Stormy Pt. 7 still no sex, but... [NSFW] (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-06-17 10:25:14 by silverwolf-tippysmat

Pt. 7 a decision is made...

Tom sat his horse ahead of the wagons, wondering. Would the younger man reject his offer to talk? Worse yet, he realized, would the boy end their friendship? Tom had a whole lot to lose. His animals, their safety meant most to him, his home and his livelyhood boarding others stock. He'd hate to lose the kids friendship though, and that could happen wether he was right or wrong about Jake. He worried in the saddle and the mare seemed to pick up on that, getting a bit fidgety. "No," Tom changed his mind, "The saddle was loose, it and the blanket rubbing. He eased the mare off trail and swung down.

Jake watched the man in front of him pretty steady for a while, thinking about what he'd said. First off, was he lying? There were many things he knew Tom to be, a story-teller, a hard friend and a bitter enemy when crossed, a bit of a braggard when he was drunk which wasn't often. A liar wasn't among them though. Second, could he trust him? He'd told the older man all his secrets when he was younger, learned to drink by him, and gotten a heap of advice on women and life from him back then. But they were a childs secrets and a childs questions. This wasn't the same, was it. "No, not the same at all," Jake told himself, "Not even close." He saw Tom pull off with Stormy, and gave a hard look as he passed. Tom was adjusting her girth. Jake kept pace, never letting the percherons slow, and said nothing.

Ann, her mind on the boy ahead, didn't notice the cowboy getting back in the saddle. She just suddenly realized he was beside them when he called to the driver, "How's it goin', Harry?" "Not bad sir!" the teen answered, "They're handling pretty good today!" "Good, good." Tom smiled at the child. "Hows about you, miss Julie?" turning to the little girl on the gelding. "I'm OK, Mr. O'neill," the 9 year old looked like she was having fun. "And you, Ma'am?" tipping his old hat to Ann and winking. Ann giggled, "I'm fine, thanks Tom." She realized she giggled and blushed! Oh, this cowboy was smooth! She looked quizzicly at Tom for a second as he turned to Stormys head and patted her neck gently. "Tom, can I ask you a question?" "Yes'm." "What does Jake think... of us?" She'd almost said "Me". She just knew the old man would know if anyone did. "He likes you I think, as a friend would." like he was reading her mind,"And he loves Julie like a lil' sister." he added. "Oh." Not what she'd hoped to hear, Ann was a bit disappointed as Tom rode ahead. "He's not Jake though," she thought, "better to hear it from him before crying." And she knew she'd cry then.

Tom caught up to his wagon, and told Jake, "Had to adjust the saddle. It was rubbing her." "You don't have to explain to me Tom." Jakes reply was matter of fact. He still hadn't decided to trust the man or not. "None o' my business, but you ought ta have a lil' talk with Ann soon, bud. She's good people, and it ain't right leadin' her on." Tom's voice was cold in return. "Ann doesn't like me like that, Tom." The boy smiled, but his voice was still flat. "And you're right, it ain't none of your business." He thought but kept to himself. "She does, boy. It's obvious to anyone but you... appearantly." Jake said nothing. "The horses are in the clearing up ahead. Pull off when you get there, and give that mule wagon plenty of room." "I know, Tom, I know!" More anger was in Jakes voice than he wanted, and he immediately regretted it. "I ain't worried what you know, boy! I'm worried about my wagon an' team!" Tom heeled the mare ahead toward the clearing. "I'm sorry girl," he whispered to Stormy, "You didn't deserve that." Stormy knickered through the bit, and slowed a little as he tightened the reins.

Jake pulled up behind Tom, holding the lines tight, and lay on the brake lever. He eased off as the team came to a stop, and "Hawed" them off to the side. He cleared the trail by a good 8 feet before pulling them up again to a stop. Wrapping the lines loose around the brake, he climbed down from the seat and took a big stretch. Tom in turn swung out of the saddle and stretched his big frame. He limped back to the wagon leading Stormy. He threw her lines over a ring by the tailgate and began taking off the saddle. "Sorry Jake." "Sorry Tom." There was warmth in both voices.

Ann, her own stretch done, helped Julie from the saddle. Watching the cowboy, she unsaddled the gelding. Most of the horses were still saddled, and lead roped to trees. Tom was rubbing Stormy down with a towel, so she found a cloth and did the same for the gelding. She followed Toms lead in unbridling the horse and tying him loose to the wagon side as folks converged on the mules wagon saying, "Food is here!" Lunch was up to the individual today. Tom didn't let Stormy go for the green grass of the clearing sides, but gave her a little hay from his wagon. Ann looked around till finding a bit of hay for the gelding too, then followed Tom to the water wagon with a bucket. Jake was unhitching the percherons and tied them to the wagon side opposite Stormy. When Ann returned, they both were rubbing down the team vigorously. Tom watched her pass by and smiled, "good girl!" with a whisper. It was only after the gelding was taken care of that she moved to the wagons rear to retrieve her cooler. Most folks were already eating as their horses grazed through the bit.

"Tom," Jake started, but let it hang. "Yeah, Jake." then, "When yer ready boy. I ain't goin' nowheres." "What you told me, about Lilly I mean, was it true?" as they continued rubbing down the team. There was a lot of horse to cover there. "Yeah, boy, it was true." "And did you and her, did you, um, did you...?" The air took it unsaid. Tom debated some in his head. He knew what the boy was asking. "Yeah, boy." finally making a decision. "I'm glad you trust me Tom." And Jake walked off toward Ann and Julie. He had to make that right, he decided. Tom still wasn't sure where that left him, but he did trust the boy, didn't he?

to be continued...

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