Is this the only zoo sub you all know about ? I've been following awhile and haven't seen a whole lotta talk - is there something more active ? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-06-25 03:14:21 by Prey119
electricfoxx 3 points on 2017-06-25 03:53:43

I think the dilemma can be solved by, "If you think the subreddit is slow, you must post something." The problem will fix itself.

(What would you like to see on this subreddit?)

Prey119 3 points on 2017-06-25 03:56:02

Well I don't really like the replies I've seen here from what I've gathered to be "regular" and active members but I was trying to be polite . Haha. Don't think I quite fit in here , although almost .

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-06-25 12:09:07

Yeah, there's a few bitter gatekeepers here. They can be hard to ignore,but trust me, we aren't all like that

TokenHorseGuy 3 points on 2017-06-25 13:33:36

Maybe if more people who weren't bitter gatekeepers posted more frequently, too...? :)

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 3 points on 2017-06-25 14:45:02

I know they're here, they're probably either lurkers like i was for awhile, or the gatekeepers have "done their job"

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 3 points on 2017-06-25 14:47:56

I just dont think there's too much to talk about on the topic of zoophilia. Id love to post, but i just cant really think of anything.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-06-27 18:30:30

I agree.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-25 17:58:42


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-25 18:46:38


SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-25 18:49:02

''Let people get their own impressions of people, not the impressions you want them to have. You can make just about anyone look horrible'' -thelongestusernameee

My my, you may not be directly mentioning people's names but you're sure pointing in a direction.
What you said before is something that still stands. Let them decide for themselves, then.
By the way OP, I need your attention. /u/Prey199, Do not be easily fooled. (Another thing she had said before.)
The person who I am replying to claimed that: You shouldn't warn others about other people, yet she is doing it right now.
I do not come without evidence:

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-25 18:52:14


thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-06-25 19:26:45

Let them decide for themselves, then.

yeah ok

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-06-26 01:39:50

It doesn't seem like a warning so much as a "you saw this, but that's not all there is to see here".

Prey119 1 point on 2017-06-27 12:39:18

I haven't paid attention to user names here enough to know who is talking about who so I'm a little lost ... but I guess that's ok ... lol .

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-06-27 18:29:55

My my, you may not be directly mentioning people's names but you're sure pointing in a direction.

Is a fact that not all members are nice to newcomers. Since he is not pointing out names, he is not stopping them from getting their own impressions.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-27 18:37:09

But she is talking about a group of humans here, so she is not allowed to say that fact even if it is true.
Then again, this discussion isn't needed: She already edited her comment so stop trying to make an argument about everything.
Case closed.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-06-27 19:05:24

I wouldnt call what she said disrespect, if that's what you mean.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-06-27 20:24:17

Correcting some ones errors is always needed, so they don't make them all over again. Talking to you SCP_2547, I'm not talking about her.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-27 20:34:54

You're not making any sense.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-06-29 00:45:41

I said: Is a fact that not all members are nice to newcomers. Since he is not pointing out names, he is not stopping them from getting their own impressions.

This was in reply to your comment. You made the error of thinking that he was stopping her from getting her own impressions, but since he never mentioned any names, he didn't do that. So, your accusation against him is not correct/factual.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-29 00:49:55

This discussion is over and her comment was already edited and OP also had shown their opinion on it.
This discussion is pointless as it's already done and this isn't your call.
No point in replying as I've disabled reply notifications on this comment so I won't respond or even see your comment. I have no time for even more pointless arguments with someone so opinionated and narrow minded. Good night.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-06-29 00:58:08

This discussion is over

Clearly is not, you and me are still here.

and her comment was already edited and OP also had shown their opinion on it.

My comment is not directed at them, is directed at you.

This discussion is pointless as it's already done and this isn't your call.

No comment.

No point in replying as I've disabled reply notifications on this comment so I won't respond or even see your comment.

I don't care, I did my job by correcting your comment. Where you acknowledge the error you made is up to you.

I have no time for even more pointless arguments with someone so opinionated and narrow minded. Good night.

Pot calling kettle black.

And I even support pedosexuals (where you don't do it) so, how I'm narrow minded? Sigh.

Lateoss Wuz gud 3 points on 2017-06-25 07:49:03

Well u/electricfoxx does have a point. If you wanna see more stuff, feel free to post. This sub could always use more casual discussion threads.

To answer your question, if you haven't already noticed, zoophilesforum is going down, and they were basically the only other formidable true zoo community out there (at least English speaking ones). These last few years a lot of zoo communities have gone under the bus, and basically we are the last established clearnet zoo community. A large majority of zoos are involved more closely with those they trust over telegram. If you are simply interested in talking to fellow zoos then that's your best bet, of course you will need to talk to people first.

Talk to people here on reddit, get involved and make some friends. Show people that you are a level headed and reasonable person and people will extend themselves out to you.

Prey119 8 points on 2017-06-25 11:57:57

Well I'm just not sure I really know where I belong. Maybe in some kind of beast group . I feel like I'll get ripped a new one in here for not believing my dog is on the same emotional level as a human and not being monogamous with him . Don't get me wrong - my pets get the best care and I work in the animal medical field . I just don't humanize pets by giving them human emotions that they aren't actually capable of having . I would never harm an animal or force them to do anything sexual . But also don't believe my dog is going to be offended if I'm sleeping with my husband . Dog isn't in charge , we are . He loves us anyway and isn't emotionally scarred because he's not my only partner .

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 2 points on 2017-06-25 13:15:39

Don't worry, I don't think this is problem.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-25 13:36:35


Battlecrops cat kisser extraordinaire 2 points on 2017-06-25 13:36:35

I agree with you, and I think a lot of the folks here will. Animals aren't like people, that's the point and I don't think I'd like them as much if they were! I think it's harmful for anyone to humanize animals and their emotions, but especially so for zoos.

Also you're in the vet field? That's awesome, respect to ya.

Prey119 3 points on 2017-06-27 12:47:17

True ! That is an appeal to animals -- they are a nice break from dealing with humans . Actually the complex emotions of other people is what makes them so difficult sometimes - my dogs are much simpler .

And yes -- vet tech here. Been a groomer also but the human clients there drove me nuts so had to purse a more "behind the scenes" job . I'll take kennel cleaning and surgery assisting anyday over having to pretend to be concerned with a imperfection in toenail paint on a spoiled evil maltese that gets carried in a bag more than it walks.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-06-27 18:27:31

I'll take kennel cleaning and surgery assisting anyday over having to pretend to be concerned with a imperfection in toenail paint on a spoiled evil maltese that gets carried in a bag more than it walks.

True that.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-06-25 14:25:14

In case you´re frightened because of me and my opinions , I can assure you that there will be no trouble with me when you´re not trying to play someone you obviously aren´t. If you say "Hey, guys, I´m more of a beasty than a zoophile, but still want to talk to you", I won´t attack you at all. Just be honest and show some respect for those who see things a bit different and are emotionally more involved , then everything´s fine.

That may be one of the most common misconceptions of me and others who think similar: we are not arrogant, we do not want to drive off anyone not complying to our "narrow" definition of zoophilia. We just want to be respected; this of course includes the right usage of terms. I have no problems talking to a beasty when he frankly admits he is one instead of bending and flexing definitions so he can use the "glorious z-word" too.

If you´re frankly saying what you´re all about and are not one of those who try to appropriate and marginalise us exclusives , I really don´t see why I shouldn´t talk to you; many misunderstand my POV as a "holier than thou" thing, or alleged moral superiority although it´s more of a matter of respect for what I, what we exclusives are and how we want to be recognised. Just use the correct terms and nobody will "rip you a new one". I´m not a "gatekeeper" , as I was accused below, but I demand some respect for the fact that we exclusives are different and lead a different life than someone who also has a human partner and isn´t monogamous. We´re practically not the same, but when enough respect for our differences is provided, cooperation absolutely is possible. That´s the only thing I demand in order to take you seriously and talk to you in a peaceful and nonbelligerent manner.

By the way, why are you so convinced animals aren´t capable of having "human" emotions? And how do you define "human emotions", because I´ve seen people claiming to have emotions that objectively don´t even come near to that of an animal ? Just wondering what makes you so sure about that. And I have to contradict you once again regarding "(I) don´t believe my dog is going to be offended if I´m sleeping with my husband": I had a loving partnership with my first mare for over 20 years and she was jealous like hell whenever I had to take care of another horse (I´m a riding instructor). She always expressed her discontent when she wasn´t at the centre of my attention, she never accepted any human (especially not females...I´m male,btw) coming near me when I was with her, she always showed everyone that she considered me as "hers" and got very pissed when I had to work with another horse , smelled of another horse, when my pupils approached me while I was with her, even my mother and sister visiting me at the stables got my mare´s trademark "fuck off him, you wankers, he´s mine" look. As far as I believe, it may be you who´s wrong about the whole "animals and emotions" thing here. My mare even rejected advances from the two stallions we had in the stables she was located at and hid behind me whenever we walked by the two guys´ paddocks and pasture.. And btw, I never humanised my mare, quite the opposite I always tried to "animalise" myself. I knew my mare was a horse, not a human, I know that the 4 mares I "own" now are horses and not humans. I admit there´s a certain tendency to humanise animals, even in zoophiles, but if you are, like we zoos are supposed to do, constantly thinking about your entire approach, each and every day, it´s quite easy to avoid this trap of humanisation.

If you can meet at least some of my demands from above, I gladly welcome you in this probably won´t find another forum dealing with emotional and sexual relations with animals that is not putting the emphasis on animal porn and limitless, unhinged sexual exploitation of animals. If you treat your animal with the appropriate level of respect and good care and additionally don´t try to marginalise us exclusives by taking away our pride of having a different approach than you, there´s no obstacles that may hinder levelheaded and open discussion.

Prey119 2 points on 2017-06-27 12:42:39

I wouldn't say I'm afraid of an opinion ... I just don't come to the internet for a debate - believe it or not. Lol . I'd rather have a chat with like minded people than have to spend half of a thread defending my stance on something . I guess if people were better at keeping scrolling if they don't like something instead of attacking it , it would be easier to internet . So just trying to find a place where more people are on the same page as me so there's less debate / more just convo and friendship. If that makes sense

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-06-27 18:37:40

So just trying to find a place where more people are on the same page as me

You are looking for something that sounds a bit impossible to find. You need to sort out the people you don't want to see to avoid debating them. You can always block people in here and you won't see their comments.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 7 points on 2017-06-25 08:32:24

This is not the only online zoo forum I know, but it is the only online zoo forum that is not completely retarded to my knowledge.

Donutshamer 2 points on 2017-06-27 08:19:37

Beastforum is still up and running fine. It is half forum/half content upload site though. Lots of great, pleasant members, great stickied advice posts.

Prey119 1 point on 2017-06-27 12:36:44

I've glanced around there , maybe I needa spend more time . Struck me as a porn site first impression

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-06-27 18:32:51

I think there is not much to talk about. Most comments are from people making questions about zoosex, animals or zoosexuality, or posting news (god or bad) about zoos. For talking about non-zoo stuff, people will go to non-zoo sites. That is why you won't see people in here chatting about the new vase they bought or their dog new haircut.