhuman animal... Well, it's got the the most developed intelligence it's likely to have. The mating behaviors and mating avoiding behaviors of nonhuman animals implies that they comprehend the phenomena well enough to deny possible mates on their own, so it seems sufficient that consent can be contingent on empirically consistent mating behavior being demonstrated, else retroactive consent is an option(basically they'd be looking for approval or disapproval while they're attempting to initiate). It's less desirable but harmless as disapproval would be shown before any harm is caused, given that the human in the pairing is judicious.

That is but one interpretation of consent on the issue, of course. More popular around these parts I'm sure, but generally an unpopular one as well.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-16 21:15:21

I agree. Some animals can do some things better than humans can. In short their intelligence is different to ours, adapted to different things. That is true. Yet no one considers that in these kinds of discussions. Animals are usually judged from a human standpoint.

When people talk about animals being unable to give consent what people actually think about is animals being unable to understand the fact that they are being exploited. As in less intelligent child being exploited through manipulation by a more intelligent adult for his own gain.

All humans have compassion. Most of us have been in a situation when our feelings and our good intentions were exploited by someone else. And that's why people feel bad for the animals in these kinds of relationships, because they feel like they are being exploited in a similar way and are unable to comprehend this.

It is understandable that animals have no such concept and they will never be remorseful, because they will never grow up and for them such relationship is absolutely accepted, otherwise they would've never went through with it.

But in discussions about this subject human perspective makes all the difference. It will be hard for an average human being to accept this concept of normalcy from an animal perspective.

But the main problem I see here is that you are the one telling me this. Not them. Every time I present them with staple question they are unable to give me a mature answer. I mean, these guys are hopeless.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-05-17 00:16:52

But in discussions about this subject human perspective makes all the difference. It will be hard for an average human being to accept this concept of normalcy from an animal perspective.

I think in the coming years or decades this perception will be shifting, fortunately. It seems that way, anyhow. Imagine me saying that shit in my last reply 30 years ago. I'd have been laughed out of the room. So, I think it's just a matter of time. Only time will tell, though.

But the main problem I see here is that you are the one telling me this. Not them. Every time I present them with staple question they are unable to give me a mature answer. I mean, these guys are hopeless.

It's often the case that the community... doesn't handle rocky entrances well. These communities used to be worlds different if what I've been told is any indication, but the people that made it so have since left for the reasons you've already seen. It can get very toxic here sometimes, but the community is improving over time. I'm hopeful that this community can someday regain some of its lost membership.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-05-17 02:04:59

animals being unable to understand the fact that they are being exploited

Animals are exploited when they are hunted, and when they are slaughtered for their meat. These activities involve exploitation and non-consent, yet people don't question them. And these activities are far worse to the animal than sex with them.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-17 09:35:53


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-17 09:48:42

But the main problem I see here is that you are the one telling me this. Not them. Every time I present them with staple question they are unable to give me a mature answer. I mean, these guys are hopeless.

Hard to stay serious, polite, thoughtful, etc. when we are constantly being made fun of, not given a chance, one of society's reason for bestiality being bad because ''omgggg eww :;;;'((((((('', we're being hunted, etc.

I really want someone who does not understand that we're like this, live in our shoes and what it's like.
I don't really care about how we're treated any more, but I sure as hell am not going to act nice and thoughtful when we're being treated like this.
And at the same time, zoos aren't usually the most mentally healthy people, that's probably understandable as people like you all see us as degenerates and spastics, right? Must have been obvious!
It already has been said too, but there's indeed some misanthropes here. Like me.
Makes sense, because we're not attracted to them, or at least for the zoo exclusives like me.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-17 11:00:39

Honestly, the way you are clamoring for attention is just sad. If you really want people to attack you that much you should go to /r/commonfilth. They'll be happy to oblige.

sneakpeekbot 1 point on 2017-05-17 11:00:47
[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-17 11:10:59

I'm not asking for attention, I'm telling the truth.
As a zoophile, I would know what it feels like. You don't.

Also, this is very funny considering this thread is bait.
You purposely try to get zoophiles to /r/drama so you can only see more drama. One of your comments contain ''How many doggies have you raped today?'' or something along the lines of that. It makes it very obvious you're just like the others, just being a sad lil' man.
You act so innocent in this entire thread and act like that sub us nice and all. Lucky for you there are some deluded people around, sadly AmoreBestia wastes his time on you. His time could be used for much more useful stuff than trying to educate someone so stubborn.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-17 11:23:19

Well, you blew my cover. I guess I'll have to come clean. All this time I was gathering your IPs from your replies and have already reported you to the Internet Police for your crimes against nature. Each your consequent reply only makes it easier for them to pinpoint your location. Sorry.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-17 11:36:53

Nice try, but I know that's impossible and even if you could, I use TOR, along with every other zoo who uses VPNs or TOR.
Also, internet police... lmao ok.
I know this is sarcasm, but I know very well what you meant by this thread and you're trying to hide it with sarcasm. Super.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-05-17 02:14:12

As /u/mttcisc said, non-human animals have sex with each other without using human words ("consent"). So, therefore, if one is to say that human-animal sex is "rape", that would mean all animal sex, even animal-to-animal sex, would be "rape".

Second, the idea that animals are equal to young humans is a fallacy. For example, humans are not put in kennels, they are not spayed/neutered, they are not slaughtered or hunted -- the list goes on and on.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 3 points on 2017-05-16 10:51:01

Pardon the long reply. I'll be diversifying my answer a bit as well, so don't fret if something doesn't seem directly related to what you said.

Innate sexual attraction is developed in part through schemas, the same schemas that would make a goose treat a golf ball like an egg, or make a child more readily fear spiders after a traumatic experience than flowers. We can define the typical schemas of attraction as being masculine or feminine, but it's fair to say that there is much more nuance than that, and that it only really defines certain archetypes. After observing a number of studies and literature reviews on the topic, I have grounds to conclude that there are congenital causes to which zoophilia would be a more likely outcome -- even mild autism and schizophrenia, for instance, both carry statistically significant and outstanding correlations with the paraphilia. The samples of these studies were large and diversified enough to conclude that this proclivity was largely independent of living conditions or exposure to certain stimuli. This is no surprise of course, as mental disorders have almost invariably been correlated with deviant or abnormal sexuality. It has also surfaced in cases involving psychological trauma and sometimes physical trauma to the brain, but there isn't any overwhelming correlation between the two relative to other paraphilias. Given that schemas are general out of necessity (detailed schemas are extremely expensive from an evolutionary standpoint and render said traits limited in application within a diverse gene pool), it's not entirely surprising that nonhuman animals that only vaguely match what that schema is intended for provoke attraction in some cases. That's not to say that attraction isn't influenced by living conditions or experiences, of course. Someone that is never exposed to nonhuman animals, a specific breed, species, or class, can't possibly form an attraction to them, like how a lion that doesn't know the savannah can't desire savannahs specifically. It is also worth noting that like any gene(or set of genes, in the case of attraction), although they all share the same loci with what we can call null or normal genes, mutations may occur, or certain genetic traits may interact with one another to cause unexpected effects. This is especially true from a neurological standpoint.

However, we live in a culture where the expectation is attraction to humans, and that's visited upon regularly through the media and the typical familial structure. Humans are sexual and romantic icons -- as they should be in the capacity of common preference. So what would supercede the paradigm that society as well as their peers promulgate? It's not likely to be familiarity, as there are many that have had minimal exposure to nonhuman schemas but still formed that attraction. There is the possibility of familial dysfunction contributing to it, but there hasn't been any statistically significant correlation found. Misanthropy is a possible promoter, but that would necessitate a rethinking of innate attraction, as distaste for a schema shouldn't override an existing sexual or romantic preference for it. Then comes into question exclusive zoophiles. Why is it that some of our users, despite successfully securing desirable human partners and even having intercourse with other humans in the past found no romantic bonding or sexual attraction occurring with any available humans? It's supposedly an innate and consistent attraction, yet despite exhaustive efforts and a culture that promotes it, attraction to humans sometimes simply isn't possible for an individual, often at the consequence of great personal distress when they identify an attraction to nonhuman animals. If the last sentence hadn't made it clear, there have been a number of cases where people have identified as asexual for their entire lives before discovering an attraction to nonhuman animals -- sometimes after overcoming clinical depression and finally gaining or regaining the sexuality that it had sapped from them.

There is another thing I've found as well -- zoophiles have a proclivity to categorize and remember nonhuman animals that they are attracted to much better than the average person. I actually described this best in a previous post, which I'll past an except from here:

we don't look at another human and call them an animal, or even a human for that matter. We're more inclined to call them a woman, or a man, boy/girl, young/old or even identify their race alongside their gender because they're individually distinct to the average person. We may even begin speculating about their careers, interests, and lifestyles, not just because we can, but because of that individual distinctness, looking at clothing, hairstyle, demeanor, and so on. Sometimes, you can even identify certain mental traits at a glance, like whether they're on the autism spectrum or suffer from a sleep disorder. Generally speaking, you can tell who a person is, and their differences with another person at a glance. We're very good at that, and that's why it's pretty hard to pass yourself off as another person, even when you are very similar.

For a dog zoo, that same principle likely applies to dogs for them as well. They're individually distinct and are likely more precisely profiled by that individual, but they may still struggle telling cats apart. They don't look at organisms separate from dogs and humans the same way, and in alot of ways, that difference manifests itself in a lack of precision.

Whether it is a cause or effect of zoophilia is indeterminate, but the evidence I've observed during my time here has me erring on the side of this trait being an effect of a greater condition.

I'd like to note that when I say some horse zoos formed the attraction spontaneously, I meant exposed in such a way that it isn't intended to arouse and with only normal to light exposure to them. Never in person, and surfacing during the onset of sexual development if not before it in some instances. There are cases where the attraction seemingly developed later in life, but there isn't any evidence to suggest such instances aren't the result of latent attractions surfacing. Of course, that is partly due to a lack of investigation by the scientific community on the matter, but zoophilia isn't a priority for researchers as you can imagine.

I am neither a furry, nor do I have any immediate or personal reason to be here or moderate this community other than an enjoyment for helping others. Outside of this community, I'm pretty boring, all told.

EDIT: It may be worth noting, too, that some of our own users are, for instance, homosexual with humans but heterosexual or bisexual with nonhuman animals, or have distinct sexual preferences between each different species or breed.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-16 11:34:28

That... that was a very interesting read, actually. Thank you.

When you said that many zoos are actually suffering from mental disorders and/or are misanthropes this actually made a lot of sense why some people on this sub are the way they are.

If you want to study relation between mental disorders, misanthropy and sexual disorders you can also study /r/Incels. Although I don't think they can be helped.

So, what's your take on on this whole zoophilia vs bestiality debate that people here like to discuss?

PS: When you say that you are boring in real life and are here "to help", do you actually mean that you are looking for acceptance? I can't fathom why would anybody come here of all place for any other reason than this, aside from actually being a closeted zoo.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-05-16 13:15:53

When you said that many zoos are actually suffering from mental disorders and/or are misanthropes this actually made a lot of sense why some people on this sub are the way they are.

I should clarify that I only cited a statistical correlation to support the position that there are physiological or heritable traits which predispose individuals to zoophilia. It doesn't necessarily reflect upon the population in this community, outside of there being a likely neurological basis for zoophilia in some cases. The statistical correlation is only a smidge past the threshold of significance. What you're observing is that many of the more moderate zoophiles have since receded from these communities due to the more extreme ones inciting toxic discussion. Well, that's as far as I've gathered anyway. I've only been here about a year now, and this rabbit hole spans decades.

If you want to study relation between mental disorders, misanthropy and sexual disorders you can also study /r/Incels. Although I don't think they can be helped.

I'll keep it in mind if I ever change my mind and become a psychologist for some reason.

So, what's your take on on this whole zoophilia vs bestiality debate that people here like to discuss?

Nonhuman animals have sexual agency, humans have sexual agency. So long as you're in agreement and not trying to subvert their sexual agency or the wishes of their legal guardians I don't see why I should care. It goes without saying, but I've got a healthy list of stipulations to go with that, like performing thorough research and having a strong enough understanding of the chosen partner to recognize even slight discomfort or displeasure, and taking every reasonable precaution to avoid the activity causing physical or psychological harm before actually doing it.

PS: When you say that you are boring in real life and are here "to help", do you actually mean that you are looking for acceptance? I can't fathom why would anybody come here of all place for any other reason than this, aside from actually being a closeted zoo.

Well, I don't have the emotional reaction to things that other people do. I'm analytical by nature. I don't get mad or disgusted, I just look at the facts and look for the best outcome for everybody when there's an outcome to be had. And really, I'm not accepted here, not like I could be in other places anyhow. The presence of an outsider in a moderation position disturbed alot of the users here, and some of them left because of it, even(a few leaving me some rather colorful messages in the process). It's understandable, though. There should be someone learned on the matter on a very personal level calling the shots, in most peoples' eyes, and I definitely didn't come here knowing all that much. I learn a little more every day though.

So, I'm not really here to be accepted. This account's a minefield pretty much everywhere so it kinda works against garnering acceptance anyhow. I just try to be really understanding and I saw a place where I might be able to make a positive change, so I did. I'm quite dedicated to my work, don't have any interesting hobbies unless making a loaf of bread every few weeks and gardening counts. I practice mindfulness, but that just made an already non-volatile person even less volatile. It also helps you remain analytical and impartial... In hindsight, it probably made me even more boring. Nothing in recent history, pertinent to my life, has struck me as particularly memorable at the end of the day. Or in the past few years, even. I'm interesting in conversation evidently, but when you get down to the specifics of my life it's more like watching paint dry. Or maybe I've just lived this life the way I have too long to find it interesting.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-16 21:37:52

I'm interesting in conversation evidently

Yeah. I like your write ups. They are some of the more sane ones I've seen on reddit.

So, what's next for r/zoophilia? Do you want to change anything about the place or you're ok with the way it is? It's kinda said there no healthy discussions in this sub, flame wars mostly.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 2 points on 2017-05-16 23:17:53

So, what's next for r/zoophilia? Do you want to change anything about the place or you're ok with the way it is? It's kinda said there no healthy discussions in this sub, flame wars mostly.

I've been working on enhancing the community aspect, but it's a slow process. The ideal is a community that, you know, might have some impassioned discussions every few weeks but is generally civil and relaxed enough to not scare away all of the moderate users.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-17 09:38:22

Yeah, maybe if there wasn't bait and trolls on this sub.
Man, imagine if you were one! I'd be so surprised!

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-05-16 02:59:08

I firmly believe I was born with mine. shrugs

Or at least, had it immediately upon puberty for no reason that I can state.

I also was completely unaware of the "furry fandom" until way after my zoophilia incidents. I have no interest in it.

Pigeondance HolyFlyingFuck 2 points on 2017-05-19 07:50:20

You asked what is left to be discussed, why are we here on this sub? Essentially like asking what is left to discuss on r/relationships. For me, and I think a lot of others this sub is important because it's a place that is (relatively) safe place for zoos to talk, most of us dont have anyone in our lives we can talk with about our orientation. Its really isolating and this place reminds me I'm not the only person in the world who is this way. Many of us have gone through periods depression anxiety and even down right self hatred because we know from adolescence that we are considered scum, evil animal fuckers who should be shot. I am too tired right now to fully type out my arguments and beliefs about zoophilia, all im addressing here is what there is to talk about here. Life, is the big on for me. Things we can't share or discuss with friends or family, achievements an annoyances thoughts... People here understand on a level people in your daily life can't for example why you are SO torn apart that your dog/horse/cat etc passed away. People who understand what it's like to have family and friends that bug them about never dating or hooking up, who know that if their family and friends knew about their orientation many would leave or even hate them for somthing can't change. I could go on, but I'll be the first to sy I'm a poor and disorganized writer so I will stop. I hope some of this made sense. Cheers

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 2 points on 2017-05-15 19:13:15

No, it is however a sign of a repressed and fearful community. I wonder why that might be?

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 19:54:24

Maybe because you're repressing yourselves?

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 2 points on 2017-05-16 02:55:37

That's really not the case if you look at our history.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 2 points on 2017-05-16 13:09:37

Well, I think even if repressions and fear are the case, sentence "It's not a sign of a healthy community." is still true.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-05-17 00:58:49

No disagreement.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-05-17 01:45:31

Do you have a viable suggestion for how the community COULD be healthier, by any chance? It seems to me this is something it must live with.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-28 19:03:00


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-28 18:51:09


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-17 01:38:46


30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-05-15 21:12:16

Tried to bring in a culture of discussion, but everything outside the commonly accepted narrative is misinterpreted as an attack by many members of this sub. But I even cannot put the blame entirely on "us", amongst the illusionary dangers many of our members suffer from, there indeed are some real and valid ones. So, what we have here is a typical textbook SNAFU situation. In this situation, your sub is the school bullies waiting outside the nerdy and weird kid´s house, yelling "Oooh, please, come out and play with us". The nerdy kid will fall for this maybe once, but the second time, it won´t and will stay inside even more, drifting off into a delusional fantasy world. What only will make the nerdy kid even more a target of the bullies.

Look, my emotional balance is solid enough to take those blows, there´s practically no form of insult I haven´t heard before in all my years being a zoo. I can take it...but others can´t and won´t. And there´s a non illusinary reason for it...

I appreciate your efforts to recruit some of us for your sub, but I doubt that many are willing to play the easy target for you guys. Many of us already have been "brandmarked" by society and its rather unempathic way to deal with us and our sexual orientation, we always expect the worst and we very often get the worst. Isn´t it understandable that we don´t want to "play"? I´m not demanding complete immunity, btw...but I demand at least some efforts to understand us from our counterparts. If your sub can provide that, I´m sure that some of us will eventually chime in to your discussions, especially when it´s "our" topic you´re debating. But I doubt that people of this sub will ever feel "at home" enough to become longtime members of yours...if you´ve been shot at so many times from various directions like we zoos have, you start to run immediately, even if the gun isn´t pointed at you at all....society (which you are a part of , too) made it this way and I wish it hadn´t so we could have open and non prejudiced debates instead of yelling negative and positive stereotypes at each other and mistake that for a debate.

As long as the schism remains, keeping up the gnomic isolation many zoos choose sadly is the safest for us...but, as you have correctly identified, our biggest weakness in terms of getting ahead with our cause. As I said, SNAFU...situation normal, all fucked up

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-15 21:29:11

So, what we have here is a typical textbook SNAFU situation. In this situation, your sub is the school bullies waiting outside the nerdy and weird kid´s house, yelling "Oooh, please, come out and play with us".

You realize that he's doing that right now, right? You're falling for it.
I read your whole comment before I typed this and it's pretty obvious you don't see it. Please, 30-30.
If you haven't read his post history yet, do so. ''How many innocent little doggies have you raped today?'' or something like that.
Oh, and of course the whole ''bullies pretending to be a friend'' thing.
He's just like the alphaomega guy who we used to have here, except worse.

I demand at least some efforts to understand us from our counterparts. If your sub can provide that

Yes, there is indeed a possibility a group which focuses on weaker groups on purpose, constantly boost their own ego, insult and make fun of others and pretend their logic is ''common sense'' will understand us even a little, or even chase.
Good one.

You know 30-30, this is a bit off-topic but I'll ask anyway. And y'know, you can always ignore it anyways, which you've done in the past so I will understand, because in your eyes, I probably am fucking everything up by being negative about our new little friend, AlphaOmega Mark II AKA OP.

I keep wondering, why do you even try to convince people?
You keep claiming we shouldn't give a shit about what others say about us.
You keep claiming the laws don't matter to you.
You keep claiming you can just leave us and go on with your life.
And iirc, you're a misanthrope too. Well, maybe not as much as me but I don't see why'd you even care, then.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-05-15 22:08:28

You´re firing out a lot of assumptions here, my friend...

I am aware of OP´s intentions here, don´t think don´t need a diploma from Harvard to realise this. But I always try to see both sides in a conflict...and with that, I see that you´re missing out on a lot of facts here. We zoos have established this illusion of normality , mostly through online forums like this...we do not even realise how terrifying we are to them, the outsiders. We fail to realise how much our sexual orientation gives THEM to swallow...homo sapiens is neophobic (afraid of the new) and presenting new, uncommon and repulsive signals (like "I have sex with animals) will undoubtedly activate the millennia old "fight or flight" systems in the human brain. The overall hostility is basically fueled by that (okay, religious beliefs and anthrocentrism also play a certain role in this) and all this namecalling and insulting basically is how these furless monkeys deal with the terrifying, unknown and exotic. The modern internet "culture" turned it into what can be witnessed in subs like CringeAnarchy and Drama...the "entertainment" addicted, sensationalist society that abuses us "monsters" to feel good for a moment because it can pick on easy targets like us...but what is the common and oftentimes very accurate vision of the usual internet troll? As we have "reasons" to have sex with animals, they have "reasons" to pick on us, play with us for "entertainment", abuse us, insult us....if there´s a group of people deemed "the ultimate low" as we, it´s kind of a relief for the unsuccessful and faceless somebody/nobody to feel superior, even for just a few seconds they need to type their replies.

There once was this Galilean carpenter son and he said a remarkable sentence... "Father, forgive ´em ´cause they don´t know what they´re doing..."

So, please keep your calm and suppress your anger for a moment. Btw, anger is a precious source of enery, but a lousy advisor.

Always keep your calm when dealing with outsiders, don´t let them draw you into their anger game. Be better than them. Independence and awareness are the keywords; try to see things a little less egocentric...I even would lean out the window that much to say that it´s nothing more than a coincidence you´re on our side and with all the perceivable anger in you, you´d do the very same to us as them if nature had granted you "normality".

And here´s a fundamental truth for you: Don´t take things so serious, even when they can affect you like these laws we talk about so much despite the fact that only a tiny percentage of us will ever come into conflict with the authorities. If you set aside the personal, ego level, what can get worse for us? We´re already at the Mariana trench, we can go to jail for what we do (or what many of us would like to do)...why the angst? Fear breeds anger, anger breeds violence and violence leads to more fear... Just look at our sub´s loony you want to become like him?

And before you call me a defeatist: you´re wrong. I´m a fatalist in the same sense as the samurai were fatalists. I´ll do everything to protect my ladies from any harm, but if the law gets me one day, I´m not gonna be the whimpering pervo mess they expect me to be when drawn in front of a judge. I focus on what´s NOW and what´s REAL. YOu´d better learn to do the same...but without that grumpyness in your heart. Believe me, this posions your heart and it can up to the point where you can´t love anything all of this shabangabang worth this? For me, it´s not...walk upright and without fear, no matter what the world is throwing at you. I know, cheesy...but nonetheless true.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-05-15 23:15:53

You´re firing out a lot of assumptions here, my friend...

That ain't new.

we do not even realise how terrifying we are to them, the outsiders. We fail to realise how much our sexual orientation gives THEM to swallow.

How so?
They are the ones abusing the fact that we're smaller.
They don't give us a chance to explain ourselves even if we try it as nice as possible.
They hunt us.
As a person who has lived his every day almost in constant fear of almost everything, I know what it's like.
You don't charge at your fear to get rid of it or make fun of it. At that point you aren't terrified any more.
And honestly, I think human relationships and sex are terrifying. Yet what do I do about it? Do I want these people in jail? Do I what they do?

There once was this Galilean carpenter son and he said a remarkable sentence... "Father, forgive ´em ´cause they don´t know what they´re doing..."

Are you saying they don't know what they're doing?
We are the same species as them. We can think like this, so they can too.
They exactly know what they're doing, otherwise they wouldn't do it.
But you're right. It's how humans are: evil, and use the weak as their food.

I even would lean out the window that much to say that it´s nothing more than a coincidence you´re on our side and with all the perceivable anger in you, you´d do the very same to us as them if nature had granted you "normality".

I don't know if I'm being retarded, but I don't know how that's a coincidence.
It also looks like you're saying I'd be like them if I wasn't a zoo.
No one is more rational because they're zoos...
And how can you even be sure about that? Why don't I discriminate against other groups, then?

Don´t take things so serious, even when they can affect you like these laws we talk about so much despite the fact that only a tiny percentage of us will ever come into conflict with the authorities. If you set aside the personal, ego level, what can get worse for us? We´re already at the Mariana trench, we can go to jail for what we do (or what many of us would like to do)...why the angst?

Don't take things so serious? You just stated that we're in danger.
What you described is why I am so fearful. (And bc I'm a fearful person itfp.)
You said only a small % will have problems with the authorities.
Yeah, and only a small % of people are zoophiles. Yet here we are, being that small %. It can happen to us any day.

why the angst?

You're asking me why I have an uncontrollable emotion, right after telling me: 1. Humans are how they are. 2. Telling me the dangers of what others can do to us.

Just look at our sub´s loony you want to become like him?

I thought I already became like him in your eyes.
It doesn't matter anyways. He's more mentally fucked than I am, so I don't think I'll become like him.

I focus on what´s NOW and what´s REAL. YOu´d better learn to do the same...

Smart thinking.
That's how I would think if I wasn't afraid and if I could focus.

but without that grumpyness in your heart. Believe me, this posions your heart and it can up to the point where you can´t love anything all of this shabangabang worth this?

Oh I know about the lack of love part. As someone who became aromantic you feel a little empty, you know...

I understand you've been trying to help 30-30.
But there's one thing you have to realize. Am I worth it? You keep replying, yet I am a person who can't be helped. Some people indeed cannot be helped. If you don't believe me, look at the anti-zoos.
Well hey this conversation is over whoa thats fun thanks man

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 22:48:46

Drama is a place where people agree to disagree. I didn't invite you to be ridiculed but to participate. A lot of core people there, just like yourself, were spawned to be ridiculed but since stayed and became one of the most prolific participants. Today somebody pokes fun at you. Tomorrow you will do the same. It's all in good fun. I just thought the sub needed a fresh viewpoint on some issues so that discussions wouldn't devolve into a circlejerk. Circlejerk is the enemy of drama and its main target of ridicule.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-15 23:30:01

I find this message so ridiculous that I don't even know where to start.
Man... all of this looks so believable and promising... I could just... I could just blindly believe it all!

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 23:39:22

Dude, just let it go. If it's not your thing - it's not your thing.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-15 23:45:23

That's what I'd say to the kiddies misbehaving about zoophilia in the drama sub, but I know that's no use. Same thing here, really.
I wanted to prevent people falling in this trap, but nevermind, actually.
Anyone stupid enough to believe this deserves it.
Good job OP, get the most retarded members outta here!

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 23:57:53

What trap? "Prevent people"? Do you see yourself as the fatherly figure of this sub? Do you think people here can't make make their own judgement?

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-15 23:59:03

I really don't have to explain. We both know.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-16 00:02:35

I have no idea...

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-16 00:13:02

Let's both ignore it then. Because I definitely know what you're doing and people seem to be ignoring it. I'll let you have fun with the delusional ones, then.

Cephaliarch Fox of Firstdark 1 point on 2017-05-15 18:37:55

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most benevolent, kind, and warmhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of reserving judgment of others it delights me that Reddit would allow such an upstanding hub of anti-bullying and acceptance to exist. You think /r/ToastMe is a positive place? That subreddit, if you pick up on the unspoken and underplayed emotionally supportive vibes (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about /r/JellybeanToes, at least they draw the line at openly gushing at completely loveable kittens rather than blighted souls that require serious working of the empathy muscles), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most selfless Saints, Good Samaritans, altruistic nurturers, and the over all salt of the earth.

You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as generous as possible. That's intentional. They encourage friendliness in the comments section. You know the saying "Pay it Forward?" (it's from this underrated book Chicken Soup for the Soul, give it a read, it's wonderful how more and more it parallels our society.) /r/Drama is like that, they want to spread the cool waters of compassion to quell reactionary rage. So they continue to dogpile every bully and unkind act with firm but loving, gentle rebukes, stopping the normalizing those evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire network of Secret Santas spanning hundreds of communities, improving lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown Warm Fuzzies Task Force. They've taken on kink-shamers, freeing hundreds of people from embarrassment by showing support and not judging, some even... to death (from joy!)

I am proud that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of loving healers and ambassadors of goodwill, and I highly suggest that everyone visit this lovely subreddit, lest they potentially fall victim to the comparatively cruel and callous outside world.

Sotvokar 2 points on 2017-05-20 22:26:43

I was really surprised when /r/drama did not receive the last Nobel peace price. It is more than high time for at least such measly exclamatory punctuation to be made behind their unwavering prevailing gargantuan efforts for world peace and mutual public undersanding (sic).

Please address requestes for redresses toe thise postes of mine to any local dead drop-ish mail box of your liking.

Lateoss Wuz gud 3 points on 2017-05-15 18:38:18

Chill dudes? They called me out in the comments section of one of the posts, and weren't the nicest fellows in the world when I tried talking to them.

Honestly I think that our sub reaching other subs is a good thing, even if it's /r/drama. The problem is that the attention we are getting isn't good attention...

If we could get more zoos posting on these threads it would be fantastic, but that requires individual initiative to go out of /r/zoophilia and post on topics related to zoophilia originating elsewhere, something which not all users here have.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-05-15 18:49:55

They called me out in the comments section of one of the posts, and weren't the nicest fellows in the world when I tried talking to them.

Duh, they're antis. But then again, it's a sub which targets uncommon and abnormal groups. Don't expect rational arguments from such people.

Honestly I think that our sub reaching other subs is a good thing, even if it's /r/drama. The problem is that the attention we are getting isn't good attention... If we could get more zoos posting on these threads it would be fantastic, but that requires individual initiative to go out of /r/zoophilia and post on topics related to zoophilia originating elsewhere, something which not all users here have.

Probably something we shouldn't do.
It means they have our attention and that's exactly what they want.
Talking about zoophilia will spread the hate and such, so it's not so smart to do.
And convincing them will never work. I don't have to explain why, it's how these people work, sadly.
But since I don't care much about zoophilia's image any more, I'll try to reason with them and see how they react.

Lateoss Wuz gud 2 points on 2017-05-15 19:00:02

It won't spread hate if we stand up to their comments, but we can't do it alone. If one person tries to argue with a crowd they surely won't be taken seriously, but if many people are with a crowd they have a better chance.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-15 19:17:03

Talking about zoophilia means people will be aware of it, which means more hate. For humans, zoophilia is hated by default.
It's better not to spread knowledge about zoophilia. Not even actual knowledge, like the fact that zoophilia is not bad, because the apes will go ''lol how can they even think think that'' or ''lmao r they srs?''

We won't be taken more seriously if we talk like a group. We should not take them seriously.
Look at their logic, I legit laughed at it a few times at how they act and think, just because zoophilia is not a part of their life.
We are still the ''degenarit animal rapists xDDDD'' in their minds no matter what.
In the end, we're talking to stubborn, bigoted sheeple who do not understand zoophilia.
And we're always outnumbered, that will not change.
EDIT: Just to make sure, this sentence: ''And also, maybe the fact that we have to fear others?'' in my previous post was about us becoming a target, not fearing what others think of us. And maybe also because people like you will infest this sub with shit like this.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-05-17 01:29:24

You want more non zoos on your side within the thread to win a social circumstance like that. It decreases the "them and us" dichotomy.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-05-17 07:22:40

I'm 100% convinced no one in their sub will change sides. Such people are not to be taken seriously. They're all the same people who try to abuse others. I wouldn't want such people on our side, just like I don't want pedos on our side: It actually makes everything worse.

Of course, we could also be talking about other people not from that sub.
Then it's almost the same answer. No one has ever taken us seriously and never will.
People are sheepy beings and also let emotions ruin their thoughts.
And in the end, I actually don't care much any more.
I've stopped caring about zoo movement. At this point, it even becomes funny for me.
So go ahead everyone, I'll just see it happen and enjoy the shitfests.
And I won't read your reply, by the way. Already know what I want to know.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 19:03:34

I believe they are. At lest in comparison to treatment you'd get if you were to post in some other subreddit.

I think, if you were have some degree of interaction with other communities (not subject related) people at least would see that you are a human being, not a monster living only for the sole purpose of raping puppies.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-05-15 19:18:41

There was a time when we tried this. It backfired. Hard.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 19:53:43

Oh yeah? When? How?

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-05-16 02:56:30

Oh so many times over the years I've lost count, not neccesarily on reddit mind you. I've been around a while keep in mind.

Lateoss Wuz gud 1 point on 2017-05-15 20:51:01

Yeah tbh I can't remember us ever trying. Although I might have missed it.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-05-16 02:52:47

The community in general has tried several times over the years. Maybe not on this reddit, though I swear it's happened here too. It's happened so much to be frank it all blurs together. It never ends well.

Sotvokar 1 point on 2017-05-20 22:16:21

Chill dudes? They called me out in the comments section of one of the posts, and weren't the nicest fellows in the world when I tried talking to them.


Honestly I think that our sub reaching other subs is a good thing, even if it's /r/drama. The problem is that the attention we are getting isn't good attention...

As soon as a sufficient size is reached, people act like a mob. What do you expect? There is almost never good PR. About 500,000 cases of bad PR against maybe 100 cases when stuff went well should empirically tell you this.

If we could get more zoos posting on these threads it would be fantastic, but that requires individual initiative to go out of /r/zoophilia and post on topics related to zoophilia originating elsewhere, something which not all users here have.

This is a complete waste of time. If you are told to empty the ocean, then you don't lament the size of your cup. The reasonable human realizes the impossibility of the task, and walks away to do something more enjoyable, productive, or worthwhile. Every now and then you might encounter an individuum who really listens to all your arguments first. 99% of the time you will encounter goal-post moving, fallacities galore, comparison to pedophilia (I have no idea why no comparison to lesbianism, but so it is), circular logic, deep soaked religious morals from people who claim to be logical and then immediately fall flat on their noses when you apply logic. Then they just whine, cry, and call you names.

So why do that? I just come here once in a while to see if someone posted something like an awesome new brush or a newly developed collar, or the latest in animal bedding technology or something like that, and I skip all the other stuff which is an endless churning of the ever some dull lamentations, arguings, squabbles and fiddlesticks.

[deleted] 3 points on 2017-05-15 18:45:31

Nothing new, especially for such a sub with people who roam it to boost their own ego.
It's just the usual ''OMGGG xDDDD ppl fuckin animals again? wew those degenrates are at it again xDDDD'' so I don't see what's so special here.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 2 points on 2017-05-15 19:11:25

Rannoch here. Frankly, I didn't find it "Chill" there and find /u/Cephaliarch's view of it rose tinted at best. There's a reason I commented in the original thread (that your claiming credit for, I might add) at /r/sadcringe and not at /r/drama/ One look at that drama-llamma subreddit was fitting to its name, just full of drama and really not worth my time. I saw nothing suggesting of an openminded community in the least. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I don't have time to dig through shit for gold.

Masturb_Chyiff MAGA 1 point on 2017-05-15 20:03:08

Boys will be boys, I guess.

Although, let me tell you this: yes, there is an unwritten rule on Drama to upvote the lolcows. But I've been on that sub for quite some time now, and when Drama actually dislikes someone all rules go out the window and their karma score goes into negative double digits. Lateos comments have healthy amount of upvotes. I'd say that's pretty accepting.

And I think the reason behind this is because FrostFedora actually used to participate on that sub. Yeah, they were thinking of him as a dogfucker and nothing more, but overtime they came to see him as a human being. And because of this many people there see you as a human being.

That, and because there is a fair share of weirdos on that sub as well.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 2 points on 2017-05-16 02:55:26

I'll admit, my summary was more "peak in, run away" than a thorough analysis. I'll give you that much. Maybe I'll take a look some time.

But honestly, my life has been nothing but drama, and I try to actively avoid it online, so I don't see me fitting in in a sub dedicated to it.

silverwolf-tippysmat 2 points on 2017-05-15 21:46:17

I might consider it. Like 30-30, I've a thick skin after all these years, and never did care much what others thought of me, BUT: I'm kinda questioning my usefulness here (in the "community" if one in fact exists) right now, and until that is answered in my brain, your sub will have to wait...

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 2 points on 2017-05-15 22:09:02

34 comments, one like, and an outsider? Fucking hell where's the popcorn?!

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 1 point on 2017-05-15 22:12:19

But i guess ill bite there. looks just as cancerous as the rest of the internet i use

Swibblestein 3 points on 2017-05-16 00:50:38

I can't even look at that subreddit. Being badly designed out of irony doesn't change the fact that it's badly designed and looks awful.

There's a saying: "don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining", but here's the thing... Even if you proudly say it's piss, it's still piss and I want you to stop.

Hotdogzew-Fiel 1 point on 2017-05-27 02:38:26

I just don't care. I understand what I do, and who I'm attracted to won't be accepted by the general crowd, and won't be for a long time if ever. All that matters in my world is that I can find good beast videos to jerk it to, and get in the mood so I can have safe consentual sex with my doggo. As long as he's cared for, and has a wonderful, happy existance, that is all that matters. I disagree with zoosadists, I disagree with zoophobics, but I also disagree with trying to sway opinions of people who firstly don't matter, and secondly will not cave to, nor change their opinions on the matter. All it opens up to is the possibility of doxxing, which puts in jeopardy the livelyhood of myself, and more importantly, my dog.