[rant] I'm pretty disgusted with some people right now. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-07-08 22:56:36 by zoopthrow

I like to watch zoo porn from time to time in my rotation of porn types. Today I was watching a video from a website of a guy playing with a mare's mareparts. It didn't look too bad at first, looked like the mare was pretty into it. Then at the end I saw BLOOD mixed in with the mare's "juices" she was expelling. The guy just kept going and possibly getting even more rough. That is one fucked up person that doesn't deserve to own a damn pet cockroach, let alone a horse.

Obviously he was being way too rough with her, in the first place. But even if he hadn't been, if you saw blood, why would you keep going? That's so fucked up on so many levels. Assholes like this give zoophiles who actually form relationships and actually love animals a bad name.

I hope that guy ends up getting his balls kicked off or something.

AutoModerator 1 point on 2017-07-08 22:56:36

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SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-08 23:26:34

I saw a bitch who was obviously resisting. She was in panic, yet the rapist kept on going.
When he stopped she got the fuck outta here.
Goddamnit, how do they even have sex with RESISTING dogs if I can't even have sex with a willing dog? Shows how the bad humans always get the good stuff...
Indeed, they don't deserve this shit. I do.

[deleted] 6 points on 2017-07-09 04:14:53


SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-09 04:18:14

It's honestly quite sad that you had to act like this.
I deserve sex just as much as anybody here. Well, in my opinion if you wish such a horrible fate upon me, I hope you suffer from the same.
And yes, good humans deserve more than bad humans. It's a simple concept.
Of course nobody deserves sex if they rape an animal, but someone like me would deserve it because they wouldn't rape for it, just like the others here.
Doesn't it make sense to you? They are sexually abusing and harming an animal. Why would I or other zoos here not deserve it more than them if we can actually control ourselves and also care about the animal?
You're strange as fuck to not realize something so simple.
I haven't put so much effort in anything in my life, so yes, I really do deserve it. I've done everything to get information, try a few times a day every night, make sure that nobody will know, that she is willing, etc. I've done this for years.
I just wanted to do such a simple act only with my first dog. And I never got what I wanted.
I never enjoyed my life because I never got what I wanted, so of course I'd be bitter and pissed, especially if I waited years and 100% expected it to happen. The only things that I was happy with was my dog, meeting certain animal species and having at least a little functioning computer. That is all I really got in life.
But aside from that I have depression, live unhealthy, never experience fun and be emotionally tortured to the point that I hate every human.
Why do you think I don't deserve sex? Oh, is it because I'm ungrateful only according to you?
Are you serious right now? Just because I have an uncontrollable feeling? I haven't done anything wrong.
There's a lot of humans who would kill to be in your position. You know, the humans in Africa who don't have shit? Are you grateful of everything you have? With your logic, you don't deserve shelter, food, etc. either.
But I think all non-virgins here are the ungrateful ones because if I were in their positions right now, I would be grateful forever that it happened.
You wouldn't see me complain about anything ever again. In fact, if I do happen to have sex with her some time, I wouldn't even care if that was the last sexual contact I'd ever have.
That's oddly very generous for a human being, because humans will end up having way more sex than that because it's very important to is. And in the end I'd still have an unfair disadvantage because I missed out on a lot of sex.
And you know what? You are unfairly judging me. I have no control over the fact that I care so much. What is so hard to understand that others care about different things? This is just common sense. One cares more about x, the other one cares more about y.
You know what some say when an animal dies? "It's just an animal. Get a new one or something." Look, sex may not be important to you but it is for me.
If that still does not reach your head, there is no point in talking to you. Actually, there is no point to begin with because you are just looking to make this all worse for me, otherwise you wouldn't say this.
And you don't even know my full story. Sounds familiar? Don't judge if you don't know shit about me and what happens.
Keep off the drugs for a while? Might clean your mind for a while and may even wake you up. I doubt it, though, because that's probably your only way to control yourself.
You don't deserve it either because you say the same of me, and that's why your fate is well deserved.
I hope you'll feel like me some day. Being optimistic that something will happen for a long time.
You try to work on it for years, yet you do nothing but fail. Someone walks up to you and says it isn't a big deal, even though it is to you.

DoggoVonBitchmarck Sgt. Pupper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 5 points on 2017-07-09 15:47:00

I'm not even going to try to dissect that insane rant of yours. This is literally the zoo equivalent of r/niceguys...

At least you are honest about your intentions, I'll give you that. And your intentions spell out that you are nothing more than a wannabe bestialist. Seriously, I have never once heard you say something positive about your dog. I have never once heard you say that you love her, even. Is she nothing else to you than a four-legged hole too small for you to fit in, honestly?

You are no better than them. And no. You do not deserve Jack shit.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-09 16:18:22

Cool it.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-09 16:36:03


DoggoVonBitchmarck Sgt. Pupper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 3 points on 2017-07-09 16:52:08

And you are telling me to cool it?...

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-09 17:01:18

You started telling lies and false shit about me. Maybe don't attack someone for no reason and say things only to me, which you could've said to many others.
What the fuck are you expecting? Honestly, tell me.
Not to mention you've broken a rule, too.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-09 23:48:54

You incited this by being a dick from the outset. None of this venom would have been thrown if you decided against stomping on courtesy, but you instead decided on giving him a condensed verbal beatdown over a small detail taken out of the context of his general posting habits. I'm telling you to cool it so you can avoid future rule 7 reports.

This is a no salt thread. That means no salt.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-10 01:59:24


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-10 02:05:48


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-10 02:05:53


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-10 02:05:54


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-10 02:05:57


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-10 02:06:05


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-10 02:06:05


[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-10 02:06:16


DoggoVonBitchmarck Sgt. Pupper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 3 points on 2017-07-10 02:06:16

So I apperently can't voice that I think it is utterly disgusting to feel one deserves sex for whatever reason, especially when talking about animals who are dependent on your care?... Isn't everybody on this sub concerned about animal exploitation? Isn't everybody on this sub repeating time and again that zoophilia is more about the emotional than the physical? Can you please explain to me how this compatible with feeling that you deserve that your animals put out with you simply because you are a responsible owner? Because the way I see it, this is the definition of sexual exploitation of animals.

But, I'm the one who's a dick. In this thread, I've been called a junky, a pedophile, a fence hopper, mentally unfit and been ridiculed for my lack of experience (by a kid who lives with his mother, I may add), and yet I am the dick. Alright. Yeah.

I use to love this sub. I don't know what happened, but this place has turned into a total shithole.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-10 02:50:17

Voicing that you dislike a certain thing is fine. It's never what you say, it's how you say it. If you just said that you believed that thinking one deserves sex was unsavory and unreasonable without malicious implications, I wouldn't have intervened, and would have been 100% fine with you exercising your freedom of speech. The core of this is, we're enforcing a basic level of civility here, nothing more, nothing less.

SCP_2547 2 points on 2017-07-10 12:50:46

It's never what you say, it's how you say it.

I think it also matters what you say. One of my comments was deleted because just like him, I assumed something wrong about someone.
I think that if someone unjustly says something about the other, action must also be taken.
In my opinion it's more important what you say and not how you say it, because in the end you are still attacking someone.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-10 12:40:12

While I think I shouldn't interfere and take this argument any further, I think I have at least the right to debunk these myths you say about me.
Just give me a chance and read trough this.

Isn't everybody on this sub concerned about animal exploitation?

Do these comments change your mind?

Look trough ALL these comments. These comments imply animal exploitation isn't bad.
Tell me who OP is. This is my thread. I don't like animal exploitation at all.
Even if I did support animal exploitation, I would be NO different from the zoophiles in this sub.

And why are you concerned about me exploiting my animal because I only said I deserved sex more than rapists do? Just because I want sex so badly means I'm exploiting her?
How does that make this animal exploitation in any way?
I already gave you evidence that it wouldn't be animal exploitation, because I do care for her.

I've been called a junky

You haven't been.
I said you should stop doing drugs because you suddenly attack me for no good reason.
It's some weird behavior I could only expect from someone who's under the influence of drugs.
And you said you did drugs, so it's not even an insult: It's a fact.

I've been called a pedophile

You haven't been, I SAID you were the one supported sex with underage animals.
That does not make you a pedophile, you're just trying to make me look bad because you realized you were wrong.
That IS actually animal exploitation because they don't understand the situation they're in, so all this time you've been supporting animal exploitation yourself.

I've been called a fence hopper

So what's the problem?
You admitted to doing it. Again, it's not an insult: It's a fact.
Not to mention this is far more likely to be animal exploitation than me just wanting to have sex. Especially because fencehoppers go out their way to specifically target and have sex with a random animal.

I've been called mentally unfit

I'd like to see some evidence for this, because I don't remember that.

And you know what other many things you called me? You know that pretty damn well yourself and you know they're unjust insults.

...and yet I am the dick. Alright. Yeah.
I use to love this sub. I don't know what happened, but this place has turned into a total shithole.

Stop playing the victim here. I've already provided all the evidence that you were wrong.
You started attacking me even though I haven't done anything wrong. You even started naming the place where I live to purposely scare me. You started abusing the fact that you have information about me and try to purposely give me a bad name.
I don't know what happened to you, but it's damn sad and I don't need you telling me what you think I am. This is why I don't like humans and never introduce myself: In the end any humans will have a different view and image of me, despite what I say and really mean. You're treating me how antis treat us: Purposely spreading lies, thinking I mean evil, random attacking for no reason, misjudging, etc. Might wanna realize that yourself.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-07-10 22:09:22


I have never seen anyone so hung up on one silly word. How many times do I have to say "MUTUAL exploitation". I volunteer for him to exploit me as much as I exploit him. That's an exchange between equals. **How is treating a horse as an equal anti Zoophile???? **

SCP_2547 0 points on 2017-07-09 16:23:05

And your intentions spell out that you are nothing more than a wannabe bestialist. Seriously, I have never once heard you say something positive about your dog. I have never once heard you say that you love her, even.

What? Just because I don't talk about it doesn't mean I love her. Do I need to point it out all day?
Do you see the others talk about their animals all day and how they love their them? I certainly don't.
Seriously, this PROVES you are targeting me because you don't talk to others who don't do the same.
And I have done that before with my other account, before I got horribly depressed. (And before you assume shit like usual, no it's not just because I can't fuck her. There's many things in life that bother me and it all stacks up.) And can't you read? I JUST said: ''The only things that I was happy with was my dog, meeting certain animal species and having at least a little functioning computer. That is all I really got in life.''
You are extremely delusional. Do you know how depression works? Don't answer, I know you don't.
Otherwise you would understand why I felt this way and that I have no way of controlling it.
And you are nothing but a wanna be zoo, I have actual zoo experience. So don't you dare say shit.
Again I have to repeat this: ''Don't judge if you don't know the full story.''

Is she nothing else to you than a four-legged hole too small for you to fit in, honestly?

It's funny, the fencehopper says this.
Not to mention the one who thinks it's not wrong to have sex with underage animals. Yeah, okay.

And no. You do not deserve Jack shit.

You still haven't given me a reason for this. So you're just going to say this without any reason?
The fact that I worked so hard to have sex with her for years and that I actually was against exploiting animals in a sexual way (Unlike a lot of other zoophiles here.) are enough reasons for me to deserve it.
I've worked my ass off for her when I was young. I always put her in front and never excluded her in anything.
I don't even go out because I don't want to leave her, I've given her my own food so I didn't have any, I'd die for her.
I will not have sex with any other kind of animal than her because I only want to do it with her, even if I got anything in return for it.
It's nothing but your opinion (which has no valid reasons to exist, other than you being salty as fuck), which holds even less value because you lack experience yourself. You don't even know what it's like to be a real dog owner, or even to be in my position.
But hey, if you're going to act like that, I'm only happy you don't have a dog because you don't even deserve your wish either.
And with your behavior, I'd be scared if you were to take care of one.

Your logic is lacking, boy. You better take a visit to the hospital, because you've clearly hit your head a little too hard on your way back to this sub.
Take a pill or two, let it all rest and maybe heal for a while.

[deleted] 0 points on 2017-07-09 16:45:55


SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-09 16:51:20

Nice counterargument, it really proves how you're just shitting out of your mouth. Just straight up ignore everything I say, yet make the most dumbest statements without any evidence or logic.
We both know that I love her and you're just doing this out of pure jealousy. I have just provided evidence that I do love her.
And yeah, I knew you'd abuse the fact that you had information of me. I really don't care any more and am not afraid any more.
It's your choice you want to harm my animal and get her killed, even though she's in a good home.
You truly are an animal lover, I must say. And you truly deserve a dog of your own if you want to take away mine, both of our happiness and tell me I don't deserve to pleasure her.

DoggoVonBitchmarck Sgt. Pupper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 0 points on 2017-07-09 17:05:40

I have no counter argument to offer to insipid attacks on my person.

I don't deserve to pleasure her

I'm sorry, but you've been talking non stop about nothing than your own pleasure. You want sex. You never got what you wanted. You are at an "unfair" disadvantage. You. Not her. You.

Stop spinning this somehow as if this was about her. A dog will do just fine deprived of sex.

And hey, for your information, I owned a dog for 13 years. And for your own part, I have no doubts that your dog would be back at the pound in a heartbeat if your mother didn't support you.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-09 17:23:46

I have no counter argument to offer to insipid attacks on my person.

No, because you don't have any evidence on what you said about me.
You are only jealous and get pissed for no good reason.
I'd be willing to actually help you if you weren't like you are now. I am serious on that, I don't want anyone to feel like me, but since you are the way you are I can't sympathize with you.

I'm sorry, but you've been talking non stop about nothing than your own pleasure. You want sex. You never got what you wanted. You are at an "unfair" disadvantage. You. Not her. You.

If you actually read my posts, you know that I also do this for her. I have said in the past that I felt bad for her because she was really hungry for sex at some point in time.
And yes, I also do it for myself but also for her. But why is that a problem if I don't hurt her?
Have a look at this: https://www.reddit.com/r/zoophilia/comments/6lm4mb/is_it_wrong_to_let_animals_perform_oral_on_you/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=user&utm_source=reddit
Look at what they say. They don't think exploiting animals is wrong and to use it for your own advantage as long as they're fine with it and they even do it.
Do they deserve it, then? Why am I any different from them?
But again, I still do it for her. You realize that I still finger her and give her oral? Why would I do it if I don't enjoy it myself? I've told you all many times I don't think it's fun myself.
Also, there's a reason I only want to do it with her, because I don't think it's fair if she died a virgin. I don't think it'd be fair if I had sex with another animal in my lifetime if I couldn't get my first time with her.
Stop thinking you can read my mind. I do it for the BOTH of us. I know how I feel, you don't.
Your goal is only to hurt me for no reason. You are one sad, little toxic human being to try so hard for no reason. You spent the time trying to scare me by saying my name and my location. You try to take our happiness away from us.
And if you make me feel bad, do realize that you are also affecting her when it actually happens. You also must realize your hate is very misplaced.

There's one thing you should keep in mind: I have not doing anything unethical or wrong.
Your overreaction is starting to bother me.

Stop spinning this somehow as if this was about her. A dog will do just fine deprived of sex.

Yep, that's why you felt bad for that one bitch, you just couldn't control yourself from fingering her because she was such a poor dog.
Sorry man, but you don't decide that goes around in my mind.

And hey, for your information, I owned a dog for 13 years.

Then I have no idea why you complained about it. Shouldn't you be grateful you had one?

And for your own part, I have no doubts that your dog would be back at the pound in a heartbeat if your mother didn't support you.

What? I can't bring her back to her breeder, you know.
Anyways, what is your point? It does not change anything.

DoggoVonBitchmarck Sgt. Pupper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 1 point on 2017-07-09 17:59:02

I complain because of total lack of companionship, hopelessness for the future and complete lack of purpose in life. You whine endlessly about not being able to cum in your dog. I think this is where you and I fundamentally differ.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-09 18:31:00

Why? I already told you before in this comment chain why I do love her. It's just been really hard for me.
I cannot control my hopelessness or lack of purpose in life at all.
Can't you realize that it's hard for me to love her like I used to? It's because I partially lost my attraction and because I'm depressed. I don't know what to do about it.
I'm even jealous of you because you still have your attraction intact, even.
I don't get mad at non-virgins either when they complain. I'd do almost anything to be in their position and I'd never complain about anything ever again if I just could do it just once with her.
I know that my reaction to this isn't normal and that it's an overreaction, but I can't do anything about it. I tried accepting my fate but it even made me more jealous and hateful. And if you didn't notice, what you do is also quite an overreaction.
I haven't done anything wrong at all, yet you're purposely trying to give me a bad name and make me scared by abusing the information you have of me.
As I already said, we all value different things. Sadly for me, sex for me is for some reason important. Especially when I realized that I've wasted so much time trying it.
I've never put so much effort in anything before. I know that might sound strange to you but it really is.
I feel like you really are misjudging me. What if I replaced ''sex'' with anything else?
And I'm not trying to gain sympathy, but there's a reason why I got so quickly jealous of other zoophiles.
I've never experienced real fun in my life. Sex seems just to be the perfect thing for this. Such a simple act that you can both enjoy together, yet even if I have a willing dog I love I cannot to it. And I just have to hear all day how everyone else has sex daily and how heavenly it is.
I have to constantly hear it, so that I'll be reminded that my girl or me will never experience it.

And yes, of course I'd post something like this on a thread like this. I think it makes sense that I'd be pissed at the rapists.
Even creatures like them who participate in such unethical acts have the chance to. I feel even more of a failure because disgusting humans like them can experience it. They're abusing a damn animal for it, too.
I suggest taking such comments that piss you off very lightly, because for you I know such a thing is easy. I just really need to at least vent so I can at least accept it a little easier.
I know you don't care about my life at all, but at least show it by not doing what you just did today. You really aren't fixing anything.
I've repeated quite some things, but I have a feeling you only ignored it. In that case I really have no other option than to repeat it because this is all I have to say.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-07-09 16:59:51

If you honestly cannot see the keyword "RESISTING" or it doesn´t matter for you whether an animal is willing or resisting your advances, you truly are the one to "deserve jackshit". If you really gonna demand equality of zoophiles and animal rapists, you are here in the wrong spot, "Doggo"....

DoggoVonBitchmarck Sgt. Pupper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 2 points on 2017-07-09 17:12:00

I've never said rapists deserve anything more than anybody else. All I said is that nobody, nobody "deserves" sex. Nobody is owed sex because of their so-called efforts or "virtue" as a person. And to think otherwise is messed up beyond words. It's messed to up to hold this worldview with humans, let alone animals who happen to be fully dependent on you.

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-10 00:06:33

DoggoVonBitchmark hidden comment:

Indeed, they don't deserve this shit. I do.

You deserve absolute jackshit. And you are one disgusting excuse for a zoophile if you think you somehow "deserve" sex with animals simply by virtue of not being a "bad" person.

Lateoss Wuz gud 1 point on 2017-07-09 19:26:00

Indeed, they don't deserve this shit. I do.

Yo that's pretty vindictive and dark, even for you.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-09 19:28:01

How is that dark?
I want what they have, minus the rape.
And c'mon, I'd do anything for this, as long as it doesn't hurt my dog. You know that.
I'd take my own life or someone elses if I had to.

Lateoss Wuz gud 1 point on 2017-07-10 08:42:57

It didnt come out very well, it sounded pretty stuck up...

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-10 13:01:54

Maybe that's why I was unjustly attacked and the reason why there's lies spreading about me?
While I agree that my comment may be annoying, it doesn't change the fact there's nothing wrong with it.
I just am pissed because there's humans out there who can have sex with animals, but they abuse them. And I'm here trying to so hard for it to happen and would not rape for it, I still can't do it.
Don't you think humans like them don't deserve access to having sex?
It's really that not hard to understand: If you do something but do it in an unethical way, you should not even have the right to do it at all.
You know, this is basic stuff: Humans who abuse the road get their riding license taken away from them. It's a different example, but that's where I'm getting at.
My comment really did not need the negative attention it got because I've done nothing unethical and I haven't say anything unethical either.

Lateoss Wuz gud 3 points on 2017-07-11 09:07:54

In my opinion, the reason that people respond poorly to your comments is that you arent reserved in anything you say. When you have a point to make, you are brutally honest and frank about it. People like to tiptoe around concepts or use very colorful vocabulary to stay emotionally or mentally distant from a concept. While instead you are straight to the point and are not afraid to state quite frankly how you feel about it.

I guess its sorta a good thing and a bad thing, but when surrounding sensitive topics its usually a bad thing :P

AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 1 point on 2017-07-11 09:56:49

I second this.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2017-07-09 01:18:05

What were you expecting? If you look closer to most of the "animal love" videos out there, you can see all kinds of fucked up stuff like cornering mares, mares with tied up hind legs so they won´t kick (what elemental trust this "zoo" must have in "his" mare" eh?), I´ve even seen videos from some asshole desperately trying to fuck a cow...the cow was tied to a post and got more and more panicky while this fuckface kept going at her. She was tied to the post with a slipknot and the more she tried to get away from our "zoo", the more she strangled herself and panicked even more. The comments under this set of Beastforum videos spoke volumes: "Yeah you did her good" and "This cunt really deserved it!" are only two that really stuck with me because of their obvious grossness.

I assume the guy from the vid you mentioned was "fisting" the mare...obviously he injured her because he didn´t care much about cutting his fingernails and scratched her on the inside.

One thing you have to know about porn and why cuddling and caressing isn´t too common in any kind of pornography. Pornography isn´t intended to show love and affection, it never was. Its only purpose is providing "triggers", supporting and nurturing "fantasies" and transgression of the "normal". That´s why porn from the 70s today is seen as "harmless" , even a laughing stock for today´s porn consumers. BTW, consumer is also a very basic keyword here, you don´t experience porn , you consume it. You should already know how ethical markets are when you take a look at 3rd world sweatshops and , for example, sneaker producion...now add the enormous additional spans of financial gain of illegal pornography and you shouldn´t be too far from realising the true nature of porn, especially animal porn...and why it is a very rare thing in AP to see someone actually caring for the animal. The animal, the human "Performer", the guy behind the camera, the producer, the ones who make profit out of this...all props in a dirty and completely unethical game.

One last thing I have to mention: it´s not the animal porn or its participants that give zoophiles a bad name, it´s the zoophiles´ stubbornness to distance themselves from this kind of "zoophilia". I´ve seen more than enough "zoo activists" calling for actions regarding "zoo rights" , but I never came across one, even one single "activist" who proposed taking actions against the kind of animal porn you made this post about. All these guys, among many other "zoos" do is to shrug and say "They´re not like us! It´s not our concern!"...and I thought that zoophilia basically was about animals, and not primarily about humans who fuck animals...but what do I know about it...

The frequent abuse of the z-word from ALL sides, the "normals" who were told that zoophilia is nothing but a synonym for bestiality, the "zoos" who fear more for their "freedom" to do whatever they like with animals than for the wellbeing of the animals, that was and is the gamebreaker. The z-word had been created with the intention to provide a term to separate genuine animal lovers from people like the guy you have seen on the video, but due to egotism and a massive inferiority complex in all who do not genuinely qualify as zoophiles, but want to use the fancy z-word because it sounds "better", more scientific than bestialist and also need the illusion they are part of "something bigger", part of a "community" to silence their inner feeling of being inferior to the ones who feel genuine and real LOVE for an animal.

The only thing I can recommend here is to readjust your "masturbation support watch list" and quit the "zoo porn". Animals may be smart enough to consent to sexual activities, but they´re deinfitely not understanding the concept of pornography and can never consent to being transformed into wanking material for the world wide wanker community. Plus, with every single click, with every download, you are supporting an illegal industry that , among many other things, creates and distributes videos of the sort you ranted about in your original post. People like you create the demand these assholes are using for their own financial gains. As long as you keep watching, your rant here isn´t very coherent....comparable to the "leftist" anti exploitation demonstrant who is participating in the demo...with Nike-, Adidas- or Converse-sneakers on...

TokenHorseGuy 2 points on 2017-07-09 02:54:40

it´s not the animal porn or its participants that give zoophiles a bad name, it´s the zoophiles´ stubbornness to distance themselves from this kind of "zoophilia"

Isn't that distancing exactly what is happening in this thread?

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2017-07-09 13:11:30

Maybe....but I don´t talk about this obscure sub with 3K subscribers and roughly 20 - 25 actively participating members, I´m talking about the entire scene. I´m talking about ZETA , who happen to support convicted animal pornography distributors in court and elsewhere (as has happened in the "amateur dog porn producer" case of Verl and in other cases like the Ramstein "animal brothel" case as well..the guy accused was already convicted of creation and distribution of AP), I´m talking about the roughly 1,5 mil BF users who obviously support the entire animal porn mafia, I´m talking about countless "zoos" talking in favour of animal pornography , I´m talking about the animal porn industry that even dares to call their "product" "Zoo porn"...and hardly anyone objects to all of that.

Even with the ZETA statement of "animal pornography is predominantly produced for bored normals searching for new kicks", it amazes me how common a permissive and complacent attitude towards these flix is in our community. And when you take into consideration how many abusive animal porn is out there that can clearly be identified as that when you are looking for the obvious signs and additionally understand how much these videos form our, the zoophiles´ public picture (one picture says more than a thousand words), I cannot understand why this silence, this inactivity is so widespread among real zoos. Where are zoo initiatives that demand the removal of any clearly abusive videos from the entire web? Regardless whether this is possible or not, it would send out a certain message that contradicts society´s notions and expectations. Why is there not a "zoo alliance against fencehopping"? If you had the "pleasure" as I had, having to calm down and soothe horseowners whose horses have been the "target" of fencehoppers, seeing their horror, their emotional rollercoaster ride when learning about people who "visit" their animals without the owner´s knowledge and just me, the weird guy obviously loving horses a little bit too much, as the only defense line that stopped the fencehopper, you quickly get another perspective of how "we" zoos are seen in society.

Well, anyways, in order to gain trust, maybe even enough trust to break up the encrusted frontlines one day, we have to become political. That would include forming an official representative entity, giving out guidelines and memoranda speaking for ALL of us, clarifying political and ethical cornerstones of zoophilia to gain the much needed trust. We need people to trust us we don´t "preach water, but drink wine" when our doors are closed...in fact, this is the only way I see to stock up in "ethical and moral currency". Or, as the Romas have put it "Quis tacet, consentire viderit"..."He who remains silent seems to agree"....we´ve been silent for too long.As a whole, as a community. Let´s make zoophilia being entirely about animals again instead of focusing on us, the zoophiles. Let´s live up to our self given ideals..again...

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-07-09 21:33:50

Well, anyways, in order to gain trust, maybe even enough trust to break up the encrusted frontlines one day, we have to become political. That would include forming an official representative entity, giving out guidelines and memoranda speaking for ALL of us

I'm a little surprised at this, as you ordinarily are pretty vocal against being public/political. Also I'm not clear how one defines "us" versus "them."

I'm not saying it's wrong to preach to the choir, just want to be clear people here likely agree that animal abuse is a very bad thing, and physical injury makes a pretty airtight case for it.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2017-07-15 08:50:42

Well, I´m all against STUPID activism, activism without a certain goal. When you ask the community what the ultimate goal of "zoo activism" is, most just say "Total legality of everything"...well, I am supporting actual love, not kinks and fetishes...and total legality would probably help those folks more than the real zoos and will definitely protrude the idea of zoophilia being a kink/fetish even further in normal people´s heads. I´m all for an activism that formulates clear goals , also taking into consideration that compromises with society have to be made in order to get a foot into the door. Look, if you want to catch fish, you need bait that is attractive to the fish. Same here, in our case...our community is heavily promoting promiscuity, but that´s not an attractive bait for many normal folks, it basically is like trying to catch fish with a huge vibrating dildo...

Regarding the abuse and physical injury issue, I really hope you are aware of the fact that it doesn´t need blood and bruises to qualify for abuse. From my perspective, cornering animals to fuck ´em , restraining them with leashes and ropes, ignoring defensive/evasive behaviour of the animal, tricking them into sex ( the famous mare in heat that often is obligatory in "stallion sex" videos to get him to "perform", for example) , all of that isn´t much different than physical injury for me. Sticking to the "harm principle" isn´t a denominator of your "zooishness", it is what separates you from the most brutal animal sadists, nothing more. Using this "harm principle" as a defense and moral justification is kinda weak, isn´t it? It´s like saying: "well, we fuck animals, but at least we don´t kill them or spill their blood..."..not exactly a very impressive level of love, don´t you think?

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-07-15 12:20:42

You need to work on separating "legal" and "moral". "Legal", especially criminal law, requires hard, repeatable evidence like measurement and chemical/biological analysis. That makes the law the same for everyone.

When you bring in "actual love", you start making everything a "he said/she said" kind of argument with the biases of those sitting in judgement being a primary factor in every decision. Worse yet, you open the door for things like prosecuting a farmer because someone says they love the animal he just butchered. PETA will have a field day and we will be set back centuries.

I don't like unnecessary pain any more than you do but trying to write laws that separate normal competitive foreplay (you know, that thing horses do) from "psychological harm" will be an exercise in futility. I think we might have more luck with education. At least we won't look like complete idiots to the str8s while we are doing it.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-07-15 16:29:09

Without recapping previous discussions where it seems you have taken an opposite stance when I have said many of these things, I will just say that I agree with what you are saying above.

yrs-bluebox 1 point on 2017-07-12 21:33:31

I used to watch ZP but I would get physically sick or angry whenever I'd see the dog not into it, or coerced or forced. I hate 100% of Asian ZP as a rule. The dogs are always pushed and pulled around, their penises held against their will, or they're drugged and laying limp as the unwilling woman cries and gives it head. The women are treated worse than the dogs in some cases. The dogs never even lick them unless the guy rubs honey or something on her. It really shows how they think of animals in those cultures. Cruel as hell. Animated and anime is the only things I can look at now. Even in non-Asian zp, most of it seems to be in a hotel room between some hooker and his dog, no love or warmth at all, he doesn't usually want to do it, and she ends up dildogging or yanking him. And the women... Not one of us would be willing to be filmed fucking an animal for the internet for fear of exposure, what compels them? I'll tell you: Drugs and violence. She's either needing drug money, or has been threatened, no reasonable person would agree to that, especially on camera. There's the odd home video of a wife that surfaces after the jerk divorced her, no doubt. But almost none of it, except for a few, involve a willing dog, a willing woman, and zero coercion. You're right: Fuck ZP.

ZooMasil 1 point on 2017-07-11 05:08:07

Glad you said something about the animal porn industry or I was going to.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 9 points on 2017-07-09 02:43:20

The porn community is full of garbage that makes me want to hate the world.

I'm glad I stopped viewing it long ago, frankly.

SCP_2547 1 point on 2017-07-09 02:47:51

There's still good stuff out there. That's why you save it.

Rannoch2012 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2017-07-09 02:54:05

All my good stuff was saved long ago. What I mean is I no longer prowl.

Don't matter though, there are various reasons even masturbation for me is a very poor idea. I haven't looked at the stuff in years.

thelongestusernameee banned from the aquarium touch tank 1 point on 2017-07-09 03:09:04

Thats porn for you. They dont care, they really dont. Some literally do it because they want money and have no boundaries, and not because they feel a damn thing towards those animals.

Susitar Canidae 4 points on 2017-07-09 07:27:19

Yeah, I noticed that it's more or less impossible to find out from a link description or a thumb nail if the porn is okay or abusive, when it comes to bestiality porn. Most bestiality porn is also made for non-zoophiles: for people who get off on taboos, for men who like seeing women get fucked by animals, and so on. Not for people genuinely interested in animals.

So I stopped looking at photos/videos. Drawn art is better, nobody risks get hurt. Videos of animals mating are also nice.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2017-07-12 06:31:19

I second drawn stuff, but I might a bit biased on that lol. I love mating videos but when it comes to most domestic animals there's still a lot of questionable/bad content. Visibly bad husbandry, restraints, inappropriate size difference pairings, etc.

G_Shepherd fluffy wuffy 2 points on 2017-07-13 14:29:38

haha, drawn art, i'm at that, it's the only thing i could get off to :P

it just needs ferals only, realistic ferals :3

Lateoss Wuz gud 1 point on 2017-07-09 11:09:59

I like to watch zoo porn from time to time in my rotation of porn types

What do you mean by "rotation of porn types"? Im not tryna cut down your tree or anything, im just curious lol

Valiant1204 Now with added gay! 2 points on 2017-07-16 14:28:04

I thinks it to do with how he has a cycle of porn types which he goes through in a certain order indirectly.

For example, you could potentially enjoy watching human porn for a while before shifting over to zoo porn when you enjoy that more at that point time, until eventually shifting back again.

Source: also has a porn rotation.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-07-10 02:08:13

I found my solution years ago. I keep a fairly extensive "porn" folder (400+ gb) but it is 98% natural mating. I know those things you describe exist but the only way I have found to oppose them is to simply not support them.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-10 16:27:02

Zoo porn is in 99% of the cases disgusting. What did you expect from the porn industry? if anything that sort of filmmakers got to be banned, jailed, who knows.

I think we got to destroy it, some people think, not our problem, not our problem, of course it is our problem, they are using the zoo name, that's what you get when you hit google; they don't get to this subreddit, they don't get to anything good, they get porn. And if anyone has to show advocacy to animals it's us.

Sadly we are such a minority that we are too weak to cause change, our density is just too low, so we have to artificially cause an percieved increase of numbers, by presence, but with the illegality of things makes it hard; ah! so frustrating, so powerless.

ckgjkjj6 1 point on 2017-07-12 03:44:56

Yeah I realized soon ago that actually the vast majority of people that watch bestiality porn aren't zoophiles. They are either: 1) Men that like to watch women getting fucked by animals or 2) Men that like to watch men fucking animals because they appreciate the "savagery" of the man doing it, and I'm certain of it since almost literally all comments I see on these videos are homosexual people appreciating the man's penis rather than the animal or anything else (nothing against homosexuals themselves though).

It's just a fetish for them. Now I understand why most people say zoophilia isn't an orientation. I used to get confused when people said this since to me it really feels like it's my orientation, but now I understand why they say that, it's just because for probably 99% of people that are into bestiality, it's just nothing more than a fetish where they actually appreciate the human in the videos and don't really care about the animal.

TotesMessenger 1 point on 2017-07-14 20:26:49

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pronetoabusedrugs 3 points on 2017-07-15 00:12:36

I just found this sub. I first want to say that I am a HUGE animal lover (the platonic type) and a friend sent me a link in a "lulz" kinda way... I DO NOT support any form of animal abuse, but I always thought... animals being animals, and if it didn't harm them, caused health problems for them, or was forced... then what's the big deal if some person takes care of their insert pet/animal of choice here and engages sexually with them, as long as again, it wasn't harmful, abused, neglected, or otherwise put in danger for the sake of the owner's sexual desires... I speculated, that since me, a person who loves my animals, dogs, horses, birds, etc. can form a bond WITHOUT a sexual relationship to my animals, and feel they are family to me... why couldn't.. or rather how could someone not with their animal they have a sexual relationship with? I'm glad to see my speculations were right...

My opinion on the matter isn't popular, but hey... that still don't mean it isn't right. Dogs fuck, horses masturbate (I know, I've owned a stallion, and I refuse to mutilate my animals... religious thing I have... I won't mutilate God's creatures, nor am I for circumcision, but that's beside the point here lol), birds (macaws in my case) get "frisky" and end up laying eggs when they get... rowdy, lol, I guess...

If the animal is not being harmed, forced, or being abused or neglected, I believe that having sex with an animal isn't wrong or a bad thing... really happy to know I didn't misplace my optimism here... and yes, I've accidentally stumbled upon things I wish I'd never seen...

In FL the bestiality law got put into place because a man stole and strangled a goat.. then did it again.. that is FUCKED on so many levels, but fuck, I don't think that would be the "average" zoophile, though, nd I'm glad, so glad I found this sub, and confirmed what I thought...

Have fun, be safe, and take care of your furry/feathery/scaly friend, and always do right by them above any of your "carnal" desires... I might not understand it, but I'd rather see someone who fucks their dog, takes good care of them, and is good to their animal, than these fucks who don't do that, but abuse and neglect them in all sorts of horrific ways.. but that's okay, because they don't stick their dick in them, for some fucked reason society thinks that's somehow better... Good luck and just do right by them... they need us (people who give a fuck about their well being, whether it's platonic or sexual) to take care of them and give them a good life...

Altholos 1 point on 2017-07-15 05:59:48

After semi-reading through these comments I don't know if I should stay in this sub or not.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-16 02:03:23
