coming out [NS] [SSFW] (
submitted 2017-06-03 18:14:22 by zblack_dragon
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Kynophile Dog lover 2 points on 2017-06-03 19:26:24

This video has good advice well worth considering. I've come out to enough people in enough ways to understand its benefits and risks. As far as zoophilia goes, I'd pay special attention to a person's attitude toward animals in general to determine how safe it is to tell them. If they love animals even acknowledging some of the less savory parts of them, that's a good sign. Those who infantilize their pets or are squeamish in general might be less happy to hear how you feel, since they are more likely to accept some irrational biases about them and about you.

SCP_2547 3 points on 2017-06-03 20:56:50

Or don't come out at all.
Especially if you have an animal of your own, as you're putting both yourself and your animal at risk for a dumb reason.
And no, there are no signs to know if a person will accept you being a zoophile or not. Everyone's opinions on it are different, doesn't matter how they are like.
I do admit that sheepy people, people who judge quickly and people that act like animals are babies, people who never hang out with animals, etc. is an instant no, but that doesn't mean anything.

I find it hard to decide if you're doing this to get zoophiles in extreme danger or are just straight up blind.
Stop this behavior, unless you love the pain of zoophiles and their animals.

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2017-06-03 22:19:36

Calm down. The fact is that those who are comfortable with it should come out, not only for their own mental health but to challenge the impression that zoophiles are idiots who can't get laid. Of course every situation is different, and there is always risk, as the video said, but that doesn't mean that there is never a situation in which coming out is alright to do.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 3 points on 2017-06-03 23:27:44

I wouldn't necessarily say they 'should', but yeah, it's certainly true that situations vary and that the more open zoos there are, the harder it is to stereotype or spread misinformation.

It's a risk, but so is everything. Whether or not that risk is worth it is up to the individual who has weighed their options and outcomes.

SCP_2547 2 points on 2017-06-04 13:13:25

the more open zoos there are, the harder it is to stereotype or spread misinformation.

And it's not worth your and your animal's life.
Why does it matter? Zoophilia's image is already destroyed.
Even then, why should we care?

It's a risk, but so is everything.

And out of all things in zoophilia... THIS is the most risky.
Even fencehopping is less risky: At least you could keep it a secret and not get caught.
Does seriously nobody realize we are not trying to get caught, but this is just straight up admitting it? No wonder we're seen as idiots...

Whether or not that risk is worth it is up to the individual who has weighed their options and outcomes.

And if that certain individual thinks it's worth it, then they deserve to get caught because of their idiotic mind.
Risk: Your and your animal's life.
Reward: Feeling a little bit better.
You've got to be one selfish person to think that's more worth than your and your animal's life.
At that point you aren't even a genuine zoophile.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-06-04 13:37:19

Risk: Your and your animal's life. Reward: Feeling a little bit better.

I tend to agree with this, which is why I don't favor blanket, habitual coming out. But the logic is plain that if good people never come forward, all that will happen is that nutjobs and screw-ups will come forward (voluntarily or as they're found), further marginalizing everyone else and reinforcing negative stereotypes. Standing idly by while further injustice plays out in the public eye doesn't seem like it should be the best option, but it seems to be the only practical option most of us are stuck with for now, at least offline.

Being a little visible online makes it easier to get the "good people" message out while still being anonymous enough to put yourself directly in harm's way, but there's still a need for caution.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2017-06-04 20:06:48

Why does it matter? Zoophilia's image is already destroyed. Even then, why should we care?

If you don't care, that's fine. That's your own opinion and it's fair. If other people find it a worthy cause that's their own deal and it's on them to accept the responsibility for it. As far as why care for the people who have this opinion it's so that maybe in the future there won't be as much risk, not just for those who would intentionally come out, but for those who are outed against their will. Nobody is immune to bad luck or forgetfulness. Will this risk pay off? I don't think anybody can really say.

And out of all things in zoophilia... THIS is the most risky.

I'd beg to differ. Depending on your audience and location it might be little risk. I wouldn't doubt that in most cases of coming out, there has been a good deal of thought put into who to tell, how much to tell, as well as weighing risks to minimize them. Limiting who you tell to trusted people, especially those you have similarly compromising information on, will carry significantly less risk than public announcements. Even in the case of being very public there might not be much, if any legal risk. If the animals involved are already dead and the events are past the statute of limitations there's not really anything anyone can do legally about it.

Beyond that what kind of information you give your audience and what you have at home will also affect the risk. If someone doesn't have an animal currently there's not really any risk beyond social consequences. If someone does have an animal, but no photos or videos or written statements admitting to having sex with it, the whole case is going to be built on hearsay.

A conviction is possible, especially if someone doesn't know how to talk to the police (don't), has a bad lawyer, or there's some arbitrary quality to them that the jury doesn't like. But that doesn't mean that it's likely. On the other extreme, I've seen cases where photo evidence existed get thrown out before it could even see a courtroom. Risk is not just about if something is possible, but how likely an outcome is.

You don't even need to get into zoophile-specific interactions to get riskier activities. Hiking in some areas is inherently dangerous, especially when the animal is off lead. Dog parks and 'daycares' are often sources of risk from disease, injury, and psychological trauma. Many animal sports are risky and some will cause physical harm at a competitive level, and I won't condone those instances. But this brings me to my next point.

You've got to be one selfish person to think that's more worth than your and your animal's life.

I don't have plans to 'come out' to anyone other than zoos for my own reasons, I have the risks aren't worth it for me. But I do want to take my dogs on hikes and backpacking trips and I have an interest in sports. Even if I take measures to reduce it, there's significant risk of physical injury or death doing a wilderness trip. The payoff could be achieved in less risky ways. So is it unethical to do? That depends on your perspective and where you draw the line for acceptable risk. Both stances are fair.

I view coming out similarly. You clearly take a hard stance that no risk is acceptable because you don't see the potential payoff as valuable. Kynophile believes that the potential payoff is worth it. I think that there's a lot of factors into why someone might or might not come out and, as long as there has been careful consideration and damage control measures in place, it's up to the person themselves.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-04 22:52:42

If other people find it a worthy cause that's their own deal and it's on them to accept the responsibility for it.

That's not how it works.
We should NOT encourage zoos to do this.
There's more chance for harm, and there is more harm done than good.

I'd beg to differ. Depending on your audience and location it might be little risk. I wouldn't doubt that in most cases of coming out, there has been a good deal of thought put into who to tell, how much to tell, as well as weighing risks to minimize them. Limiting who you tell to trusted people, especially those you have similarly compromising information on, will carry significantly less risk than public announcements.

You can never know.
Everyone is different, don't you get it? You. don't. know. who. will. accept. your. zoophilia.
Do you understand?

Even in the case of being very public there might not be much, if any legal risk. If the animals involved are already dead and the events are past the statute of limitations there's not really anything anyone can do legally about it.

Beyond that what kind of information you give your audience and what you have at home will also affect the risk. If someone doesn't have an animal currently there's not really any risk beyond social consequences.

So none of those will have future animals? Yeaaah, no.
Even then, you're ruining your own life in a way as people will hold a grudge against you.

A conviction is possible, especially if someone doesn't know how to talk to the police (don't), has a bad lawyer, or there's some arbitrary quality to them that the jury doesn't like. But that doesn't mean that it's likely. On the other extreme, I've seen cases where photo evidence existed get thrown out before it could even see a courtroom. Risk is not just about if something is possible, but how likely an outcome is.

You're straight up admitting you want to rape animals, or even have already done it.
Someone who doesn't know how to talk to the police can't talk at all. Reporting isn't hard.
Also, DNA is only needed. One inspection and that's it. No lawyer needed, you're done for.
You're making a bunch of things up that will likely never happen.

You don't even need to get into zoophile-specific interactions to get riskier activities. Hiking in some areas is inherently dangerous, especially when the animal is off lead. Dog parks and 'daycares' are often sources of risk from disease, injury, and psychological trauma. Many animal sports are risky and some will cause physical harm at a competitive level, and I won't condone those instances. But this brings me to my next point.

This is very off-topic and irrelevant. Only proves my point that I'm seeing nothin' but bullshit and excuses.
Reminds me of the antis making a list up of what could go wrong in zoophile relations.

I don't have plans to 'come out' to anyone other than zoos for my own reasons, I have the risks aren't worth it for me. But I do want to take my dogs on hikes and backpacking trips and I have an interest in sports. Even if I take measures to reduce it, there's significant risk of physical injury or death doing a wilderness trip. The payoff could be achieved in less risky ways. So is it unethical to do? That depends on your perspective and where you draw the line for acceptable risk. Both stances are fair.

Don't compare coming out to those things. These are COMPLETELY different situations.
It makes absolutely zero sense.

These things aren't even as dangerous as coming out.
You can take precautions with these things, you can't with coming out because it's basically like gambling.
Don't get me started with this ''But I know what these people are like.'' bullshit.
You don't and can't read minds.

I view coming out similarly.

Then I only feel sorry for you.
Take a cup of your favorite drink, chill out and use your brain and you might realize that this is absolutely idiotic.

Kynophile believes that the potential payoff is worth it.

Oh, if risks don't matter, in that case I'll post my name, face, voice, IP, address, photos of us, etc.
At the same time, I will fencehop and have all the evidence and hand it to the police.
Don't even tell me I'm doing something wrong, it all depends on the zoophile's opinions, right? Well this is all worth it!
Do you think she'll be taken away and euthanized, while I get thrown in jail and ruined my future career? HELL NO! I think it's absolutely safe and for that reason you should let me kill that animal and ruin my future!

I think that there's a lot of factors into why someone might or might not come out and, as long as there has been careful consideration and damage control measures in place, it's up to the person themselves.

Yeah yeah yeah, that's the spirit!
Don't you dare judge me for throwing my dog in a volcano, man.
It's up to me if I do it or not and you shouldn't give a shit because I am her owner and I think she will survive it!

Now I'm reminded why I left this community, again.
Oh, by the way, ignore the rest of this message.

If any zoos who reads this and is considering coming out. PLEASE do so, we've got some experts here!
It's all up to you buddy! Want to get it off your chest and just live like a zoophile should, in peace and freedom?
Well, you'll certainly get it when the cops are at your door, just waiting to give your animal a nice ride to the shelter of ''disgusting'' animals!
Ha-heh, see ya there bud!

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-06-05 00:07:17

You can never know. Everyone is different, don't you get it? You. don't. know. who. will. accept. your. zoophilia. Do you understand?

Obviously everyone is different and has varying opinions. Obviously you can't read minds. None of that is being claimed. To some degree though you can get some idea of which people are safer than others. It won't always be correct, that's true, I don't think anyone is claiming that. But it does reduce risk.

So none of those will have future animals? Yeaaah, no. Even then, you're ruining your own life in a way as people will hold a grudge against you.

Yes actually, not everyone is going to have animals their entire life. They might be no longer in a position to care for them due to living situation, health, or age. Or they might just no longer wish to have animals. Nobody is put at risk by these people going public. I'm not saying that this is a common situation, I was using it as an example of how even going completely public about it can be, in certain situations, not all that dangerous.

I didn't really address social consequences because I didn't find it relevant to legal risk. Being ostracized or outcast is going to have different weight to different people. If social risk was the only consequence, I doubt you'd care nearly as much.

You're straight up admitting you want to rape animals, or even have already done it.

But is there evidence that this was said? Unless your coming out involved exchanging photos or a written confession "I have sex with animals" there won't be. It's going to be hard to get people to care about "My neighbor said he wants to fuck a dog" without any evidence. In the chance that it does get a knock on the door, it doesn't mean an investigation will be launched or that evidence will be found. If you're concerned about leaving DNA evidence, it shouldn't matter if you're 'out' or not (accidents happen).

Don't compare coming out to those things. These are COMPLETELY different situations. It makes absolutely zero sense. These things aren't even as dangerous as coming out. You can take precautions with these things, you can't with coming out because it's basically like gambling.

They're different situations, but more comparable than you think. I can take precautions in backpacking, yes. But I cannot, ever, eliminate the risk. I cannot guarantee that a dog won't slip a collar, I can't keep my eyes on the dogs at all times to guarantee they won't eat something dangerous, I can't guarantee that the weather won't turn dangerous, and so on. I feel the benefits outweigh the risk and that I can minimize the risk to an acceptable level, but I can't eliminate it because there are so many factors I cannot ever predict or control. If you think that the risk can be eliminated, you shouldn't be doing it.

You can take precautions in coming out. You can avoid keeping incriminating files and conversations on record. You can avoid sharing explicit information. You can only tell people who you trust to respond a certain way. You can research your local and state laws as well as specific cases in your area to learn what's likely to happen in worst-case scenario. But no matter what, there's still going to be risk. Whether or not that's acceptable is up to the individual. If someone thinks they can eliminate the risk or that there's none, they shouldn't be doing it.

Don't you dare judge me for throwing my dog in a volcano, man.

That's not equivalent and you know it. Coming out isn't a for-certain death sentence for anyone involved and shouldn't be treated that way. It's risky, but taking a calculated risk isn't the same as intentional cruelty.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-05 00:32:49

Obviously everyone is different and has varying opinions. Obviously you can't read minds. None of that is being claimed. To some degree though you can get some idea of which people are safer than others. It won't always be correct, that's true, I don't think anyone is claiming that. But it does reduce risk.

While I think that's bullshit as I've experienced different, it's not enough risk reduced for it to be safe to do, at least.
Even if you think you're some kind of psychic who can read minds.
You can never be too sure.

I didn't really address social consequences because I didn't find it relevant to legal risk. Being ostracized or outcast is going to have different weight to different people. If social risk was the only consequence, I doubt you'd care nearly as much.

I wouldn't care as much, but I bet other zoos would.
So it'd technically still be a dumb thing to do.

But is there evidence that this was said?

This isn't how it works.
It doesn't matter if it was, police take this seriously and will investigate.
If it was a lie or a joke, then the one who reported will be the one in trouble.
Even if the small chance that the police doesn't care that it has been said, a few other reports from different people may make them change their minds.
Considering we're constantly witchhunted and have been myself, it'll definitely happen.

In the chance that it does get a knock on the door, it doesn't mean an investigation will be launched or that evidence will be found. If you're concerned about leaving DNA evidence, it shouldn't matter if you're 'out' or not

I'm not sure what you mean by if you're out or not.
But if they investigate, they will definitely see you had sex with an animal.
DNA is everywhere, and it would be very weird if human sperm and saliva would just slide it's way into an asshole or vagina.

They're different situations, but more comparable than you think. I can take precautions in backpacking, yes. But I cannot, ever, eliminate the risk. I cannot guarantee that a dog won't slip a collar, I can't keep my eyes on the dogs at all times to guarantee they won't eat something dangerous, I can't guarantee that the weather won't turn dangerous, and so on. I feel the benefits outweigh the risk and that I can minimize the risk to an acceptable level, but I can't eliminate it because there are so many factors I cannot ever predict or control. If you think that the risk can be eliminated, you shouldn't be doing it. You can take precautions in coming out. You can avoid keeping incriminating files and conversations on record. You can avoid sharing explicit information. You can only tell people who you trust to respond a certain way. You can research your local and state laws as well as specific cases in your area to learn what's likely to happen in worst-case scenario. But no matter what, there's still going to be risk. Whether or not that's acceptable is up to the individual. If someone thinks they can eliminate the risk or that there's none, they shouldn't be doing it.

I think otherwise, you can take all precautions for these things and make sure they never happen.
Except weather, but you can actually reduce to risk to almost zero by watching the news. You can't do that with coming out.
It doesn't matter if you have information on your computer or not, it only makes it faster for them, but in the end you WILL be caught if the police is called.
D, N and FUCKING A. Ever heard of rape kits? Yeah, well glad this is covered.
It's not up to the individual, we should encourage them not to do this, just like we shouldn't encourage others to train their animals to have sex. With the same logic, I can allow other zoos to train their animals for sex. It's up to them if it's worth it or not.
You keep forgetting that this is about the life of a goddamn animal. I thought they were treasured here, but apparently the human is more important as it only benefits the human.

That's not equivalent and you know it. Coming out isn't a for-certain death sentence for anyone involved and shouldn't be treated that way. It's risky, but taking a calculated risk isn't the same as intentional cruelty.

Nope, I'm under the believe that she will survive it. It's only a small risk.
It's not intentional cruelty, I want to see my dog survive it for my own relief.
Don't you dare judge me, this is my decision and to me the reward outweighs the risk.
I'm applying the same logic here, yet now you're against the idea of it because now you are the one who thinks it's dangerous. Keep in mind: It's up to me.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-06-05 01:35:24

You can never be too sure.

Yep, you can never know for sure, I've said that. That's acceptable risk for some people. It's not for you. Good for you.

It doesn't matter if it was, police take this seriously and will investigate.

Law enforcement is only human, has limited time and resources, and so they can and will dismiss reports if they think it's likely to be a joke, that there's not going to be enough evidence, that it might be hard to obtain a warrant, or they just don't think it's important. They also would need to obtain a warrant, and how easy that will be will depend on jurisdiction. Legally an anonymous tip without evidence is not permitted as probable cause.

I'm not sure what you mean by if you're out or not. But if they investigate, they will definitely see you had sex with an animal. DNA is everywhere, and it would be very weird if human sperm and saliva would just slide it's way into an asshole or vagina.

I mean that if you're worried about DNA evidence it shouldn't matter whether or not you have come out. If this is a concern for you, you should be taking precautions against leaving as much as possible, be it condoms, dental dams, gloves, or abstinence.

If you think that sounds unnecessary, take a moment and think about why. You can't remove all risk to sex. As I said before, nobody is immune to bad luck. You can get caught and a report can get filed even if you are careful because even ignoring bad luck, nobody is 100% secure and cautious 100% of the time.

Say the dog needs to go to the vet immediately after sex because she got an unrelated injury. There could be some physical evidence that might make the vet suspicious and bam, you're investigated. Maybe your nosy neighbor has a sound amplifier and is listening or even recording you. He might not be breaking a law because he's technically listening from his house. And now you're outed.

I think otherwise, you can take all precautions for these things and make sure they never happen. Except weather, but you can actually reduce to risk to almost zero by watching the news. You can't do that with coming out.

No you can't make sure nothing bad will happen. There are too many factors out of your control. There's weather, wildlife, and just random chance, to say nothing of a dog's potential behavior. There are plenty of cases where the dog who has always been fantastic on hikes one day slips its collar or reacts dangerously to a wild animal. Like people, you can't ever predict an animal's behavior with complete accuracy. Thinking that you can make yourself 100% safe in the wilderness gets people and animals killed every year.

Similarly, a false sense of security is dangerous with coming out. That's why it's important to stay realistic about it and weigh the risk. Saying that it's for sure a death sentence and that there's nothing that can reduce the risk isn't realistic. There's area between being idealistic and defeatist.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-05 02:02:55

Yep, you can never know for sure, I've said that. That's acceptable risk for some people. It's not for you. Good for you.

That's acceptable for some people, like how raping animals is acceptable for some people.

Law enforcement is only human, has limited time and resources, and so they can and will dismiss reports if they think it's likely to be a joke, that there's not going to be enough evidence, that it might be hard to obtain a warrant, or they just don't think it's important.

Police will never think it's a joke, whatever you say, sarcasm or not, WILL be taken seriously.
And yes, they will care. It's against the law. Duh.
DNA is nothing but the evidence they need and want.

I mean that if you're worried about DNA evidence it shouldn't matter whether or not you have come out. If this is a concern for you, you should be taking precautions against leaving as much as possible, be it condoms, dental dams, gloves, or abstinence.

If you are a zoophile having sex with your animal then you are leaving DNA.
This is a concern for everyone, you will always leave it.
And nobody uses these things for bestiality, really. The point here is that no zoo should do it, and any zoo barely uses these things.
Even then, with a rape kit they will know that a human had sex with an animal.

You can't remove all risk to sex. As I said before, nobody is immune to bad luck. You can get caught and a report can get filed even if you are careful because even ignoring bad luck, nobody is 100% secure and cautious 100% of the time.

You can remove all risk related to issues with the law by keep everything closed.
You can't with coming out.
Still, not relatable. There's way more risk to coming out than having sex.

Say the dog needs to go to the vet immediately after sex because she got an unrelated injury. There could be some physical evidence that might make the vet suspicious and bam, you're investigated. Maybe your nosy neighbor has a sound amplifier and is listening or even recording you. He might not be breaking a law because he's technically listening from his house. And now you're outed.

Physical evidence after sex?
H o l d t h e f u c k o n
Physical evidence after sex?
What non-rapist leaves physical evidence after sex?

Also, no neighbors, no problem. Even if, the chance is extremely small.
You can't hear sex lmao.

No you can't make sure nothing bad will happen. There are too many factors out of your control. There's weather, wildlife, and just random chance, to say nothing of a dog's potential behavior. There are plenty of cases where the dog who has always been fantastic on hikes one day slips its collar or reacts dangerously to a wild animal. Like people, you can't ever predict an animal's behavior with complete accuracy. Thinking that you can make yourself 100% safe in the wilderness gets people and animals killed every year. Similarly, a false sense of security is dangerous with coming out. That's why it's important to stay realistic about it and weigh the risk. Saying that it's for sure a death sentence and that there's nothing that can reduce the risk isn't realistic. There's area between being idealistic and defeatist.

Yet it's still less risky than coming out.
Do you know how many people are against zoophilia? We don't have numbers, but what we are sure of is that it's the majority of humanity.
This already proves there's much more risk.
Sure, saying you can't reduce the risk doesn't make sense, but we should never do this. It's common sense to me.
You can't calculate this risk for fuck's sake. Everyone is different and their opinions aren't decided by their character.
Sometime, or already have likely already heard someone say: ''That isn't like you at all.''
The risk is always bigger because of that.
I have a feeling nobody is taking this serious at this point. Goddamn sad.
It's like ISIS tellings kids to blow themselves up. Not knowing what the fuck they're getting themselves into and hurting others.
Look man, any zoo which encourages others to do this loses all of my respect and will not sympathize with them when they're caught. In fact, I'd enjoy it very much. Indeed, I don't care about the animal. It's all about the human's own feeling of relief, right?
Zoophiles of the future, I hope you know better, for the wellbeing of your animals. Yes, the past was this retarded. Sigh... I'd never thought that the antis would be smarter, but goddamn has this community hit their head hard.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-06-05 02:55:20

If you are a zoophile having sex with your animal then you are leaving DNA.

Even then, with a rape kit they will know that a human had sex with an animal.

What non-rapist leaves physical evidence after sex?

Lol. Anyway, your own contradictions aside, if you have ever had sex with another person, animal, or even used a dildo on yourself you'd know why this is is a silly thing to say. That's not even taking into account accidental injury because wow, hey, shit happens.

You can remove all risk related to issues with the law by keep everything closed.

No you can't. Nobody is 100% perfect 100% of the time. Nobody is immune from bad luck. You can minimize it, sure, but you can't ever eliminate the risk.

I find it odd you're so caught up in the risk of coming out but you are quick to claim that somehow risk can be eliminated in all other interactions. You can't do that. There's always going to be a million somethings that can go wrong.

Everyone is different and their opinions aren't decided by their character.

This is true, nobody's arguing that. But we make these judgements on peoples' likely reactions daily about what someones' likely reaction to something will be. Nobody is a mind reader but peoples' reactions are rarely totally random. That's not to say it never happens that someone acts completely out of character.

As other people have said, you need to calm down. You're getting worked up past the point of being able to really think clearly.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-05 03:30:58

Lol. Anyway, your own contradictions aside, if you have ever had sex with another person, animal, or even used a dildo on yourself you'd know why this is is a silly thing to say. That's not even taking into account accidental injury because wow, hey, shit happens.

You were talking about physical evidence that can be seen easily, so I wasn't talking about the physical evidence that you can only see with a rape kit. Sorry bud, no contradicting myself here.
You cannot know if someone had sex or not by looking at their bodies.
And accidental injury? If you think bestiality has an easy chance of that happening you shouldn't be doing that.
You're looking at someone who's trying to force his dick down a vagina, yet still failed hundreds of times actually getting it in. No injury to her here.

No you can't. Nobody is 100% perfect 100% of the time. Nobody is immune from bad luck. You can minimize it, sure, but you can't ever eliminate the risk.

Yes you can get rid of these risks. Luck can't interfere if you close and lock everything.
What is it that can still happen? A heart attack?

I find it odd you're so caught up in the risk of coming out but you are quick to claim that somehow risk can be eliminated in all other interactions. You can't do that. There's always going to be a million somethings that can go wrong.

If you lock everything, there is no goddamn problem.
Coming out is straight up admitting you do it.
And you know what's funny? It doesn't matter if you are caught having sex with an animal with your logic: Where is the evidence?
According to you, the police won't take reports seriously and the reporters have no evidence they've seen it happen.
Still, more risk in coming out than just having sex...

As other people have said, you need to calm down.

This issue isn't being taken seriously.
I've seen many people say that zoophilia is about animals and not about humans, yet this action only benefits the human and there's a higher chance of failure than success.
This also proves it's irrelevant and off-topic.
Stupidity will kill these animals some day, sadly.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-06-05 22:15:23

It's interesting to me that zootrashcan's comments are strictly to his opinions and his answers to your questions, and your comments seem to have a lot of sarcasm, mockery, and exaggeration. I'm not saying that alone makes his responses seem more credible, but I think it helps.

SCP_2547 0 points on 2017-06-05 23:04:13

I seriously could not give a fuck less.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-06-07 00:38:11

And that's the problem. If you were here to exchange actual ideas and knowledge, you would.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-07 10:52:17

I'm here to stop zoos from being the biggest idiots to exist.
I guess I failed.

TokenHorseGuy 2 points on 2017-06-04 00:27:26

The fact is that those who are comfortable with it should come out

I don't quite agree with this "fact." For one thing I'm not sure it benefits one's own mental health to go through a highly risky discussion, and volunteer incriminating information about oneself. Yes, it is probably one of the better ways to get people to realize that "normal people" are zoophiles and not creepy perverts. But it can quickly backfire into "wow, I had no idea this normal person was actually a creepy pervert."

Having said that, I've discussed my interests with a couple online friends. Granted they were fans of feral furry art, so the probability was already sort of like shooting fish in a barrel of fish with no water. I don't think that my doing so really advanced the public's opinion very much.

Sure, there are rarely things which should NEVER be done, that doesn't mean that therefore they should be done.

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2017-06-04 00:37:25

I'm confused by your logic here. Your premise is that coming out, like most actions, is not among those that never should be done. This implies that it sometimes should be done, at least. Your conclusion contradicts your premise.

Also, there are steps you can take before, during, and after to make it more likely to be positive: make sure you're secure and confident enough to do it, know who you're talking to, and continue to be the same person after as you were before. It's not all jail time and lynch mobs.

TokenHorseGuy 3 points on 2017-06-04 03:24:02

I think my premise is that it is highly risky, but sometimes works out if you do a lot of homework.

Of course it does not always end in disaster, but simply being comfortable with it does not make it something people should do, in my opinion.

To take it even a step further, there are many people who have come out who did so in a way whose consequences have been quite detrimental - they were more comfortable, secure, and confident than they probably should have been.

It's not all jail time and lynch mobs, but it's also not NEVER jail time and lynch mobs. Like most actions, there is an intelligent middle ground to be taken.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2017-06-04 03:08:33

Granted they were fans of feral furry art, so the probability was already sort of like shooting fish in a barrel of fish with no water.

Don't you know there's no zoophilia in furry? It's always only fantasy! /s Though because of that mentality it's really easy to hide in plain sight in that community.

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2017-06-04 06:13:40

"It's only like 1% of furries!"

Yeah, sure, alright... Lol

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-06-04 13:49:24

Furry surveys regularly place the number around 13% (one out of eight) with some fluctuation year-to-year.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-06-04 20:12:23

I'd love to see a comparison of furries-in-general to feral-furries.

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2017-06-05 10:32:00

Probably like 65% of feral furries. Lol.

I mean, come on. If you're into ferals, you're essentially already attracted to animals. There's not much to dispute.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-05 17:13:14

They're closet zoos but who won't accept their own zoophilia.
''Oh nooo but it's all fantasy!'' ''This is drawn!'' ''At least it's not real rape!''
And many more excuses from these weirdos.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-06-05 20:27:17

I know myself and a few other artists are zoos who are open to some degree, though maybe under other names. I love to check out the profiles of my watchers and a good number are zoos too. I don't really see feral artists and fans disputing it as much as non-feral fans or purely sfw feral artists, but I certainly don't mind it. Like I said, it makes it easy to hide in plain sight.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-06-05 22:22:54

Usually the justification is that the animals involved have human-level intelligence and consent to it. Fair enough, but as said above, clearly the attraction is there.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-06-05 23:28:09

As long as it lets me make zoo art (both sfw and nsfw) without outing myself, I don't mind it. I'm certainly not going to argue against it when it pops up in furry groups.

I don't think though that all feral fans are zoos, but it certainly seems to be most of them. The ones who aren't tend to be kinda obvious when you see them.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-06-07 00:38:59

The ones who aren't tend to be kinda obvious when you see them.

With names like "zootrashcan" :P

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2017-06-04 06:12:41

He seems calm enough to me.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-04 22:58:02

First I was, until the tumors grew into even worse tumors.
My fault for coming back, I should've known the risks! Ha-ha-ha.

SCP_2547 2 points on 2017-06-04 13:06:20

Calm down?
You are always encouraging people to do this. You are completely crazy.
You know what this actually is? This is like admitting you are a rapist to the majority of humans.
It's indeed annoying to keep your zoophilia a secret, but it's better than getting your life ruined.
Sorry Kynophile, but you are absolutely delusional and crazy.
Just by typing your name into Google, we can see your face, your name and can hear your voice.

but to challenge the impression that zoophiles are idiots who can't get laid.

Zoophilia's image is more important than yourself AND your animal?
Wow, every zoophile here gets less respect from me every day.
What does zoophilia's image have to do with this and why does it matter? C'mon man...

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-06-04 14:01:39

What does zoophilia's image have to do with this and why does it matter?

Not that I'm justifying everything he says, but wouldn't you agree there is a correlation between an overly negative public image and the creation of laws targeted at prohibiting harmless sexual contact between an animal and their owner? (seeing as how other conditions are already prohibited by existing trespass/abuse/etc. laws)

SCP_2547 2 points on 2017-06-04 14:39:05

Not really.
We're talking about coming out. What does that have to do with our image?
If we come out to a person who accepts our zoophilia, they already accepted zoophilia to begin with, not making a single change.
Even IF their opinion magically changed from non-supporter to supporter when you came out, it wouldn't change anything at all. It's someone's opinion. Wow, that'll really influence zoophilia's future!

If we come out to a person who does not accept our zoophilia, not only does it ruin your and your animal's lives, but it makes zoophilia's image even worse.
Guess what'll be on the news a few days later?
''Zoophile'' admits to being in love with their animal, later found out to have sexually abused the animal.
And guess how many people read the news? ''My god, they're raping animals again!''
Edit: So note that the risk and reward are both the opposite of eachother: Zoophilia's image gets either worse or better (An extremely small chance to get better, by the way).
Also note that more damage is done than fixed.
The majority of humans is against zoophilia, so anyone who does this to make us look better is extremely idiotic as there's way more chance of failure than success.

Keep in mind that I am not against or for the bestiality laws. I'm neutral.
At the same time I hate people for thinking all bestiality is rape and punish innocent zoophiles for it and am extremely paranoid and live in fear every day, but at the same time it protects actual sexually abused animals from non-zoo bestialists / fetishists.
If bestiality is ever legalized, when someone says they have sex with their animal, you don't know if the animal is being trained, used, raped, etc. so I'd rather not have that happen unless we find a solution for it.
I've tried thinking about a solution, but it simply is impossible to know unless the animal is being searched.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-06-05 21:54:54

I'm not talking about all coming out, or society en masse, nor did I ever say coming out was always a good idea, in fact I said it was usually a bad idea. Please keep this in mind when reading my statements.

I had a longer reply ready here but I see it has been answered earlier in the thread now.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-06-04 19:09:07

No, it´s not necessarily like telling everyone you like to put your dick in little kids or something like that. It all depends on your personal character, the receiver´s character and your ability to correctly "read" humans you´re talking with. It´s always a game of weighing the risk against the potential benefits. In most of my coming outs, I heard stuff like "I suspected it for quite a while" and "Although it´s gross for me personally, it somehow fits you perfectly and explains a lot." Basically, it´s the same as playing a heads up in a poker game: anticipation, evaluation, "reading" your "opponent" to see what the most expectable reaction will be, all of this stuff, you know. Studying game theory helps to pull a coming out off with minimised risk, also does having basic psychological skills.

The possible outcomes of coming out can range from sympathetic support to immediate hositily...and anything in between these two extremes.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-04 19:38:14

I guess my third last sentence also applies here. Good job 30-30. Growing my grudge towards you day by day!
This isn't a game, this is extreme stupidity.
And yes, THIS IS like calling yourself a child rapist. Many people see animals as children, and we are CONSTANTLY compared to pedophiles.
Also, there are no upsides of coming out. Only but a slight feeling of relief. And in reality you're a selfish prick who just wants to be praised for it, while you're risking you and your animal's lives.
There is no ''reading'' your opponent. EVERYONE's opinion on zoophilia is different, even ours. You can NEVER be too sure.
You know what's funny? I tried reading both people that I came out to in real life.
My mom, an active animal ''lover'' who is very acceptive of sexual orientations and would never betray me.
Yet she was the one who would report me if I talked to zoophiles ever again, and would ruin both of our lives.
A girl I worked with and already knew a little, a muslim who guessed my zoophilia and didn't know much about animals herself, said: ''But they have sexual urges too.'' After I asked her why she wouldn't report me, while shaking.
Even then, you. can. never. be. too. sure.
Like you always used to say, nobody needs to know you fuck animals, and should keep it that way.
I certainly hope you'll learn that some day, preferably trough experience. Really.

Well WarCanine, some people only learn when they have experienced it themselves. Some day it'll happen and they won't see their own animals any more.

Hey 30-30, one last thing.
I thought zoophilia was all about the animals and not the humans according to you? Well coming out only benefits the human.
Just let it go. People are delusional and stubborn. Sorry animals... that you have such irresponsible owners.
I just realized, some people really are irresponsible here... goddamn...

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-06-04 22:57:02

Well, I just told about my past experiences with coming out situations and haven´t had a coming out for ages before last year when I told one of my friends, the one that just finished studying psychology. So, what do you want from me now? A grudge is it you´re holding against me? Fine, whatever floats your boat. But guess what, all this anger against any random outward phenomenon like my opinions or society or ....(insert random enemy) only make me wonder what your REAL problem is. I have a feeling that´s not solely the problem here you cannot "properly perform" with your dog...

I´ve said that anger is a gift. But anger can and should always be a tool, the moment you hand over the steering wheel to anger, you´ve become the tool...and I have the impression that this might recently be the case with you. You really need to sort out your anger issues, mate. I honestly hope for you that your attraction towards dogs isn´t just a symptom of your hatred towards humans, tunring your dog into a mere substitute for something else you cannot have because of your hatred.

I usually don´t encourage young ones to try illegal drugs, but in your case, the occasional few bongs or doobies, consumed on a daily basis, could really shift your emotional imbalance towards a healthier spectrum. Or, to abbreviate it: Fuc*in` chill OUT dood! Not everything that is partially contradicting your beliefs and viewpoints is an attack.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-04 23:23:32

So, what do you want from me now?

I would choose for you to absolutely stop all zoophiles from doing such a risky thing, but I guess we can't do that, can we?
Can't please everybody, right?

A grudge is it you´re holding against me?

I'm surprised you didn't catch that earlier.
Or maybe you realized I almost hate everything? I mean, everyone knows that by now.

Fine, whatever floats your boat. But guess what, all this anger against any random outward phenomenon like my opinions or society or ....(insert random enemy) only make me wonder what your REAL problem is. I have a feeling that´s not solely the problem here you cannot "properly perform" with your dog...

Believe it or not, it MAY be.
Before you judge me for that, you don't know the full story of it. Also, some things (that may be less important to some other people, but may be more important to others) can make a person depressed.
It MAY be the cause of it, but I don't know?
Unless you're talking about the grudge that I have growing towards you, it's all in our previous arguments.
It's not worth to tell you as you have ignored these arguments in the past. And it'd be off-topic and irrelevant in this thread. Even though I'm so tempted to make a full list of it and say it all out loud, you'd probably ignore this reply, like the others, anyways.
But I'll give you two hints:
First. You say one thing, later you contradict yourself.
Second. You say one thing you've did, but when somebody else does it, it's suddenly different.
You have done these things so much that I really despise you so much. You have such a big ego and think you're better than others.
I usually don't have a problem with that, but I draw the line where you think you've got more rights or have better opinions than others because a reason you've made up, probably to ignore others arguments or just don't want to argue.

And my hatred towards society?
Ehm, humans? Do I have to tell you why I hate them? Hopefully not, but I'll give you this instead:
One of the reasons I hate humans so much is their sheepy behavior, like how we zoophiles are unfairly treated. But at the same time I hold a grudge against most if not all zoophiles myself! Ain't that funny? It's not a joke, though.
One of the reasons I hate zoophiles is this thread. We as zoophiles love our animals very much, yet they'd risk their animal's life just to feel better about them by coming out.
But what takes the cake is you.
You told me that zoophilia is about the animals and that any benefits for the humans aren't important and may just be only a small bonus, yet here you are. There's always risk involved, yet THIS should be allowed if one zoo is sure it's safe (Even though you can't know, and this is the riskiest thing we can do as zoophiles.)
I'm absolutely ashamed and disgusted by this behavior zoophiles are displaying here, so much that I'd even wish they'd experience it themselves, just so they can finally realize what they are doing is idiotic behavior.

You really need to sort out your anger issues, mate. I honestly hope for you that your attraction towards dogs isn´t just a symptom of your hatred towards humans, tunring your dog into a mere substitute for something else you cannot have because of your hatred.

And how many times have I heard that?
Who knows? My attraction is pretty weird compared to other zoophiles.
I have a feeling that my attraction isn't as strong as others, but this may be because I already am an unhappy individual to begin with.
And of course, recently I lost most of my attraction as I realized there exists no romance in animals. Not to mention I've changed my mind on letting animals give you oral, which to me is exploitation and abuse.
But who would know? Our little non-zoo friend told me it was depression and he has gained my trust more than any zoophile has here.
It makes sense, as I trust no zoophile at all. And he seems more reasonable than... almost anyone who've met.

I usually don´t encourage young ones to try illegal drugs, but in your case, the occasional few bongs or doobies, consumed on a daily basis, could really shift your emotional imbalance towards a healthier spectrum.

Yeah well you were curious why I hate you? This is one of the many reasons.
You're a junkie. Not trying to insult you, but I don't trust people who take drugs. It just is how I think.
Only the people here who do drugs told me that certain things didn't matter, and drugs just happen to be one of those things that really influence your mind.
So what I'm saying is that those positive thoughts are basically the drugs speaking, and for that reason won't really listen to it.

Do you think that if a person avoids all people who smoke, wouldn't even think about doing it, doesn't trust junkies and barely drinks any alcohol and is somebody who already gets addicted fast, would that person ever try drugs?
Obvious answer is no. And you didn't catch it yet, that's me.
And it's even funnier, because I'm looking forward to doing quite some illegal things, but of course drugs ain't any of them.
Drugs is probably my last resort. I can only see myself taking it if after I lost my girl to the police, if I survive, at least.

Fuc*in` chill OUT dood! Not everything that is partially contradicting your beliefs and viewpoints is an attack.

See? This is what I'm talking about.
You can't simply tell someone not to suddenly care any more. This is why I think the drugs are talking.
It makes no sense: ''Stop caring.''
Yes, let me just flip this switch. ''OFF'' Wow, my life is fixed!
Guess what? I've got only one life and I'd rather not chill out while the death timer is ticking.

And of course, this is a reply that gets ignored like usual. I sometimes wonder, what's the point replying at all if you stop replying so quickly?
This is Reddit, you're here to discuss and argue. Not ask something and ignore.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-06-05 14:34:33

First: I didn´t encourage anyone, I just listed all the pros and cons, saying that there are risks involved, risks that need to be considerede thoroughly and dilligently BEFORE you open your mouth and regret it afterwards. I´ve spoken out against coming out in a loud and clear way, but also can understand why people feel the irresistable urge to come clean about their sexuality with a friend or family member. Nothing more, nothing less.

Second: Do you think I sit in front of my computer all day, waiting for someone to talk with me? No, mate, I have work to do and can´t afford to do so. I have 4 horses now , have to take care of the greenland I make hay from, I have to see after the fairly big vegetable and fruit garden I have planted last year, have to keep my books for the annual tax returns etc. pp.

Maybe a little scheduele will help you to understand: 5 AM - 6 AM: I rise, dress and feed my ladies, usually followed by 45 mins of "sexytime" with my Tinker lady. 6 AM - 8 AM: When the horses are done eating their hay, I bring them out onto their pastures, then return to the stables to clean the boxes. While cleaning the boxes, I also water the lawns and gardens with a semiautomated watering system. Comfy, but I have to keep an eye on that to prevent overwatering. 8 AM: When I´m done, I have breakfast for about half an hour. 8:30 AM I use the tractor to level the sand in my riding hall for about ten minute. Then I get my two dressage mares from the pasture, clean them, saddle them and work with both for an hour each to be able to compete in tournaments. When it´s hot , they both get a shower before they return to their pastures. 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM I check the answering machine in my office. As you may know, I make my money with selling hay. Usually once or twice a week, people order hay from me. I call back my customers, make the appointments for delivery etc.. 1 PM Lunch time

2PM I return all my horses to the stables, prepare my Tinker lady for the ride. 3.30 PM - 4 PM I return from one hour of riding through woods and fields, unsaddle my lady, clean saddles and harnesses, broom the stables. 5 PM - 6 PM My only "free" hour. I visit my mother and/or sister who are living with me , but in different houses at the same farm. When it´s hot, I take a dive into my pool and drink a nice cool beer.

6 PM Feeding time again. And while my ladies are munching their hay and pellet-muesli mix, I prepare the rations for the next day. Also, I clean up the stables again.

7 PM If there´s no work left in the gardens or any hay delivery I have to do, I use this time for going shopping, doing paperwork, fixing my machines and tools, etc....basically all the stuff I don´t have time for from 6 AM - 6 PM

8 PM When there´s no additional work to do, I enter my house, shower, eat and maybe switch on the computer if I feel like it.

9:30 PM - 10 PM I do my final visit in the stables, make sure my ladies are well, then I patrol the area to ensure every door is locked, every gate is closed and the cameras are working.

11 PM Bedtime. Reading a bit , then falling asleep (hopefully) until I wake up again , usuall around 4: 30 AM

When it´s rainy, like today, this scheduele changes a bit and I have more spare time to waste, but you see, I simply can´t afford to answer each and every post from you or anybody else ad libenter. The weekends are a little bit less stressful for me, ´cause I don´t do the dressage training and take all three of my normal sized ladies out to the woods and fields for about 40 mins each and I don´t do hay deliveries on weekends. Yes, I have a relatively easy and chilled life compared to many others who are working fulltime. I make my money with hay and through the solar panels my farm´s roofs are plastered with. I have no financial problems, but to keep it that way, there´s work to be done. And now tell me, can you understand I´m not replying immediately to each and every single post directed at me? I see participating in this sub as a spare time activity, it´s NOT my life! Especially not in harvesting times when I have to work from 4 AM to 1 AM and get 2 hours of sleep for two weeks consecutively.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-05 15:36:47

Do you think I sit in front of my computer all day, waiting for someone to talk with me? No, mate, I have work to do and can´t afford to do so. I have 4 horses now , have to take care of the greenland I make hay from, I have to see after the fairly big vegetable and fruit garden I have planted last year, have to keep my books for the annual tax returns etc. pp.

This was an expected answer, but you will drop arguments yet still continue or start others. Which confuses me.
And the worst of all, you ignored all the other things I said. You chose the thing I cared the least about. What the fuck was the point of this if you ignored my main points?

5 AM - 6 AM: I rise, dress and feed my ladies, usually followed by 45 mins of "sexytime" with my Tinker lady

You REALLY enjoy my suffering, don't you? I fucking knew you did it on purpose.
Remember, nobody wants to hear you fuck animals. Me included. You even said it yourself.
Not to mention you said sex wasn't important, yet here you are doing it daily.
Hypocrisy at it's best, I guess. And you're still wondering why I even despise you more than Aluzky...

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-06-05 16:48:47

So it´s all about envy, right? If telling like it is incites hatred through envy in you, that´s not MY problem, it´s YOURS. I´m not keeping you from anything, yet you hate me. Well, go on if you think this will solve your problems, I can endure your hatred, as a longtime zoo I´m used to withstand hate and animosity. It doesn´t have any negative effect on me...but giving in to one of christianity´s cardinal sins surely will have increasingly negative effects on you and your life. Not to mention how a zoophile who´s full of hatred for society in general and even for his fellow zoophiles because they have something he thinks he can´t have will look for any outsider....have a nice day, man.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-05 17:10:16

No, you do this on purpose, that is why.
Also the fact that you told me no one has to hear about animal fucking, yet here you are doing it yourself.
Yeah, your hypocrisy too. As I said: When you do it, it's all different.
Yes we get it, some rules don't apply to you because you're one special snowflake yourself.
You can fencehop, others cant. Your opinions count more than others because you have a bigger ego. We all understand now, just not why. But I guess we don't deserve answers if you never dared to tell the truth.
I don't care if you can withstand my hatred. You were curious about it so I told you why, well you partially got the answer.
I don't hate other zoophiles because they have what I think know I can't have. It's because of their behavior.
So quick to change their minds all of a sudden when it's only a benefit to them. So suddenly quick to take more risks out of the blue.
There's a reason why I purposely stop people from respecting zoophilia. There's also a reason nobody trusts zoophiles, and I partially agree with the antis how much excuses zoophiles can make and that they're extremely hard to trust.
And in the end you keep ignoring what I say, that only proves I'm right.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-06-09 18:02:20

You´re on a dangerous path, my friend. Also, you seem to lack some reading comprehension. Maybe you´ll go through what I´ve written once again and see how much you actually far as I´m concerned, I won´t address you anymore, won´t talk to you anymore and highly suggest that you sort out your own shit before you try to sort out others´ . Have a nice day

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-09 22:45:32

It bothers me that you claim things like ''You're on a dangerous path, my friend.'' and ''Sort your own shit first.'' yet I have no idea what it all exactly means. Don't blame me for not being able to read. Be more clear and don't expect me to change if you don't explain. That's your own fault now.
But since this is your last comment, then wave my chance of ever changing goodbye. Or at least to you.
You lack equality. I suggest you listen to your own advice and realize you're like the other zoophiles. Yes, the same rules apply to you.

And yes, I'll sort my own shit alright.
Only... under one circumstance.
But still, I'll keep the attitude I have towards you forever.

Kynophile Dog lover 2 points on 2017-06-04 19:39:21

What I do is my choice, and I understand the risks. But the situation can't ever change without some measure of public awareness and education. Your argument would have applied equally well fifty years ago to homosexuality, and what ultimately changed people's minds was exposure to actual gay people who felt they could tell people about it, rather than just stereotypes and lies from perverse authoritarians. I can't tell anyone else to come out individually, but I can say it will get easier over time, as more people do it, for society to take an honest look at the issue and come to sounder conclusions about it.

This isn't even necessarily about making zoos "look better", since pedophiles have been trying to rebrand themselves for a generation and are despised, largely because there is tons of evidence that children are harmed by relationships with them. I just want serious discussion and examination of the evidence when it comes to animals as well. If their relationships with zoos are positive or neutral, as I expect, then tolerance will follow. If we do by and large harm animals, we should learn about it and stop others from repeating our mistakes. But we won't know without a large body of evidence either way, which can only be gathered if these relationships are sometimes made public without criminal charges.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-04 22:30:56

That is your stupid choice, but you shouldn't encourage others to do the same.
Just saying you're a zoophile will get you nowhere.
We can't be compared to gays like that, not at all.
Our comparisons? Laws against us, sheepy opinions, etc.
But our relationships are different, and that is the problem.
Not even some zoos are sure if all of this is alright. People want evidence or research. Not you saying you rape animals.
But yes, keep on doing that, considering your face is around the internet, I won't see you around for long and definitely won't miss you.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-05 09:59:59


SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-05 11:51:16

That's not how logic works.
It'll eventually happen. But if you think otherwise, good for you.
I think his opinions fit his stupid actions and can bring other zoos in danger.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-05 11:54:50


SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-05 11:59:37

Encouraging other zoos to do the same dangerous things as him.

SCP_2547 2 points on 2017-06-03 20:44:50

I'm not interested in watching this video as it's way too boring.
Judging by the title and the few seconds I've seen, it's about coming out.
Yeah, never come out as a zoophile. That's what I call suicide.

Skgrsgpf 2 points on 2017-06-04 02:12:55

Coming out as zoo is too risky, in the current social environment.

UntamedAnomaly 3 points on 2017-06-04 06:00:41

Are you kidding me right now? I mean, even someone who isn't zoo could probably imagine the consequences if they thought about it.

  1. You could go to jail/prison if someone decides to turn you in, in most places around the world.

  2. In which case, you would have to register as a sex offender in some places...which means if you have relatives who are children or ever want children, you can't legally be near them because being a registered sex offender is all encompassing, it's not just for kiddy diddlers. It also means you'd have to inform your neighbors wherever you lived about what you did.

  3. Your animals would be taken away, and possibly euthanized.

  4. You could be legally banned from having animals, or going near them.

  5. And if people decide to take things into their own hands, they could try to kidnap your animals...

  6. They could also vandalize/damage your property....

  7. Or they could commit an act of violence upon you.

  8. Whether the law gets involved or not, it could..and most likely will get back to your employer, and future employers. Oh and if the law does get involved, and you do get convicted, good luck getting a job as a felon...let alone a felon animal fucker.

  9. Speaking of that, good luck getting an approval for a apartment or home rental as a felon animal fucker.

  10. If the person you told has any mutual contacts with you, they could tell everyone they and you both know....including family.

Can anyone else add to this? Or did I cover everything?

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-06-04 06:42:02

Number 2, 8, and 9 aren't completely true. They're going to vary wildly depending on where you live.

As far as sex offenders go, the law handles them differently depending on the state, county, and even city. Some laws will specifically reference sex offenders whose offense involves a minor under x years of age or those whose offense involves specific acts or laws. There also aren't any laws against them having children or visiting relatives.

That's also assuming that bestiality will get you on the sex offender registry. It doesn't in all states due to semantics, classification, or just carelessness.

Eight and nine are only true if bestiality is a felony in your state. If it's not a felony, you're not a felon. On top of that, if it'd show up in a background check will depend on your state laws. A good number of them will not show misdemeanor convictions after seven years.

In a state like California bestiality is a misdemeanor that won't get you a sex offender label. It also won't show up on a background check after seven years, regardless of how much you will make on the job.

TokenHorseGuy 3 points on 2017-06-04 14:09:09

In over a third of the US states it is a felony, so I wouldn't say it's "not completely true" as much as that it may be completely true if you happen to live in the wrong place.

Either way, the other 7 reasons are pretty valid.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-06-04 19:04:18

I mean, that doesn't disagree with what I said. "Not completely true" as in "there's missing complicating information." I said that it's true if it's classified as a felony in your state.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-06-04 18:52:53

You forgot the possible blackmailing you might experience if your "friend" decides that his silence about your activities isn´t for free. With enough malevolence from your "friend´s" side, you could end up financing your "friend´s" life from now on...and who says that one of your "friend´s" friends couldn´t use a monthly monetary "infusion", too. Another thing to add here would be that even successful "coming outs" can bite you in the ass when (as it has happened) the once 1000% bona fide "fellow zoo" who accompanies you in "enjoying" your animal suddenly "finds G-zuz", for example. Such a case occurred, the guy who turned towards religion felt so guiltridden that he didn´t hesitate to turn his former "zoo friend" in to the police as a form of repentance and to "come clean".

Don´t ever underestimate the selfishness of humans facing immanent direct danger for themselves. Your "absolutely reliable fellow zoo" can and will throw you under the bus in no time when he has the notion he could spare his own neck from the slipknot by playing the snitch, cooperating with authorities and animal welfare organisations. Also, friendships can mutate into open hostility and evil intent quickly, mind you.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-04 13:02:22

Wait what?
Are you actually curious or testing me?
If you are actually curious, read my other comments or /u/UntamedAnomaly's comment.
And remember your problem that you had? You know, the one you send to other zoos to ask for help?
You're afraid it'll ruin your life, well this does exactly the same.
That shit has the same effect.

Skgrsgpf 1 point on 2017-06-07 02:23:38

I am aware of all of the things that can go wrong, I just wanted people to elaborate further. As in, brainstorm the things that could go wrong, and the reasons why one thinks coming out as zoo is a bad idea. The reason for this is that perhaps there is a negative (or positive?) side-effect I hadn't thought of yet. In my view, the negatives far outweigh the positives that could result in coming out as zoo.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-06-04 18:31:38

Well, Skgrsgpf, eventually the truth prevails, right? Since your arrival in here, you´re constantly complaining and whining about the "unjust anti zoo" laws, instrumentalise plain agent provocateur rhetoric to incite "actions" against the "zoo haters" and "antis...and now you´re telling us that you can´t think of ANYTHING that could go wrong when coming out?!?

Even the "virginest" fantasising manchild knows how bad things can go in an instant! And you don´t? Really? Sorry to say, but you just made yourself and your contributions irrelevant with that.

In all my years within the community, I NEVER met someone who couldn´t think of any negative effect when coming out to the wrong person, placing too much faith in the wrong person or general stupidity and self absorbtion. Even in nations without any "anti zoo" law directly posing a legal threat to us, coming out to the wrong person is goin´ to "change" your future life for sure.And not for the better...

With this little question of yours, you exposed yourself as totally non-involved in either zoophilia or bestiality. It is said there are no dumb questions...with your single liner, you´ve proven the opposite.

Have a nice day, officer Skgrsgpf.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-04 18:52:39

Even the "virginest" fantasising manchild

You really can't control yourself, can you, mate?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-06-04 22:40:00

I´d rather say you can´t take a joke, can you?

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-04 22:55:45

Haha, now it's all a joke. I totally believe it.

Guess what? Considering I can't stand you either, I guess you're right.
I guess we're all makin' jokes here, because of the idiocy of this thread and all...
Anyways, I've got a building to jump off. I've calculated it and have a 80% chance of dying. I guess it's worth it!
Not like the majority of humanity would die from such a fall.
Cya around, man.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2017-06-03 21:49:45

Theramin Trees was a favorite of mine as a teenager. To anyone who hasn't watched it, it never addresses zoophilia specifically (I don't know his opinion on the subject either). It's intentionally general and vague to stay applicable to as many situations as possible.

It's refreshing to see a talk on coming out that doesn't treat it as an inevitability or something that you should do and actually acknowledges that there are situations that it would be inadvisable. It's overall very nice general advice, though it might not be anything new to people who have discussed the topic before.

30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2017-06-04 02:06:51

While I can see this video´s adivces as useful in general for many , I really have my problems with the whole "coming out" thing when applied to zoophilia.And here´s why:

As a guy who had his first "coming out" to a very good friend at school, followed by more than two handfuls of additional "coming outs" to other friends and even family; I have to say that "coming out" is a bit overrated by many in here. Although I do recall the tremendous relieving, liberating effect my first few honest talks with close friends had, I´m sorry to say this effect has lost its appeal to me the more of those "coming outs" I had. From a psychological perspective, it surely is an imprinting experience when you gather all your courage and speak out what you deem the "unspeakable" loud and clear for the first´s somehow cathartic in nature, it gives you a great influx of adrenaline/ positive adrenaline rush when it goes well and feels like heaven for the first few days after. But, and I do say that from my own experience of coming out to some friends, in the end, it´s just some self absorbed ego pampering thing, ´cause you don´t change anything at all with it. "Coming out" often has the rarely recognised effect of "doubling the burden by passing it onto others", as I call it. I´ve already written in another thread that one of my friends who, although very sympathetic to me, had some difficulties coming to terms with my sexuality. His entire struggle culminated in his " Because of you, I´ll never be able to look at horses the same way again" remark.

When he said that, it kinda clicked in me. This whole "coming out" issue has another plane, another metalevel we zoos often seem to forget. Life might be a little bit easier for a zoo that came out to a friend/family member for some days, but has anybody thought about what the "receiver", as those who are "victim" of our desire to communicate our sexuality openly are called in the video, has to go through to readjust his weltbild? How much such a confession can affect the life of a receiver? And what about all the risks involved? A German philosopher once said that all our suffering originates in our inability to be alone and I have to agree to that. As the old fart I´m now, looking back at these moments in time where I felt the urge to talk freely about my sexuality with outsiders makes me feel kinda embarrassed of myself because in retrospective, it all seems like deliberate ego wanking to me now. Beyond that temporary,shortlived ego pampering effect a positive "coming out" has, it hasn´t improved my life a single bit, nor has it improved the life of our community. I think that the beneficial effects of CO are exaggerated and my life would probably have been the same if I never said anything.

Plus: the video talks about "unjustly" criminalised groups...but what if a specific group is criminalised justly and for reasons you cannot just swipe off the table without a second thought? We all should know by now that zoophilia in no way is scientifically identified as entirely harmless to our partners and there are lots of negative examples that absolutely justify society´s common notion of "fucking animals is bad". We still don´t know if we´re "unjustly" criminalised or not. I also like to challenge the common illusion that coming out to a close friend will change his view of you into "Oh, what a brave person he/she is! Incredible how he/she handles this!!" reality, it´ll be more like "Oh,wow! I have a weirdo as a friend!" at best.

There´s also the issue of increasing the potential threat level for your animal, should you have one. The more people know about you, the more people can snitch on you, can accidentally let slip something incriminating when they´re careless, not aware of the graveness of the given information or even intoxicated. It doesn´t even have to be evil intent , just mindless talk that can paint a crosshair on your forehead for all kinds of folks.

So, if anyone feels like he NEEDS to come out to someone, well, then do it...but you should prepare yourself as good as possible, find a comfortable setting for it and give it a shot if you feel confident enough. But as someone who went through several coming out situations, I have to warn you; don´t expect too much of it. Coming out to someone won´t turn your life into a stroll on the beach, it will remain the hard uphill struggle it is. And always calculate the risk:benefits ratio...and don´t do it when this ratio is not in your and your quadruped companion´s favour. Always keep in mind you cannot take words back once they´re out of your mouth. Boldness and stupidity are close neighbors, so close you often can´t tell ´em apart.

The positive effect of heightened self assurance, the relief of speaking the "unspeakable" can surely give you that special self confidence boost some need to get to terms with themselves.But in retrospective, I´d say there´s nothing involved in coming out that can´t be achieved alone, without seeking assurance from the outside. It just takes a bit more efforts to sort out things for yourself alone.

DoggoVonBitchmarck Jerking off to the Discovery Channel 1 point on 2017-06-04 17:58:53
SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-04 19:00:42

Oh look, that bullshit again.
I prefer being called an animal rapist instead of being confused for a furry.
At least I'm recognized in some sort of way, but this shit just gets on my nerves.
No, I don't believe I'm some otherkin retard, attracted to random shit and like to dress up like an abomination. It's quite embarassing...
When will people realize we're not such retards...?

DoggoVonBitchmarck Jerking off to the Discovery Channel 3 points on 2017-06-04 19:26:20

\> comically missing the point

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-04 19:28:50

I know it's a joke, but many people do indeed believe it.
There's a reason that joke gets made...