[NS] I would like to have some STD talk and info (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-06-27 00:16:47 by ckgjkjj6

[NS] Hey. To be honest, I don't know all the terms that include attraction to animals, or sex, etc. I'm not active in any zoo community, nor know any zoo people irl nor on the inet, so I will make the first statement simple to avoid doubts and such.

I would never rape an animal or have any kind of non consensual relationship with one; I would never have an animal just to have sex; I really appreciate animals more than most people do. Yes, I feel sexually attracted to a couple of species, but that's just an additional thing to the matter, which actually started not long ago at all, so my appretiation to animals is not just because of that at all. I don't know what label you use for this, but that's just it.

Now, about this topic. I'm still a virgin and I'm not planning anything about it yet since I still have a lot of stuff to get together in my life, such as job and study things and a lot more, but for the uncertain future, just in case, it won't hurt to gather some information I find very important before doing anything stupid, which is interspecies STD.

I'm very ignorant about the matter and I would like to start to know about dogs. I couldn't yet find a site that talks specifically about STD with dogs (female dogs, "straight" thing, just in case). I know about dogs but I don't know about this matter in particular.

Does this depend on the race? what's the worst STD you can get from it? and the least bad? What does it depend on exactly? Is engaging this kind of relationship not worth it considering all the risks? or the risks aren't actually that high? That's the kind of questions I want to get answered, if you don't mind it.


AutoModerator 1 point on 2017-06-27 00:16:47

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30-30 amator equae 7 points on 2017-06-27 00:30:54

Here you go:


And a detail this otherwise very complete article misses out on is when you "share" your animal with another human. In this case, your animal can act as a transmitter of normal human STDs also, especially when you´re the second guy shortly after guy one is "finished".

Allergies to animal proteins should also get mentioned although they´re pretty rare. In some individuals (mostly female humans), contact with animal semen can even lead to an anaphylactic shock that needs professional treatment.

If you keep your animal up to date with all the usually mandatory vaccinations, deworm them regularly and keep an eye on the animal´s health just like any other responsible animal owner without our "special interest" would, there´s nothing to fear. Really, I cannot think of any case in which someone contracted a zoonosis or an STD from an animal...given the fact I´m in this online zoo thing for more than 20 years, I guess that getting an STD from an animal is a rare thing.

What else? Oh, yeah, "poop" and "pee" games. Urine usually is sterile and usually doesn´t lead to much hassle...except you meet a mare with extremely acidic urine. Then , the epidermis can get irritated and you can peel off the first, top layer of your dick´s skin like you peel off a pricetag from a freshly bought CD case within the next 24 hours. Animal poop isn´t so harmless. Animal feces can contain worms and their eggs as well as a multitude of bacteria and viruses; in some rare instances, microfissures in your skin can get infected by feces contact. So you better keep your animal as clean as you can to avoid this stuff. Worms and their eggs can be transferred through saliva and feces, so don´t neglect dewormings if you want to avoid the bathroom surprise of "Hell, something in my turd fucking MOVES!!"

Well, it´s just me, the zoophilia sub´s annoying arsehole, but I would have preferred it if you would have asked what dangers and risks for your ANIMAL are involved, too...you know, they´re not sex puppets and their health should be equally important as yours, right?

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 1 point on 2017-07-01 23:03:23

what dangers and risks for your ANIMAL are involved

This? There should be so much more on this

ToffeesLover Twuu Zoo 1 point on 2017-07-04 11:44:57

In some individuals (mostly female humans), contact with animal semen can even lead to an anaphylactic shock that needs professional treatment.

Whoa, I had no idea... Do you know if there's any way to test for a potential allergic reaction before full intercourse? Maybe a dab of semen on the skin? It would be incredibly embarrassing (or worse) to have to go to the emergency room because you're dying from a bad case of Spot's spunk spelunking.

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-06-27 01:09:36

Here you go:


Thanks. Very nice article. Although, maybe this is just my regular blindness, but I don't see which animal transmits which STD in the list. I guess that applies for most domestic animals? EDIT: nvm I saw the specifications right below the list

EDIT2: I'm kind of unsure of how severe these diseases are. The article explains how Brucellosis is the hardest to treat, but how exactly bad is this disease and the rest? is it as bad as HIV or something? Can you die from any of these? OF course I would avoid even the lightest of the disaeses but I would also want to know as much as possible about it.

And a detail this otherwise very complete article misses out on is when you "share" your animal with another human. In this case, your animal can act as a transmitter of normal human STDs also, especially when you´re the second guy shortly after guy one is "finished".

Allergies to animal proteins should also get mentioned although they´re pretty rare. In some individuals (mostly female humans), contact with animal semen can even lead to an anaphylactic shock that needs professional treatment.

If you keep your animal up to date with all the usually mandatory vaccinations, deworm them regularly and keep an eye on the animal´s health just like any other responsible animal owner without our "special interest" would, there´s nothing to fear. Really, I cannot think of any case in which someone contracted a zoonosis or an STD from an animal...given the fact I´m in this online zoo thing for more than 20 years, I guess that getting an STD from an animal is a rare thing.

What else? Oh, yeah, "poop" and "pee" games. Urine usually is sterile and usually doesn´t lead to much hassle...except you meet a mare with extremely acidic urine. Then , the epidermis can get irritated and you can peel off the first, top layer of your dick´s skin like you peel off a pricetag from a freshly bought CD case within the next 24 hours. Animal poop isn´t so harmless. Animal feces can contain worms and their eggs as well as a multitude of bacteria and viruses; in some rare instances, microfissures in your skin can get infected by feces contact. So you better keep your animal as clean as you can to avoid this stuff. Worms and their eggs can be transferred through saliva and feces, so don´t neglect dewormings if you want to avoid the bathroom surprise of "Hell, something in my turd fucking MOVES!!"

All of this makes much sense. Thank you. I'm very un-fetishistic so I think most of it will be solved with decent cleaning, like, as you said, any responsible person would face.

Well, it´s just me, the zoophilia sub´s annoying arsehole, but I would have preferred it if you would have asked what dangers and risks for your ANIMAL are involved, too...you know, they´re not sex puppets and their health should be equally important as yours, right?

Why of course. As I said, I'm not planning anything yet and I would never harm an animal, and I wanted to start knowing about the topic in slow but certain steps. In fact I was gonna ask you just know, what about the animal? Do you have a link for that?

WikiTextBot 1 point on 2017-06-27 01:09:40

Zoophilia and health

Sexual contact with animals is associated with several significant health risks. Areas of possible concern are infection, physical injury and allergic reaction.

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duskwuff 1 point on 2017-06-27 04:54:43

The article you were referred to is a bit alarmist. The main disease it focuses on -- brucellosis -- is almost unheard of in domestic animals.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-06-27 18:20:37

STD is about humans diseases. So, you won't find anything about dogs STD (other than diseases that transfer from dog to dog)

What you are looking for is called zoonosis. Depending where you live, there are about 26 zoonoses or less that you can get from dogs. From rabies to fleas. But most of them are hard to get if your dog is fully vaccinated, parasite free, which most domesticated dogs are.

And also, those zoonoses, a non-zoo can get them from non-sex, this is why they are called zoonosis and not std because they are not sex specific diseases. And from what I know, most of the dog zoonosis are easy to treat/cure/avoid.

Google: dog zoonosis And you will get a list of what you need to be worried about.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-06-28 11:58:49

STD is the abbreviation for "sexually transmittable disease" and is NOT only about human diseases, you wannabe expert. Every horse breeder knows about equine STDs, every dog breeder knows about canine STDs. Seems you´re not so fucking smart as you want us to believe. Oh, by the way, the plural of "zoonosis" is "zoonoses"...and no, this isn´t a new sex practice about sticking your nose into an animal´s orifice...For someone with a self proclaimed IQ of 135, you´re one hell of an uneducated dumbass. Especially entertaining is your obvious and blatantly exposed ignorance of the fact that you can give the animal some diseases too by sleeping with them. Quite anthropocentric, right? Especially for a self proclaimed "zoophile", isn´t it?

Can´t you just be dumb elsewhere?

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-06-28 22:01:54

STD is the abbreviation for "sexually transmittable disease"

Thanks for the information that I already knew.

and is NOT only about human diseases, you wannabe expert.

STD referrers to human diseases that are mainly transmitted through sex. ▬ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexually_transmitted_infection

Check the link, how many non-human STD did they talk about in that page? They only mention HUMAN STDS. So yes, STD is a specific term used to refer to humans.

If you want to refer to other species "STD" you need to be more specific about it.

PS: I'm not an expert and I don't want to be a STD expert.

Every horse breeder knows about equine STDs, every dog breeder knows about canine STDs.

Everyone knows? I'm sure some uneducated breeders exist and they don't know enough about it.

Seems you´re not so fucking smart as you want us to believe.

I don't want anyone to believe that I'm smart. And, you have not presented any evidence that I'm not smart. I think my comments (being rational and all) shows that I'm smart.

Oh, by the way, the plural of "zoonosis" is "zoonoses"...

I have seen "zoonosis" being used as a plural form for... zoonosis. I guess a lot of people get that wrong. Thanks for the correction.

and no, this isn´t a new sex practice about sticking your nose into an animal´s orifice...

If you tried to be funny with that remark, IMO, that was not funny.

For someone with a self proclaimed IQ of 135, you´re one hell of an uneducated dumbass.

134, not 135. And IQ is not that related to how educated a person is, you can find a person with high education with an IQ of 100 and a person with an IQ of 160 with low education. Ironically, you are accusing me of being uneducated when you show in your comments that you are way more uneducated than me. lol

Especially entertaining is your obvious and blatantly exposed ignorance of the fact that you can give the animal some diseases too by sleeping with them.

I know that fact very well, you could give a dog "crabs" or the flu. Also, the topic here was what infections he can get, not what infections he can give. So, I had no need to mention any of them. And not mentioning them (because it was not relevant) is not equal to me being ignorant about them.

Quite anthropocentric, right?

Nope. Simply, the topic was not about what he can give to animal, but what he can get from them.

Especially for a self proclaimed "zoophile", isn´t it?

Seems that you don't know me, because I'm one of the less anthropocentric humans that you can meet.

Can´t you just be dumb elsewhere?

Can't you harass and be an asshole somewhere else?

WikiTextBot 0 points on 2017-06-28 22:01:58

Sexually transmitted infection

Sexually transmitted infections (STI), also referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and venereal diseases (VD), are infections that are commonly spread by sex, especially vaginal intercourse, anal sex or oral sex. Most STIs initially do not cause symptoms. This results in a greater risk of passing the disease on to others. Symptoms and signs of disease may include vaginal discharge, penile discharge, ulcers on or around the genitals, and pelvic pain.

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30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-06-29 02:22:06

Whatever, moron...I´m just wondering whether you really believe your own bullshit you spew in here and elsewhere...I guess we all know what kind of person you are...and guess what, our impressions don´t even come close to what you are thinking of yourself. Go to Beastforum, there you´ll find likeminded bestialists who don´t care whether you fuck humans to get access to dogs or trick owners. You don´t fit in here and only serve as a negative example , simultaneously showing what a zoophile should not be like. Oh, and get your sociopathia treated.

Aluzky 1 point on 2017-07-06 17:22:48

Whatever, moron...

Non-factual claim or insult.

I´m just wondering whether you really believe your own bullshit you spew in here and elsewhere...

What bullshit?

I guess we all know what kind of person you are...

And who is "we"? The haters that hate me for things that I have not done? Like I have said in the past, I don't care to be hated for things that I have actually done. One can't make everyone happy.

and guess what, our impressions don´t even come close to what you are thinking of yourself.

What is that supposed to mean?

Go to Beastforum, there you´ll find likeminded bestialists who don´t care whether you fuck humans to get access to dogs or trick owners.

I go where I want to go, not where you order me to go.

You don´t fit in here

Subjective opinion, not fact.

and only serve as a negative example , simultaneously showing what a zoophile should not be like.

I serve as a real average example of a zoophile. Reality is, there are all kinds of zoophiles. What you want is make a forum with just perfect zoophiles to send a false image that only perfect zoophiles exists. I won't be part of that scheme.

Oh, and get your sociopathia treated.

My what?

Zeta_Wolf Wolf trapped in a human body 2 points on 2017-06-29 20:32:02

Reported. "No Salt" rule 7. I sandbag here a lot, but I am getting sick of your over-the-top and insulting nature. EVERYONE here claims to be an expert.......including YOU. But in fact NO ONE is. We should be all working together to make this reddit a welcoming place for those who are less knowledgeable than the purported "experts".

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-06-30 07:04:07

Working together? Have you just recently discovered "zoo forums"? Are you still believing in the collaboration myth? The stage in which genuine and respectful collaboration had been possible is over for about 20-25 years now. And whose fault is is when people with little to zero education on a topic try to participate in a discussion, but refuse to take anything else than what they´ve read somewhere on the internet? Is it my fault they eventually get the boot? I don´t know anything about ballet dancing...are you gonna protect me when I´m trying to mix with bona fide, longtime ballet dancers, trying to rephrase and rebrand everything in their world? Trying to turn facual wrongs into rights?

Unlike many others of these experts, I can look back onto almost three (3!) fucking decades of being a PRACTICING exclusive zoophile and it´s exactly this practice that , although it doesn´t make me an expert per se, gives me enough advantages from personal experience and constant thinking about the whole thematic complex of zoophilia to make my statements more accurate that these of all those who NEVER lived what they dream about.

A welcoming place you want? Then let´s talk about how welcoming this place is for people like me, with a vast archive of actual experience,but with slightly different thoughts on a variety of topics. All you´re doing here is defending the sex lib, "tolerance" agenda, trying to turn a DISCUSSION forum into a friggin´ hug box. As if there aren´t enogh of that out there...for any kind of bestialist, but not for genuine zoos. It´s us who have to tolerate all kinds of fuckups, lack of respect from you guys and plain stupid stuff that doesn´t come even close to any zoophilia. We´re forced to tolerate everything, but you feel the need to report me for stating a fact above? STD as an abbreviation for sexually transmittable diseases is a neutral term and is applicable on both human and animal sexually transmittable diseases. For anthropocentrists, it´s only natural to have the impression that this term does only name the human diseases, but in a scientific environment, this term is neutral and can be applied on both animals and humans unless there´s an additional denominator. Thus, we say equine STDs when we´re talking about this in an equine related sense and we call it human STDs when we´re talking about the stuff you can get from fucking a furless monkey.

If you´re still thinking I´m the enemy here, let me remind you that you always get the enemies you deserve. You told WarCanine that he should be less "militant"....do you really think he was, we were born that way? Don´t you think that something must´ve happened that made us "militant"? And who do you think gave the initial reason to become "militant", us?

I think you don´t even understand a tenth of what is going on in here and in countless other "zoo forums". You don´t even know why we are the way we are. How should we ever collaborate with you, with all of your blatant disrespect, all of your touchiness whenever something doesn´t exactly goes your way? This community doesn´t need more "civility" and less fights, it needs less "civility/cowardice" and more fights to renew itself. You have to destroy in order to create new space to rebuild and improve. And please, don´t try to argue that everything is fine as it is at the moment. Take a look around you and tell me, what has this predominant attitude of "tolerance" gained us? I mean, besides a humonuous tsunami of bans and laws, headlines and total deconstruction of our public image as zoos? Don´t you think something desperately needs to change to stop the circle jerk, the downward spiral? Everyone wants change, but no one wants TO CHANGE. And don´t say it should be us who have to change. We gave in to so much of your kind´s mentality, we accepted so much...when will this stop? When we have disappeared completely? And how is this tolerant in any way? How is this welcoming...and not just typical groupthink mentality? You all want to be tolerated and accepted by society. But how much tolerance (and in this case, tolerance means to endure something or someone you totally disagree with) can YOU give when your comfort zones are violated? Not much, as it seems. You become as irrational and bitchy as society gets when you (or Mr A-hole) is campaigning for "zoophilia". You all consider yourselves superior to society, but in reality, you´re just like them. If you only knew what massive amount of "getting sick of your..." WE have to endure in here...without hitting the report button, ´cause we wouldn´t find the time to post any reply anymore.

You want US to collaborate? Well, then earn it by NOT trying to marginalise us and our views. It´s not us who are responsible for fucking up so much that zoophilia has become a synonym for any type of animal fucking. It´s not us, but you who are in debt here. You name alone is a mockery for someone like me who was involved in making the original zeta rules (mind you, not the compromised and lacerated ZETA rules this moronic animal fucker club from Berlin is abusing as a shield)...as I said, you folks even aren´t aware of what you´re doing...as white teenagers calling each other the hiphop n-word...

Zeta_Wolf Wolf trapped in a human body 1 point on 2017-07-13 00:59:53

Yep. I wasn't going to bother to respond to this, but I feel I have to......just in case you can put away your self-righteous fury at EVERYONE for a moment......you can have a teeny clue of who you are screaming at. Believe me when I say that this is not to change your mind, 'cause at your age you are pretty set in operating with you full compliment of insults and preconceived ideas slathered in your blind anger.

I am willing to bet (no I KNOW) that I have been a "practicing zoo exclusive" for a good DECADE longer than you my friend. No kid here. And no "come lately" with no basis for saying the things I do and holding the opinions that I hold. I have been around the block a tad too many times too and have seen ALL of the bullshit and the wanna be's and the beasties who call themselves zoophiles. And your worst insult to me (granted MILD in comparison to the rants you flop yourself into on others here) was saying that my NAME is what? A mockery? You don't know me at all. And of course your BLIND hatred for anyone who is not as angry as you precludes you from EVER getting to know someone like me. I am "Zeta" in EVERY sense of the term.....and I give a rats ass who actually "made the original rules". The acronym is self explanatory, and I have done more for dogs in my 65 years of life than your small and hate filled mind could possibly comprehend. I have endured ALL of the heartaches, the betrayals, the losses that you have (and then some). Am I bitter about my fellow humans.......even my zoo peers? You betcha! BUT......that hasn't stopped me from at least TRYING to understand life from another's POV. It hasn't stopped me from at least TRYING to be civil (even though it is likely wasted on someone like you).

And no. I don't want "collaboration". I want civility. I want discussions WITHOUT your PERSONAL insults and attacks......you know, like the rules demand ESPECIALLY in a "low sodium" thread! BTW-- I was a moderator "back in the day" on a couple different zoo boards. So yeah, I have a wee bit of experience and yeah, I will keep reporting you when I see a need to do so.

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-06-27 19:35:17

Thank you all for your responses.

Now the obvious additional question. Can I transmit anything like this to an animal even if I'm perfectly healthy in the regard?

Say, the dog is vaccinated and parasite free and all nice and the risk for me is almost nule, is the risk actually as low for the dog? Can I transmit something even if the both of us are healthy? I assume there's no risk in that case but since I have no idea about the matter it doesn't hurt to ask.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-06-28 03:36:11

Things which can have negative effects on your dog are:

  • lack of body hygiene. Infections can occur when you don´t wash yourself properly, the penis´ smegma can cause infections (rare) or allergic reactions ranging from mild to severe. Also a part of this category is , for example, doing anal with your dog and then vaginal without cleaning your cock in between. Feces do not belong into a vagina.

  • genuine allergic reactions. As you can be allergic to dog semen, so can a bitch to your semen. Although rare, it can occur. Also possible: "chemical" incompatibility. I´ve told you about my experience with a mare´s acidic urine and the cockpeeling I had to do afterwards. This is also possible vice versa.

  • ruptures and injuries. Although a horse´s colon is less sensitive than a human´s , it´s not made of steel. Hard friction in any animal orifice can lead to injuries and infections following. Unintentionally injuring an animal´s colon has led to quite a lot of deaths due to infection of the fissure. Stuff like that goes unnoticed by the "zoophile" the first few days because you cannot see the injury, but can result in the animal´s death when undetected and untreated. Doesn´t matter what the gays say, but colons are NOT made for intercourse. Nature did NOT intend giving an option for "door number two".

  • the issue of "overimprinting". Let´s say there´s a gay guy horny for stallion dick. He buys a horse and teaches this horse to fuck him. As with any male, once the horse gets "the idea" he can fuck anything two-legged that bends over, he won´t hesitate to "do his thing". With anyone coming near him. Once a "conditioned" stallion tries to perform his newly learned "trick" on an ignorant outsider, things get awkward. The outsider considers the stallion´s advances an attack and will inform the authorities. The end of the story? Three syringes full of an anaesthetic overdose for the horse.

  • Interrupting a female´s heat cycle. Some animal females can experience negative effects from sleeping with them outside their "right time". Effects like developing a fake pregnancy are rare, but possible. You always have to take into consideration that you´re mingling around with a very complex hormonal system that is active in a female animal´s body. Hormonal imbalance in female animals can have different negative effects, ranging from mild behavioural changes to severe chronic complications and sicknesses of internal organs. As much as we zoos want to think of ourselves as absolutely compatible to our preferred species, in reality we´re not. We still are humans. Our semen is not compatible (thus no offspring is possible), our genitals only basically match theirs. "Our", human behaviour doesn´t match theirs. They have mating seasons, we don´t.

  • Various. I remember that my first mare and I used to catch a cold almost simultaneously. Don´t kno whether there was a direct link between our colds, but with the years, I learned to expect getting a cold within the next two or three days whenever my mare had snotty nostrils, the yucky, yellowish stuff, not the clear or opaque white stuff. I also remember having a sore eye, like, when you wake up and can´t open your eye because it is glued shut. I usually get this when I drive my car with an opened side window or when I excessively use my topless sports car for more than just a few kilometers. Well, with my first mare, I had the habit of kissing her onto one of her eyelids and then pressing my eye directly onto her closed one. She enjoyed that form of intimacy very much, but I swear that whenever I did this with the "sore eye" I described above, she also had mucus coming from her eye, the one I was pressing mine onto, exactly the next day. And more than two decades ago, when I hadn´t met my longtime partner yet, I had slept with a lovely cremello mare named Lea. She really was a very nice lady, had a gorgeous body (all white and pink, you know...;) ), but suffered from genitals warts. Our affair was shortlived and lasted only a few weeks before she got sold because she was too sensitive to be used as a training horse for the beginners. I still pity myself for not having had the money it took to buy her myself, but anyways...Soon after our affair ended, a wart on my praeputium (foreskin, I wasn´t circumcised then) developed. You have to know, when I was a teenager, I suffered from warts, I had quite a few of them and once I killed one, the next one started to grow. Then I had a motorcycle accident that almost made me lose my right forearm. I was hospitalised for more than a month and my body was literally flushed with antibiotics and in this process, all my warts had disappeared, I never again developed them for that moment. Although I was working, hard physical work that surely gave enough opportunities for warts to haunt me again, it just didn´t happen....until I had sex with Lea. What I´m trying to say is that this could also be possible the other way around and when you suffer from stuff like warts, there´s a possibility you can give them to your animal partner, too. The species barrier isn´t as impenetrable as society thinks...IMHO.

  • What else? Well, although you wanted a focus on STDs´n stuff, there are more ways in which an animal can be negatively influenced by us "animal lovers". Sexual contact is the most imtimate form of contact , it has lots of effects on our quadruped partner, on its behaviour, its instincts and its reproductive cycle as well as on its body in general. Extreme practices, like "anal fisting" and other crap that´s exclusively human bullshit should be avoided. It´s not the animals that has to adapt, it´s our, it´s the true zoophile´s duty to NOT neglect the fact we´re NOT doing it with an individual of our own species. It´s always healthy to include your mind in your loving, it helps tremenduously to avoid stupid mistakes and bloopers that your animal partner has to pay for. Humans usually are dumb and self centered, with a narrow, human viewpoint excluding their quadruped partner´s needs . Oh, they will ALL insist on their advanced knowledge of their species´ sexual functions and "body language", but usually these blokes are outright fooling themselves to justify their beasty cravings. True zoophilia always turns the human into animal, not humanise the animal, if you knwo what I mean. If you really are so upset about diseases you or your animal can transmit , then viewing a list isn´t the end, but just the beginning. Do a little research on the difference and how bacteria and viruses reproduce, then draw your own conclusions once you see the biological logic behind.Don´t just read, understand.

But usually, STDs and other severe illnesses don´t play a big role in zoophilia; they seldom occur and I, into this entire online "zoo" community for more than two decades, cannot remember meeting one single person who contracted a zoonosis. I´ve heard about a few allergic reactions, mostly on the human side, but a few where the animal showed mild reactions when exposed to human body fluids such as semen and saliva. I remember kissing a mare´s labia (well, ermh, enthusiastically kissing her labia for a couple of minutes ;) ) and she had a slight reddening and also some small pimples the next day exactly where I kissed her the previous day.

Just keep your eyes open and watch your animal partner´s body closely, especially when you´re not familiar with your animal yet. But also don´t get sloppy even when you have been with this animal for decades. Keep your brain in an alert mode and don´t hesitate to consult a vet or a doctor whenever one of you two develops unusual signs. Always use all of your senses, you can easily spot some intra uterine infections in your animal by simply knowing how it smells, for example. Never become too sure, never consider yourself a Mr Knowitall. The linked wiki article is condensed theoretical knowledge spiced up by incompletely documented actual cases of which the most are focusing on non sexual transmission. Real studies on this specific topic don´t exist and it is safe to assume they won´t be conducted in the near future. So, your..our best bet is to use common sense. Are you into taking a dick that´s unwashed for a month now? Are you willing to have a hand shoved up your rectum without the nails clipped? And if you get "trained" for fucking every day, can´t you imagine how easily this can get out of hands/backfire in the most inappropriate situations? As a female, do you want your own poop in your "fun box", with all the bacteria in it? Do you want to have sex with a walking cornucopia of STDs contracted from fucking around relentlessly, two- and four legged? Well, "computer says no"...;)

Oh, never hesitate to consult a vet whenever you spot unusual stuff. Usually, the vets don´t have interspecies sexual contact on their radar and animals can get all kinda of stuff from various sources. Intra uterine infections , for example, can be caused by hormonal imbalances alone, so never be too afraid to consult the expert, it´s your animal that might suffer from your apathy and/or pantshitting.

Hope this made some sense...somehow...but ATM I´m sitting in my living room, awake...again, ´cause it´s unbearably moisty hot and I´hammered as hell from two bottles of "Doppelbock", a beer with 8,1% alcohol...and the obligatory couple of slim dutchies. I´m just about to get dressed to feed my ladies...I guess I will cancel the usual morning routine today and try to get some sleep instead...

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-06-29 18:33:54

Thank you a lot.

I totally agree about the human fetishistic thing tbh. I never liked the idea of anal or pretty much anything that isn't just regular gentle vaginal penetration, and if by any chance I get curious about it, there's no way I would do it with another species because it would be human society shit kicking in and, as you said, the animal doesn't have to adapt to it, especially considering it's a lot more dangerous.

True zoophilia always turns the human into animal, not humanise the animal, if you knwo what I mean.

I completely understand

Hope this made some sense...somehow...but ATM I´m sitting in my living room, awake...again, ´cause it´s unbearably moisty hot and I´hammered as hell from two bottles of "Doppelbock", a beer with 8,1% alcohol...and the obligatory couple of slim dutchies. I´m just about to get dressed to feed my ladies...I guess I will cancel the usual morning routine today and try to get some sleep instead...

Good luck. Thank you again for all the information.