Stormy Pts 4&5 no sex but... [NSFW] (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-06-15 01:58:42 by silverwolf-tippysmat

A Note: I've taken the complaints made here, and other comments for and against in other places I post seriously, and have decided to continue this project. I will also continue to do the same with any comments from here out. I appreciate ALL feedback on my writings...


The next few days found Jake and Stormy on friendly trail-rides with a couple local clubs and gatherings. Ann and her daughter joined one grouping dedicated to helping local veterans, a cause close to Jakes heart as well as theirs. The little girl lost her daddy overseas after all, and her adopted fathers were all old teammates of his. For Jake, it was his own father, suffering for years the effects of Agent Orange before passing away while Jake was a young teen. He'd honored his moms request not to join up himself, but always secretly regretted it. The ride though, a three day affair, was a happy one for the most part. The evening of the first day found him grooming Stormy beside his little tent when Ann approached.

"Jake old buddy, have you got an extra curry comb? We seem to have left ours home." Ann smiled as she walked up. "Sure Ann. Right in the pack is one, the one Stormy carries." he referred to a little saddlebag affair he'd stitched together, "you can keep it 'till we get home." "Thanks friend" She put an unsure hand on his shoulder, lifting herself to gently kiss his cheek. "You're really so wonderful!" she whispered. "It's just a curry," he laughed, then more serious, "Ann, I know how you feel about me. I'm glad we're friends too." He left it there, returning to Stormy and her untameable mane. Ann, not sure how to take that, just stared at the mans broad back before turning back to her tent and her own.

Jake finished grooming and fed Stormy her grain. The wagons, four of them following the riders, pulled in carrying the heavy gear and food, a Jake headed over to get his dufflebag and some hay. Tom O'niell, the owner of the trailer Jake had borrowed, called out a friendly hello from behind his big draft pair and Jake visited briefly with him before returning to his horse. Tom had reminded him of the get-together at the big campfire later that evening, but Jake wasn't really into crowds. Tom knew this but still held out hope for the lad.

Stormy knickered hello when he returned, and he gave her a pat as he dropped some hay for her. "Why can't I be as easy with folks as I am with you Stormy?" he wondered aloud. She pushed her head against his chest in answer to his easy voice and he rubbed her forehead. "I love you lil' girl." He'd meant it as a simple statement, he thought, but realized suddenly he felt a lot more. "I do love you Stormy! As crazy as that sounds, it's true!"

Suddenly aware where he was, Jake looked around him to see if his outburst was noticed. No-one was near him, he'd pitched his tent purposely for that earlier, and none he could see were looking his way. Every-one seemed intent on their own horses and camps. He'd stopped rubbing Stormy, and now she heaved her head into him hard to get him to start again. He held her nose to him and bent into it to kiss her between those soft brown eyes. She pulled her head loose, shoving her nose into his face. He took hold, and kissed that too right on the velvet above her nostrils, then started rubbing her forehead again.

She tossed her head when she'd had enough, and he ran his hand along her coarse mane then down her angled shoulder to her round chest. He rubbed and scratched her belly till she raised a hind leg and tried to hoof it off. "OK girl, I'll leave ya be" he laughed and sat of a log by the tent watching her while he ate an MRE. Some-one had thought it'd be fun if they ate like soldiers on this trip, and he had to admit even cold the franks and beans wasn't too bad. Stormy, tail swishing flies and head hangin' to the hay, still fastinated him to look at and, as she turned part-way around the tree she was tied to and he caught a brief glimpse beneath her long tail, still excited him too he realized!

He went to the campfire after all that night, in the best mood he'd had in a while, and even joined in some singing when Julie pushed her 'Uncle Jack' to. Ann didn't know what lightened him up that night, but she watched him with her daughter and smiled. Jake knew what had him so happy, he had a girlfriend and her name was Stormy!

Pt. 5 More confusion... and Tom.

Early morning found Jakes exhultation faded, and his confidence. He'd spent a restless part of the night worrying something was wrong with him to think a horse could be a "girlfriend", and more of it worrying that even accepting that, the obstacles between them were too great. Still, as he rose and walked to the water wagon being pulled by a dun pair of non-descript drafts, he thought about Stormy as "his girl" and felt a warmth flood over him. "Ta heck with it, I love her." he mumbled to himself as he filled two buckets with icy liquid.

Ann awoke just as Jake walked back past her tent, and marvelled at the muscular, shirtless frame of the man. Wiggling out of her sleeping bag, she stepped from her tent and watched as he offered one bucket to the horse and raised the other on the log outside his own. A thrill went through her as he doused face and that body with cold water! He drank from his hands, and , noticing, waved good morning. She waved back, and was headed over when Julie woke and called to her. Time was lost getting the child up and dressed though, and Ann never made it. When she thought to again, Tom was there and she shelved the idea.

Braced by the splashing, Jake toweled off and finished dressing. He turned to Stormy and began running the towel over her as he had himself. There was a fine coating of dew on the horses back, and he rubbed vigorously to warm her muscules. Tom appeared behind him as he reached her hindquarters, and spoke while he was rubbing the cloth below her tail.

"She'll get ta likin' that if ya do it much more" he chuckled. Jake jumped at the sound, and Tom laughed out loud! "Boy, folks'll think yer up to sumpthin' actin' like that!" "You just startled is all!" the younger man blushed, "What would I be up to anyway!" "Easy son," Toms voice was cowboy smooth from too many years of cigarettes and his beloved whiskey, " I was just jokin'." His hand brought up a litlle silver flask and he took a healthy swallow, wiped a grimy hand over the neck and offered it to Jake. The lad took a swig, much smaller and handed it back. Back in the pocket, and Tom washed hands and face in Jakes bucket. He ran an admiring hand down the mares back, talking easy to her, and said, "Hows about lettin' me ride her a couple hours this morning? I need the exercise." "Sure," Jake replied, though he felt a funny kind of jealousy all of a sudden. Tom had ridden her before, why was it different now he wondered. "Yer fine with the team, ain'tcha?" Tom noticed an odd look on the boys face, "You've handled 'em." "Yeah, sure." Jake covered up. "Well, let's go get some eats." The older man changed the subject.

Men had been cooking by the remains of the big fire when Jake had gotten water, and now folks were lining up with plates. After graining Stormy, he and Tom joined them. Ann and Julie appeared and "G'mornings" exchanged as their plates were filled. "I'm riding this morning Uncle Jack!" Julie exclaimed. "Good for you," Jake replied, "Toby'll like that!" Toby, the little girls gelding, probably wouldn't really, Jake thought, as the girl didn't have much experience. "He's bombproof though." Jake told himself, "she'll be fine."

Breakfast eaten, Jake helped Tom harness the big Percheron team. Beginning with the hames, Tom talked the whole time not looking for acknowlegement or answer, so Jake stayed quiet. "I ain't ridden much since Lilly died," he rambled, "and since I broke my leg, even less." Jake knew, though it'd been 6 months, the older man still walked with a limp. Lilly had been the palomino Jake remembered. A year ago, give or take, Tom had lost her to a sudden colic. The cowboy talked on, mostly about the old mare and how they'd worked and shown together over the years. "Best cuttin' mare I'd ever known," he said, "in or out of the ring! Got the buckle I'm wearin' and quite a few others riding her!" Jake loved Tom's stories of Rodeo and ranch life, and listened intently even though he'd heard much of it before. There were new bits today though, about Lilly in particular, and Jake noticed a pained look on his friends face. "You miss her a lot." Jakes interjection, a statement more than a question, got a nod from Tom, who then grew quiet. "I wish I knew if I could trust the boy. Wish I knew if I was right." Tom thought as he bitted the big mares mouth and backed her to the near whiffletree. Jake ran the tugs and chained them to the tree while Tom saw to the front of the yoke. The gelding treated the same, Jake headed for his camp to break down and saddle Stormy.

Tom, standing by the shiny brown wagon, watched Jake in the distance. He had a feeling about the boy, dammit! The way he fussed with the mare, spoke to her and about her. The way he looked dreamily at he sometimes, and always admiringly. So much like him and Lilly. It hurt sometimes to have that secret alone, especially with her gone now. There were other horses, many since his youth out in the big western states, but Lilly was special even among them. Yeah, she was special enough to make any others fade. Hell, she was so special he'd made her his wife! But could he, dare he, tell the boy, and was Jake headed the same way with Stormy? Jake approached leading Stormy, and Tom broke his wondering to thank the boy and jump in the saddle...

to be continued...

Lateoss Wuz gud 1 point on 2017-06-15 09:51:45

Oh boy... You have really opened a whole new plot line with this twist in the story, a new main character. Dude you are gonna be writing for a while now, I guarantee at least a few more parts...

Also, any reason dare I ask, why Tom unlike previously mentioned characters has been given a last name?

silverwolf-tippysmat 1 point on 2017-06-15 11:59:46

Just a fluke in the writing... maybe. I don't want to give everything away. I'd originally planned this as a 10 part serial. My own concept of it has changed slightly to a longer story-line.