Backup of Actaeon's site (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-06-15 00:37:33 by Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire

As far as I know this filesharing site is 100% anonymous. If anyone has a different way they'd rather get a file let me know.

Found this on a torrent site, it's a backup of Actaeon's old website, not sure what year it's from. I THINK it's from sometime in 2000. I'll be honest I have no clue what 90% of the files in this folder are, but the one called "index.html" can be opened in a web browser and shows the website. All links that are still on work, most external ones are dead. Lots of images are broken but all text pages that I've seen work. Thought some of y'all here would like/appreciate it. (it's a .zip folder so needs unpacking)

silverwolf-tippysmat 2 points on 2017-06-15 01:51:17

Haven't seen most of this in decades! Thanks!

tencendur_ Neeeigh 3 points on 2017-06-16 21:19:12

I don't trust any clearnet site to be 100% anonymous. An I2p or Tor hidden service... maybe 95%. Maybe.

Thanks for the link nevertheless, intention is what matters.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-06-17 01:04:44

Think I saw that site like... once in passing when it was up... if this was 2000 I was too busy with trying to get crap from napster over 56k... tell you the truth I don't miss those days that much

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 2 points on 2017-06-17 01:29:27

I wasn't even on the internet in 2000 so this torrent was actually the first time I've seen the site! I'd heard it mentioned often so I kept trying to find a copy out of curiosity. This was on piratebay and no one was seeding it for months, finally got one seed out of the blue and got to download it.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-17 05:56:12

Everyone takes piratebay for granted so bad nowadays (ntm lately they did a good job of misleading people into thinking it got shut down for good)...

It's hard for me to remember, visually all the sites had that geocities look, even the garbage I made. I could be confusing it with another site about felines, but I don't think so... it had a frame on the left side iirc...

Anyway that guy was way too optimistic, there's no way we could've been friends. Just as well spend your time trolling napster chatrooms, achieve about as much.

silverwolf-tippysmat 2 points on 2017-06-17 12:58:23

We were all way too optimistic back then. I remember my first web page "Love of bitches", on while Hawk hosted them a short while, had a touchy- feely page about making it work with the normals knowing about us. Foolish of me, looking back to 98 from my mindset today...

[deleted] 3 points on 2017-06-17 14:19:47

I'll admit I had a brief window of, "I don't know, maybe"....

I linked on a forum and some guy got super pissed that dolphin fuckers were bathing in the same ocean as his kids. Or something. I decided it was a lost cause, said "sorry my mistake" and never looked back...

It's not so much pessimism as just:

If you were hoping I'd remember a page like that, don't worry, I've disappointed a lot of people.

video_descriptionbot 1 point on 2017-06-17 14:19:50

SECTION | CONTENT :--|:-- Title | NOFX - 180 Degrees Description | From the Album: So Long and Thanks for All the Shoes, with lyrics

Lyrics; It's so easy to defend the Status Quo with everyone so cool and cynical But when you see the end don't justify the means It's just that 180 degrees

The great thing about bein' a human The ability to reason But reasoning don't work when no one cares 2 parts apathy, one part despair

Guess what, this might come as a surprise I'll no longer roll my eyes A change of heart to let the conscience breath One... Length | 0:02:11

I am a bot, this is an auto-generated reply | Info ^| Feedback ^| Reply STOP to opt out permanently

silverwolf-tippysmat 1 point on 2017-06-18 11:09:32

No, just using it as an example. Hell, I don't even remember most of what was on it.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-06-18 01:12:07

Anyway that guy was way too optimistic, there's no way we could've been friends.

If it's any consolation to you, he's hardly a "zoo-optimist" anymore. He withdrew from the community for a reason, not all of them good.

That said, he's still a bright character to have around, and I appreciate that about him.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-18 18:51:13

Life is about adapting right, that's the best you can ask.

It's far from like I could be a character witness, I never interacted until beastforum and elitezoo and then superficially. It wasn't even "optimism" that bothered me. It was finding out on elitezoo all these people knew each other on first name basis. I'm sure for lots it was just a progression from the 90s because that was the golden era or so I'm told, but I thought they were all nuts. Sure enough they were always stories of falling outs and threats to out each other (even besides doug). Feelings of missing out or being a minority or excluded never last long, because every corner there's been a reminder of the trainwreck that was zoophilia community, just have to count my stars I didn't board that one. I do wish I took more pictures. wayback machine sucked back then.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-20 02:10:35

The 90's being a golden age is a misnomer, IMO. Sex with animals was more readily available via "friends" online. The fact that that trainwrecked should never be a surprise, and I'd hardly call that a golden age personally.

Even many of the "old timers" don't really look back on it fondly, those that remain anyways.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-06-20 02:43:14

The nineties surely were no golden age, but compared to the recent status of zoophilia, the nineties had several advantages. Back then, downloading porn with a 56 k modem was a test of patience and thus, not many of those porn addicted maniacs that Beastforum almost entirely consists of were seen. It was more about talking, not so much about wanking as it is in these days,IMO. What also was better in the nineties: the lack of attention from society. The pre 2000 animal porn craze, pre Enumclaw times had another, totally different "smell"; there wasn´t something as "anti zoos", folks designated to bring down anything "zoo" , there wasn´t this massive overload of normals searching for a taboo kick, it was more laid back and people weren´t as easily "insulted" by other opinions like it is today, with all of this special snowflakeism out there.

What other differences come to my mind when thinking back is that the quota of gays and bisexuals "into zoophilia" matched the overall quota of 5 - 10 %; today, you run across lots of these in any "zoo" community and I really wonder why gays and bisexuals are apparently vastly overrepresented in our segment of sexuality...maybe the slippery slope agrument wasn´t as wrong and pulled out of thin air as some want it to be.

The looney quota also was significantly lower; of course there were some nutjobs, zoophilia always was kind of a looney magnet, but today, the percentage of whackos among us has risen to new heights. Fantasizers were also treated differently in the nineties; as soon as they were identified, they were kicked out without the rest of the community whining about "intolerance".

So I guess you´re right, at least partially. The nineties were no golden age, but in certain ways, the old timers handled all the issues involved better and with more consciousness of potential bad consequences for our entire community.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-20 03:52:06

I can't agree with your "looney quota" argument at all. Some of the worst of the worst came from that era. Stuff today is tame by comparison. I think the "Loonies" peaked early 2000s if you want my personal opinion, but it's always been a bit wacky in here.

Of course taboo subjects will always attract those who are into taboo things. It's not really a radical conclusion to realize that.

Fantasizers were also treated differently in the nineties; as soon as they were identified, they were kicked out without the rest of the community whining about "intolerance".

Really, and zoocons weren't like a thing? No one got introduced to zoophilia there? Please.

Totally unrelated flyer:

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-06-20 05:57:45

No, no one got introduced to "zoophilia" on any "zoocon" or "zoopride", but some got introduced to bestiality in these coordinated animal rape fests held by bestialists, not zoos.

As I said before on so many occasions, the z-word was stolen from us in the early 90s and turned into something despicable and vile. Not a single real zoophile I met in the IRCs ever participated in such "conventions".

The peak in loonies you mention is the result of the 2000 animal porn craze, when the internet became everyday business for everybody. Before that, it wasn´t as bad as what came after easily accessible AP surfaced. Sure, there were some hardcore nutjobs swarming around the zoo community, but our defense mechanisms still worked back then and keeping the toxic folks from the community wasn´t seen as "intolerance" and "narrowmindedness", but healthy safety measures.

May I ask what individuals you address with your " some of the worst of the worst"? As far as I am remembering, Lintilla and Sleepy never had real insane and toxic persons as users; at least , not for long. The only incidence I can remember that may apply to your statement was a number of Scandinavians (mostly Swedes and one guy from Norway) who all were ensuring us other users of their noble intentions and true zoophilic devotion...but when Tschoni, my Austrian friend and the first one I openly talked about zoophilia with, visited those guys (amongst others the "infamous" Svadilfari, for example), he found out these arseholes were just a bunch of fencehopping idiots meeting on a weekly basis to have their "cattle gangbang" on Swedish pastures. After that, none of these guys were ever invited to our private chatrooms anymore. Svadilfari is still convinced to this very day he´s a bona fide 120% zoo...and now has to fly literally around the entire globe to get laid because he was caught and is prohibited to come close to any animal in Sweden, the country he´s hailing from. But besides that, the "hardcore" staff of Lintilla and Sleepy´s never "fell from grace".

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-06-20 06:08:49

You're splitting hairs. You know as well as I do there is no difference between these two things in the publics eyes, and both had an equal impact on the condition of zoophiles in the "wondeful age" of the 90s.

PS: That poster was made by one of the so called "old timers who were on a first name basis with everyone" that spawned this whole line of discussion, but I'll say no more. I will say I knew the man, and he was far from a rapist as you could get, but then, he only made the posters.

May I ask what individuals you address with your " some of the worst of the worst"? As far as I am remembering, Lintilla and Sleepy never had real insane and toxic persons as users

You were in quite the bubble world there, frankly, if you never heard of Zoobuster and that like.

The Svadilfari story is interesting though, I wonder if a lot of this has to do with the states vs Europe, honestly. I'd never heard of it. I wonder if he's the same "Svadilfari" that inhabits zoophilesforum?

Honestly, I feel the core of our disagreement comes down to your narrowminded definitions of "zoophilia" being solely your little telnet community you once frequented: again, it's not so simple. You have some legitimate points, but you miss many other points that could expand your world view due to your limited outlook from your time there.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-06-20 09:06:46

Well, this "little telnet community" was what initiated everything: the z-word, the zeta, the definitions, the zeta rules etc...and the fact everyone is using what was invented by this "little telnet community" speaks volumes regarding this community´s impact and importance. Anyways, your last statement couldn´t be further from the truth: in fact it is exactly this "narrow" and "limited" outlook I have and our entire community´s allergy against it that has formed and shaped today´s "zoo" reality. I´m really not the slightest bit speculative on that fact, we actually had an era where advancements in society could have been made if all of us stuck to these "limited" views. Honestly, it is exactly your "broad" and "barely differentiated" views, this "all inclusive" approach, this "tolerance" for no other reason than blind idealism that got us here. It was your branch of inclusiveness and tolerance our community followed in the last decades, not mine, mind you. I´m still convinced that the other branch would´ve benefitted the whole community lots more than allowing anyone in, watering down any core principles and thus, undermining everything we say with hard evidence that can be found on such sites as BF...

On the Svadilfari case: There´s only one individual I know using this name, he´s using it since the early 90s, so I guess we´re talking about the same guy. He has published some AP under the same name in BF, he visited another BF user named Poneze from NZ (flew around the globe) ´cause he isn´t allowed to come near any animal in his country after he got caught (maybe even several times now, who knows). Chances are high he´s also active in ZF, it would totally fit him to still push his beasty agenda after all that happened.

On the poster: As you said, the author just made the poster. So, this poster doesn´t prove much, does it? Do you have knowledge if this alleged "zoocon" ever was actually held? I remember many folks doing stuff like this poster, but I always thought this to be just a fantasy, a spare time activity and for entertainment purposes only. The author can be as far from a rapist as could be, if he has supported such a despicable event, albeit only with a poster, he damn sure looks kinda guilty to me. It´s like drawing a poster for a "pedocon"....although you don´t participate in raping minors yourself with it, you give your support. To me, that´s inexcusable.

But this only shows how careful we all ought to be when it comes to mixing with shady characters; it also emphasizes on the immense importance of separation between beasties and zoos, especially when those beasties have nothing else in mind than sex.

I don´t think we can agree on our core principles, but your criticism towards my position is entirely hypothetical whereas my criticism of your stance is valid and proof of my theses can be found all over the net, the news and in "normal" folks´minds. It is your branch (tolerance and inclusiveness) that has dominated our community for ages now and the results are devastating whereas my stance has never been accepted as our leading principles and thus, criticising it is complaining about something that isn´t real. What you are missing out on is exactly this fact. We NEVER tried my "limited" and "narrowminded" position, no, we stubbornly perpetuate what has been proven ineffective for decades now. This is a fact and you cannot discuss it away, my friend. So don´t blame me for keeping up my conviction that our community would be better off if,IF we had chosen my way instead of what we as a community actually chose. You surely can say I´m delusional, but it´s you that has been proven wrong over and over again and not a tid bit of tolerance has been gained by all this inclusiveness, no, quite the opposite; the new laws, the "anti zoo" folks, all of this was generated by your approach. And what do you call it when a theory has been proven a failure over and over again, but the vast majority of us still is clinging to it? It´s a word that starts with a d...and ends with elusional, right? ;)

Really, man, how much failure do you need to rethink your attitude? I´d absolutely agree to you if my positions and viewpoints would have been proven wrong, but you folks never allowed any of us "narrowminded", but AFAIK actually practicing zoos with little to no problems with society , enjoying relative tolerance from others, to change the "experiment´s" frame conditions. You are equally stubborn as religious folks, forgive me when I say that. "The definition of insanity is conducting the same experiment over and over again, with no change in the setting at all and expecting different results"...insofar, I have the upper hand here, mate. And you know it.

Andrew-R 1 point on 2017-06-20 15:04:01

.... I tend to think whole 'tolerance' thing is yet another example about important realization implemented in wrong/ugly/incomplete way... Most of philosophical ideas suffered this fate.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-21 09:11:39

Well, this "little telnet community" was what initiated everything: the z-word, the zeta, the definitions, the zeta rules etc...and the fact everyone is using what was invented by this "little telnet community" speaks volumes regarding this community´s impact and importance.

I know for a fact the word "zoophile" existed as a medical definition long before telnet even became a protocol. Like it or not, you don't own the word.

You have yet to prove to me your theory of how to operate would get us anywhere beyond our aparent "failure." In order for there to be a failure 30-30, there has to be a control group to be "failed" against, categorical proof that we did worse than something. There isn't. Your logic is plainly not sound. You can't prove your way will lead to utopia any more than you can prove our way caused our current condition, and that's why no one takes you seriously.

The rest of your rant is not worth addressing as it is based on this false premise.

I have the upper hand here, mate. And you know it.

Please don't make such childish assumptions.

30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2017-06-21 10:06:51

Do you need a "control group" to find out a light switch ignites a light bulb? Fact is, it´s your kind of "zoophiles" who are irrationally allergic to test out other approaches because another, less "tolerant" approach would go against the cloud castles you´ve built up in your heads. You´re the same as those so called neoliberals, you won´t accept reality and prefer your agenda´s alternate reality over the real one any time. You folks are a religion and , as any other religion, you´ve built up a dogma you sheepishly follow, no matter what. By the way, this control group you demanded exists; it is still just a small group of zoos who did listen to me instead of rejecting everything to protect the sex lib dogma...they´re roughly about 20 people living their sexuality quite open...ish , but have generated trust and understanding in their environments to be left alone. Surely you´ll say that these folks don´t exist and are just my imagination...´cause that´s the way you will defend your the catholic church. Although, the catholics at least have adapted their dogma in recent times, you haven´t...

All I see here is some inexperienced dude with no praxis, but a lot of beliefs. A dude who takes himself way too important, in contrast to his actual importance within the community. And how do YOU know that no one is taking me seriously? Are you god and can look into everyone´s head? There are some who take me serious...and most of them are living a rather pleasant and quiet life with their animal partners, all across Europe. Look, if you prefer your dogma, your reality tunnel, then you can have it. But what you additionally do with all of your ranting and arguments against me and my proposal is practically the same as any dogmatic does. Any competition has to be I right? Your very own life is a result of your dogma, have you ever realised that? And to prohibit others to have it better than you, you fiercely jump onto everything that violates your holy dogma of "tolerance" and "inclusiveness".


Yeah, right, ignore everything that doesn´t fit into your beliefs. Kepp telling yourself that a different approach would have made no difference. But you can throw tantrums ad libenter, reality says otherwise and connections are laying plainly out in the open. No, it surely isn´t our fault that we are constantly mixed with animal abusers, right? So, let´s continue protecting every single animal fucker out there, just because of dogma. Let´s keep our eyes shut and our brains switched off....oh, how comfy dogmata are; you don´t need to think to obey dogmata. Let´s continue to be mindless "zoo agenda sheeple" ´cause it granted us sooo much "winning". Let´s all listen to you, our own "Zoonald Trump".

Look, man, I know how hard it can be to get rid of a belief you´ve acquired a long time ago; but are you really willing to smash your head against a massive concrete wall until it has turned into a bloody pulp or is there still enough brain cells left to spark some doubt in your head? How long will you, will many of you continue your useless "tolerance crusade" until you realise that you´be been conned, tricked and mislead? How long will you accept defeat in everything you push into the public until you start questioning whether it´s not society, but you that is the true cause of failure and defeat? How long until the arrogance of yours is no longer keeping you hostage?

But you´ll probably keep up your favourite procedure, like you do with all my questions...pulling out some sloganesque phrases of your arse and dilligently trying to avoid my questions. Denial is soooo comfy, isn´t it? Oh, how nice the world is when it´s always the others who are to blame and yourself is the shiny zoo knight (who, btw, never has wielded a sword himself), right?

As long as such theoretical "zoos" as you are spilling their poison, no real discussion will take place, nowhere. You aren´t hesitant to attack me, mate, but in reality, it´s you and your toxic inputs that keep us zoos back. It´s your denial (as you´ve proven splendidly again above) of facts that is the true source of our ineffectiveness. So don´t complain when society can´t see a´s all because folks like you cannot make this difference themselves. How are we supposed to clarify it to a normal when folks like you, with their "all inclusive" attitude are sabotaging everything, every single thing a true zoo says? If you ever wake up from your egocoma and wonder why we zoos are stuck in the same dead end for several decades now, just take a look into the mirror. Every action causes a reaction...and society´s hostility towards zoophilia is a direct consequence of what folks like you, with their "tolerance" dogma have been causing.

Your demand of a control group is quite ironic, especially when it´s you and your fellow dogmatists who are trying everything to stop people like me to address the grey areas of zoophilia, the obvious faults in our strategy, the dogmatic beliefs within our community and ultimately, challenge everything that this community has become too used to in the last decades. You, my friend, are symbolising encrustation and failure; I am symbolising renewal and a different approach. So how about not sabotaging the "control group" you demand? How about allowing actual competition between two different approaches? Oh, well, I know why you´re not doing´s because you are frightened I could be right, isn´t it? You´re sccared shitless because a possible success would unveil that you´ve been following the wrong dogma...

Like the democrats have done with Sanders, you´re trying to hinder any real, true change ´cause it would probably destroy all the structures, the dogma, the beliefs you hold dear for so long...oh how easy it is to demand change from others...and how impossible it is to change yourself...keep sleeping, you gullible sheeple.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-06-21 10:23:45

PS: You´re a quite bright young lad, aren´t you...yes, as I have written often in here, the term "Zoophilia" isn´t our invention, it was Richard von Krafft-Ebing, a German-Austrian psychologist who published the term in his book "psychopathia sexualis" in the end of the 19th century. But the usage of the z-word as it is used today had its origins in the telnet communities in the beginning of the 90s.

I never said we invented the word, but we gave it the definition and connotations it has today. And guess what, the zeta can be traced back to ancient Greece BC....but as a symbol for zoophiles, it was our "invention". Hitler didn´t "invent" the swastika, isn´t that marvelous, huh?

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-06-21 11:02:04

What exactly do you want to do? Isolate from everyone suspected about being "unethical bestialist" and show it to outsiders? It will create a perfect weapon to use a false evidence as an ammunition. We can not judge someone before getting acquainted with his case. If the evidence shows that there is no doubt this person did something wrong, then I agree, we should condemn it. If you agree with me, then please explain: What the hell are you talking about all the time? What "all inclusive"? I have never seen rannoch telling something similar.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-06-21 12:22:37

I´m talking about finally drawing a distinctive line here. I´m talking about getting rid of the "zoo rights" bs as it perfectly emphasizes on the normal´s idea we´re not about animals, but all about our fellow "zoos", no matter what conduct they´re displaying. I´m speaking about actual no brainers like fencehopping, animal pornography and other ways that show the "zoos" really aren´t about the animals, but about being allowed anything with anyone at any time. I´m all about preferring honesty instead of "loyalty to your peer group"; I´m all about speaking up against obvious sexual abuse instead of this delusional digging for excuses. I´m all about differentiation instead of simplification like the "all zoos are good" narrative. I´m all about accepting certain responsibilities we zoos have instead of the predominant "It shouldn´t be society´s business what we do with the animals". I´m all about finding compromises with society instead of stubbornly insisting on our predominant "zoo belief system". I´m all about finding common grounds with society instead of furthering the alienation of society by "sticking to your posse".

Just take a look at my conversation with some of the worst critics of our orientation from the cringeanarchy sub. I´m exactly standing for this, taking serious our own ideals again.

I´m for taking a step back and analysing our situation objectively instead of stubbornly maintaining an indefensable position; I´m for a position that is actively seeking compromises, alive and self conscious instead of displaying a zomieesque immovability, shackled to the "ideals" of the pandora´s box sex lib agenda.

I´m for a conscious, responsible and moderate zoophilia, a zoophilia that isn´t a hinderance for gaining trust. I´m for a zoophilia that doesn´t subconsciously degrade animals into mere sex toys or wanking material.

You may say that I´m making up all this, but reality tells otherwise. The peer group reflexes can be seen everytime someone posts another article about some caught "zoo" in here; before our community starts to think about the case, dozens of exonerating and relativising replies can be seen everytime...I´m also against the typical "blame game" most zoos practice, saying that it´s always society´s fault and in no way, not even partially ours.

I´m for reindtroduction of honesty and real concern about animals prior to any concern about a "fellow zoo"; in the end, that´s what zoophilia should be all about, right? And not defending your "fellow zoos"...I totally contrdict your notion of this turning into a perfect weapon; if you are honest, you have to admit that society already has several "perfect weapons" against us.

On Rannoch/OS2Oslov: He once told us how he made/participated in making an app that bulkgrabbed BF´s vast animal porn archive and made it easier for anyone to participate in the international sex mafia game of animal exploitation through porn. He seemed to be quite proud of this at that time and considered himself to be a brave warrior for zoos. Just to give you an idea...but this perfectly exemplifies what I was talking about above. Today´s "zoophilia" seems to be all about "zoophiles" and not so much about the animals, their exploitation and their abuse. CringeAnarchy´s LadySaberCat has put it perfectly when she was saying "How it comes you "animal lovers" are always silent when a "zoo" obviously rapes,hurts and injures an animal during his "zoo experience?" She addressed an important point, namely that of not taking our own ideals serious. I´ve noticed this plague in our community long ago, but only for a few people, the animals are as important as they want everybody to believe, at least that´s what my conclusion is. This community has strayed off its ideals, has become too self absorbed and has forgotten what this zoophilia thing really is about, as it seems. That´s what I criticise, that´s what our true issues are. Denying this, as many , including Rannoch have a tendency for, is fundamentally detrimental to our community and is probably one of the major issues society has with "zoophilia". We´re just talking and talking and talking...but our actions seem to imply other, clandestine motives. We as a community could avoid lots of issues, could generate a basic trust if we would take a step back and have a good look at ourselves; our public image, our outward appearance, our obvious failed strategy, our own grey areas everybody in here feels uncomfortable talking about , such as fencehopping and pornography. We should speak out against this instead of relativisation, defense and denial on an automated reflex.

We should become adaptive warriors for our cause...and that´s only possible when we abandon any agenda, any beliefs and finally don´t act like "the society" is a faceless, mindless and hateful mass only up to our total destruction. We should end this fearmongering as it is so typical for this community; just look at all these hysterical "X has banned "zoophilia" posts and replies. I´m all for a calm and objective analysation of our situation and am totally opposed to this hysteria. Our community´s history is a constant history of failure; this has to end some time. We have achieved nothing with all our babble about "zoo rights" and "the hateful society". It´s about time WE change before we demand change from literally the entire world. We have to learn that the world isn´t revolving around us, we have to get it right...finally. That´s what I am proposing constantly in here and that is what guys like Rannoch and others fear so much and feel the need to tear down at first sight. Just ask yourself why that is so and why these folks feel so threatened when another approach that doesn´t fit theirs is presented and you have the answer why our community´s history is a long, but steady downhill path...

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-06-21 15:13:55

Man, your replies takes literally hours to analyze. Looks like we mostly agree with each other. I think I lost the context; You are arguing about certain situations which I don't know, so it would be better to stay silent.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-22 04:35:41

Do you need a "control group" to find out a light switch ignites a light bulb?

Don't act like your assumption is that apparent and obvious.

PS: I'm not proud of my actions with that app, which is why I withdrew from it. You could recognize that, but it doesn't fit your narrative, does it? Oh my, how convenient.

I viewed that app as a mathmatical challenge with an at best, morally neutral goal that might get somewhere towards shutting down beastforum When it was apparent that direction wasn't going to hurt beastforum the way I intended, I quit promptly. To this day, I'm sorry I ever took part in it.

You were spouting quite the "hacktivist" philsophy not too long ago, if I recall. Your dripping with hypocrisy, mate. Please, save it.

And how do YOU know that no one is taking me seriously?

Upvotes, for starters. I know, I know, you don't care for them, but like it or not, that's the communities opinion of you. A few people probably think you are great, yes. But not the majority, like that or not. You are, for better or for worse, what I would best describe with a term you long ago gave me from your native german:

A "hero of the mouth"

In the end, I've not time for this directionless drivel you consistently post. Consider our communications severed for this line of discussion. I'll not be replying further.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2017-06-20 23:41:34

Do you have any more info about that zoocon flyer? I'm curious about it. I've also heard about zoo meets at some of the old furry cons.

[deleted] 2 points on 2017-06-21 09:14:42

I do, but I can't divulge it. Many people would hold it against the artist, as illustrated by 30-30 here. All I'll tell you is the artist was a good man and I know this firsthand, regardless of all that.

I will say that zoocon did exist and was held, and to some degree, is still held (albeit without sex) to this day.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-06-21 23:28:41

Fair enough. I don't doubt he was a good guy though I can only go from secondhand info.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-06-17 04:41:32

Depending on the file structure you might be able to get it to run in Apache or something and properly browse it by connecting to localhost. I'm no good at it myself, but maybe someone else would have better luck.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-06-18 20:01:42

I still remember my early days when I was sitting in my local internet cafe, paying 8 Deutsche Mark for an hour of surfing the web, occasionally stumbling across Actaeon´s site that still had many blanks and was under constant construction. Can´t tell how baffled I was when seeing this for the first time...and another site called "Valadan´s stable". Glad to see there still is something that has survived, but equally sad that only a tiny fraction of the original content has been saved.

Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 1 point on 2017-06-21 14:40:04

Good grief. I debated making this post no salt but I kept thinking "what is there even to argue about here? There's nothing about this post to argue over" and man was I proven wrong. It's always something. Can we not have any threads on this sub anymore without it derailing into complaining/arguing about the community? I really didn't want that to happen on this thread.

I'm not saying don't talk about it, but man does it really have to be literally everywhere??

Yearningmice Zoophile 1 point on 2017-06-23 18:10:12

I need to buy some reddit gold to give you...

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-23 18:45:21


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-24 01:35:45

I apologize for my part in it.