[NS] I don't know what to do anymore... (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-07-08 09:34:08 by [deleted]


AutoModerator 1 point on 2017-07-08 09:34:08

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SCP_2547 -6 points on 2017-07-08 15:00:55

There's enough furries out there who'll gladly do these things with you. Lmao.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2017-07-08 19:33:40

Pretty sure that's neither helpful, nor what they are going for.

SCP_2547 -1 points on 2017-07-08 20:50:18

Whoops. Sorry. 100% my fault. Really. Awww, what a shame. Damn. I didn't mean it.
Remember: No Salt is on, so ya better watch your tone boii!!1!!exclamation mark!!11

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2017-07-09 02:33:19

What tone? I simply stated that you aren't hitting the mark they are looking for. I worded that very carefully.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-09 03:15:46

It was just a joke.
I know, it's not funny. I can never think of a fitting response when someone takes non-serious comments seriously.

serendipitybot 1 point on 2017-07-08 22:00:31

This submission has been randomly featured in /r/serendipity, a bot-driven subreddit discovery engine. More here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Serendipity/comments/6m3rcu/ns_i_dont_know_what_to_do_anymore_xpost_from/

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-08 22:10:15

Attention. Exactly what this sub needs.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 2 points on 2017-07-09 03:13:20

#T H E R I G H T P L A C E A T T H E R I G H T T I M E

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-09 03:13:50

oh god what did i do i had this cool thing typed up and now its gone

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-09 03:14:40

so apparently hashtag makes your text dissapear instead of get really bold

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-09 03:25:46

I noticed, that's really weird.
It's something exclusive to this sub.
When you add more hashtags it gives a different effect, let's see what it does.
Note: Take a look at this comment from my post history, you can see the first one.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-09 03:42:03

Kinda cool. I know its fairly new, since im sure used bold not too long ago here. What else are those pesky mods doing behind our backs? :)

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-11 10:14:29

I honestly have no idea why it does that. It's header markup that we use for the wiki predominantly. You can use doubled asterisks to bold stuff less dramatically, like this:

**bold me!**
OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-09 12:27:08

WTF? o.O why me?

OrcanTahoe 1 point on 2017-07-08 23:16:34

Well... why won't you take a dog and be happy together?

I'm kinda like you, always been this way, except I really consider it as a normal sexual orientation and accept it. The only thing is that you gotta be discrete and not tell it to everyone you meet.

I'm 20 years old, and only three of my closest friends (one of whom is zoo as well) know about it. Getting my dog is currently my main motivation in life, I think about it all the time. I tried humans as well, both genders (in terms of sex and relationship), and it really isn't my thing. At this point I've started to consider myself as an "exclusive" and don't even look at humans anymore.

You should just learn to be proud of who you are, there's literally not a thing wrong with your lifestyle (except if you're into sadism, bestiality and things like that, but you don't seem to be), as long as both you and your partner love and respect each other. Learn to ignore all of the social pressure, that's really the only way you could be happy.

Also, read about zoo things a lot, the more you'll understand you're not the only one, the more you'll accept yourself easily (that's usually how us humans work).

SCP_2547 0 points on 2017-07-09 00:18:52

At this point I've started to consider myself as an "exclusive" and don't even look at humans anymore.

But you had sex and relationships with humans. So that would be incorrect.

there's literally not a thing wrong with your lifestyle attraction/sexuality/sexual orientation (except if you're into bestiality)

What now? We're not allowed to have sexual contact with animals any more?
Okay then.

OrcanTahoe 1 point on 2017-07-09 00:31:38

My things with humans were out of pure curiosity. When you're young, I think it's normal to try things out to really know if you like them or not, even if it doesn't attract you in the first place. At least after that, you're sure.

When I say "bestiality", I'm talking about sex without consent (aka rape). Of course you can have sex with non-humans...

SCP_2547 0 points on 2017-07-09 00:35:51

My things with humans were out of pure curiosity. When you're young, I think it's normal to try things out to really know if you like them or not, even if it doesn't attract you in the first place. At least after that, you're sure.

Except you can't change attraction. I'd understand that if you did this while you were developing your sexuality, but you probably weren't.
If you had sex / a relationship with a human, then you are not a zoo exclusive. It doesn't matter if it was curiosity or any other excuse.

When I say "bestiality", I'm talking about sex without consent (aka rape). Of course you can have sex with non-humans...

Bestiality is having sexual contact with an non-human animal. This is not just a community definition, this is an official definition that everyone else uses.
I don't see why you would use this word if you can easily just say that others shouldn't resort to ''rape.''
Because when we have sexual contact with animals, we are in fact, participating in bestiality.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-07-09 01:35:54

SCP in fact is right here...just a quick reminder:

bestiality is the sole , physical act of having sex of any kind with an animal. Doesn´t matter whether it is "just fingering" or full insertion, doesn´t matter what motives for your actions lie behind.

Rape is rape. When the animals shows it doesn´t like what´s happening to it, it´s rape. Tricking the animal into sex can also be filed under the rape label. For example, arousing a stallion with a mare in heat, but use his arousal for your own purpose can also be seen as rape.

Zoophilia in the original meaning was a term that was intended to be an aequivalent to terms such as "loving and caring faithful husband", mainly to transport a certain message to all the outsiders who instictively connected any sexual action with animals with rape and coercion.

So, we have a triade here: normals, bestialists and zoophiles. The basic difference between the second and the third isn´t rape, because rape is a sadistic act of dominance, hence anyone raping or coercing an animal CAN be filed under the term bestialist, but today, we call them "zoosadists" instead. A zoophile is nothing else than a bestialist with morals and ethics underlying his actions. Any practicing zoo is a bestialist, but not every bestialist is a zoo....as every faithful husband is a man, but not every man is a faithful husband.

Hope this clears up any confusion, at least a bit...

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-07-09 02:50:07

Tricking the animal into sex can also be filed under the rape label. For example, arousing a stallion with a mare in heat, but use his arousal for your own purpose can also be seen as rape.

Unless you're profiting from it as a breeder. =P

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-07-09 12:32:00

"Offisa, yeah, I did something wrong, but others are doing wrong too..."

Honestly, would this community please stop relying on this old and worn out "tu quoque" decoy throwing? It´s the same with pointing out the atrocities in the meat industry to a person opposed to zoophilia...sounds good, doesn´t work. Just because there are other ethical problems, it won´t nullify our ethical problems.

I surely am not siding with commercial breeders here, but let me just throw in a few of my thoughts: Breeders are responsible for all the different breeds; without them, there would be no "Danes" , no " Hannoverians" , there would be no distinctive differences in dogs, horses and many other domesticised animals. Genetic diseases would spread unhindered among the species as there is no corrective to recognise them and weed them out by selective breeding. Breeding has a bad name in our community because when we talk about breeders, the common idea is of someone who relentlessly "produces" animals for profit. But that´s only a small part of the entire breeder scene, for example in horse breeding, there are way more amateur breeders and private persons who don´t force a mare to have a foal in every year of her life, for her entire life. Don´t get me wrong, though...I´m aware that ruthless and careless breeders can be in every section of the breeding industry, amateurs and big "animal factories"...but the opposite is also true: there are both, amateur AND professional breeders who don´t turn down responsibilities and ethics. It really depends on the person(s) in charge, not on the profession or hobby of breeding animals.

Without the selective breeding of animals throughout tens of thousands of years, there would be not a single domesticated animal...and not enough for everyone to eat as breeding is what allowed mankind to turn some random weeds into what we all rely on today, grain, rice, berries, apples etc... Without selective breeding, you wouldn´t fuck your dogs, you would be lacerated be them instead because they never would have lost their basic predator/wolf nature. Without selective breeding, there would be not one horse you could safely handle (and before the "cowboys" in here throw in the "Wild Mustangs", well, the horse was brought by the Europeans, already domesticated), let alone even ride, there would be not enough milk and meat as cows and pigs were selectively bred for exactly that, producing more milk and more edible meat per individual. You´re "in love" with a specific breed? Well, thank the "reckless breeders", without them, there would be no breed X you´re "in love with"...

What I finally want to add: breeding is not despicable and vile per se, I´ve met a lot of breeders, both amateur and pro, during my career; have I met vicious assholes? Yes, a few clearly showed that it´s only about the money and not about the animals in the slightest. Not all of them were pro breeders with their own "animal factory". And I´ve met very caring persons who breed responsibly and with the highest ethical standards, also both in the amateur AND professional sector. And before someone brings it up, yes , I am aware of things like hip dysplasia in German Sheperds...but there´s a reason in calling this "overbreeding". Quite ironic that exactly genetic predispositions and illnesses make breeding vital for the specific breeds´ survival...

Just a last thing to add: It may surprise some, but although I do subscribe to SCP´s point regarding zoo exclusivity, I am also aware that many go through an orientation phase in their puberty. Supported by our modern "openness" towards sexual adventurous escapades, the supermarket mentality of "Well, today, I´ll pick this and tomorrow , I´ll try out another one of a different brand", I can see how quickly things can happen. I´m willing to make a compromise here and say that you can also be a zoo exclusive when your "human adventures" were nothing but a shortlived phase of "trying out". And before you, SCP, jump in and accuse me of any sexual experience with the furless monkeys, well, no, I don´t have any of that and will never have in my entire life.But you should know how powerful groupthink and expectations from society can be; a weaker mind, especially when in the very volatile phase of puberty, may not be so strong mentally, may not be so drawn to getting insight in his/her inner feelings BEFORE he/she acts... What I´m trying to say is that there is some chance to have minor sexual experiences with humans and still be somehow "zoo exclusive", even though I would prefer your interpretation of that term to be widely accepted and not challenged. The "society of free fucks" sadly is a reality today and the so called "sexual revolution" hasn´t made it easier in any way for a teenager to determine his/her sexuality. The "just try out stuff" mentality has become widely spread, as you can witness even in here, and things have become more and more complicated. When I imagine growing up today, within this oversexualised society, with all of these easily accessable porn portals, with all of the pornographisation our society has undergone in the last two decades, I surely would have been a zoo, but I wouldn´t bet my life that I would not have fallen for the vast "possibilities" our "modern" world offers today, with sexuality presominantly seen as a simple good, an urge that needs to be satisfied. Just look at how unbelieving most people react when they´re confronted with so called asexuals for the first time. It isn´t just a coincidence that all of this happened after the Soviet Union collapsed...capitalism had no opponent anymore and thus, no need to be the "morally superior system" anymore. What we´re experiencing today is nothing else than the state of decadence, physical and moral decay. What I´m saying is that we cannot close our eyes from the signs of the times, the zeitgeist. I too would prefer another zeitgeist, one that would make all this online crap obsolete, because every person can freely talk about this special orientation without any fear. I would prefer it if our "system" would support teenagers in their quest for their sexual personality with clemency, understanding and help instead of leaving them hanging in this empty space. Guidance towards developing a charactre that thinks first before he/she fucks, guidance towards a non-commercialised sexuality, guidance to safely sail the Scylla and Charybdis, to sail safe between total celibacy and unhinged promiscuity. As I see it, the so called sexual revolution just exchanged the churches´dogma with another dogma, namely that of the porn industry. Humans are quite dumb and need lots of time to correct mistakes they made, just look at the smartphone generation that is totally fine with living the life of a cellphone zombie , but hardly can climb a tree or do a somersault. The same goes for this sexual liberation thing, yes, it might look like a good idea in the beginning, but the dire consequences are inevitable. Look at the divorce rates since the internet came rushing into mankind´s sexuality like a Shinkansen at top speed...Fact is, things are deteriorating, but hardly anyone notices, although it´s no surprise for me that it is exactly our recent times that create the revival of religion and conservativism...it´s the natural countermomentum of a development that has obviously gone astray and gotten out of hand.

I digress...but in this regard, I´d say I am willing to make the compromise and say that people who went through a temporary, shortlived orientation phase that includes some degree of sexual experience with humans can too be real zoo exclusives when they quickly turned down the "furless monkey option". What I don´t include in this is when someone experiences longer "furless monkey phases", are enjoying it in any way, deem "exclusive" as a term that describes phases (like, "I was non exclusive zoo for three years, then I went through two years of zoo exclusivity, then I met this guy/gal and became a non exclusive again etc...)...Technically, you´re absolute right in saying that even a single incident nullifies the exclusivity and I am absolutely with you, but I cannot deny the fact that our world is pumping teenagers so full of bullshit to keep them from resisting the supermarket mentality in a very volatile phase of their life. We should adapt to life´s reality, at least some tiny little bit, don´t you think?

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-09 12:53:49

O.O I just think that wheter exclusive or not, it doesn't even matter; we are all on the same boat. This is a testament.

I have seen you before.

TokenHorseGuy 2 points on 2017-07-09 22:00:30

I think you read far too much into a sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek remark. I'm not suggesting breeders are good or bad, only that they touch animal no-no parts and it's suddenly okay in the eyes of society because they call themselves breeders.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2017-07-10 01:12:39

I'm sorry, but this is a serious case of "tl;dr"

I normally don't pull that one, but jesus fucking christ dude. Your tombstone epitaph is gonna be in microfische at this rate...

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-09 12:43:41

o.o Are we still fighting over the concepts, oh geez... I'm pretty sure I read one post like that when I was a teenager and it was the same thing.

the_egoldstein 5 points on 2017-07-09 16:22:05

The discussion of the definitions has been raging since I was new in the mid 90's and hasn't abated since. It comes in surges when some dolt thinks they're better than everyone else and starts denigrating people they know very little about.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2017-07-09 04:29:40

don't listen to the bullshit about what makes you zoo exclusive and what doesn't. some people expect everyone else to use their definitions of things, even when almost no one else agrees with it.

funny thing about the above comment that you used the term "bestiality" wrong... admittedly, by dictionary definition, that's true, but by the most commonly accepted (and heavily argued about) connotation, you used the word as the majority of people here understand it.


OrcanTahoe 1 point on 2017-07-09 10:43:48

This. Thank you.

Every time I comment on this sub, I feel like it's always like that. Seriously, what's the point? Do we have to fight antis AND other zoos now? Just because we use some words differently even if we want the same things?

I'm aware that my definitions are "officially" wrong, and I explained them here. I think the official words have really bad connotations and are obsolete, that's why I refuse to use them. They need to be changed if we want to make the cause go forward.

Now, I won't change my mind, and I know people who think I'm wrong won't either. So let's close the argument here, please.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-09 12:40:27

Ah god damn, I'm confused, what's this discussion; why do we have to struggle together? :|

I understand, I've been zoo since I have memory, I know for certain I'm not the only one as apparently I'm so obvious that people come out to me and at the same time that I have a zoodar or something, I've met 2 zoos irl, one in denial, the other the bad kind you'd want to keep animals away from; my oldest friends is zoo; and I have a lot of zoo contacts (which I sometimes talk to). I know that I'm not alone for certain, it's just being single hurts and there are no groups you can ask for highly specific advice or something as that would be too much out of your privacy thanks to the ilegality of things; I know so little about my future, I don't feel in control, and I'm too scared to just not find love as getting a dog is not guaranteed to be the same as getting a partner. That would only hurt me more.

I don't feel it as abnormal either, I just "don't know what to do anymore".

TokenHorseGuy 2 points on 2017-07-09 21:53:24

Just because we use some words differently even if we want the same things?

It becomes relevant when people start excluding and "shaming" others based on a category related to a word choice which has no objective foundation.

the_egoldstein 5 points on 2017-07-09 04:34:23

That knucklehead (/u/SCP_2547) is so far beyond reason it's not worth trying to explain anything to.

Many people experimented and it's nothing to be ashamed of, I'd say you've got a better understanding of what interests you because you have actually experienced it and know it isn't what you want.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 3 points on 2017-07-09 03:05:07

Do what makes you happy, as long as it doesn't hurt others. Don't feel like you need to live a certain way or get into a relationship because it's what you're 'supposed' to do.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-09 12:25:59

Well I meant, a relationship with an animal; I want a relationship with an animal because I feel the need to. It's harsh, I want to spend my time, cuddle up, groom, go around, have sex, etc... guys just don't feel satisfying.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-09 14:19:56

And what is stopping you?

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-09 14:36:15

Let's see, lack of knowledge, experience, fear that I'll fuck things up and he won't love me, lack of certain stability because of visa renewals instead of permanent residency. Politics, money, and fear in short. yea...

SCP_2547 3 points on 2017-07-09 14:42:50

lack of knowledge

Then start learning.
The internet really helps with this sort of thing, as long as you don't blindly follow false information.


You realize that you won't have any experience at all if you never do it in the first place?
And this is how you get knowledge. Some things just are learned with experience. Not saying you should go in completely blind, but it really is true.
I actually see this as an upside. It makes your first animal always more special too.

fear that I'll fuck things up and he won't love me

If you treat your animal well then there's no doubt he'll love you.

lack of certain stability because of visa renewals instead of permanent residency. Politics, money

I can't help you with that.
But hey, at least you'd be a responsible animal owner, judging by how much you care and careful you are.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-09 15:28:13

I had seen too many dead animals. For no purpose, just abandoned, I rescued many of them, found them in trash bins, just born, alive.

I just can't let my own to have to go through any of that, or anything similar, I give my food to my animals before me; I'll probably care too much, probably it's that deep connection that makes me see them as a potential partner, sigh, who knows?... I want them to be a free soul and spirit, let them run, and go around; but I'm just so scared, I want to cause no damage to him, and at the same time I'll be heartbroken if it just doesn't work between us.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2017-07-09 15:55:49

... at the same time I'll be heartbroken if it just doesn't work between us.

this is a legitimate concern, but it is also true that the only way to find out is to give it a try. caution regarding trying to be knowledgeable first is good, and especially wanting to make sure your life is stable first... however, there comes a point when if you don't give it a shot, you'll be waiting all your life. i'm a prime example. i didn't get my first dog until last year .. i'm over 40 years old. don't be like me. don't let your life pass you by because of fear.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-09 17:15:06

The problem is that, I'm scared it won't work; I don't even know what my success chances are, but what if I fall in love and then he doesn't really want anything with me; I'm not even sure what's worse, non-corresponded love, that just sounds like a fate more horrible than being alone itself.

ZealotDKD 1 point on 2017-07-18 04:01:24

even if thats the case, and there is nothing sexual, you still have a companion to be with. there is no reason for him to become nasty if he is brought up correctly.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2017-07-10 07:34:15

There's plenty of good resources online and in books about animal care and behavior. If you want more (non-sexual) experience around animals there's a few things you can do for that. If you have a friend with the animal of your choice you can ask them about the care and maybe ask to meet the animal. You can also check shelters and try getting to know the animals. They might even have volunteer opportunities, but unless you're already a dog trainer or have animal husbandry experience, don't expect to work closely (if at all) with the animals.

As far as not loving you goes... Chemistry can't be guaranteed, sometimes, for whatever reason, you just won't 'click' with certain animals for various reasons. That said, I've found it easy to get along with animals, even ones that I don't have good chemistry with. As long as you have a reasonable understanding of the animal's behavior and you make an effort to be kind, generally they won't hate you. With patience and kindness most domestic animals without severe mental trauma can be befriended.

The important thing is to try avoiding expectations of what your relationship, romantic or otherwise, should be like. Once you've taken an animal into your care, you've agreed to care for it for its lifespan or until you become unable, regardless of if it meets your expectations.

I don't have much advice about stability. Fostering might be an option since the animal is in your care temporarily anyway, though a sexual relationship shouldn't be pursued with a foster animal.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-10 09:06:15

Well by lack of knowledge I meant specifically in the zoo side of things, I'm used to animals in certain sense; and I actually used to study them, not at a vet level, but at a quite a good level in a laboratory, including animal behavior; but in the zoo side of things, it's another story, zoology studies are not the same as trying to pursue a sexual relationship, it helps to know all the parasites and behavior patterns, but it doesn't really give you an idea on how it is to approach a relationship. I've also managed lots of animals, including feral, or even small wild animals, but it's just not the sort of experience that will help you to have this sort of relationships.

I've found usually animals respect me, it doesn't matter if it's a feral cat angry at anyone, or a herd of angry dogs that are attacking people they'll keep their distance; this is good for some animals because they see me as a benevolent authoritative figure, but what I want with a partner is just different, I want to be able to expose myself, and still feel safe without having to be tough, the thing is I've always been harsh and acted strong. This duality could fuck things up, he could either only wish the authoritative benevolent figure instead and not wish my weaker side that just wants to feel safe and warm in between his fur. I don't know, I have never had the experience to do that.

I would not foster animals temporarily like that, I could just so that my partner has friends, but no for the purposes of really satisfying that void.

Thanks for your input, I think the real problem here is that I'm scared, and that I don't have a level of stability I'd wish to have.

ToffeesLover Twuu Zoo 1 point on 2017-07-09 19:21:06

It's better to worry you'll screw up than to believe it's impossible for you to screw up at all.

Having a safe and stable home for an animal is the most important thing, so if you're not sure about if you could offer that it's maybe not best to get one. Having said that, that depends largely on your own situation - if I suddenly became unable to have my animal/s here, I have several people who would be able to take them on. If you don't have enough money to look after an animal, you definitely shouldn't have one.

I honestly wouldn't worry at all about the 'love' issue. I'm not sure which animals you're into, but I'm going to guess 'dogs' (correct me if I am wrong!), and say MOST dogs... will love you and show you the affection you want. If you are very concerned, you could look into a breed known for affection or other traits you'd like - labradors are good IMHO, but you may have other needs.

When searching for an animal it's not like you waltz in and say 'I want that dog' and leave that afternoon with him (or it really shouldn't be!)... There are a number of options for obtaining an adult dog (you could also get a puppy from a reputable breeder, but other than anything else, raising a 'baby' with the intention of eventually having a romantic relationship seems a little squicky to me):

1) Go to a shelter. Shelters are full of sweet dogs looking for a home... But also be aware that an animal from a shelter is an animal with a past. And many shelters have neutering policies (they either only adopt out neutered animals or make you sign a contract saying you will do it), which could interfere with some things and/or conflict with ethics.

2) You could seek out an animal on something like Gumtree, Preloved, etc... In most cases they're ex-pets who are being sold/given away because of moving, babies, whatever, but I'm sure there are some unscrupulous people trying to unload aggressive animals.

3) Look into retired stud dogs especially if you're looking for a specific breed. There are also dogs who've been bred for certain purposes (showing, hunting, herding, etc.) who fail to perform, which would probably be better (a retired stud dog may be too old to be a viable lover :C).

In each of these cases, you should be allowed to spend time with the animal and see if you 'click'. Of course you can't tell what your bond will look like after months or years together, but you will be able to know if they're affectionate, if you would be able to enjoy their company over the long term.

If you decide you can't handle an animal in your home right now, is there any way you could find an outlet for your desires by working with them? Dog-walking, pet-sitting, volunteering at a shelter (that one may break your heart, though :C)? Obviously it's not the same as having a real lover/relationship like you're looking for, but it may help with some things... and at the very least it would give you more experience with the animals you love and teach you more about them. Might be a good first step?

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-09 20:31:13

Oh thanks for your comments, and no actually volunteering in a shelter would be something I'm very well built to do overall as rescuing kittens was once something I did in my town of origin. I once even had to extract worms from a dog with a surgical kit, it was such an awful place overall, there were no vets or shelters, you had to do things yourself and most of what you did was in vain anyway.

Well yes indeed I have high affection needs, mostly when I'm trying to sleep I get very needy in that sense that I just want to cuddle until I fall asleep; I tend to be rather fine and confident about stuff. But you know there's always this need of having someone to share your emotional needs with, which is a huge part. Also someone to go with me in my stupid adventures, usually exploring stuff. I hope to get that, I really would like such. Also I have a thing for feeling protected, so I want a big dog I can feel very safe with, my teen years were awful and I mean violence, I would feel very scared, and people would always expect me to act, I seem very confident and do act, I am really, but there's always that side of me that wants to be protected too because I'm usually the protector, I was always so weak and yet I had to fight so many times, so a big partner is something I yearn just to make me feel safe.

I'm sorry if I ask this, don't get me wrong, but you know there's also the sexual side, I'm honestly concerned about that too, I just know nothing about that part; because the thing is that if I get to build such a bond, I'll inevitably feel sexually attracted; and well, I want that side of things too, to me it's not a big part, but an important part; it makes me feel like I can please all his needs and he mine.

I just don't know how that works, hell I don't even know if it's possible; I didn't get any useful sex-ed at school; and well I don't even know how to get a lover in that sense, I'd pefer to get a young adult that is out of his puppy phase, but would he make a viable lover?... would he be interested in me later?... would he want to have sex with me?... (and I mean he mounting me not anything weird), I just don't want to have an unidirectional crush, that would just put more weight on me.

ToffeesLover Twuu Zoo 1 point on 2017-07-10 01:03:07

I'd pefer to get a young adult that is out of his puppy phase, but would he make a viable lover?... would he be interested in me later?... would he want to have sex with me?...

There are always exceptions to everything but, yes, an intact (not neutered) male dog would be a viable lover. Most males will sniff, lick, and mount naturally. There can be physical issues (size of the penis, the knot) but human women have been having sex with dogs for a long time. That can definitely be a part of a relationship between the both of you, I wouldn't worry about it :)

Everything else you say makes a lot of sense, too. I also love the idea of a big strong canine protector, or a close and loyal partner who goes with me on adventures. I'm sorry you've had such a rough life. :C

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-10 05:36:50

Well yeah, I'd like to take physical issues later and first worry about a relationship. I only hope it's not dangerous per say. I honestly don't really know how big they can be.