How do you accept your sexuality? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-05-28 15:03:26 by Mezepoko

As per the title, what is your relationship between yourself and your sexuality?

Now I'm fine, It took a long time to knowing all the facets of my sexuality, but now I know who am I.

Of course, it is sad to be unable to talk to someone IRL and, for obvious reasons, It's very difficult to find people who are into bestiality but the important thing is to feel good yourself, do not you think? It's just a matter of patience.

And for you?

BamTwig Black Lab Owner 1 point on 2017-05-28 16:36:16

It took me a long time to realise that I have far stronger feelings towards dogs then i do people.

But i wake up to the love of my life everyday, go to bed with him as well and couldn't be happier.

I have only ever told one real life friend. He accepts me and that part of me. I haven't found it difficult to meet people into the subject, it's been far harder to find trustworthy people.

Finding yourself first will allow you then to know what you want and find the other part to complete yourself.

OrcanTahoe 1 point on 2017-05-28 18:54:20

It's a matter of patience indeed.

It's been hard for me at the beginning (I was 14 when I discovered it, everyone struggles with their sexuality at that age, but it can just be harder when you're zoosexual). I felt different and "dirty" for what I was. But with time passing, I learned to embrace it. I'm turning 20 next month and am now proud to be a "real" animal lover. Proud to be able to fall in love with such wonderful and beautiful creatures, proud to live it this well when I know most people are probably ashamed of it, thanks to society bashing.

It's completely part of my personality, and the thing my life lacks of today is having my own dog (I can't now because I do not have the money nor the time with my studies, but that's my main goal cause I feel lonely/incomplete and constantly think about it).

Pretty recently I told it to two friends of mine (one of whom is a zoo two), and it has been one of the best decisions I've taken in a really long time. I don't feel this "pressure" I felt before, being able to be who I really am with some people is very reassuring.

My advise would that if you're cool with yourself about it, don't hesitate to tell it to someone you really trust and who you think would accept it. It'll help you a lot.

(just keep in mind that it's still dangerous and that I may have had a lot of luck with my two friends, so don't do it if you think it's too risky.)

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-05-29 02:13:45

Honestly it wasn't really hard for me to accept it and I don't remember having very significant feelings that being a zoophile itself was wrong. I definitely have flipped back and forth a couple times on whether or not sex with animals is wrong.

It's hard to say though when I 'knew'. I pretty much was always more interested in animals than humans in everything including fiction and science. Once I became sexual this preference became sexual as well.

I remember a few occasions where it kinda hit me that it was different. One is when I was discussing my furry art with a friend and they playfully teased me about it being bestiality and we kinda joked about it, but I felt kinda nervous about them somehow having figured it out. The most notable instance though was when my ex asked what I was into sexually and I realized "Oh. I can't tell them."

Now though I have a few friends, irl and online, who know and are zoos themselves. I also have this sub and my tumblr as outlets to discuss and vent semi-anonymously about the topic. As far as hate goes, it doesn't really drag on me too much. I'm not completely sure why, though I suspect that maybe I perceive the hate I receive as a zoophile as being more about things I do (or at least want to do/think about doing/plan on doing) compared to other things I get hate about which don't imply any sort of action.

Cuba5555 1 point on 2017-05-29 05:07:35

Once I found out I was a zoo I accepted it because it felt right. I been with human partners and trying to make love with them makes me sick. However animals I'm not disgusted I instead find pleasure in them. I accepted my life like this and I am happy.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 1 point on 2017-05-29 16:24:34

I still have trouble accepting it, I feel weird and do not like myself for it. Dogs mean the world to me, and I've never felt anything for any human being more than just "you are alright, I like you" I won't ever bring up the subject to others irl because quite frankly, i don't trust humans at all.

I don't have any idea how long it would be for me to just accept the fact I'm me, most likely not ever. It's been now almost 3 years since my relation went sexual with our dog, something that never happened with any of my human relations, not even close.

LupineRage 1 point on 2017-05-30 12:43:28

Honestly, accepting my sexuality was the easiest part once I got past the moral indoctrination that it was "wrong". I've always established bonds with canines as equal to or greater than the bonds I've established with human beings so for me, being a zoophile goes well past the confines of sexuality and into the whole identity/perception realm I guess.

The hard part is society's reaction towards us and knowing that even if we did wish to let someone close enough to us as a friend or otherwise, to know, it likely wouldn't be well received.

It gets a bit exhausting maintaining a facade as a "normal" human being at times, which is likely why I don't have very many friends or people that are close. It's rather lonely but it is what it is and I have no desire to change.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-05-31 01:56:00

For me the topic is pretty complicated. I am confident enough in my understanding of the world and myself that I don't really have ethical problems with the topic. But, I don't think I'm fully deprogrammed from society's baggage, which causes me some frustration. I don't like habitually lying to people, and I don't like the number of "wrong" people on the planet who cling to an irrational worldview where I'm a terrible person, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

jokavichu2 2 points on 2017-05-31 07:06:53

I don't really care too much about that. A huge misconception people have about sexuality and human behavior is that we're "meant" to act a certain way and not be deviant. But we're not designed, we're products of natural selection. We turned out like we are because of random events. Try not to stress too much on why you might like the sight of animal dick, more serious stuff out. Err

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-02 05:06:27


N3cr0fil3 1 point on 2017-06-22 15:49:20

By being a misanthrope, if I'm honest. I love animals of all kinds... Except humans. People are scared of other wild predators like lions and bears and shit, saying they are "unpredictable." No, no they aren't. Humans are unpredictable. An animal's actions are very predictable. I have encountered bears in the wild and felt no fear; but being surrounded by humans terrifies me. I can guess the bear's intentions through it's body language and habits. I can not begin to guess what is going through the mind of a "wild" human.