Stormy Pt. 6 [NSFW] (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-06-16 23:17:07 by silverwolf-tippysmat

Pt. 6 Revelations...

When Jake came up leading Stormy, Tom took the reins close to the bridle and ran his free hand softly along the mares dished nose. He whispered soft to her as he moved toward the saddle, letting the reins slide through his off hand, till tossing them over the horn. He preferred a Hackamore on a horse, but most folks here in the east didn't use them and he could ride either way. "She's really a beautiful lady, bud." he smiled a Jake, friendly like. Something about it all gave Jake a funny feeling, and he looked hard at Tom in return but said, "Yeah, she's pretty all right." Tom, smiling to himself now thought, "Damned if the boy ain't jealous!" "Ya ever wanna sell her, lemme know first." he pushed. "She ain't for sale Tom," the boy snapped, "ever!" "Easy son," Tom smiled again, "I'm yer friend, remember?" "Sorry," Jake cooled a little, "I didn't mean anything." Of all the people he knew, he didn't want to lose Toms friendship most. Still, there was something about him being so close to stormy that made Jake nervous, something that made him think, "He could take her from me, so easy he could." Tom chuckled to himself as he leaned a bit heavy against the mare and put his good leg into the stirrup. "I really think I'm right here!" he thought. He took his weight off the mare, grabbing the horn in his left hand, rose up swinging his bad leg and perfectly forked the saddle. He took the reins and turned her so Jake could climb up on the wagon seat.

Ann and Julie walked up and said hellos. "I'm riding right behind you Jake." Ann smiled at the boy, "On the food wagon." The food wagon was a smallish, sided buckboard with big wooden wheels being pulled by a pony-mule team. On it were folks individual coolers, and a teen-aged drover. "Yer gonna have a sore ass by first stop." Tom smiled down on her. Ann blushed at mention of her ass by the man, but said nothing. She didn't really know how to take the old loner sometimes, and he always managed to make her nervous or embarrassed. Still, he was Jakes friend so she tolerated him. Jake just chuckled as he looked back at the solid seated wagon. Toms had rubber tires and a spring mounted seat, but he didn't offer her a ride. She kind of pushed him lately, but he didn't know how to tell her it wouldn't happen. He sure couldn't tell her she lost to a horse after all. But she did, Jake realised. He just knew, and was no longer denying it to himself. Ann looked at the boy wishing-like was Toms opinion of it all. "Be interesting seein' what happens." he thought. "Julies riding out-rider to us," Ann spoke, "I want her kind of close, just in case." "I'll be fine Mom!" Julie complained as they walked toward the buckboard. "I think I'll ride close too," Tom leaned forward in the saddle, talking low, "I kinda wanna watch that gelding. He was a bit heady yesterday." "I'll be fine, Mom!" Jake mimiced and laughed. Tom chuckled back, and said "I know ya will, but we'll have a chance to talk a bit too."

The rest of the riders started out ahead. Stormy pulled at the riens a bit, expecting to go with them, but settled as the cowboy whispered to her and reined her back. The wagon train would start a half hour after the riders, and keep that pace for the day. A little dog ran up to them, and Jake felt proud at how Stormy reacted, or didn't actually. Then he thought, "Just as much Tom talking to her as her training." He was still proud though as the pup ran off to find it's owner. Not much was said between them while they waited, or when the trail leader said "Lets go!" Jake gave the lines a light snap and spoke to the team, "Get up!" The lead wagon, his, moved out smartly and one by one the rest followed. Tom kept Stormy at a pace, just off and back of the wagon seat. "Gee 'round, easy!" Jake called the team where the trail bent to the right, "Nich!" He clicked his tongue, straighting the out. "Stormys pretty special to ya," Tom started testing the water, "Ain't she Jake." "Yeah," Jake mumbled, then, "Haw team!" negotiating a light lefthand curve. "You love her." Tom didn't make it a question. "She's hard not to." Jake replied. The gelding started to pull ahead and Jake tightened on the lines, calling "Easy boy, easy!" The gelding eased and came in line. " Yer in love with her maybe." Again, a statement. Jake said nothing, never taking his eyes off the team and the road ahead. But he thought, becoming suddenly nervous. Where was his friend going with this. "It's alright Jake. I've been in love too." Still the boy didn't seem to hear. "Lilly was pretty special to me, Jake." Tom kept at it. Jake kept silent. "I was in love with her too." The big man leaned forward in the saddle, lowering his voice. Jake turned at that, looking incredulously at Tom. He still said nothing, but felt a moment of panic thinking, "Is he trying to get me to say it, just to ridicule me?" He saw nothing in Toms eyes, but you never did he knew. Confusion replaced the fear, and he turned back to the team. "Haw, team!" Tom was confused too. Was it fear in the boys face, or disgust? He didn't know, and suddenly felt some fear himself. What if he WAS wrong? Would the boy tell folks? He could lose everything if he did! Finally, Tom calmed himself down, thinking "Well, it's out there now anyways." To Jake he said, "If I'm right, Son, I'm here to talk to." A pause, and then, "If I'm wrong, I hope we're still friends Boy. It means a lot to me." "Ride up Tom," The boys voice showed nothing, "I want to be alone." Tom rode up ahead of the wagon, kind of scared again.

to be continued...

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