Hello I'm A MAP and A Zoophile As Well, Thought I'd Say Hello (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-06-28 04:50:08 by [deleted]

You have probably seen a lot of my comments on Reddit lately mostly about me being a MAP(Minor Attracted Person) and the negative reaction to this(as well as me being a Zoophile). I may not be good at arguing but I truly just want to show people that I'm not evil. That I'm not advocating for animal or child abuse. I hope I can join this community here as you seem rather rational and supportive of sexual minorities(even when we're discriminated against by the LGBT community).

Lefthandedsock 13 points on 2017-06-28 05:33:27

No, I certainly haven't seen any of your comments on reddit. I doubt many of us have.

I don't think you're evil at all, but I also don't think relationships with children are feasible. You probably won't find support for "MAP" here.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-28 05:45:55

Oh ok.

BurnedRowan 3 points on 2017-06-28 06:08:26

I'm absolutely not interested in associating with pedophiles. abusing children is not okay. neither is fetishizing it.

[deleted] 4 points on 2017-06-28 06:11:40

I don't have a fetish nor do I want to abuse children.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 3 points on 2017-06-28 08:53:38

I'm really curious, why pedophiles don't just wait? It is the same person, right?

ZooMasil 3 points on 2017-06-28 09:18:39

That is the thing that bugs me about Pedophiles, it's not the individual they like, it's a characteristic that is subject to rapid change.

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 3 points on 2017-06-28 15:22:53

There is a very wide difference between love (centered to who), and sexual attraction (what).

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-06-28 13:20:49

Nice question, dude. I subscribe to this and also want to know an answer. Or could it be that "love" for physical features isnĀ“t true love in the end? Looking at all of you "zoos" in here...

MyBigK9 Canid lupus 1 point on 2017-06-30 18:57:56

Good answer. :(

Shallow hearted here while I do only find particular canines attractive and others not.

But then again. You can grow with your fur mate and start to find you love them. For example: the family dog, I didnt find attractive, and did not care for the terrier breeds as much. But that sure changed when he would be all cuddly on me. I used to hate him as a kid, but I grew to loving him.

Many humans have a preference I believe. And especially here, right? Don't you as well? With equine?

tencendur_ Neeeigh 4 points on 2017-06-28 14:16:18

The argument can be reversed. Why must you wait? It is the same person, right?

In the philosophical sense, I think that a fully developed adult and a kid are not the same person. They have different ways of viewing life and experiencing the world.

Besides, paraphilias and sexual desires are not very rational in themselves, trying to make sense out of them is an exercise in futility.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 3 points on 2017-06-28 15:06:57

No, it can't be reversed because I asked about a group, not a single person. You should if you can because of child's health and law. More, children grow up so you will end up with an adult anyway. What to do then?

BurnedRowan 3 points on 2017-06-28 16:11:03

Because they're into the power play of it. They care more about a kid being 'underdeveloped' mentally and physically because it's aesthetically pleasing to them and they are easy to manipulate. they don't care about or view children as people with feelings and individuality.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 3 points on 2017-06-29 22:41:56

Nope. Pedophilia actually has a neurological basis. In particular, they have considerably less white matter in their brain, as well as some other less common behavioral characteristics. I'm actually familiar with several cases where pedophiles took on jobs caring for children and excelled compared to their peers due to their attraction encouraging attentiveness to the well-being of the children. Pardon the comparison, but it isn't very dissimilar to zoophiles with jobs caring for nonhuman animals.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 1 point on 2017-06-29 14:14:56

Kids grow into young adults who are not sexually attractive to pedophiles. Young adults grow into old people who is not sexually attractive for regular young adults. "What to do then?"

Sexual attraction is like that, it is superficial, superfluous and based on ephimeral traits that vanish with time. That is why no sane person tries to establish a long term relationship that is sexual in nature "only".

SCP_2547 2 points on 2017-06-28 23:11:33

But you DO support sex with children. (As seen in your post history.)
Why do you not act on your urges, then? Seems very strange that if you have an urge to do something and you don't think it's wrong, yet still don't want to do it.
You're keeping it away from us or you're just saying you won't abuse them because you don't think it's abuse.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-06-28 06:20:44


Kynophile Dog lover 6 points on 2017-06-28 11:36:20

As far as I'm concerned, you should be judged by your actions rather than your internal thoughts, so your inclinations alone do not concern me. However, I do not think relationships with children are healthy for them, given the evidence for the development of mental health problems later in life regardless of their feelings at the time.

The only other time I've heard the term MAP was in this stream by Jeff Holiday, highlighting one on YouTube. This MAP is calm and knows his subject, but his arguments are ridiculous, and Jeff points that out with significant disgust for this man. Watch it if you want to know how most people will respond to anyone claiming children can and should be in relationships with adults.

_youtubot_ 2 points on 2017-06-28 11:41:57

Video linked by /u/Kynophile:

Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Listening to a MAP (rage inducing)|Jeff Holiday 2 Electric Boogaloo|2017-05-08|1:05:30|589+ (96%)|14,566

MAP stands for Minor. Attracted. Person. Yup... we're...

Info ^| ^/u/Kynophile can delete ^| v1.1.3b

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 3 points on 2017-06-28 12:34:35

popcorn! get your popcorn! hot, fresh, and salty!

I think ill stay as nueteral as i can on this subject, but you wont find much support for MAP here. Your welcome to try to make your case, but you cant force people to accept what they don't want to accept.

tencendur_ Neeeigh 5 points on 2017-06-28 14:13:16

It is important to point out that there is no correlation between pedophilia and zoophilia. They are just different paraphilias. You are less likely to be slammed by a zoo without having your argument heard than by a regular person, but that is about it.

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 7 points on 2017-06-28 14:38:44

Changing the word will never change the definition behind it.

Even if I only judge on "what you do" and not on "what you are", some things will always be far beyond from what I can tolerate.

SCP_2547 7 points on 2017-06-28 23:24:05

If you really wanted to show that you're not evil, it would be a better choice to keep your mouth shut since you're only harming zoophilia's image even more.
You're not even gaining any respect from this thread, you're doing the opposite.
Hey outsiders, yes, zoophiles are not only fuckin' just adult humans, but also now they're underage too!
But hey, I'll welcome you with my best attitude: Please never touch an animal ever in your life. There's already enough zoophiles who can't keep their hands off animals that aren't adults yet.

(even when we're discriminated against by the LGBT community)

Except practicing pedos aren't, because sex with underage creatures is and always will be unethical.

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2017-06-29 03:24:20

MAP? Oh, look, the pedos have their "zoosexuality" word salad crap too...;)

Yeah, right, age is just a number....and jail is just a room...

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-30 01:55:53

MAP? Oh, look, the pedos have their "zoosexuality" word salad crap too...;)

It's not very surprising any more. We're all humans!

Yeah, right, age is just a number....and jail is just a room...

...And children want to slumber, but that pedo will come soon!
Man, these are my favorite kind of rhymes!

tencendur_ Neeeigh 1 point on 2017-07-01 23:33:52

Having yet another word salad is not surprising at all. One of the first things political activists attempt is language deformation. Words like Communism have a bad reputation, so you invent a new word for it or sell it under the disguise of something with a better reputation. It is ABC of Public Relations.

Lateoss Wuz gud 1 point on 2017-06-29 11:23:06

Im curious, is there a difference between a MAP and a pedophile?

Also welcome to the sub, I will keep my comments short. Simply keep in mind, the presence of sexualities outside of zoophilia have no more of a place here than any other sub. I trust you can use the same discretion here as you would in any other sub.

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-06-29 12:39:26

It was one of his latest posts: https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/comments/6k6qko/i_have_nowhere_to_go_might_as_well_end_it_all/

I hope he just lied to force some people to rethink a whole case, but it doesn't look like that...

Lateoss Wuz gud 1 point on 2017-06-29 20:32:08

Holy shit dude, his account is deleted now too. I take stuff like this seriously, and I really hope he didn't actually kill himself. I didn't bother looking into his comment history but from what I saw in this post he seemed like a fairly stable person...

mttcisc crocodiles are beautiful 1 point on 2017-06-29 22:38:04

Yeah, I was waiting for answers, expecting some normal conversation. After 24 hours I checked if he was active and just dropped the subject, so I don't know much too. He also acted on something like "anonymouspedohaters" sub, but I can't find it. /u/AlphaOmegaSith should have a link.

Lateoss Wuz gud 1 point on 2017-06-29 23:07:31

I'm not gonna pursue him. I just don't want the guy actually killing himself or anything...

I dunno how to feel about this guy. I have sympathy for him, but at the same time it's starting to look like he just confused and wants attention...

SCP_2547 -2 points on 2017-06-30 01:46:50

Well let's be optimistic! Everyone loves being optimistic, right? I mean... I am constantly judged for being so negative so I'll shift to my optimistic mode, then.
Let's look on the bright side: There's a high chance he kicked the bucket. (And straight outta the window, too!)
IF he is dead then that means: 1. He won't encourage pedos to rape children. 2. He won't have a chance to rape children. 3. He can no longer ruin our image. 4. I saved the best one for last: Since he is both a pedo and a zoo his death prevented him from raping an innocent underage animal.
Hey hey I gotcha I gotcha. I now fully understand why optimism is liked so much, let's all just continue not caring and continue with our own lives. We can barely support zoophilia ourselves, and we got to march on.
Take a close watch on the news and you might see his suicide note. Man, and I thought I hated the news!

Lateoss Wuz gud 2 points on 2017-06-30 03:47:25

Come on, I really dont think it would be right to look optimistically upon his death. If we did that, then we wouldnt be any better than someone who would wish the same thing for a zoo...

I understand the importance of maintaining a barrier between pedophilia and zoophilia, and I furthermore support that barrier, but I dont think it is appropriate to act no better than the very people who denigrate us. How can we promote zoophilia if we dont have a likable image?

For each and every person who comes across this subreddit we have the opportunity to show that we are reasonable and understanding human beings, and that includes showing that we dont try to impose the same restrictions on other sexualities that would otherwise be imposed on us.

And by this I dont mean that we should support his sexuality. I just think that we should remain respectful yet neutral and NOT behave negatively. If we cant tolerate the presence of a pedo in our sub then how can an everyday commoner tolerate the presence of (what is seen in society on the same moral level as a pedo) a zoo?

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-06-30 15:53:06

Oh man, I'm optimistic for once and try to look at the bright sides for once yet I'm so disrespected. Awwwh, I guess I'll go back to being a dickhead, then.
I don't really have a choice if no one likes one of these attitudes!

Lateoss Wuz gud 1 point on 2017-06-30 19:46:57

You know I wasn't trying to disrespect you... I realize this argument is somewhat trivial but I press on anyways.

And I think I'd rather have a dickhead that has a sense of simple morality than an optimist who doesn't.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-02 02:20:17

In case you still didn't know, all of that was sarcasm.
But that got me thinking, we SHOULD look at the upsides of his death. This is how my actual optimism used to work before I went horribly depressed and pissed off again: Always look at the bright sides no matter what, but DON'T ignore the darker sides. This is technically the smartest way to look at things, especially if you don't let your feelings control you.
Now that I think about it more, that's less optimism but more like realism, especially if we also look at the bad sides of this death. (And for me that's none: I've never talked with him so I couldn't give a shit less about a stranger.)
He supported sex with children and sex with animals. With good logic, this means that he also supported sex with underage animals.
This means he's not against such a thing, but he also said that he is a pedo and a zoo, so he has the urges to have sex with them. For that reason he would rape an underage human or worse, an underage animal if he had the chance.
He was also trying to convince others that these things are not harmful for underage humans. (And again, for that reason also for underage animals, which is even more important.)
This is a well deserved death in my book: He stopped himself from raping another creature. Such a thing is not to be forgiven, especially when it's only done for your enjoyment and will probably be done repeatedly. He also stopped himself from encouraging others to do such acts and ruining our image.
Call my punishments and opinions too harsh all you want, but suffering only exists because of humans like these. If all bad humans like them were wiped off the earth with the click of a button, we'd advance so much more in life and suffering would be no more. This is why I have no mercy for strange humans as I expect them to be quite evil by default. And there's always a bad thing someone does.
But who knows if he did kill himself anyways? We'll probably see him back in a few days with the CorgiWig 'tard and his pedofriends trying to hack and threaten me because I don't agree with their disgusting pedo opinions.

AlphaOmegaSith 1 point on 2017-06-30 04:04:19

He probably deleted his account to escape the heat he was getting for his posts. I've seen two pedos pull the suicide stunt before. Then they made new accounts. As much as I despised that guy I hope he didn't kill himself and got some help. Maybe something happened offline? Or someone doxxed him.

Dogsoulmate Forever My Dane's Man 2 points on 2017-06-30 16:50:53

"You can't hate someone whose story you know"

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 2 points on 2017-07-02 14:50:34

a good portion of humanity doesnt care and will do so anyways