Are there other pages with blogs about horse cocks etc. exept tumblr? The must tumblr blogs like that are getting closed :( (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-06-06 18:43:40 by Moda99


SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-06 19:12:39

Aren't there subs for animal pussies and animal dicks? Go there.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-06-06 20:01:23

/r/picsofhorsedicks Also you could just google it yourself man.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-06-07 01:29:35

Removing this as we may not be able to best help you with this question. Try /r/bestiality.