[NS] Let's talk relationships and intimacy (reality check + background + etc) - it's long. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2017-07-12 15:34:16 by [deleted]


AutoModerator 2 points on 2017-07-12 15:34:17

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Hotdogzew-Fiel 2 points on 2017-07-12 16:51:16

Are you me? Okay not to downplay your history (which I indeed riddled with fucked-upness), I don't have any of that. But I agree with the intamacy part.

Dogs are beings of trust, they are pure. Don't care about anything but your love. You shouldn't take advantage of that but I doubt you would. As for whether he likes cuddles, or whtter he will try and pull away after knotting depends on the dog, and how you treat him. I can't really speak in an experienced, professional matter, so I will instead give anecdotes

My dog is a 40 pound mutt who is with me everywhere I go. I live in a small town so taking him with me for food or coffee makes sense.

As for intamacy, he is currently snuggled up between my legs, on his back with paws up in the air. He's sleeping, head laid comfortably on my stomach and I think hi tongue is hanging out slightly. He has learned to trust me and to trust the environment, so he feels safe exposing his belly. Don't ever talk harshly, never ever hit him, and he will love you in return. I carry my dog a lot too, I feel it helps with the bonding trust. Basically just make him feel safe around you, and he won't care about your history, job, previous relati nships etc.

Sex. He's too small for any type of mounting, and as a low libido person like yourself, I don't require much from him. I do make it a priority to take care of his needs though, so that's about all there is when it comes to sexual contact. What I have found is that shat dogs are capable of change, they can learn. He was skittish at first, wanted his dick touched but not too long! At first I could jack him off and hold onto it for 5 minutes, then he'd get annoyed and try to get away. I always let him do what he wants, because he is a dog, and I'm the human . He can communicate omy through actions, not through speech. So listen to how he acts so to speak.

Now I've got him to the point where he knows, when I jack him off, he is safe. I can put him on his back and play around with his dog as he lays back, content. Sometimes he will stay erect for 30, even 40 minutes! He has learned to trust that I am only here to pleasure you, nobody will hurt you. He's fallen asleep half the times as he basically knots my mouth. What I'm getting at, is that it takes time and work to get your dog to trust you.

Though a single mistake could undo momths of work. This is why you take precautions. If there are people in the house, do it late a night or when they're not home and you're SURE they won't be home. Don't do anything he isn't comfortable with because that puts him in a state of domination . Male dogs don't like to be submissive. No matter the urge, don't do anything sexual anywhere else, only in 1 place. Your dog knows where to have sex and feel safe and secure. They don't like random horny car sex on the side of the road.

As for the intamacy and grooming part once again takes training. Dogs by nature, don't like their paws touched. However over our years long relationship I've gotten to where I can massage and rub his paw pads for hours. He'll fall asleep while i do it.

I think dogs also know when you're his "mate" vs just a member of the pack. Early mornings I typically awake to him by my side, he is still, with only his eyes moving around. We will play around and he will gently nip at my fingers. It is nice. The morning snuggles help me wake up and prepare for the long shift ahead.

I suck at sentence structure and making points so if I forgot anything, you have any questions I didn't quite cover, or anything you'd like me to further elaborate on. Feel free to reply or even send a pm

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-12 18:03:11

You shouldn't take advantage of that but I doubt you would

I can't, no I seriously can't; I feel purely weird toward animals, taking advantage is unthinkable.

I don't know, I feel purely strange, I suppose that's feelings of love; it's just still feels weird to me to be feeling like this, even when I have been feeling so since I was 9.

I mean, I could take all the time of the world, that I have after work; I really do care, more than I'd like to care of anything; I once had a cat, she was not my couple, but I still would remain hungry just so that she could eat part of my food; change that to partner and I don't care, I'd starve.

I don't know, the way you describe it, seems so easy, just care and love the dog and it works, to me that's natural to do; how can it be so simple?...

Hotdogzew-Fiel 1 point on 2017-07-13 18:01:52

Well you certainly seem like you care for animals, that is good.

General rule of thumb I have is that I pretend my doggo lover is just some big soft beast that is clearly aware of everything but simply cannot speak. I pretend like he's a human who just can't communicate. This means treat him nicely in every way possible and don't force him to do anything he doest like

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-13 18:10:06

I would treat him way worse if I think he's a human who just can't communicate XD I don't tend to feel very empathetic towards people, if any at all.

D'aww :3

Kynophile Dog lover 2 points on 2017-07-12 16:55:05

Honestly, in my opinion, option 2 would be best overall for you. It sounds like you've had a rough life, and developed an emotional barrier to protect yourself. Given how you feel, a dog might help moderate your emotions and learn to trust again.

I do, however, have one warning for you. Don't expect this relationship to make you feel emotionally whole. It happens sometimes, yes, but the last thing you want is to put your hope in this, continue having similar emotional issues with people and yourself, and giving up completely.

Also, the trauma in your past makes therapy a good option. It can be tricky finding the right person, but it might do you good to get a little help healing those wounds. You don't even necessarily have to talk about zoo stuff, but learning to deal with people could help your life in other ways, even if you have no romantic feelings for any of them.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-12 17:47:36

I deal with people rather well, I just don't feel like I'd emotionally open to anyone; most people think I do, they think I'm open and trustworthy; but I actually think all my movements thoughtfully. Even when people can usually read that I'm zoo (I mean my close friends), it's just because I just don't mind much because I know that it won't have direct consequences or I'm able to defend myself in a much more efficient way.

I just think I can only open to well, here for example, because it's anonymous, and an animal I love; but the problem is that I'm so scared not to get it right, it's different because as I won't have any barrier to protect myself, and I fear it's just not what I expect.

What do you mean by emotionally whole?...

Kynophile Dog lover 1 point on 2017-07-12 21:34:54

I mean the feeling of complete contentment with your life. In other words, don't expect getting a dog to solve your feelings of isolation and fear completely.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-13 05:58:06

I don't feel isolated, I have many friends. And well I'm not really scared about my daily life. I just feel this weird need, for love, I just can't control, I could block it thu.

Hotdogzew-Fiel 1 point on 2017-07-12 17:49:50

I agree with this warning. While dogs are great, they're dogs at the end of the day. Most of what they do and how they act towards you are simply because you act like you like it. They won't snuggle with you because they like it, they do it because they like it when you like it... I that makes sense. This is why I encourage a zoo relationship as long as you do maintain your HUMAN relationships. Your dog isn't going to care when you burst through the door crying because your boss chewed you out. I fact he might chew you out as well haha

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-12 18:11:24

They won't snuggle with you because they like it, they do it because they like it when you like it...

Damn I follow the same line of thinking on many things.

This is why I encourage a zoo relationship as long as you do maintain your HUMAN relationships

ofc, I won't dump my close friends, they know I'm a zoo anyway.

Your dog isn't going to care when you burst through the door crying because your boss chewed you out. I fact he might chew you out as well haha

XD oh well.

caikgoch 2 points on 2017-07-12 21:47:32
They won't snuggle with you because they like it, they do it  because they like it when you like it...

Damn I follow the same line of thinking on many things.

For 12+ years I awoke every morning to the sound of dog feet hitting the floor. He knew he wasn't supposed to be on the bed but he just couldn't sleep without being snuggled up against me.

Where do you think the word "dogpile" came from?

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-13 05:59:07

For 12+ years I awoke every morning to the sound of dog feet hitting the floor. He knew he wasn't supposed to be on the bed but he just couldn't sleep without being snuggled up against me.

Awwwww <3 how could you tell him that he wasn't supposed to be in the bed?...

I have no idea, I didn't even know dogpile was a thing.

TokenHorseGuy 1 point on 2017-07-14 01:35:20

It sounds like you've had a rough life, and developed an emotional barrier to protect yourself.

I get the same feeling, not that OP would have any problem taking care of an animal, but that we're searching for a dog-shaped magic pill, rather than directly addressing some genuine underlying issues.

It seems a lot of people here are quick to jump on the mutual affirmation bandwagon, and I can't really fault people since of course dogs are fluffy, etc. But I don't think liking how dogs feel, or wanting to feel protected, etc., are especially good reasons to therefore commit to dog ownership for 10-15 years, whether well-cared-for or not.

Also I'm not sure why someone who could turn off their desires on a whim wouldn't do so, thereby avoiding a lot of frustration and heartache and just focusing on the socially acceptable reasons to have a canine friend. It's not even "forget love" so much as just "develop a great relationship and leave it at that."

Maybe I'm oversimplifying.

Hotdogzew-Fiel 2 points on 2017-07-12 16:59:20

Oh yeah, as for your options. Number 1 sounds horrible. You should never let society define my what you believe to be total happiness. Get you your dream dog, raise him from a pup with trust and love, live out your days together and alone. But have good (human) friends too. I am working towards getting my own home, somewhere in the mountains, where I can have my own pack. We'd go on adventures all day, hiking through the woods . By night we'd all have a feast, and snuggle together in our bed. I'd have to clean up quite a bit the hough if friends or family come to visit though :)

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-12 17:32:19

I never said #1 was total happiness, I just said that it was just the only other option; the people that took me out of the streets were businessman; they were the shitty kind, let's say so much of it was illegal, dishonest marketing, tax evasion, etc...; but thanks to them I learned a lot on how the world works. And apparently I'm good at this shit, probably from being an outcast.

And people trust me and say I'm charismatic and shit, honestly, for them it'd only make sense; what they won't expect is me settling down, living a normal life, and loving a dog; I don't even think people expect me to like animals, only my close friends know; but basically the ambition I have is only there to be able to calm the void I have for a zoo relationship. I don't even like business, I like science.

So nice, :) adventures. snuggles!...

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2017-07-12 19:49:33

Marked NSFW because you discuss sex

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-12 20:00:31


AmoreBestia Pro-zoophile, non-zoophile. 3 points on 2017-07-13 05:59:45
the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-07-13 04:53:33

I grok your history, we all carry our baggage, some of us have duffelbags, some suitcases, and others pull trailers. Can't change the past, just gotta try to get past it and build the life you want.

  1. My expectations on love are impossible, forget love, keep your feelings for yourself, remain single, and just keep aggressively fighting for power and control; which is the only thing you've proven to do well. 2. My expectations on love make sense, settle in, get a dog, pursue a relationship with him, feel safe, be happy about it; make new plans, because there's someone very important in your life now.

Without really knowing more about your expectations, it's hard to guess. Maybe there's a 3, 4, and a 5 in there too?

I just don't know whether it's realistic to expect cuddling and grooming him (cleaning fur, nails, etc...) in a very close way, maybe mutual (he'd lick me if he wants), sleeping together just pet him until falling asleep, smelling him (I love that I don't know why it calms me)...

If you want to snuggle, I would look at shorter haired breeds. Some longhairs will snuggle, but they tend to get hot.

As for if that's acceptable and reasonable? Certainly, the best way to have those is to start at day 1 making those activities frequent and enjoyable. My girl is 9 and every vet comments on her teeth, so clean, so nice. I have been cleaning her teeth, trimming nails, and fussing with her since day 1. When she sees the toothbrush, she pulls her lips back. She'll let me pick at the plaque with a scaler, she's used to it, it's soothing because we've been doing it so long she just lays there and lets me. I groom daily, it's part of affection and the rest of our daily routine.

Now what I heard and what I love is that they knot, leaving you tied for quite a while, 15 to 30 minutes; that's fucking great news to me given how slow I am on things; it buys me the time I need, however what I also heard is that they try to run away during the knot, getting behind, butt to butt out of your reach.

It depends on the fella. I'm not overly experienced with the fellas, but I've known some who were quite happy to rest on top of me. In my, admittedly rather small sample, it's been 2 out of 3.

Well anyway, give me a reality check, I think that what I seek in a partner (regarding intimacy) isn't way too crazy; mostly a lot of petting, grooming, and quiet things to do;

Seems perfectly reasonable to me. My only caveat, and I know you've heard this before and I apologize now for belaboring it is, a dog's life is short. You may think you're prepared to handle the end, that you've seen it before, blah, blah, blah. It's different when you fall in love and it's absolute misery. The good times are great, but the end is a serious road through hell, especially when it's the first one you really love.

All that aside, if you've got your shit together enough to afford to care for a dog you are probably set. You sound like you've given it a lot of thought, which is something I can appreciate. I don't know what you know about behavior modification/training, but it's important to have a solid grip on that beforehand so you can have a solid plan for how and what you want to teach before going in.

If you do it, best of luck to you, dogs are investments, what you get out is based on what you put in.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-13 05:42:56

My girl is 9 and every vet comments on her teeth, so clean, so nice. I have been cleaning her teeth, trimming nails, and fussing with her since day 1. When she sees the toothbrush, she pulls her lips back. She'll let me pick at the plaque with a scaler, she's used to it, it's soothing because we've been doing it so long she just lays there and lets me. I groom daily, it's part of affection and the rest of our daily routine.

OMG I want that, it's so lovely.

You may think you're prepared to handle the end

No I'm definetly not, I could handle the death of mostly anyone; but again, it's because I have this emotional barrier; but not if I fall in love, then there's no barrier, it honestly scares me the hell out; when I was a kid and I had these emotional crisis before I could just not give a shit about anything nor anyone, I almost died from illness.

I would look at shorter haired breeds. Some longhairs will snuggle, but they tend to get hot.

Hmm, tell me more, I really like fluff a lot; however that's not the "important" part, however, -30 degrees outside is the thing I worry more; I live in a really cold area, it's mostly covered on ice through the year, and winters are insane; I'm not sure a shorter haired dog would be happy to live there.

the_egoldstein 1 point on 2017-07-14 01:07:46

Hmm, tell me more, I really like fluff a lot; however that's not the "important" part, however, -30 degrees outside is the thing I worry more; I live in a really cold area, it's mostly covered on ice through the year, and winters are insane; I'm not sure a shorter haired dog would be happy to live there.

Good coats and boots take care of the cold admirably. My girl is a shorthair without the second coat of dander, so she gets cold easy. We lived right off the lake in Chicago; the last winter there we were out in -15F in Jan) . We've also lived farther north than that, no problem. If you like shorthairs, as I do, tech solves the issue.

I am admittedly, very biased toward shorthairs.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-14 06:18:56

I don't mind a shorthair, I'm just worried about the cold, we are in the middle of summer and it's 10 degrees out there, I'm talking celcius, that is 50F; as well as -30C or -22F, however those -30 are rare, usually a couple of weeks during winter, even when those weeks are getting gone thanks to global warming it seems, this year was -24C instead, and it's mostly -10C or 14F, most of winter; pretty much as an average the temperature is around 4C year round, not very comfortable, I haven't seen many shorthairs here to be honest.

Basically the temperature set is similar to alaska, because it's at the same level as southwest alaska, with days that are 24 hours long in summer.

[deleted] 1 point on 2017-07-13 07:27:16


caikgoch 1 point on 2017-07-13 09:18:39

I'm not fully understanding on the emotional issues but I know a lot about sex with dogs.

First, he controls how long the knot lasts. My personal record was 45 minutes. Generally, the better you stimulate him, the longer he will last.

Second, one of the reasons dogs turn butt to butt is to increase stimulation. If you do your Kegels and develop some strong muscles, you can "work" him instead. He won't run away except in the rare case of a complete panic. After a while he will figure out whatever way gets him the best sex anyway.

Third, don't worry too much about the size of the knot, you are adaptable. You will feel pain if you try to adapt too fast but serious injury is super rare. Do worry about his length. Measure and test. You can modify yourself to accept any dog but you have to do that before he's in you. He will double in size after he is tied with you and the pain of not having room for this expansion is what causes panic.

Fourth, even if he turns, you can lay him down and he will love for you to groom and scratch him as he lays there orgasming. Missionary is also possible.

You might want to consider a St Bernard. They get happy when the temperature drops below freezing. They are big, soft furred, and love to cuddle especially in cold weather. It will take some effort on your part to adapt yourself to him but I have done it and been quite satisfied with the results.

St. Bernards are very passive-aggressive. Mine would sit and stare at me when he wanted sex (or anything else). With a grapefruit sized knot we had a secure tie. After my legs protested more than 30 minutes of awkward angles trying to match heights I started laying him down. He liked it so much that from then on he would hump, tie, and flop.

Starting with a St as your first is more than a little ambitious. I would recommend looking around for a small St. Sometimes they don't grow up to meet expectations and are sold off for pets relatively cheaply. The trick will be getting him unneutered.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-13 10:49:14

Hmm.... thanks for the advice, I've never discussed about sex before; I'm so glad they can be a bit flexible, I thought they would just try to run away but couldn't because they were stuck.

I'm not much sure about the st. Bernard part, I once cared of a st Bernard, a small female one that was dying of thrist because it was blazing hot in that town and none gave her water. And even when I cared of her the best for the short time she was there, I'm not sure such would be my type of dog to pursue a relationship, just talking in a very superficial sense, I have a preference to dogs that seem more wild. And I know I might be taken negatively because of this, but I actually made a switch recently to dogs and my interest has always been wild animals I don't want to talk about, but it took me years to get by because it was unrealistic; and honestly what I aim in part is to get that wild feel, it'll make me so happy, other than that I don't mind the breed or if it's a mix, or short or long hair. I honestly don't know how to feel about that, but I suppose everyone has their preferences. If you see for example, shepperds or malamutes, long or short hair is fine. The main thing is that there are not many big dogs that would fit the description and dogs are individuals so it's hard to predict, and I don't want to seem to picky. But anyway it's a important choice. Honestly I tend to those, or at least, a friend (who sadly I don't talk much) had a beautiful big shepherd partner, that was about a year ago, I felt struck by how handsome he was, it was actually those who made me think, and as he described his relationship I thought, maybe I can actually get in with a dog.

Some people tell me these are high energy dogs, however so am I; I just also need these moments of quietness too. But I don't know if by high energy dog this means hyperactive that would just do such all day, or like, let's chill in the forest, run to city center, come back, throw some sticks, and then lay in bed and cuddle.

The trick will be getting him unneutered.

I haven't seen many neutered dogs, It seems most people in Europe don't do that. I feel neutering is mutilation anyway, I think they should have a process that just makes the dog reproductibly inviable without having to mutilate him, like a vasectomy. Anyway is the owner responsibility. I'll be way too pissed to even accept that, I refuse ear cuts, or tail cuts, or any sort of unnatural mutilation.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-07-13 11:42:53

I agree with you about the neutering, BUT, breeders like to neuter or euthanize their rejects so they don't accidentally make it back into the gene pool.

I once "owned" a Wolf. He fits the "wild" you mention but was completely unmanageable as a pet. They do not do "leash", "fetch", or anything involving strangers.

Be very careful what you wish for.

OnzaZ 2 points on 2017-07-13 12:13:23

They should at least give them a vasectomy, that's just as effective.

Well yeah wolves are hot, however it wasn't them what I refer to as wild, it wasn't even a canine, it was a feline; so honestly a malamute or sheppard seems more attractive to me than a wolf, because well, those were my canine introductions who I first thought, yeah, why not.

I honestly would like that dogs were a little less inbreed, I find that breeders sometimes take things to the extreme; it can make dogs more likely to get sick. With genetic technology today they might be likely to actually strip these from the pool, and I find that to be more responsible than just inbreeding causing genetic predisposition. I won't mind a big dog that is a mix, in fact I'd prefer a mix, that they are big 50+kg and have this wildness feel while being nice dogs overall is enough for me.

Anyway, other than cuddling and stuff I am very adaptable for anything else; so do I really have the freedom to just pick any dog that seems to fit the personality and wildness look I want? in short, would they really want to be my partner and fuck me? I mean uneutered? I honestly don't know how hard or easy is to get intimate with a dog. Ofc I'll give all the care, but if for example I find this breed or mix or specific dog is lovely and also has this wild look, can I get him and be sure that he'll become interested in me eventually? how does that moment come?... I've had at some point my aunt's dog wanting to mount me, and he was very dominant about it I had to jump the fence because he wasn't giving up and I wouldn't let that happen in the middle of the yard, is it like so? how is it?

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-07-13 12:44:27

This is why it is better to get a puppy and raise him to be the kind of dog you want.

Imprinting is key. For just about any vertebrate to see anyone as sexually interesting they need to be imprinted on that species. Basically, everyone grows up to want a girlfriend just like mama. The only way to insure proper imprinting is to do it yourself.

Then the animal has to trust you. Anyone unsure of your reaction is not going to take the risk of initiating sex. A comfortable confident young male will always ask for sex. Remember adolescence? You don't think of much else for a while.

You will have to develop communication with him so you can tell him when to and when not to. Once you get a set of clear rules established, never break them and neither will he.

Understand that you will represent his idea of heaven. Dogs are used to waiting most of their life for sex then getting a handful of chances. Sex on demand is every young dog's dream.

Adults are a different subject. If he was not imprinted correctly it could even be dangerous to attempt sex with him. This is why you can't even dream of sex with a wild lion. He will see you as food, not a mate. With experience you can learn how to make yourself available or not as you desire. Animals have a language and it is well worth your time to learn it. Just understand that in the animal world injuries less than debilitating are acceptable. In the human world they may be hard to explain.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-13 14:27:14

Uh ok, sorry I have no much to add to what you just say as I'm just listening and even making notes. Some people have told me that it's not acceptable to grow a puppy for eventually making him your partner. I also have no much experience with puppies, however I do have a shiton on kittens, is it translatable?... Is it ok to get a puppy? or is it better to get an older (say 5 months old) dog for someone like me? why do some people think it's wrong to get a puppy?...

Just understand that in the animal world injuries less than debilitating are acceptable

What do you mean?... what kind of injuries, I'm full of scars, people anyway know that I'm always having accidents.

the_egoldstein 2 points on 2017-07-14 01:26:05

I'm not /u/caikgoch, but ...

I also have no much experience with puppies, however I do have a shiton on kittens, is it translatable?

Some of it is, but a lot isn't direclty transferable. Get some good books on training and read them. Ask for reading suggestions if you don't know where to start.

Is it ok to get a puppy? or is it better to get an older (say 5 months old) dog for someone like me?

I think it's best to get a puppy. Some research indicates that early exposure to more stimuli can increase the capacity to learn as an adult. (I'm looking at you, Pfafenburger). When you get an adult or even a juvenile, you're inheriting whatever conditioning the dog has gained already, sometimes it's good, sometimes it isn't. There are probably as many arguments for a pup as for not, but to me the puppy months are some of the best times. Sure there's a little piddling here and there, but the joy of being there as they discover the world is some of the best part of sharing a dog's life and is some fantastic bonding time. On the flipside, a puppy is a huge investment of time. Again, it's an investment and work put in early pays off later.

why do some people think it's wrong to get a puppy?...

They're a hassle! If you don't keep them occupied they will destroy everything that fits in their mouth. They aren't housebroken, so you'll experience the occasional puddle to clean and pile to pickup as they learn to control themselves. I'm sure others could easily add other reasons, but it's largely a personal choice. I'm biased towards puppies, but this isn't my first time raising a pup.

Edit: I know in your OP you said you didn't want to talk about all the typical things, but as you keep asking more questions it seems you might want to explore those more mundane topics more beforehand.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-07-14 22:08:42

Sorry for the delay. My "friendly neighborhood global communications company" farted and fell on her face. I had to change counties to get net access.

Just understand that in the animal world injuries less than debilitating are acceptable

What do you mean?... what kind of injuries, I'm full of scars, people anyway know that I'm always having accidents.

Watch few natural mating vids. Dewclaws were invented to enhance his grip on you by sinking in. His teeth are the only way for him to gain leverage to lift himself. Fresh marks, especially on your neck, will generate comments. BTW, it gets even worse when "he" weighs 1200 lb.

Many antis proclaim loudly that we prefer puppies because we are all pedos in training. They ignore the rather large differences in life expectancy and the simple fact that most humans are automatically imprinted on humans.

I recommend keeping a dog and a puppy. Get a replacement before the current dog is old enough to retire and he can help you raise the puppy. When the puppy reaches maturity he can lighten the load on the older dog. It will also be much healthier for you if you have someone to comfort you and give you a reason to continue when the older dog passes.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-15 13:10:03

Oh ok no problem, well I suppose those are ok to deal with in some sense; I have no idea. 1200 lb what kind of dog, or do you mean horse with that?... I suppose using some tick cloth protection would be a thing.

I'm just hoping it's just scars and things like that at most, I hope it's not going to be something that would make me end in the hospital, specially internally.

Damnit I feel so far behind on this, a dog a puppy, I don't even know where this is going to end so much stressed.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-07-15 22:18:43

Yes, "1200 lb" means horse. They have the advantage of living several times longer than a dog and the females come into heat every 3 weeks. They're just a little awkward in the house or bed.

The simple reality is that if you hang out with animals larger than yourself, you will be hurt from time to time. Getting naked and sexually excited raises the odds of an accident. I've been to the hospital a couple of times myself.

Just remember that we are talking about a life here. Some of the things we are treating as events will take years to unfold. That's a good thing. The fun is in the journey.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-15 22:35:46

I've been to the hospital a couple of times myself.

Wait what?... How is one supposed to explain?...

Some of the things we are treating as events will take years to unfold.

Sometimes this makes me worry about stuff, I sometimes don't really know what I really want or why I feel like this; things you can't even test, because they have to unfold.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-07-15 22:53:38
I've been to the hospital a couple of times myself.

Wait what?... How is one supposed to explain?...

That is the issue. A stepped on foot is almost expected. A ruptured colon is much more complicated. Doctors will treat you and save your life no matter what but sometimes it doesn't end there.

Some of the things we are treating as events will take years to unfold.

Sometimes this makes me worry about stuff, I sometimes don't really know what I really want or why I feel like this; things you can't even test, because they have to unfold.

You look around, choose the direction that seems best to you, and start stepping. If you change your mind later, you just pick a new direction. Contrary to what the "experts" may tell you, life is NOT a simple straight line.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-15 23:14:42

A ruptured colon

Now I'm scared, can a dog do that?...

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-07-15 23:30:33

ANY animal or object that is sufficiently large or forcefully applied can cause that. You are made of very soft meat on the inside.

That is why preparation and knowledge are so important. It's obviously not a common thing or everybody would be extinct. But what we do is not a common thing either. We have to write our own rules as we go along. You are lucky. The internet was years in the future when I was learning all of this the hard way.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-15 23:37:07

Now I am scared.

I'm not sure how preparation and knowledge would help me in my first time, it's not like it'd help if it happens that I'm too small.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-07-15 23:46:22

How do you know what size shoe to try on????

You measure and compare. You don't just run up to the shelf and say "I like the way that looks!"

That's why we're having this talk. Now you know what to look for and how to use what you find.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-15 23:49:01

I don't even know which size I am there. How am I supposed to know? how would you even get a dog that you know it'll fit? you can't predict it.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-07-15 23:55:22

You can measure your own size with toys or fruit. Find what fits and put a measuring stick to it. Then you choose a dog from a pool of dogs about the right size. If he's too big just do stretching exercises until he fits. How do you think I got a horse in me?

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-16 00:01:19

Wow, a horse. Hawt.

It's kinda sad having to choose from a pool based on dick size, worse it's hard . But yea I guess it goes that way. I think deepness is the problem, I might have around 14-15cm based on my experience. I have no idea how long dogs are, ah... so annoying. This is all so annoying to be a zoo, arh, frustrating.

caikgoch 1 point on 2017-07-16 00:11:39

You don't have to do anything, it's just easier that way. I stretched and exercised and studied horses and bought a farm and raised a horse and now I'm all old and broken down but what a ride! No matter who you are or what your circumstances the only thing that is guaranteed to be easy is death.

OnzaZ 1 point on 2017-07-16 00:21:48

Well I don't have very high libido so sex as it is not my main point, but I still want it, however, it honestly scares me; and I don't want it to be uncomfortable, and I just prefer big dogs, but it all scares me. I just worry we would just be physically incompatible and in term would frustrate each other because we both would want, or worse, end up in a hospital.

Damn, so you are an old man, broken down, wow, you bought a farm omg that's so much expensive, I'm from the new generation x.x I had been around these forums since I was a kid, but it's just been recent that I'm taking it seriously, even when, I have never accepted being myself zoo regardless I'm so much into this. but eh...