So there's a (rather dead) anti zoo sub now (
submitted 2017-05-29 12:05:26 by thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song
AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 6 points on 2017-05-29 12:47:05

He misspelled bestiality.

OS2Oslov Deer Zoo (non-active) 1 point on 2017-05-29 23:52:33

Spending too much time being "shocked" at porn sites, methinks.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 2 points on 2017-05-29 13:17:15

Rant here about CorgiWiggle, talk about how he is a sick human being who needs to be sent to space because he is not a productive member of society.

Hmm, looks personal. (It was in sub description).

[deleted] 0 points on 2017-05-29 15:29:16


thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 1 point on 2017-05-29 17:50:39

Yeah, but theres alot of attention around that situation, so it can easily blow up

duskwuff 1 point on 2017-05-29 19:41:41

Fill me in. Who is CorgiWiggle, and what is their "situation"?

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 1 point on 2017-05-29 20:50:11

i dont know and honestly i dont really want to know.

duskwuff 2 points on 2017-05-29 21:03:09

Wait, now I'm confused. If you don't know what the situation is, how can you know that "there's a lot of attention around that"?

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 1 point on 2017-05-29 22:15:28

Because theres an entire subreddit based on it /r/corgiwiggleirl

sneakpeekbot 1 point on 2017-05-29 22:15:35

Here's a sneak peek of /r/corgiwiggleirl [NSFW] using the top posts of all time!

\#1: Corgi Wiggle visits his father | 5 comments
\#2: Corgiwiggle caught using an alt | 26 comments
\#3: Corgiwiggle irl | 3 comments

^I'm ^a ^bot, ^beep ^boop ^^| ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^^| ^Contact ^me ^^| ^Info ^^| ^Opt-out

thelongestusernameee lurklurklurk all day long, lurklurklurk while i sing this song 1 point on 2017-05-29 22:16:26
zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-05-30 04:56:58

I didn't know either so I looked up their past posts. They seem to post in pedo subs and also defend sex with animals. So I can see why they're controversial.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-02 16:32:47

So Aluzky V2.0? Hey, more zootards so we look even worse!