A zoophile abroad (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-05-27 13:07:27 by actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied

I've got to throw up a quick topic about how great my little trip to Europe was. As a zoo I was in heaven. So many stunning dogs non of whom were castrated, and they were all so well behaved, even the typically yappy dogs were chill. The people over there actually give a shit about their animals and treat them as animals rather than a fluffy toy. I never saw one overweight dog either. The breeds they own as well, wow. Saw my first Beuceron in the flesh, had to do a double take (turned the car around to get a triple take but the dog wasn't there anymore 😞 ), what a stunning breed. Got talking to another guy with what he thought was a beuceron/st bernard mix and the thing had paws the size of my hand. I pet him and got some photos, he was a neat dog. I also happened upon a little village dog agility competition and everyone there was from all walks of life rather than just being the fat middle aged women that make up your typical shitty dog owner over here.

This is my zoo brain talking but surely I must've laid eyes on at least one other zoophile while I was there. theres no way everyone I saw would own an entire dog and not do at least a little bit heavy petting right?

I'm not much of a horse person but some of the horses were magnificent as well. Built like greek gods. tall, muscular, elegant and the way the sun shone down and made their coats shine...whew, very nice.

Anyway, If anyone wants to tell me how great living in mainland europe is I'd love to hear it. I am very very tempted to move over there if it means a better life as a zoo and from what I've seen it undoubtably would. I cant wait to go back.

[deleted] 0 points on 2017-05-27 13:57:39

Where in Europe where you?
Because everything you just said makes no sense to me. I don't want to pop you out of your dream you had...

So many stunning dogs non of whom were castrated

Stunning dogs? Indeed, Europe, or at least Belgium have delicious dog breeds.
Non-chimera dogs? Eh, there's alot of spayed and neutered ones around here. How do you even know if they aren't or are? Anyways, this isn't true. I only know one dog which isn't neutered, except when he showed interest in my bitch he was immediately threatened that his balls should be cut off.
Poor thing, he just happens to be the most beautiful dog I've ever seen.

The people over there actually give a shit about their animals and treat them as animals rather than a fluffy toy.

Say that to the dog owners who I have seen hang their dog with their leash or these ones that keep kicking their dogs.

This is my zoo brain talking

I had that feeling trough this whole post.

Anyway, If anyone wants to tell me how great living in mainland europe is I'd love to hear it. I am very very tempted to move over there if it means a better life as a zoo and from what I've seen it undoubtably would. I cant wait to go back.

You can't live better as a zoo depending on where you live. That's one of the biggest BS I keep hearing in zoo communities.
Can anyone PLEASE explain what this means? It frustrates me to no end that this was never explained.

Anyways, I hate Europe. Especially my country. It's quite boring and full of people who'll stab you if your dog is 10 meters near them.
People constantly try to remind you that they're pussies who are afraid of dogs and then try to boss over you, then become surprised someone 3 times younger tries to defend his own and his dog's rights.
The worst thing about Europe is the foreigners who think their country laws, culture, religion, etc. belong here and should be forced here.
My class had zero Dutch people, they all came from islamic countries. No problem with foreigners at all, but you're going to feel alone and you'll be ridiculed because of their norms and shit. I mean, I still made friends with them after a long time.
I shouldn't have to say this, you know exactly Europe's problem with foreigners and especially illegal ones and how they get free shit because they're poor and come from war countries. That's where your damn money goes when you live here.
The only good countries in Europe are Italy, Hungary and probably Germany. Belgium may be fine too. But the rest, especially France and the Netherlands... just no.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2017-05-27 14:09:26

I was in france/germany.

yes there are shitty dog owners everywhere but the dogs I saw definitely seemed happier than what I'm used to seeing. no pulling on leads etc.

You can't live better as a zoo depending on where you live.

er how is it better to live in shithole england where I can only just about afford a flat with no garden rather than a nice little house in france with a garden to keep a dog? I dont see whats so hard to understand about that?

I did see quite a lot of muslims, but only in the cities. I wouldn't be living in one anyway so its a moot point. also this is /r/zoo not /pol.

and yes writing is definitely not my forte.

[deleted] 0 points on 2017-05-27 14:09:31


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-05-27 14:47:02

I was in france/germany

I'm guessing most of your time must have been in Germany as it's actually a good country.

yes there are shitty dog owners everywhere but the dogs I saw definitely seemed happier than what I'm used to seeing. no pulling on leads etc.

That's right, shitty animal owners everywhere. It doesn't depend on the country, really. Except for some poor countries where dogs are nothing but diseases.

I have seen many dogs pull on leashes. This is why they were kicked and hung...
Even my dog pulls a lot. I'm quite surprised because in these parts I'd expect more hyperactive dogs pulling on leashes. Like mine.

er how is it better to live in shithole england where I can only just about afford a flat with no garden rather than a nice little house in france with a garden to keep a dog? I dont see whats so hard to understand about that?

That doesn't have to do anything with being a zoo, but being an animal owner.
NOW it makes more sense! In that case I can't or even want to help you.

I did see quite a lot of muslims, but only in the cities. I wouldn't be living in one anyway so its a moot point. also this is /r/zoo not /r/pol.

You wanted to know what it's like living here. I had to point out that there are thousands of pussies trying to boss you around what to do with your dog. And it's not just muslims, it's mostly them. I also pointed out that you'd feel strange not having much locals around.
And lastly, the fact that when you pay that country, you're paying illegal people so they can have iPads and food they won't eat and then complain, even when they get shit for free. Just some things to note, alright?

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-05-31 13:32:28

If I were you, I wouldn´t put too much weight onto what our departed replier (obviously WarCanine) had to contribute; he obviously goes trough the "angry, dissatisfied teenager" routines, blaming the world for his personal problems.

Maybe his retirement from online activities will help him to sort things out like a grown man, without scanning for scapegoats and blaming everyone and everything except himself...

On your impressions regarding Europe and animal ownership in Europe, I have to add that this isn´t the only difference in culture an American will encounter when moving to another continent. Although we´re NATO alliies and consider ourselves as "The western world", there are major differences between the US and, for example, Germany...cultural ones, political and social ones. Don´t underestimate the difficulties you might run into, especially when you´re not capable of the country´s language. But if you´re willing to build up a new life without the often draconian punishment you face in several US states for "doing naughty things with animals" and also are willing to contribute your workforce rather than living of social welfare, moving to a European country might be an actual improvement for you. Despite of WarCanine´s pessimistic views, living as a zoo in Europe actually isn´t that "experience of oppression" so many zoos turn it into. May I remind you that it´s Germany that has the only openly operating "pro zoophilia" organisation and all of their memebers still are running free although they don´t hesitate to hold their faces into any camera near them?

But there´s one thing I have to warn you about: don´t make the decision of moving to Europe only for "zooish" reasons. We European zoos are NOT sacrosanct, not invincible; making bad decisions such as publishing animal porn with your face clearly recognisable here is equally detrimental as it would be in the US. Running around, telling every random person that you fuck your dog will get you in trouble as fast as overseas. But if you live a quiet life with your animal without publicity and without harming your animal, practically nobody cares where your put your genitals. Besides a booming economy that offers lots of opportunities for anyone skilled enough and a very reliable social and health insurance system, Germany´s take towards "exotic" sexuality is a rather chilled one. As I have told in here many times before, even amidst hundereds of other horse owners, I never had to face severe problems reagrding my sexuality. Germany isn´t exactly what you might call a "zoo friendly" place, but it also isn´t an Arpaioesque , Orwellian "Big Brother is watching you" wasteland like the one Mr Trump is leading your country to. You actually can live a relatively peaceful life as a zoophile in Germany. In Germany, religion does not play such a big role anymore (well, don´t move to Bavaria...but those Lederhosen dickheads don´t even consider themselves to be a part of Germany anyways ) and if you´re willing to move to a non urban environment, prices for housing and land are reasonable. We Germans love the environment, so it shouldn´t be much of a surprise that we have lots of deep and healthy woods and vast meadows for your animal to live and play on. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask...

PS: The so called "muslim problem" WarCanine brought up really isn´t a problem. Not even ten percent of Germany´s population are muslims...and most of them are really nice people. If you´re not a right wing, white supremacy nutjob deliberately searching for a scapegoat that you can blame all your personal failures on, muslims simply are ordinary people you can get along with just fine. No sharia laws here...

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-02 15:51:53

It's great to know you're talking behind my back, considering you think I've left for good and won't read this, right?
Realize that I haven't deleted my original account, I just don't use to post here because someone's family couldn't shut their ass.
I still browse to see if you've even replied to my comment, but of course I wouldn't expect you to reply when I told the truth, especially in our last ''argument.''

About the muslims, they're indeed not really a problem.
Unless we're talking about the ones who force the rules of their countries / religions down our throats, of course!
But I also said this because a lot of people consider this a problem. I know enough people who want to move the fuck outta here because of this.
Even my German mates I've met online. I'm not saying they're right, but if other people see it as a problem there's a chance anyone else might feel the same.
And hey, when you're moving to a country, you'd rather see the locals instead of people from other countries, right? You move to another country partially because of the people.
I just wanted to remind OP that a part of their money goes to people gettin' things for free. The people come from war countries and are technically illegal, but who cares? Give 'em free food and they'll complain.
Look man, everybody knows about the refugee problems in Europe, especially West Europe. You can't ignore it.
A little side note, funny you consider them nice. I really don't want to discriminate against them like that, but they certainly aren't nice to animals. C'mon, they're religious, which already tells enough that they see animals as very low beings, and on top of that they're one of worst to them. Seriously, it's a part of their religion, even. Might I remind you about sheep and halal food?
Really, as a zoo myself (If at this point I can even call myself one, because the loss of most ''zoo'' feelings and all...) I don't like discrimination.
You know that my discrimination only stops at species, mostly. I only judge others by their actions, species and sometimes religion.

By the way, I'm not here to argue, it's sometimes hard to resist to reply to the fools that still stray around here.
I'll stay around for a while, hopefully that won't give you a few horrible flashbacks of the horrible annoying person that I apparently am, right?
I guess I'll do it your way: Reply once and never reply again, even if I am proven wrong: Fuck it! It's so hard to keep up with a few replies.
Yeah I totally don't blame you man, I wouldn't type with an xbox either.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2017-06-03 07:39:40

oh hey, I forgot you were our resident German. I'm glad to hear that you like living there, it was an amazing place to be but holidays are always different to permanently living in a country. One question, why dont you like Bavaria? Thats probably the place I'd be thinking about moving to and it seemed pretty nice to me. Also, would I be able to rent a place that would let me keep a dog? I cant do that here in England because no where allows it, is germany a bit more dog friendly in that regard? (I'm not sure if you know that sort of thing seeing as you prefer horses but I thought I should ask anyway.)

The countryside you have is stunning, like you said. I'm hoping to return at the end of summer for another week where I'm going to try to brush up on my german language and get a bit more of a feel for the place. thanks for the help.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-06-04 03:15:38

Bavaria is Germany´s Texas ;)

Joking aside, Bavaria is the most religiously influenced part of Germany, the Catholic church still is a very influential force there. Bavaria´s conservative party CSU , a "subdivision" of the CDU, Germany´s conservative party, is known for its religious fundamentalism and nationalism, is the force that blocks the "Ehe für alle" (marriage for all) project. Bavarian landscapes are fascinating and beautiful for sure...but Bavarians can be a terrible pain in the arse if you don´t fit into their norms. Bavarian stoners, gays, even Bavarian members of the SPD, the German social democrat party can tell you why being somehow different in Bavaria is more of a challenge than in any other part of the country. If you´re not the Weisswurst munching, Weissbier drinking, Lederhosen wearing family man with a wife and kids, you´ll have a hard time outside Munich and maybe Nuremberg, the two biggest urban places in Bavaria.

Keeping a dog in Germany is rather unproblematic although there are landlords who don´t allow dogs in their houses. But generally, Germany is a very dog friendly country and you shouldn´t have too many problems finding a flat or a house where you can keep your dogs. Especially in rural areas, keeping a dog is no problem at all but even in urban areas, there is a vast number of dog keepers.

If money plays a role, I´d recommend going for the rural areas instead of the expensive cities, Munich being the most expensive regarding rents. It is absolutely possible to find a nice house/flat in the less populated areas like the Eifel (southwest of Cologne), Lüneburger Heide (south of Hamburg) or the Sauerland...maybe you´ll need to commute to your workplace, but the expenses for public transportation or driving by car don´t match the ridiculously high rents you have to pay in the big cities.

When I bought my farm last year, I really got a bargain. My farm is located in a rural area, the next village roughly has 500 inhabitants, I live in luxurious circumstances,high quality housing, highest quality stables from Röver & Rüb, a huge riding hall of my own with a swimming pool and lots of land..for roughly 750 K Euros. A comparable real estate near Düsseldorf, Cologne or any other big city would have cost me 4 to 5 times what I paid, just to give you an idea. Look for the rural, les populated areas and I´m sure you´ll find an affordable option for yourself.

One last recommendation: if you haven´t already discovered them, search for the "Get Germanized!" series on youtube. Although sometimes a bit silly, they familiarise you with how we Germans click. They also give you a good idea what to expect when moving over here besides beer and thousands of different bread types.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2017-06-05 20:50:34

thanks so much for this, it's really useful stuff. I'm trying not to get too excited but it seems like such great country from what I've seen and heard. I'm going again later this year to practise my German and get more of a feel for the place so hopefully after that I'll be able to make a bit more of a difinitive decision about what I should do. I'll check out the get germanized thing on yt as well.

Sounds like you've done pretty well over there yourself, good job. I just cant see anything like that happening over here unless you have millions of pounds for just the land itself, its crazy.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-05-28 07:58:12

Poland doesn't have much immigrants, but our language can be a little bit too hard to learn, considering you are from England.

zoothrowawayaway 2 points on 2017-06-16 06:26:27

How did you turn this from a zoo discussion into ranting about refugees? I'm Dutch too and you're talking out of your ass, my dude.

Darkspirit5 1 point on 2017-06-02 20:38:17

The best place for a zoo to live is a tropical island. There are most likely stray animals everywhere, like dogs, cats, and even some horses and cows grazing wherever there is grass. You could survive being homeless as well because the weather is nice and warm all year round.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-03 17:17:32

Survive being homeless? ...What?

yelikedags 1 point on 2017-07-11 21:33:56

Pick fruit, lol. I'm sure it'll pan out